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  1. First, let me say: "best Glee -cheerleader scene evar!"

    Second, to Marcian:

    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    That's what I took from this. I think it's important to keep in mind that this is a show about pathetic people who know, deep down inside, that getting (any) place in the regional high school sing-off will probably be the most important thing they do in their entire lives. They're pettty, petty people.

    "Sad little king of a sad little hill..." ~River Tam

    ...i think thats all understandable being that it is supposed be high school. What are they, like, juniors or something? "Breadsticks" is probably the nicest place on Main Street that could be the only one that takes "reservations." Its probably the spot that the local Dads take mom out to dinner to make the night special or something. Its kids getting a chance to play 'house'.

    Oh, and to the Artie thing, as a former teenage boy it is kinda hard to not be in the moment when a hottie cheerleader is on top of you. Like Artie said, there was a time when he wasnt even sure he could do that, not to mention i'm pretty sure Artie romantisizes things quite easily. Unfortunately the latter part leads to him feeling betrayed when what he thought was special but was really quite casual to Britney. I mean she was pretty direct in saying "you're on the football team now, so it was only a matter of time..."
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    They both harm innocent people though

    Actually, as a reader of the FF comics from back in the day and a few attempts now, i don't recall Dr. Doom actually harming "innocent" people. He does attempt to put a "needs of the many..." attitude when it comes down to it and he does put his own people's welfare against any other nation but he doesn't go around planning genocide, err, intentionally that is.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
    So if they had come into Kurt's dad's hospital room and said "He's like this because you aren't straight enough" that also does no harm right?

    Because it's the exact same thing. It's disrespectful, insulting and downright disgusting behavior. It's saying that Kurt's values, beliefs and desires are insignificant and not worth honoring when it comes to his ill father. It's saying that our beliefs are better because they have magical healing powers so we're just going to trample all over what you want, because we're doing it out of the best of intentions, really.

    Just because you smile and tell me it's raining while you piss in my face doesn't make it anything other than you pissing in my face.

    Hmm, Interesting viewpoint. I actually thought it was something very touching of the group to do as a way to show that they really wanted to help a friend. I didn't take it as them trying to push their beliefs on Kurt or his dad but more of friends using whatever they believe in to give positive energy to help his dad get better. I mean, they even threw in a song with the prayers which for glee-kids makes sense as a "this make it better!" choice. Was it right they did it without his permission, nope. But if we are going to pretend they are HS kids then the impulse to help might have gone farther than the fore-thought.
  4. I agree, this was a very good episode. Im going to say the Best Episode of the Season (so far)! The mix of music was great as I'm a fan of the Beatles and REM, a little Billy Joel didnt hurt since i was watching with a group of friends on Long Island.

    I like episodes that really show the differences between the Glee kids and shows off their individualties not only in their song choices but in the dialogue and actions too. Kurt's look at the "coming out" moment in the beginning was priceless.

    (They even snuck in a moment with Emma and Shue while waiting at the hospital but yet, they didnt make a big thing of it which was great imho!)

    You know, i'm going to put down and say that the better episodes are always the ones that give the reality beyond the reality tv that is high school. A thats story written to be 'acted' not 'played' because it gives a lot of character choices and motivations and showed a lot of "under-the-surface" subtext. Heh, in other words: character development. But given the true dynamic duo of Kurt and Burt was the main vein of the story i'm not surprised.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LunarKnight View Post
    I was pretty bored with the episode itself, sadly. The slavish reproductions of the original music videos were extremely well done, but they didn't really add anything new to the point of feeling like filler. It was also sort of weird to hear Lea Michele try to sing "...One More Time"; just because her voice is way too good for it.

    I was bored with the episode as well, I was laughing at the end when Kurt seemed to be saying exactly what i was thinking.

    Also...did Britney threaten Ke$ha on us?

    And since everyone is talking about the Rocky Horror Show episode, i'm going to put down my vote for most 'looking forward to' show for the episode with Micheal. (he's the "other" asian in the show). That guy can move from what i saw on league of extraordinary dancers.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Fun fact, they've gone on record as saying that the writers hate Meg because none of them knew how to write for a teenage girl but were saddled with her after she was put in the show.

    They hate this young woman because they don't understand her. I'll leave it at that and the simple statement that the Meg joke grew old for me a while ago, and I genuinely appreciate the episodes where she gets to develop a bit.

    Which brings me to another question...what was up with the 'dude looks like a lady' insinuation that the doctor was throwing? Did i miss an episode (which is very likely since i'm a sparse watcher) or did i completely make up a joke?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post

    This needed a Cookie monster cameo to be perfect!

    "...Cookie is MINE!" Nom,nom,nom,nom.....
  8. Ugh, i totally agree... Its sickening the way all that nudity is thrust out at us. I mean sure there is plenty of fur but he's naked for gosh sakes, running and jumping in suggestive actions and...

    Oh, meant Katy Perry? Whoops. My fault.

    Isn't there a clip on Sesame Street when the cookie monster grabs the behind of Tyra Banks that made it thru? Groping is ok but a skater's outfit is not?
  9. So looking at my news feeds last night and this morning, i was amused to find these:

    Sadly, as the only person that's watched and enjoyed BSG in my house. No one understood how it tickled me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    Nothing wrong with a cane.

    Get one of those awesome ones with a skull on the end of it.

    ...and if you are snarky and elitist enough you might your own show on FOX where you solve medical problems.

