324 -
Just wondering
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Yeah it's called the "Removal" badge
Collect 80+ badges from Issue 14 not on the safe list to earn this badge -
After a large of numbers of posts regarding certain actions of the devs does anyone think
1. They give a !@#$ what any of us think?
2. Care that people have and will stop playing this game because of their actions?
3. Care that they will lose more people to their soon to be rivals... champions online?
I would have to say obviouly not. they seem to be more concerned with people understanding that THEY are in charge and it's THEIR game not ours, and we must play it the way they see fit and while they try and justify their actions I really believe they think this will blow over and people will accept it like they have in the past... I am sure Jack is loving this, Matt is making his job so much easier... I have no problem with the devs making mistakes WE all do but when you make a bigger mistake to fix one you have already made that is just plain stupid... alot of people have played this game for 5 years, why would anyone want to mess with that and upset some of these people? Hmm how many subcriptions have to be lost before someone says "wait, maybe there is a better way to handle this." and please spear me this "we sometimes have to make hard choices for the big picture BS. I have to admit I wasn't thinking of champions online at all I was pretty much happy with coh yeah it have it's ups and downs like any game but for the most part it's been solid but this last month... I have checked it out and it doesn't look bad it's has some cool things and I hate the fact I'm being forced to check it out because the people running this game think... well maybe think is the wrong word... the people running this game feel they are the only game in town... it's like positron is trying to save a kitten in a tree and takes out 4 city blocks because he used a nuke instead of using a ladder
I guess the bottom line is if they don't care why should we...
-BOOM- -
Nope it doesn't let you sell them while they have stuff in them
hope this helps -
An Open Letter to the CoH Community
Good day to you all. This the The Player (Formerly Known as The Philotic Knight). I am constructing this post very carefully, as I have seen what I would call a slight degeneration of the forums lately. As to why it is happening, there are a variety of reasons, which I will go into in detail. What follows are a summary of all of the recent topics on the forums which I have been reading about and thinking about for some time now, and my opinions on the subjects. God help us all, for I am bloviating.
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CoH vs. CoX vs. Co* vs. CoH/V vs. CoGoRO
I've seen a lot of debate over the years ever since Villains were introduced as to what to call the game. The announcement of the Going Rogue pack has caused this debate to flare up a bit. So, what do we call our beloved game? All of the above. It's very simple, people will call it what they WANT to call it, and no amount of conversation will ever convince them otherwise if they are dead set on it. As long as it has a "C" and an "o" and another letter in there somewhere, everyone will know what you're talking about. Just don't leave those two letters by themselves, that's a whole other subject entirely!
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Nothing to add on this one
Champions Online
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Who cares... it is what it.... people will stay people will go whatever... if you try CO and like... well, see ya if not... well, see ya...
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In my Combat Handbook, I presented the "default" playstyle for heroic archetypes. This is what I call the Tao, the intent behind the archetypes. These are simple and easy to understand and will allow someone with experience in other MMOs or in no MMOs at all to jump right into the game and have a "role" to fill without being lost. That being said, once you really get into the game, you'll realize that any roles that you think exist, do not really exist at all. Tankers control by nature, Controllers can tank, Blasters can "scrap", Scrappers can defend, and so on and so on. It is good to start with a basic understanding of each archetype's strengths and weaknesses, but everyone should know that there is NOT only one way to play this game, and there is NOT only one way to play a given archetype. Play the game and characters how you want to, and LET OTHERS play the game they way THEY want to. Sure, give a helpful hint here and there if it looks like someone is struggling or the team is in trouble, but don't try to tell others how to spend their paid play time. It won't make either of you feel better, and it can only lead to anger. Don't bother with Vet Badges to determine experience either, as there are many people who have multiple accounts, and some people who have "inherited" their account from others. Watch the way people play. If they play like they don't know what they are doing at ALL, send them a tell asking them if they are new and need some help. Do NOT make public or team comments. This is something that I learned from my Navy brat upbringing, hanging around all the officers. Always praise in public and reprimand in private. It almost always makes things go more smoothly. Unless you're a drill sergeant, but that's a whole other story....
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I liked this section and the combat handbook was a very good guide... well thought out and is great for new players to the game... rec read
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Official Threads vs. "I Want to be SEEN!
