Issue 17 - Patch Notes 1800.201006040036.8T




Do any of these have to do with running City on a dual-monitor setup using ATI cards?

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
Do any of these have to do with running City on a dual-monitor setup using ATI cards?
I'm not aware of any crashes related to this. Have you posted in the Technical Help forum?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I'm not aware of any crashes related to this. Have you posted in the Technical Help forum?
It's a memory leak that showed up with I17 or was exacerbated with Ultra Mode. Disabling your second monitor helps plug the leak. Otherwise the game starts taking up resources at a rate of about 300KB/second. Eventually it maxes out and crashes either to an error report dialog or just to desktop. Arbiter Kim had a thread up about it a while ago but I haven't seen any redname activity on it in a long time.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
It's a memory leak that showed up with I17 or was exacerbated with Ultra Mode. Disabling your second monitor helps plug the leak. Otherwise the game starts taking up resources at a rate of about 300KB/second. Eventually it maxes out and crashes either to an error report dialog or just to desktop. Arbiter Kim had a thread up about it a while ago but I haven't seen any redname activity on it in a long time.
Oh is THAT what's happening? I knew it was ATI related, but I wasn't sure what, precisely.

I get round 'bout an hour, then *boom*. Restart, and play again.

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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
How about you guys fix the DS-MM´s Pet´s speech-bug?
I can´t do more than telling you here and in game via /bug.
The whole "Hero.gender male" thing sucks.
Crazy thought, but you could post that in the bug forum as opposed to the test server forum?

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Is it just me or has anyone noticed a slight performance increase (FPS wise) since the latest patch to live?



Shiiiiiiiiiields T-T



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
Do any of these have to do with running City on a dual-monitor setup using ATI cards?
I upgraded late last week to the ATI 10.6 drivers (Raedon HD 57xx card). Since then, I've played several hours without crashing - close to 4 one day, 3 another, 2 1/2 a third.

It would appear that, between these drivers and the recent update, the crashing bug seems to have stopped.

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