7257 -
Quote:These type of comments have been done to death that anymore is just a +1 post. Not worth getting a reply too now.I saw your disclaimer in this thread, it's anything but short. If you put half the effort into proofreading your posts as you put into making that disclaimer, the disclaimer wouldn't be necessary.
I can only assume that your purposes are near enough soloing once again and the build is inclined towards that.
I basically ran Blazing aura at level 2 and took taunt at level 4 which shows how far back in time we are going. I then went and led teams filling them to 8 and tanked the game. I felt the immob early, it all depends on what mobs you come up against, I also felt the knockback, again depending on what mobs you come up against. Not as easy as tanking with other tankers back then but the firetank has undergone some changes since then. I am still for having a aura if you are going to tank for teams. -
Quote:In your attacks you went 3*acc/dam hamis then another dam SO. The last of which only gets ED'd down. You could of used an endurance, knocking the end cost of the attack chain down and improving dam/end more.And I'm curious as to what you consider even remotely bad about the build I posted, aside from the fact that it follows the rules of the thread which are bad inherently.
3 Res/End Hamis or Def/Tohit/End Hamis. With ED, each end red shaves of less and less, so it's costly. Why you would spend that much inf on shaving very little end off of something like combat jumping and needlessly adding very little def at the same time is beyond me.
Overall the build could of been more end friendly for possibly 10 times less cost.
Bear in mind that endurance loss comes from the attack chain I have moved slots to make the build cheaper and left some open for anyone to do something with it that is to taste:
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1523;578;1156;HEX;| |78DA65946F6FD25014C66FA15D5706632DEE9FDBD86430119441D47746A32EFA069| |564AF0DE95CB7354120148C6FFD427E26BFC0A6261A3546EBE9BDCFC5F6B619FBB5| |CF3DE7B9E71C7A79F1FE28FFF1F987474C739E0EDC20E8F73CF78D7732F187E7DEC| |47CE94E671377C0A2CBA44F2DBEDA7F7576E60D03FF9DD7EACEDEFAC3D12CE83F21| |8F69351175E4A5A21E93292BF646A341ABEBB9A7DE24B8F0C705FEFCCC3FBF98526| |25EAE8EE921C71F8EC79E77CA36A88C267D7E190C5768B007043DCB320A174CC11B| |215DEC90FFBF8CF2349EC79823D67F1B90C84B93B9E0A224BC7236C8DDAE28332BD| |C32D98762457792FC433106DC0DB82D837B92B252B877C0CF86187C946BE61003EE| |83553BC95BE05FCAB5906B619F2A7853D24CE67478573451B62432334B58C92B640| |B8C15E05E50BA2A830DB837907387BB7F25F7226656C4CC569C24BF508C8D181B31| |8E93A44615945041093B5E53B88D0AF694B97E23FF55E4AE628E6B0A3710BBADCCF| |53BE5AE633AEB7632F600B469DF4DD4BF795F68D72575D44F315BC2876DF1C96449| |D941D60EBA2E4BA26B83BADE45E5BBCAB7D9006FCB792BD4C9BF02FF0AAAD997445| |53FA9BB1ABAAB295D49AE914F1D67A88EBC0A694D7837ED641D929F68E42D74DCC2| |37F383F66B436BCB89EBF3B34D7FD164CA5C89ECC3B09E5A6DA494764AE9A494BB2| |9E55E4AE9A6949E3EFFAD601A57AC15FA0D104A78ACCFCF1CB32CD1CD25BD4F1AA6| |A59570AEE31ADEB7ABB8B68C73F05FCB44EF7BA41D2AECE578757CFFD7B17B37767| |F12BBFF072D8ADEF2| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
I think this discussion needs to come to an end. I do think if anyone wants to they might as well take it to a PM. I can't imagine the rest of the population of forumites sitting around reading this now, eating popcorn.
If ya can't talk about Tanks in the tanking section then atleast do something in a place that's proper. -
Natural Beauty. Not sure this is the right section for this though.