There are official threads already existing on MANY subjects. Try to find them if you have an opinion on a specific subject. If you cannot find them and you've done your best to search, then go ahead and post what you want to say. If the thread already exists, someone WILL point it out to you. At that point, I suggest you Notify the Moderator on your own thread so that he/she can delete it, and repost your comments on the official thread. If you KNOW that there is another official thread out there for your subject, and you KNOW where to find it... PLEASE don't make a new post just because "I want to be seen". I don't care if the official thread is the size of the Old Testament, it's there for a reason. If you just start to go through the official thread and READ it, more than likely you'll find that at least one person shares your exact same opinion on the subject. And the longer the thread is, the more likely someone else DOES share your view. Once you find that person, just simply quote them, or quote them and say "This". It causes a lot less pain and anger on the forums than starting your own thread on a subject that has already been hashed out a thousand times elsewhere. If you go look at the official thread, you'll find out that much of what you came to say has already been said.... so why say it again? Just emphasis what has already been said and you'll have a much happier forum life.
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waste of time of time here... people are going to do this no matter how many times you ask them not to... why who really wants to read the whole forum to find out if it's been posted... let the mods do their job and police it
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You knew this was coming, it was predestined. Ironically enough, this will probably be my shortest section. What do I think of farming? I don't. I don't do it, I don't see the point of it. To me, doing the same content/map/TF over and over again is like having a second job. And I don't want my play to be work. So I don't do it. You wanna do it? Great, good for you, go ahead. It's your money just as much as it is mine... just one thing. Don't bug ME to help YOU, because that cuts into MY play time. Developers, I've asked for this before, and I'll ask again, PLEASE give these people their own "team size" slider so that we can end the search for "fillers" once and for all and I can have more peace in my gaming time. That is all.
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My favorite subject: farming <--- love that word let me say it slow F-A-R-M-I-N-G nice... while some people share that opinion and that's nice, the bottom line is people do it for a number of reasons... lets face it this game tends to get boring after you have a few 50's after playing the same mission/tf/arc over and over again with new toons or whatever... and some people can say farming is the same thing BORING... well if you art doing farming for excitement then you shouldn't be farming... farming is not exciting...what you get by doing farming can be... then again after a while even getting purple drops is like "yeah whatever another purple..." (I'm not at that point yet...)
what it comes down to I guess is people play this game for whatever reason they want and yes people are always asking for fillers and yes they ask to help with farm missions true, but you can always say no thanks... hate to break this to you but this is a MMO and that means you have to deal with people on many levels... <---- that was a spock moment right there!!!
I love my tractor and my straw hat baby!!!
Mission Architect
The Mission Architect provides players a resource to tell the stories that they want to tell, and to play the stories that they want to play. It provides virtually unlimited content. The bright side is that it allows our imaginations to go wild. The bad side is that it is/was a great way to "abuse" the system. I'm happy with the ticket cap, I think it's fair and reasonable. If you want to play for more new content, then play in the MA. If you want to play to get more "stuff" faster, then go play the "normal" missions that have better rewards. The developers have already stated that the MA was not designed to be a PL tool or a farming tool, so go back to using the tools that you were using before the MA came around. It worked for you before, why does it not work for you now? Keep in mind at all times these two words: Purpose and Intent. What do you think the Purpose and Intent of a Mission Architect was? To allow players to level faster and get more stuff faster, or to allow for more user creativity and content? I strongly doubt it was for the former.
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Nice... great points on this one...
you are right but as always people will take what they are given and try to twist it to work for their own purposes
I think with the added tools and whatnot for I15 it should help with making the creative process better, making MA arc more like real arc content
George Carlin had a nice long spiel about "stuff". How we always want more "stuff". How we work and work and work to get more "stuff" and how once we've got a house full of stuff, we work to buy a bigger house, so we can get more STUFF! That is the sad truth for the most part in the real world. I play to escape the real world. This is my fun-time, my time to kick back and have a good time, maybe with a few friends. Here are a few facts: The missions outside of the Mission Architecht did not get any harder since the release of Invention Origin enhancements. You don't "need" to have Purples, or even IOs at all to play this game. You can still get from 1-50 and still have a blast using common, ordinary, Single Origin Enhancements. That being said, if you WANT to get Purples and expensive IOs, you'll have to realize that it takes patience. You didn't just buy that sports car one day on a whim, did you? It could take months or maybe even years to get all the "stuff" you want, just as it does in the real world. I don't think that "stuff" matters, but if it really matters that much to you, just try to learn to take it easy and have patience, and it will come in time. Especially if you play the market with patience. The truth is that this is how you win more "stuff", both in the game and in real life... with patience. It's the impatient people that need it RITE NAO that end up paying the highest price. That's why food in convenience stores is so much more expensive. I call it the "impatience tax". You are paying for your impatience. So, in short, you don't NEED "stuff" to play this game, but if you WANT "stuff", then you will have it! Just wait and work for it. Don't gripe about how you wish stuff was easier to get, that's unrealistic.
