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  1. Just downloaded and installed the beta... and the german ReadMe is in english -.-
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post

    You want clowns?
    Heh, I´ve got an Arc of the same name... Paragon City swarmed by Killer Clowns
    It could even be the same map.

    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    The level 18 power would summon up to 10 "clown posse" ...

    Sorry, couldn´t resist.
  3. ...that Furries suck.

    No pun intended
  4. No, Clowns are fun.

    oh wait...never mind
  5. Dual Pistols is a bad idea. The weapon options don´t include a fitting one.
    Do you want a Ranger with two Uzis?

    What about Energy Melee and a Shield...preferable the Energy-option

    or Tech Shield 1
  6. Nos482

    In My Pants

    Nie wieder Krieg, Nie mehr Las Vegas in my pants --Die Ärzte(German Fun-Punk)
  7. Nos482

    In My Pants

    Super Overdrive in my pants --Billy Idol

  8. Not perfect, but I like it anyway
  9. Frightening Rabbid Underpowered Mutated Pixies

  10. Nos482

    In My Pants

    Fraggles Rock in my pants...what? I like the song

    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    ◦Smells Like Teen Spirit in my pants
    Somehow I doubt that...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HeavyTank View Post
    and i can speak a tiny amount of idiot
    Spend some time on the net and it will improve
  12. Hair? WTF?
    I got hair myself
  13. Zukunft - German Server


    Should be pretty much self-explanatory what they´re for
  14. But then again, she might be worth it
    Nice pic by the way.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    never heard of him or seen him before. they making a movie of him soon? I think it's about his turn now.
    There already is a movie...or more likely a short film.
    The Lobo ParaMilitary Christmas Special \m/ o.o \m/
  16. You´ve got to be kidding me.
    Lobo the last Czarnian, the most infamous DC Antihero.
    A more or less immortal alien Bountyhunter and one of the few chars that can go toe to toe with Superman..with a chance of winning.
    Here´s an easier pic of him...I know it´s easy as I already made one myself
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Its time to Widows to get little love!!
    No chance, they´d probably eviscerate me for trying
  18. Zeitweise war das Syndikat-Muster für Hosen auf dem Live-Server.
    Zwei Streifen auf der Seite und das Syndikat S vorne, unten und mittig. Sieht ganz nett aus, aber ich habe leider nur ´nen sehr miesen Screenshot davon...dunkelbraun auf hellbraun -.-
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    2 phrases in Welsh
    I know one in spanish:
    Hijo de la P***

    Well, my uncle was a Trucker and took me along for a few rides down to Spain. That was the first thing he taught me when we crossed the border...sadly I forgot pretty much everything nice.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Terrorizer View Post
    *place cookies, bacon, cake, pie, and bacon flavored pie with a cookie crust and cake icing on top for decor*


    iz happy nao? I´m hungry
  21. In here you can show off your costume skills.
    Goal of this game is making a specific hero/villain/video game char in the Editor and post a pic of it here. Try getting as close as any possible to the original (but keep ´em cool)...and then post a new hero etc.

    Original: Darkwing Duck


    __________________________________________________ ___________________
    OK, something easy for the start
    Original: Lobo

    Have fun...
  22. Nope, at least not on our yesterday fact it seemed to be worse.
    But then again... it´s calld Lag-Valley for a reason. Theres pretty much no way to see any changes there but taking the time of each frame manually