    Just remember: Its never Lupus!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    You stated you have dumbbells well you can get a great workout from those. Any muscle you add will in turn help you burn more calories so that will help with weightless. Here is a guide for different exercises.
    Form is very important much more so then the amount of weight you lift. If your dumbbells are light do allot of reps you will feel the fatigue and still get benefit trust me...

    You have a wealth of information here and its great but i feel this gem shouldn't get lost in the entire mass.

    Muscle burns calories 24/7, even while you rest like a toggle. Aerobic exercise works more like a click power. So don't be afraid to get a little muscle mass as well, and don't be nervous that you'll turn into some Hulk with a few exercises because that kind of bodybuilder image takes ALOT more work than you can imagine.

    Also in consideration to your back pain and what i mentioned above, you CAN increase your weights (low-weight means different things to different people, given your ht/wt have you been using 5pds or 25pds?). I've seen people speed thru reps as well just to get it done. That not only ruins form but can cause injury. A little know secret to the "high rep" game is slow and steady. I can guarantee you'll feel the burn after 5reps if you break it down into a slow 2pt inhale/exhale portion.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
    General 'Thunderbolt' Ross.

    So the man threw every good thing about himself to become a homicidal monster that causes more problems than solves.


    Wait, then who the heck was he talking to like two issues before?!?

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_of_Time View Post
    Sorry but I just never liked these movies. Probably because I was never a fan of the zombie genre I suppose. But I'm sure many of you are looking forward to this so enjoy the featurette!

    You aren't a fan? I figured if anything this latest incarnation would pique your interest since i don't think its so much a zombie-fest anymore but stunt-action movie with shiny black guns and outfits donned by wire-fu supermodel psi-ninjas.

    ....i'm probably going to watch it because every movie i've seen with A Perfect Circle as part of its soundtrack was enjoyable to me (see Underworld and Constantine)
  14. Saw it.

    Loved it.

    Confused/Curious on two points made in the movie that might be present in the comic books (my theatre crowd enjoyed it too much and laughter cut out some dialogue)...


    a. Was the fact that Scott could never beat that White Ninja in the Ninja Ninja Revolution game a foreshadowing of his fight with Gideon? Or am i stretching it?

    b. Someone said aloud walking out the theatre that something Scott did earlier actually created Nega-Scott, but i didnt pick it up and it was a surprise to me at the end. What did i miss?
  15. You know what? I think Ryan Reynolds was actually a recluse geeky nerd stuck in a small town in Canada that fell upon a magical wish-granting object. He's pretty much doing everything I would do if i woke up Ryan Reynolds.

    ...that includes Scarlet Johannsen.
  16. It has changed over the years, so let me provide a timeline:

    Firstly, it was the idea that a Superhero MMO exists and after enjoying my time with Everquest I wanted to actually play something i knew a little bit about. I fancy my knowledge of Superheroes was more than my knowledge of sword/sorcery. Being at the ground floor of a game like that was a great draw. It was cinched as a first-buy when i saw the opening movie. It made me want to play.

    Secondly, as I started playing, my classmates joined as well and it became a mini-community outside of school.

    Then, as i realized other comic-book fans were here (and it seems similar genre-tastes were also apparent judging from my first view of the Comic book culture thread) it became my life-line to the ubergeeky stuff while i was in college.

    I take breaks here and there because of the gameplay, but i always come back with the batches of changes and always pleasantly impressed with how the development staff and the players interaction. So i would sum up that the community is what got me and keeps me here or at the very least "floating".
  17. NiVra

    Oh Happy Day!

    Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
    Awesome. Purples on redside going over to blue. Yeah baby.

    Oh, and happy belated birthday, Nivra!
    Thank you much!
  18. NiVra

    Oh Happy Day!

    My day of joy is soon arriving! The markets will finally be merged!


    I'm going to actually log in tonight and shrug off the CoX cobwebs on my characters pre-Going Rogue in gleeful anticipation.

    Wow, i think i've forgotten what my powers do...
  19. I have no words..., just wow!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Shame that NYC is a hole.


    NYC isn't *that* bad!
  21. Congratulations!

    So when's the bachelor party!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    ...They were working on something called the Valenzetti Equation which was supposed to predict the end of the world. The Pearl Station, Station 5, was their version of a Skinner Box. It was meant to test how man would react to man if one side was removed from the other. If we were made "gods" in the sense that we could observe all, how would we react? Remember, those stationed at the Pearl would eventually return to the Barracks, where undoubtedly, they would interact with the very subjects they were observing. The Pearl Station was meant to test how its runner would react to being isolated and observing research, not how they see what other people are doing.

    The other research stations (save for The Swan), are meant to aid in finding the fundamental truths about the universe and the Island. Including human behavoir.
    Hmm, you do realise that this sounds like the "science" equivalent of Jacob's way? With the Pearl being some sort of 'practice' test for how someone would react to being the islands protector.

    Oh, to move further, do you think one could find a direct correlation of the Dharma stations to that of the Other's mystical points of interest? Like the lighthouse, Jacob's statue, the Temple, *under the temple*, the light cave, etc?

    Time to hit the wiki!
  23. I think it would have helped tremendously if they showed how people "died" off the island. Maybe, perhaps in their "awakenings" as well? From the people i've talked to about the show this morning, very few believe that they all made it off the island alive.
  24. I liked it.

    I don't mind a little genre-mixing here and there and I believe that someone who wanted it to be metaphysical/supernatural probably got more out of it then those that wanted sci-fi but i'm just happy with it being, well...Lost.

    One thing made me a little sad though...not all dogs go to "heaven". = (
  25. I'm going to put in a vote for Lousy Day as well, it really is "hauntingly" pretty.