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Is it ever about need? NOPE it's more about want... you see people with the shiny stuff and guess what, most people want it too, sure you can wait and have patience that's nice but for me it doesn't work I have the means to get it when I want it so I doand yes having patience at ww is def the way to go on some things no doubt... but THIS another reason why people farm... it affords them the luxary of not having to wait for their goodies... while I do agree you don't need the goodies to play the truth is they do make you better (if you use them right) and some people like that... go figure...
Finding a Team
I keep hearing "the game is a ghost town, I can't find a team anywhere" DOOOOOOOOOOOM! It's not true. With the addition of Mission Architect, there is literally an infinite amount of content that can be run, and many MANY people are running that content, often times solo. What makes this different from before? Because before everyone was running the same content for months until the next Issue was released, and then they'd run that content for a few weeks before getting bored of it and going back to the old content. So "pick up groups" were easier to find because people had "old" stuff that they were playing all the time. Then Mission Architect came around and blew that out of the water. Now, instead of having to wait for the next Issue, people have new content to play ALL the time. So they've become more organized and formed groups... or decided that they want to experience the content so they go solo so that they can go as slow as they want. Now, the pick up group isn't DEAD, it's just slowly disappearing. Guess what that means? That means you have to actually *gasp* put EFFORT into getting on a team now! Here is my short answer. If you want a team, FORM YOUR OWN TEAMS, then you'll never be teamless. Become a leader, and you'll find that there are dozens of people who are exactly like how you used to be.... wishing and wishing and wishing for a team, but doing nothing about it. By you leading, you fulfill their wish for someone else to do it, and you fulfill your wish for having a team. Everybody wins. I even have a guide that might help you out a little, try it out.
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Yawn, sorry not interesting in touching this one...
Nature of the Developers
OUr developers do not eat babies. They don't watch you while you're not looking, plotting on ways to "get you" and make you personally upset. They probably don't even know you exist. You're just another number, to be honest. But that doesn't mean they don't care. The developers can't look at your personal experience in the game, all they can do is look at their experiences playing the game and the larger scope of the "community's experience" in playing the game. They are the ones that have to make the hard choices. ANY move that they make WILL be hated by a minority of the player population, this is just a simple matter of fact. To paraphrase and rewrite Abraham Lincoln: "You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not please all of the people all of the time." The truth is, they WILL do something that will make you unhappy someday, it's fate. The longer you play this game, the closer you come to that moment. Get over it. For me, it was the fact that you can't manually place spawns in the Mission Architect, which killed a lot of the plans I had for intricate stories, plots, and scenes. But you know what? I got over it, and I'm better for it. The developers have to look at what is best for the game as a WHOLE, and they cannot make everyone happy. So, please, realize this, and realize that it's not a personal vendetta against you or against your small "group" of like-minded players. They have to look at the bigger picture. If what they do bothers you that much, then sure, give your opinion. But TRY to stay reasonable and rational and don't get emotional. Just remember: it's NOT personal. It's business. They aren't saints or sinners, they are just men and women who love this game as much as you do, and want to try to make it work the best they can. They aren't perfect, but they do a DAMN good job if you ask me.
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The big picture is simple: MAKE money keep people playing and paying for subcriptions... While it's a nice little fantasy to think it's all about having fun and making a fun game for people to enjoy.... you really have to becarful what you say and do because if you piss off enough people and they stop playing or go to other games then guess what... that so called fun game will be no more... example: autoassalt some people thought is was fun but lack of subcriptions = DOOM
To be honest this game has lasted for 5 years so yes the devs are doing a damn good job I agree with you on that... even if some of the stuff they do is... well I think you get the point...
That all being said, no I'm NOT going anywhere any time soon. And no, you can't have my stuff, go get your own stuff.
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Ummm ok...