Different powersets work differently or else they wouldn't be different.
Regeneration hasn't made it to the Tanker AT for a small number of reasons.
You just can't expect the same advantages as other powersets all the time.
With a different set of cons you can expect a different set of pros that balance against those cons.
So even if Regeneration did change it might not be the changes some people want as it has to be a change that is in context with the design intent.
My preferred playstyle leans toward PVE and shines better with a SR in my hands than it would Regen. If I preferred PVP however then I could actually be better off with Regen. As a Regen I have to change the way I play in comparison to my SR. I have every Armour so changing how I play with all of them is nothing new.
Before changing the set we have to wake up to how the set is best played, which should be how it is meant to be played and where it shines better than others compared to where it doesn't.
I've always wanted to change my look therefore costume when I MoG'd and change back when I unMoG'd which just means making MoG 30s. -
1.848s Cast + 3.33s Recharge = 5.71s Frequency
Taunt Duration = 35s
This looks okay doesn't it.
What if Taunt is resisted 90%.
35s/100*10 = 3.5s Taunt Duration
5.71s Frequency - 3.5s Taunt Duration = 2.21s lowered threat which is window to attack someone else of higher threat.
Yes it is generally fine, put a taunt IO in it. -
Quote:It's the single most inspiring guide in COH history IMO, even if I don't agree with all of the build philosophies it espouses.
It's a good thing that people disagree on things, it's a bad thing when we can't just be happy to agree to disagree. It's a bad thing when people beef themselves up to more than they are whilst putting others down. -
Quote:If I saw your build I'd realise which flexibilities you can and what flexibilities you can not offer a team under a variety of circumstances. Some people have solutions and some people do not to a variety of circumstances. Some people concern themselves with themselves or 95%-99% of the game, not some 1%. Everyone builds based on what they know and value. If you suggest something can't be done using your TA only for support do not do it thinking everybody elses TAs can't either.Me to. I judge every power from both of my powersets and the available power pools based on how well it will support the team. A lot of time for my Defenders I find that some of their primary powers are less useful to the team than an extra attack or a pool power to help keep me alive and supporting the team.
I will admit that there is one exception to this rule on my Trick Arrow Defender and that is EMP Arrow. It's very rare that a team really benefits from it. If they truly need it then it's not up enough to matter and most teams don't need it. That being said it's a fun power and REALLY useful solo so I made room for it in my build. -
I've had all the travel powers on Tankers. I really never got the popularity of SJ, could only see the real interest of TP Self on Stonetanks and would probably have SS as a second travel power because I could afford it. I pretty much use fly mostly now. I can limit unsustainable aoe damage wherever I need to. If I wanted to aggro mobs somebody else is foolishly rushing into then a fireball or something might help but, I have a let idiots die policy.
If I want to steam roll mobs as fast as possible and therefore have SS I'd tank with a Brute. -
I take and use the entire Trick Arrow set. It's a team build. I take every power based on the possible usefulness to a team mate.
Quote:Ahh, ok! So a more reliable title for this would have been, say, 'Copper Standard' Peacebringer, as you seem to be focusing on intentionally suboptimal build strategems. Perhaps if these threads are titled appropriately in the future with more relevant metaphors you won't run into this sort of embarrassing mix up again.
One man's trash is another mans gold as they say and if most the player base were satisfied with the "Gold Standard" name for a PB design in it's day with the knowledge of it's day then so be it. It has it's name so that most people can identify it. I know that most people took it as a template and were reasonably happy and some overly rigid towards it. -
Yeah not sure if the person taught to spam taunt willy nilly even comes here.
Another thing I hate with some taunters is how they taunt ranged aoe on to people. They could of moved somewhere where they can stand by themselves or something.
Or stand there taunting, bringing cones in the direction of everyone.
