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  1. Great, another site I´ve got to refresh on a regular basis

    I entered the code... and was automatically logged out -.-
    When I logged back in the code was claimed

    Well, at least now I got some time...roughly 15 min.
  3. Nos482

    Umm Codes?

    I have the feeling that these will be the five most stressful and unproductive hours of my life.
  4. Nos482

    Umm Codes?

    I´m refreshing Twitter, Facebook and the Forums every 3-4 seconds. So how comes that the 3rd code was claimed as soon as it´s got posted?
    No one´s typing that fast.
  5. Französisch ist super, nur die Sprache ist Sch****
  6. You sure it´s the european code?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThunderKatt View Post
    Will the Bioluminescent set have wings too, or only the organic armor set? That would be awesome to have some glowing wings to go with the armor.
    Hmm, something fin-like maybe. Think of Stingrays...that would definetly be cool.
    But I doubt Bioluminescent will get wings, as the only parts that were not initially open for testing were tails and the Bio Organic sword.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I should know a lot more German than I do but I was drunk at the time.
    As languages are (normaly) not learned within a single day... just how long were you drunk?
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    I do like to find out what the native version of 'Cheers' is in every country I visit.

    German...I know, what a surprise.
    Dutch well, at least I can read it.
    A few years back I was pretty good in Sindarin and Klingon... Yes I´m a Geek, so what?
    And I can read and write in Futhark... although that´s not a language but only an alphabet.
  9. Nos482

    World Cup 2010

    YAY for Serbia

    Only one more lost game and it´s over for germany. No more drunk morons (or at least less) and no more Vuvuzuelas.
  10. Then you´ll probably not buy this Booster Pack
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Hmm, that face reminds me somehow of Apocalypse. Grey skin, deep blue secondary colour and the Cyborg jaw; and viola.
  12. As I can´t look for myself...
    What does the Bio Organic set look like on big toons? Somehow I doubt they get the Tanga too^^
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    As for the OP, I wouldn't be citing that as an example of a good quality kids show. If you'd gone with The Fraggles or Sesame Street I'd be in full agreement.
    Well thank you, now I can´t get that song out of my will probably be stuck there for the next couple of days.

    Dance your cares away,
    worries for another day.
    Let the music play,
    down at Fraggle Rock.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    But he has bad fashion sense. . . So he is fair game. I mean come one purple and green?
    Eh what? The Riddler is style incarnate.

    Besides, has anyone noticed, that the bad guys quite often wear green?
    <--not so bad^^
    I mean, whats up with that colour? Is there a joke or something that I didn´t get?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
    Well, didn't Ms Liberty and crew invade Praetoria and kidnap Dominatrix in the comic books? Let me rephrase that in human terms. Extra dimensional invaders crossed into his world and stole his grand daughter.
    Actually it was only the Freedom Phalanx; and Dominatrix´ kidnapping was just a little side-mission for Statesman. The main reason they went there in the first place was a praetorian attack on Portal Corps and the theft of a device to navigate while dimension hopping...which Tyrant wanted for some kind of conquering plan.
  16. Or at least, get bigger guns.
  17. Nos482

    New GR video! :D

    Originally Posted by Permalaise View Post
    the seers are the coles ( borg) drones. resistance is futile your mental powers and distinctiveness shall be added to our own.
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    candlejack confirmed in going ro
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    It is an exaggeration, but it's a misuse of literal that I'd jump on any native English speaker for, too.
    WOOHOO, I´m safe XD
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    It wouldn't be much for the folks that hang around on the forums. Without speaking about the content in the video, it really is more aimed at bringing in an outside audience.
    But I still want to see it =(
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There was something in it that made me wonder about something
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Yes. They have their own seat on the United Nations...
    One more Villain won´t hurt.
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    They are still convicts in the USA, and the USA can ask for them back.
    But they can´t just go and get them back. ´Cause that´s illegal.
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    I shoot you with tags...somehow... and they malfunction and you die
    I shoot you with tags...somehow... and they teleport you to the Zig or a Hospital
    I shoot you with tags...somehow... and they malfunction, but your teleporter doesn't and you get teleported to somewhere else.
    I shoot you with tags...somehow... and they malfunction, teleporting only a part of you to the Zig.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    Now I have to support for a German team of all things ...
    Not anymore...hrhrhr
    Soccer sucks anyway. 20 guys running after a ball...BOOOOOOOORING.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    Um, you do know that shark's sight is among their weakest senses, yes?

    I know you'd like something thematic, but there may be a better way to phrase your aim power.
    Blood in the Water^^
  21. Usually I prefer Desperados or when I really want to get drunk brown Rum ...pure from the bottle.
    Then turn up the stereo and listen to Pirate songs XD
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    You started 'leveling up' at level 26 and didn't have to bother with levels 1 through 25? I'm interested in learning how you managed that.
    Oh that´s easy. Grab yourself a(1/one/uno) Buddy on 50 (he should know his AT) and go to a farm missi at the MA. at +4 x8 it should take less than 15 min. to get from 1-25. Just sit back and let him clear the missi...and pass him every Inspi you get.
    Had that for my Warshade, after I accidentaly(Drunk as a Skunk) deleted my old one. 20 levels in just one run isn´t that bad.

    On WP:
    Stay the Hell away from Romi ´cause he´ll walk right through you, as WP has almost no Negative Resi. Learned that the hard way -.-
    You´ll be good as second tank, for the heal-essence... but Romi will one-hit you 9 out of 10 times.