To the Players: Thanks for teaming with me for the last five years, here's to another five!
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Don't think I've team with you but you are welcome
To the Developers: Thanks for giving me this world to play around in, and keep up the good work!
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To the Defenders: I may be playing tons of alts of other ATs now, but know I'm always playing as a Defender at heart!
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Well... and there is... and what about? or let's not forget...
Hmmm I think i get what you are saying... DEFENDER is your fav at... was I close?
To the Forumites: Keep sane, keep rational, keep logical. Think Spock, not Kirk.
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Dude.. I so did that... just look up at my spock moment...
although I was close to having a scotty moment but I couldn't find the power...
I look forward to interacting with you all for another five years. I love you all, no matter how much some of you might annoy me.
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HEY don't threaten us!!!
Yours Truly,
-The Player
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right back at ya player!!! -
It depends on what your goal is... if you are a badge hunter you want the arc as small as posible less time is better
like playing dev's choice arcs for the dev's choice badge line... Butterfly Effect was used the most because it was a med arc period! Not to mention there are still only a few dev's choice arcs which I believe were picked before I14 went live... good to see that all the people really giving it their all and trying hard to write a great story arc are being rewarded for their effort... see, what the dev's forget to mention was in order to get your arc to become a dev's choice not only do you need to write a top notch arc BUT you need to send in a blood sample, pass a physical exam have an IQ of 125 or higher be willing to post on this forum how amazing positron is in a 2000 word eassy (without double spacing I might add...) and convince 57% of the people that play coh that castle's costume does not make him look like a pissed off Librarian with Tourette syndrome! THEN and only then will you have a chance... for your arc to make it as a dev's choice!!
Disclaimer: If I offened posi or castle by this post.. sorry
if not I'll try harder next time!
wait a sec... is it presumptuous of me to think either of the two would even be reading this post? problol
Since Snow Globe wanted to keep this out of the "Badge Issues" thread, I'm bringing my post from that thread over here, where it belongs.
When I started working on Fabricator (after I had already acquired the Field Crafter accolade, meaning I already had 1k crafts), it only took me 3 months to get Fabricator on two toons.
Granted, the majority of my time working on Fabricator was before issue 14 came out and common IO salvage became scarce. But this is what I did.
I started out with a goal of 100 crafts per day. Having 9,000 crafts left to go, that meant it'd take me 90 days at the most. I split my crafts into two sections:
Crafting IO enhancements. I had 21 market slots available, so I would craft 20 Recharge Reduction IOs.
On my hero, I crafted 10 Lv45s and 10 Lv50s. On my villain, due to the slower market, I crafted 5 Lv45s and 15 Lv50s. I then put the Lv45 IOs up for sale at 190,001 (usually getting 200,000 back) and the Lv50 IOs up for sale at 290,001 (usually getting 300,000). This is how the numbers break down.
Lv45 Recharge Reduction (memorized): 82,400 inf
1 Temporal Analyzer: 500 inf
1 Hydraulic Piston: 500 inf
10% Market Fee: 20,000 inf
Total: 103,400
Profit: 96,600 inf per IO.
Lv50 Recharge Reduction (memorized): 216,000 inf
1 Temporal Analyzer: 500 inf
1 Hydraulic Piston: 500 inf
10% Market Fee: 30,000 inf
Total: 247,000 inf
Profit: 53,000 inf per IO.
(Note: Before Issue 14, I rarely spent over 250 inf per the individual salvage components.)
Selling a set of 20 IOs everyday, (and I'd frequently sell more than that, especially on the weekends), my hero was clearing 1.5 million inf everyday and my villain was clearing 1.25 million everyday.
Granted, the common salvage prices are considerably higher in the post-i14 era, so the profit will be a little bit lower. But even if you spend 5k per salvage, you're still turning in a profit of 90k per Lv45 IO and 45k per Lv50 IO -- enough for 1.35 million inf per day with a batch of 10 Lv45s and 10 Lv50s.
Still, 20 crafts a day is very slow progress. In addition to those 20 crafts, I also purchased 80 very cheap Lv41-50 tech salvage (usually silver or mathematic proof, but occasionally temporal analyzer, hydraulic piston, kinetic weapon, and/or ceramic armor plate). Before Issue 14 came out, I was able to very easily get 80 salvage pieces for under 100 inf each. I'd then take them to my base and convert them all into base empowerment powers, delete them, and start the process again. That's 8,000 inf per day. A drop in the bucket of the profit I was generating everyday with my IO sales.