Oh well good job the player base just needs a dumb meatshield and looks at debt as way towards more badges. -
Quote:You could also unslot a Hecatomb Damage that is sitting on it's own and replace it with a basic Dam IO and +5 it. Any expensive Heal/Rechg, swap it with a cheaper one that's +5'd and go use those IOs on another alt.Of course, PBs get enormous mileage out of enhancement boosters, since all those places you can run 2xL50 IOs that are +5'd to 53% really pays off. (I may not have actually set them to +5 in my builds, but basically anywhere I've got 2xL50 IOs, you can generally assume I'm boosting them to +5 - hasten, inner light, dwarf form, etc)
Journals can be precursor guides. Your opinions can lead to others giving theirs and a guide can be an unbiased coallation. I personally believe in letting people work alot of things out for themselves. If they discover in 10 hours what took me 20 then fair play to them.
I don't like rules so I never change a build into something I feel is the only way to go. If several people put a Shield/Stone build up my Shield/Stone suggestion would change for each person. I only spend 5 mins. I don't try to make things "what I would have". It's upto you to decide if there is anything you like and want to keep. Your change in slotting might of caused a decrease in hp but it's upto you what you would give one thing for another.
I can well understand range in Fault. With taunt if you forget the set bonuses I tend to look for a 10:1 taunt:rechg ratio, as a minimum which is down to my experience. I tend not to care who is in team. I tend to do PuGs. I tend to look for ways around problems rather than quake in my boots over the team missing this, that and the other. The build is not something that has to be either dead right or it can't be played. -
Quote:I don't know many Elec Armours tanks that have skipped Lightning Field altogether. Out of the ones I think I have seen they weren't as good as they might of thought they were. I don't even skip it on my Elec/ Brutes.Lightning Field is picked up at 24 and slotted a bit at level 25 and fully slotted by level 27 when then it will be used as an attack if playing with Electric melee or an IO set mule for some of the older Electric Armor tanks. The new Electric Armor tanks outside electric melee skips lightning field altogether.
Under -Rechg conditions, you gauntlet less and you can taunt less. LF is a damage aura that goes unaffected by -Rechg. Aggro consolidation is better.
The Aura gives off a Mag 4 taunt to 10 targets, you're aggro considation is again higher. You're stacking threat with your attacks.
You're also doing the same Damage per End as you would be with attacks anyway. It is the standard 8.56. At any point in time whilst attacking you are stacking damage to your attacks. As with all AoEs the moment you hit more than 4 with them you're doing more damage per end than you would with a single target attack. More xp/time.
All Elec Armours have Powersink which can be used to gazump mobs endurance so they take themselves to 0 endurance quicker and force them to use their low tier attacks if alive long enough and so what might of been a long fight duration you might not of survived turns into a long fight duration you can survive because enemy dps is lower than it was initially. What Lightning Field can do here is help that by reducing enemy recovery. If you prevent any recovery then the enemies will reach 0 end sooner. For alot of Tankers, the mobs are dead before the mobs would of reached and fought at 0 end, this isn't always the case for me and I do find some breathing space for having lowered enemy dps. Mobs can stack mez effects and quickly the less endurance you give them asap the less likely their opportunity. Once their end is low the aura keeps it low, soon enough they might only have their version of brawl.
What I have seen with Elec Tanks with no aura goes along something like this:
Runs into mobs, misses with pbaoe attack, if used to begin with at all and mobs go for someone else who has affected them. Less xp/time
Tank has mobs grouped, does not manage to aggro control all of them, one of the mobs takes out the defender who is number 2-3 on the threat order sometimes, goodbye defender, goodbye debuffs, hello compromised team. Less xp/time.
Tank not concentrating, mismanaged endurance goes to low end can't gauntlet, mobs become attracted to somebody else that person gets it. Less xp/time.
Ambush happens, ideally Tank would pick up all ambushers if possible but fails to hit with initial attack, no gauntlet no aggro control, vital team member taken out. Less xp/time.
Brute on team is actually doing all the Tanking. The tank is a spare part, often without much sense as a spare part.
