164 -
As a DC fan, I am very amused at how I will be recreating my main on another server with a different backstory to be part of a "Crisis". Especially since I will be a speedster character and those that are in the know, know that its a death-sentence for that character type.
But back to the main point: I will be able to have decent gaming time this weekend so if I actually make it out of the costume creator in less than 3 hrs I will be annoying someone for an invite both on red and blue. -
This Forum Post is full of fail!
I thought Roderick was finally going to give me the lowdown of the Sarah Palin book before i buy it!
I walk away disappointed yet again! -
The Black Market Liberation Squad was a great idea back in its day (and helped me get the big bank!) I might be interested in this but probably not until early 2010 or so.
Hmm, if i get some more monies (and free time) I just might be able to participate.
This might have been the result of the Nov 26 capsule date i mentioned a month ago?
For some real fun you should try and tally up the auction winners 'total spent'....
....i iz poor!
As for Peril? Next time i'm bringing my change-purse! -
Quote:...And that's why the Guardians determined him unfit for duty at the time. Or are we supposed to be okay with the unstable man remaking the universe as he sees fit?
Wait, then what do you think is going to happen when the Guardians are discovering what John Stewart has been trying to do...?
In regards to the Hal retcon, heroes do have their breaking points and at that level there is a valid reason to believe they can be the most dangerous. Its also why i don't buy everyone's "get on Batman's back because of Brother Eye" thing. He has the right idea of thinking of contigency plans in case one of them shifts to the other side.
I like the premise that with increased power, there is increased temptation to abuse it, no matter to the intention. I believe the writing could have been better, but it wasn't too far-fetched a story. Like someone said before, this guy is all about willpower! If anyone had the will to go against his bosses,friends and foes over a desperate grab at sanity, he would. -
Quote:I've wanted to be able to flip when I jump since I started playing this game. (heck.. actually it goes back well before playing this game... I believe it was a VERY old conan game I once played that got me hooked on the flip jump thing). I bought the booster and am bringing Shred Monkey (who has never had a travel power) out of retirement for this.... well, this and some PvP IOs that i've wanted to work into his build.
how much endurance does ninja run burn?
Then you are going to actually LOVE this Monkey...
...look at what happens when you jump BACKWARDS!
my dark-imp main character is bunny-hopping forever! -
Welcome to the oldies but goodies club!
I kid, i kid!
Speed Cap run in your honor today? -
aww, crap it!
I was hoping that it would be some weird glitch where the run and jump boost still wouldn't overome the movement penalties but i would get that flip animation anyway...rock n' roll, baby, rock n' roll!! -
wait, wait, wait....
...does it detoggle granite?
If not, once i get my computer running again i'm jump-spamming all over the place!
this saturday might be my only quiet saturday this month and I do have a dark/rad def I've been meaning to move just a little levels up...(currently 47 i think)
Or...did you want us to run a TF naked, with free sake?
(Saturday might be tough for me, i'm in the NYC Halloween parade this year) -
This would have been totally choice for me since i'm already on a money-making kick on my namesake but I will be out on friday night...
Has there been any special mention of an event during this time? Or maybe just a map-update of the trophy room? Additional npc dialogue? Lore-additions to the opening of the time capsule?
For those that aren't aware:
We are less than one month away! -
I believe (and someone correct me if i'm wrong), that for there to be another Incarnate there will have to be some sort of superhero armageddon where we all disappear/are destroyed/depowered and another incarnate ushers in a new age?
Its sounding more and more like the ole Everquest system of having one faction love you completely to use their bank and stores, but you lose faction enough on the other side that you're KoS (kill on sight), much less able to use that faction's services.
I wonder if being a inf-runner back and forth would be a good side job? -
Quote:See what you did, Viv? Now Nivra is misspelling it to "duel" as well!
MG: where did you see that breakdown?
Wait til you see when Viv and I pvp each other in the area, we full expect it to be a totally gunfest with destructable objects. Let the shells fall where they may!
Hmm, destructable settings in pvp? Truly knockback your foe thru the wall? Bullet holes in the scenery?
*runs off to the suggestions thread*
PS. I would suggest a Viv and Niv team-up but I'm bound to make one to many innuedos about cocking your gun... -
I just saw the movie "Equilibrium"
I'm making a duel pistols character as well.
Gun Katas ftw! -
Though teams and supergroups are not difficult to find on Protector, it is believed by some to have a higher population of solo players than most servers, making it a fairly solo-friendly server. In 2005, many Protector players got together and adopted a server mascot, a puma by the name of Cimarron, by donating money (with one member even donating $600) to the Cat Tales Zoological Park in Mead, WA.
How come we don't have a server mascot? Ok, what can we pay for...err donate, to represent us? So far in ny, i can get us a dancing bum or hookers.
....i need to move. -
I would say i'm one of those that don't have one but then i look at my toons and I realize that the only toon thats mezz-able and lvl 50 is my warshade and my fire/kin corr. Warshade has its own break-free and my fire/kin was built for mez-resists, and the way FS works in melee, i'm either dead or getting there anyways.
Actually, since my namesake can even take a Romulus-Rez, the truth is I just don't need it. If I am actually in a situation that i'm mezzed, i doubt i have time to even type it before it wears off. -
You were right! Found it:
I'm going to subscribe to hold onto it for now, and maybe some new info might be added by me in the future.
whoops, you found it too! Yes, that was it. -
I remember there was a multi-page thread detailing little know facts about CoX, but a search isn't coming up with the results i'm intended. I believe the problem is that I can't remember the subject header but I think it used to be a sticky.
It contained volunteered information that us players would have liked to know on our way up to our first 50 or on our first toon like combining the jump pack and forms of fly or non-important stuff like the comic-book references to the parts of the map in Perez Park. Does this thread sound familiar to anyone, or better yet did someone save the link?