Doing 20 IO recipe crafts and 80 base empowerment crafts everyday, I was making 100 crafts a day. I did that everyday on both my hero badger and my villain badger, and I had Fabricator 3 months later.
Now, that strategy might not be as effective today, since common salvage prices have skyrocketed. I had 9,000 crafts when issue 14 hit. After the common salvage supply dried up, I could no longer buy salvage for under 100 inf. So I changed my tactics. For my last 1,000 crafts, I simply used all 21 market slots and placed lowball bids on the common salvages. I bid 250 inf each on 210 pieces of silver, and waited for people to put them up for sale. Once my purchases filled up, I took the salvage and crafted them into base empowerment powers. Those purchase slots filled up everyday easily. It took me only 3 days to get the last 1,000 crafts I needed for Fabricator.
Tedious? Yes. But it's easy and doable. And the 1 invention salvage --> 1 temporary power (aka 12 salvage --> 12 crafts) conversion rate was much better than the old 12 invention salvage --> 2 base components --> 1 temporary power (aka 12 salvage --> 3 crafts) rate.
Anybody who whines that Fabricator is harder to get now just isn't doing it right. Before issue 13, only the people who had access to large supergroup bases (and thus a ton of base salvage) could easily get Fabricator. Now, *anybody* -- even those with solo SGs -- can easily get Fabricator.
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Nicely thought out well done -
The fact that even emp defs have a relatively hard time earning the top epic level heal badges only goes to show that the whole concept behind earning credit for "damage healed" was more or less broken from the beginning. This is exactly why Posi finally decided to reduce the Empath badge down from its ridiculously high original requirement of 1 billion points healed.
At this point I'm not sure if any further changes are ever going to happen to these badges. Even at 100 million points healed Empath still needs to be farmed for anyone to have a realistic chance for it. Unfortunately I think the way these badges are now will be the way they will remain for the rest of the game.
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I just got the empath badge and you are 100% right you do have to farm it if you are not a healer and even still...
To be honest it sort of bugs me when people look at farming as a bad thing... I mean if you have certain goals and you are able to get them by being efficient (farming) then so what...
I took my second build and made it total regen (low level io sets ftw) pretty much nothing but for getting the damage badges... got a carnie mish set on invincy I get a strongman minion beating the crap out of me with a malet... at the rate it's going it will take around 28 days of 6 hours sessions to get the last 3 damage badges... good thing I'll get the badges... bad thing i'll have a really flat head in the process -
The devs choice should go bye bye for a couple of simple reasons... The devs have shown they already have too much on their plate, it's hard enough to get them to fix stuff that should be fixed and what, they are going to take time to play our arcs and give them the honest attention they need in order to qualify as a dev's choice arc? YEAH RIGHT...
badges should be setup to be gotten fairly for all, and there are some hard ones to get no doubt but they CAN BE GOTTEN with the proper plan or team... like the MOSTF, that was a tough one to get but it can be done... the DEV's choice... you have to be able to write a good arc to be concidered... what if you can't write at all? This really doesn't give people a fair chance to obtain this badge and to me that is not right...
Hall of fame is messed up too because you can grief an arc out of hall of fame staus.... by giving it 1 star the one hall of fame arc I played (footsteps) was not a bad arc at all it had some enjoyable aspects to it... yet some people couldn't stand it being a hall of fame arc and got it knocked out by giving it low ratings... as for the star cartel... while it's a nice fantasy to think people will play arcs and give the man honest rating... hmmmm the reality is you ask your friends to play your arc and 5 star it that's what most friends will do... in fact most people will do that as well all you have to do is ask, because believe it or not alot of the people that play this game a pretty nice people... that has been my expirience on justice server... can't speak for other servers -
A better, more community friendly, solution might have been just flagging all the boss farms after the first one as duplicates and deleting them.
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There are over 20,000 missions. Missions that are found to be farms were already being deleted or banned as quickly as they could find them (presumably). Apparently, these measures were not sufficient.
Morreover, they are already being accused of banning arcs that fit the pattern of abusive arcs but are not 'intended' as such, like challenge arcs.
Moreover, apparently one practice is to publish a farm mission then unpublish it when it is not being used to prevent it being banned (undoubtedly part of why we have over 100,000 arc IDs used for less than 50,000 arcs).
