Powerset Idea - Leviathan Assault




Synopsis: Sharks. Lots of sharks.

LEVIATHAN ASSAULT (Blaster, Defender, Corruptor) You command the almighty forces of the sea, channeling your powers from the very spirits of the great hunters that dwell deep within the oceans. Leviathan Assault is one of the few ranged primaries that offers melee capability. You cannot choose Leviathan Mastery with this powerset.

1/1: Spirit Shark - Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Terrorize, 80ft
You are empowered with the Spirit of the Great Shark. You can project this spirit to attack and maul your opponent. The Shark Spirit Energy will manifest and attack your foe, quickly dealing moderate Lethal damage over time, and may even have a chance to cause your enemy to cower in fear for his life. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast (4 seconds)

1/2: Shark Swarm - Ranged, High DoT(Lethal), Foe Knockback, 80ft
You can send a swarm of several Spirit Sharks after a single foe, dealing high Lethal damage over time. The sheer force of the assault may be enough to knock your opponent backwards. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate (8 seconds)

2/4: School of Sharks - Ranged (Cone, 30 degree arc, 10 targets), Moderate DoT(Lethal/Toxic), 60 ft
You can call forth a school of vicious Shark Spirits that will swim out in a cone formation and will encircle your foes, draining their spirit energy. The encircling Shark Spirits will deal Lethal and Toxic damage over time. Both you and the target must be near the ground for this power to activate. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate (8 seconds)

6/10: Shark Scent - Self +To Hit, +DMG
Greatly increases the chance to hit of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage. Recharge: Slow (1m 30s)

8/16: Bile Spray - Ranged (Cone, 30 degree arc, 16 targets), Moderate DoT(Toxic), 60 ft
Sharks will eat anything, so their stomach acid must be powerful indeed. You can regurgitate this acid and spew a corrosive spray of bile at a foe. Affected foes in the cone will take Toxic damage over time. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow (12 seconds)

12/20: Spirit Shark Jaws - Ranged, Minor DoT(Lethal/Toxic), Foe Hold, -Fly, 80 ft
You can summon a massive Spirit Shark that will attack your foe from below. The Shark will grip your foe with its massive jaws and attempt to Hold the target while he mauls it, dealing Lethal and Toxic damage over time. Flying targets will likely be pulled to the ground. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow (20 seconds)

18/28: Shark Beam - Ranged, Extreme DoT (Lethal/Toxic), Foe Disorient, -Fly, 150 feet
With enough concentration, you can channel Spirit Shark energy into a distant foe, summoning the spirit to violently assault the unsuspecting enemy. The sudden shock of the assault can Disorient enemies and even bring flying ones to the ground. This is a sniper attack, and is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Slow (20 seconds)

26/35: Water Spout - Pet Summon: Melee (PBAoE, 10 feet, 5 targets), Minor DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockback, Terrorize, Disorient, -DEF
Conjures up a Water Spout at a targeted location. The Water Spout will chase down your foes, tossing them into the air and hurling them great distances. The victims are left Disoriented and with reduced Defense. The Water Spout is a menacing sight, and can even cause panic among your foes. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow (1 min)

32/38: Shark Cyclone - Ranged (Location AoE, 30 feet, 16 targets), Massive DoT(Lethal/Toxic), Foe Immobilize, Self -Endurance
The penultimate power of Leviathan Assault is the ability to summon a massive cyclone of Spirit Sharks that totally encompass an area, wreaking untold havoc and destruction on any poor soul trapped within. Foes inside the cyclone will be unable to move for the duration of it, and will suffer massive Lethal/Toxic damage over time. This power will leave you completely drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for several seconds. Damage: Massive, Recharge: Very Slow (4 minutes)



I like this set. Now do one for Ghost Widow's powers, please!




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
I like this set. Now do one for Ghost Widow's powers, please!

Dark Blast



Um, you do know that shark's sight is among their weakest senses, yes?

I know you'd like something thematic, but there may be a better way to phrase your aim power.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Um, you do know that shark's sight is among their weakest senses, yes?

I know you'd like something thematic, but there may be a better way to phrase your aim power.
See here, I could be a twit and scream "OMG IT'S A SUPERHERO VIDEO GAME WHO CARES I LIKE IT" but I'll listen to reason. Replaced with Shark Scent.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Blood in the Water^^
Good name, but it's a little long. Shark Scent seems a lot more concise.