The Costume Challenge Thread!




We have the Post Your Best Costume Design Thread, and The Costume (Re) Design Thread, but here is a thread for people that just want to test their talent for costume designing! Here's the idea: you can post a challenge, say "Let's see a costume that looks like (enter concept here)." Then people can try to complete that challenge! I think some very unique and interesting costumes could come out of this thread!



I see. I've got one to kick this off:

Sci-Fi from the 1930s to the 1950s had a very distinctive look. Bullet-shaped space ships, lightning ray guns with barrel rings, and costumes that seemed to indicate the future would mix bits of historical military outfits with leotards and antique helmets.

I get complimented often for my Ray Gunn, an homage to 30's movie serial sci-fi. I betcha though, there's someone out there who can design better. I'd love to see it.

Let's see a costume that looks like classic retro-future sci-fi, like the Flash Gordon / Buck Rogers style. Hero or villain, male or female, human, robot, hawkman, lizardman, rocketman: you name it.

Here's a weblink and some images to help get the look and feel.

Weblink to Retropolis



Well here's my entry!

And here's the costume code if you'd like that.

CostumeFilePrefix male
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  234,  160,  137
NumParts 28
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !x_male_hips_eagle_armor_mask
	Texture2 !hips_eaglearmor_01_dual
	DisplayName P887196332
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Jackets
	Texture1 !x_male_chest_eagle_armor_mask
	Texture2 !Chest_eaglearmor_01_dual
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  85,  0,  0
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 skin_v_head_75
	Texture2 !Face_V_Mask_Neck_01
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Folded
	Texture1 leather_01
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx AnimatedCharacterParts/RocketBoots.fx
	Geometry V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Rocket_01
	Texture1 !X_male_boot_rocket_01
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  85,  0,  0
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Vangaurd_02
	Texture1 !X_Vanguard_Belt
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  183,  135,  40
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Student_01
	Texture1 Student_01a
	Texture2 Student_01b
	DisplayName P4104497066
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  183,  135,  40
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Glasses_07
	Texture1 Glasses_01a
	Texture2 Glasses_01b
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  31,  31,  31
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Top
	Texture1 Base
	Texture2 !emblem_greek_phi
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Rings
	Texture1 Ring_01a
	Texture2 Ring_01b
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Pistols/Male_PistolRight_SW_Model29_01.fx
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P3352876290
	RegionName Weapons
	BodySetName Weapons
	Color1  87,  87,  87
	Color2  143,  143,  143
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Leather_01
	Texture1 !Top_V_Leather_01
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P828551227
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  183,  135,  40
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Pistols/Male_PistolLeft_SW_Model29_01.fx
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P1239289644
	RegionName Weapons
	BodySetName Weapons
	Color1  87,  87,  87
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  85,  0,  0
	Color4  171,  171,  171

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

I can see him being some kind of army guy, good or evil it doesn't matter.

Claiming the Isles (The Nemesis Strike Force), Arc 448371 - Rogueish action from the Prussian Prince of Automatons himself!



Alien Girl! Ok... maybe the name needs work. Converting it to a smaller palette to do the transparent background sort of posterized the colors but I was just screwing around and like the effect anyway.



Hmn....I'm gonna give this one a shot, later on. Inter-esting

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



This looks good. I've got a challenge, too, in the sense that I've been unable to do it despite several years of trying. How would you make a tiki-themed costume? In response to previous requests, some people have come up with some pretty nice-looking Polynesian warriors, but I'm thinking more of an animated tiki statue. For those unfamiliar with tiki and tiki decor, the Banished Pantheon's Totems are a fairly good example.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



This is a good idea Here's my first submission, i see him as being a kind of skyship pilot type. Of course he should have a voluptuous female with a beehive on his arm

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



This has me thinking nothing so much as "Where's my 1950s-bubble-shaped space helmet?" but anyway, yes, I have always wanted to make something like this... I'll edit this post once I get the costume actually done.

EDIT: I volunteered my nuclear hero Atomsmash and I love the result:



These are all really great! I'm loving this! Needs more ladies and villains, though.

He's already created, so I don't know that he counts as a challenge, but I'll show Ray Gunn's current three outfits. The third is modeled in part on elements from Flash Gordon costumes.



I remember seeing him in the "Best Costume Designs" thread... easily one of my favorite toons ever. I love the effect the muted colors have on his look - so thematic!



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post

Not perfect, but I like it anyway really cool, Nos482! I may just have to steal a few ideas from that. I wonder what it would look like with the earned epaulets?

>>>I'm guessing we've run the course for serial space hero types. Though I'll be delighted to see late submissions.
But lets not monopolize, and keep the thread moving according to Shadowclone's OP. Someone else pick a good topic to design!