I'm not sure the Devs yet know how far they may have to go to get things to a place where both they and we are happy.
Some extreme and seemingly incompatible thoughts have been competing in my head:
1) Having an Instant 50 option at character creation (and perhaps for existing characters) would remove all point in 'racing' to 50. It is precedented by Guild Wars. Due to the MA. there is now infinite content for level 50 characters (missions are being published faster than you can run them). maybe the players that would get bored and quit if they had insta 50s are users that you would lose anyway.
2) Create a Speed Limit, code it in as a Diminishing Returns or hard cap on rewards being gained faster than a certain speed. Now people can farm to their hearts content if that is fun, and they don't break the game. You lose only people that feel they have to beat the system (or are used to speeds far above 'gamebreaking'), and casual players are unaffected.
3) Let people buy purples and levels with real money.
Any of these would kill farming, if that's what you really want to do.
I don't think the Devs really want to kill farming per se. They just don't want people to feel they need to farm to advance at a good speed (whatever that is).
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Bingo the Dev's do not want to kill farming...
It's beyond amazing the on going war between the pro farmers and anti farmers... it might be me but it semms simple enough... WHO CARES.... you pay to play this game so play it... if you want to farm MA, regular mishes or whatever why should that bother anyone... the bottom line is people play to have FUN... remember that word? and if people are having fun doing the same mish over and over again and they get their toon to 50 really fast who cares... hate to burst anyone's bubble but you can get bored from this game playing it slow, fast or whatever... I am a farmer I also play for the content I play this game because of the people that play...why? MOST of them are cool and there are some... well if they left to play wow it would be betterI have a number of 50's the first couple I did the hard way... went through all the content and to be honest after my second 50 I got bored with the game... doing the same missions and arcs
and whatnot but for me farming has been fun getting my influence up there as well as prestige and purping out my toons... well still working on that... but it gives me a reason to keep playing while this might not be fun for other people that's fine... if you just like playing the game to play the game that's fine too... The devs make this game to be fun for many reasons but they also have to make sure it makes MONEY and they do that by people paying for subscriptions
and trust me positron had that reality smack him in the head after his first post... the non edited version the zero tolerance
blah blah one... this is why he had to clarify his post...
losing any player base by pissing them off is bad business
and sure there are people saying fine let them leave who cares... let them find another game... trust me the devs do not want anyone to quit playing this game -
Well, at first I was like... "great idea"... now for me it's getting to the point where it's not worth putting in the efford... to me it's more of a resource tool rather than a creative outlet... this is because the devs have been removing things bit by bit using the risk reward bs to justify the nerfing so whatever and while I do agree some things need to be removed like the Rikti CO and i'm so not going to go into the whole posi post or what they knew and why... like people have said you get more out of doing regular mishes since they are taking more and more away from the AE... let me say this again..
YOU CANNOT STOP FARMING period and while some people seem to think there is no room for it in this game... more people farm than don't... and if people are farming... (doing mishes over and over) for whatever reason guess what... atleast they are playing! This means subscriptions are being paid... The recent change of a 1500 ticket cap per mish... talk about shooting yourself in the foot...
This sounds like a step to slow down farming... but what this really does is make people not want to play MA arcs, sure people will play their friends arc for fun, but lets bring up the risk reward thingy.... Why waste your time playing an arc where the most tickets you can per mish is 1500... which is not even a gold roll which means you would have to play that arc a few times to get 1 gold roll... when, you could do a regular mish and get more reward for your time... and I'm sure people will say it's not all about getting tickets or whatever.... I play this game to have fun... and YES I farm so I can get stuff for my toons like purples/salvage/merits/xp/influnce and prestige for my sg base, I farm to help get badgesthat's right... break out the tractor and straw hat yeehaw!!!
The bottom line is these changes either make you want to farm the mishes more or make you just go back to how things were before MA came out! If you play MA for the novelty of playing your own/friend arc then so be it, but with the changes the devs are doing, seems they are taking more than they are giving which will cause MA to die a slow death...
seems funny they are doing PR for issue 16 when 15 isn't even out... -
Well, this is an interesting post... this like most other rating systems will always have the same problem... it's based on people's opinions and it will always be hard for people to agree on what is good and what is bad for example the movie ironman... alot of people loved it and there are some who thought it sucked... which to those of us who loved it (me)
cannot understand that but it is what it is... if you want people to respect your opinion then you should respect theirs not to like it
With any rating system you will always have to face... Bitter people, people that are jealous that they cannot write as good of an arc as you or people that just hate to see people have success and grieve votes, just to try and mess up their rating... and last but not last my favorate self-anointed saviors of coh/cov who are nothing but [censored] kissers trying to impress the devs, pointing out farm arcs... which is beyond funny to me since this game as farm aspects built in... like flasshback and so fourth... and in case some of you don't understand the concept of farming... if YOU have done a mission like.. an ITF for example with the same toon more than once then guess what.... YOU are farming it... and while some people try and justify why they are doing it... "well I need the influence" or "my base needs the prestige" or whatever it's still farming... it doesn't matter if you farm a mission once or 500 times farming is farming and for all those people who think farming should be removed from the game... they need to get a clue...
For this rating system to work people need to be responsible and not be quick to judge something to be something it might not be, just because you didn't take the time to read what the arc is about... most of the devs content can be deemed as a "farm" but you have to accept it because you can't rate non MA content... what it comes down to is people are going to do what they want and if you become a victim of someone wanting to be a jerk then there is nothing the devs can really do about that.... without taking the control we currently have with MA -
Take care and good luck and remember, as long as 1 person remembers you, you will not be forgotten!
Nitra -
Well, My ally had fly and when I would fly she would follow NOW all she does is try to jump to me if there is a tree or something near by other wise she runs in circles...
although the partol flying mobs are now flying again when they retreat... -
After this so called fix... the characters in my arc no longer can fly I had a mob with flight and an ally with flight now no flying... The ally had reflections and she was able to fly now all she does is jump no flying... anyone having this problem and if so (silly question) are there any plans to fix this?
I can only think of two or three groups in the game that really are military or intend to act as an army.
But, y'know, all of them have minions, and lieutenants. Not to say that minion is a military rank...
Statesman isn't my boss, and he certainly isn't my elite boss. Who calls someone an elite boss? "Yipes, Ted, you better get those 409s done before Nancy, the elite boss fires you!"
Who would allow themselves to be called a minion? "Yeah, I'm a minion for hire, it's like being a gopher but you get killed more often."
The Skulls are an inner-city group of hooligans, how do they even know the concept of lieutenants? How about the Devouring Earth? Did they devour a library? How about those zombies? Did someone stop them before they went out to eat people and said "Hey! You're a minion, that means you min!"
None of the ranks make sense, none of them, but they are an unimportant portion of the UI, and quite frankly, you shouldn't encounter an archvillain as your ally, they are too powerful and they will finish the map before you do. If you need to help people face your twelve AVs by giving them one, make those AVs into Bosses or Elite Bosses.
I don't care if your character is so powerful that they could rip the Earth in half by sneezing, they should never be more then an elite boss because they aren't going to rip the Earth in half. The arch-villain/hero rank is for those superheros that are above all the others, we aren't ever supposed to be Superman or Batman in City Of Heroes, we aren't, we are Aquaman, Blue Lightning, Blue Beetle, Green Lantern, She-Hulk, or Hawkeye. Our characters can never attain that level of power or popularity. Lord Recluse is Lex Luthor, Statesman is Superman, so on and so forth. Sometimes on certain difficulty levels, those rules will bent, or the developers will bend those rules to make something seem important or exciting, but that's within their rights as the overlords of the universe that's been created.
I love this game, I love my characters, but within the structure of the game, they will never have a statue in Atlas Park, they will never be anything more then a second-stringer that a degenerate writer could kill off without even asking the editor.
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Well, you made some nice points indeed but the whole Idea of MA is to let people's imagination run wild, do we really need to put limits on that by telling them to make their characters lower than they want? Think about this... is Superman more of a hero than Spiderman? some would say yes because of the power they pocess batman is far being being close to Superman in fact Batman is a martial arts expert that uses gadjects... while you may think your toon is a second stringer the point of this game is you have your signature heroes and signature villains and if you creat a story you are given the chance to make your toons the signature heroes and villains for THAT story and I think the reason they have these heroes/av be as powerful as they are is done to make it be a challenge be cause if we has heroes/villains were equal to the signature ones this game would get boring real fast BUT the great thing about MA is you can make your toons be that signature character if only for 1 story arc...
also all av's/heros are not created equal it all come down to the skill sets you pick... I have one arc whre I do have an allys as a helper and she is plant/emp and she is av level and she has gone against the av in the mission and gottten owned
adn as many times as I have tested this arc she does get some kills but it's not even close to her taking over the arc and getting all the kills... like i said it all comes down to what you create... for example if you make an arc with nothing but elite bosses that is not going to be a very fun arc... maybe for someone who wants a real big challenge I guess but it's really up to us the creators to make it interesting and we need to have some balance and order to make the arc fun to play...
my whole point was to have the option of having a hero rather than just an av...
thanks for your reply though -
I can totally sympathize, as in one of my future missions I will require a few custom AV-level allies who really should be labelled heroes. However, since AV and Hero are on the exact same level, it's just a matter of semantics.
I wonder how many people have sent in a bug report about having to "Save the infamous Archvillain, Statesman, from the evil Tyrant!" It's been that way since issue 1, and still hasn't been changed?
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EXACTLY... and to be honest it doesn't seem like it would be that hard of a fix... this way the heroes are what they are supposed to be HEROES! -
I'd at least tone him/her down to a Boss level. No matter how strong this person is, to keep it balanced.
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I understand what you are saying but that isn't what i was getting at... I want the option of making it a hero and not being forced to make it an archvillain because that is the only choice
Example... if I had a story and i wanted to use statesman as an ally he would show as a hero now if i want to make a custom toon the only choices I have is either boss elite boss or archvillain... I would hero t obe an added choice... thats all -
I would caution against making an AV/Hero ally under any circumstances. Their power level tends to be completely out of whack with respect to other AV's, and their damage scale is so high they steal all the xp and reward from the players, along with gameplay and decisions. I understand that you want to tell your story, and balance things, but this is still a game first, at least, until they add the "cut scene architect", then you can have people stand around and watch your story, which is more or less what happens when an ally AV enters the mix.
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Good points no doubt but if the story warrants using an av/hero then all i'm saying is I would like the option of it being a hero... for example say in your story you are facing 2 av's and you need to free your ally to help fight said av's you want that ally to be a hero because you wrote in your story line that ally is a hero... should we be limited as to what we can use? I hope that makes sense... thanks for your reply -
Yes it is... and I hope I'm not alone in thinking we should have the option to make an ally a hero not just be stuck with making it an archvillain... when you are writting a story so many things go into to make it what it is you want... like I said if you use statesman as an ally he would be a hero but if I make a custom toon and i want that toon to be tough like statesman in order to match that toughness my custom toon has to be a archvillain... I would like a dev chime in on this cuase i'd like to think it does matter...
ok if you want it to auto sk you need to have a non custom toon in htere somewhere like the typical meow is 42 because the mobs are 42 I think all custom toons are 1-50 not sure but you must have the desired level toons in your arc somewhere
hope that helps
Nitra -
Simple... it's about the integrity of the story... and to be honest what is the problem with giving the writer the option to make said ally a hero or archvillain why does it have to be just an archvillain and yes maybe you don't care and that's cool but obviouly some people do or they wouldn't post about it... if I write a story and I want a HERO as an ally and NOT an acrchvillain then I think that should be an option!!
lol based on your reply you would most likley write an arc and have all the characters look the same and have the same name and why even write a story.... just make a map put toons on and let people have at it...
sorry that doesn't work for me
if this sounds like I am being rude... I leave it up to you to decide -
Right, but I think you should have the option when you are making a custom character to be a hero not just an archvillain
because if the ally in your arc is a hero that is what they should be not a archvillain... does that make sense? -
Ok if this seems like a silly question then so be it, i'm cool with that
I wrote a small arc and I have an ally in it... she is suposed to be from a hero group but she is labled as an archvillain which she is not... thing is that this is the only option I have in order to keep her power equal with the archvillain I have in the arc...
I'm not sure if the same options are on the redside but then again most villain allies would be an archvillain I guess...
the queation is
Are there any plans to make it possible for a bluside arc to have a hero instead of archvillain... or a choice atleast? example: if I use statesman as an ally he is a hero not an archvillain and I would like that option for any custom toon I make. I understand it's only a name but for the sake of the story, if I write one with a hero group I think those characters should be heroes not archvillains
if any devs read this and could tell me if this will become an option that would be cool
thanks for any help on this