Scrapper, the leader in DPS is scooping up free ambush aggro better and dying. The DPS leader dead because the Tanker didn't do the job. Less xp/time.
Solo Tanker not at ideal xp/time setting because they couldn't kill mobs quick enough. Less xp/time.
But maybe for different people of differing skill, "Hero Stats" should do the talking. If I farm without my auras on then I know I am making less xp/time because I am killing slower. -
Evil Legacy,
I haven't read other peoples posts cos like well half are on my ignore or whatever.
But you will find as you might of already found, that some people basically come at you saying the same things as somebody else already has or there are people running to the defense of somebody else (like they need it).
It's all just +1 posts. You don't have to reply to each and everyone.
It would of been easier to paragraph the wall of text than to tank the forum or even easier to ignore off topic remarks about your post and of just waited for something more on topic to reply to.
It's a gaming forum. How much time does anything not intrinsically about the game deserve? -
+5'd some Rechg IOs, got slots back, moved slots about, kept def, added +hp and gave you even more rechg. I didn't really look at it I just spent 5 mins on it but you would have to look at the figures rather than slotting.
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1522;689;1378;HEX;| |78DA6594DD56125114C7CFC010318262A2E0078A08CAE728D5755D049A262B5B561| |795D12827981C0717B0567955D6EA05EAA2CBDEA0A729B37A863EEECB683BFB2F8B| |15B380DF397B9F7DF6FFECD987F2B3A2FFC3CAE155A1F8AF5946AB55B96DD8BBB2E| |9291B357347D0135AB68CA7966CB56245D3D86BD8D5D84DABEA25479457568AF2B1| |B45B52DFAC9BD2AA9E4D23F096A525C9D76ED892C7C3AB765D36A5DDD6CF06FE8D4| |6C3D2D7A5B16FDAB5803359366BF536CD3467B6B92F65D50F47DB262D23A57D7347| |2FD9B2593BA8948D565B360F22A4294DDF62807E9453E91D8F18A5414115AE30314| |ABCE876E66A4E3053645F50C5B904734E137828F69E60DF7DE6F907E016537B0856| |9825CAAB705E9782BCFE1018642ED31A37B4B9A121040D216818DBE4B5637798915| |BCC158AF570ACE2C9726C04BC4E3EAF93BC23BCB36C4BD0597C388BEF11DB260C70| |9B39B5035699D39239462F78807389019C254CB600EF2702935C47856C43B00D4D7| |0AC9B6CC3A8C3708663A77530CF5469CD08D68C60FF186A1543AD52A47F14FA475F| |B26DF615F8023C44CC73E6DC6B97C335121A86FE30F6BF41B671EC37FE9BD7CDFD0| |14F9889BF6007147CCE38E99D44ED279D9AFBC43CB8403AA3F045FFF3AD53CE19F8| |6672F081198A8B434FFC88F32C7C068FC12FCCF457F01B334BB149C4263FBA9CDE4| |E7F62668EC06330CAF972E03CC5A6109BAAF3397326F88499DF052D708F99A4D82C| |62B3E8A945F4D4227A6711BD55406F15D05BEF49BACEB18A8EFA14C055AAD312DED| |7D28970744FA9DDBB481F7AC47A9F6543C555278BE258D26AF7F6777C4171FAFE9C| |71A62F76A9CF52E8B35CEAB35CEEB37CD7BAF75E28793EEB4FADAB4B55EE72FF0DE| |23E0FE27E07D7F8BE07AFF07FD38FDE7D52BCCF2FADE73FE51DBF830B6FC0B74C43| |3BAD289F72AB67BCD133DEEE19FF03204FE9E0| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Oh the fun in standing around drinking cups of tea whilst the pets do all the work.
Trying to imagine...
1 to 2 MMs per Rikti Pylon, drop them all at the same time.
Then lets see, gets on ship, buffs and debuffs in abundance, mows lawn to the middle.
Actually might be worth working all 3 paths together.
Get into middle and "Poof" where did everything go? -
I'll interject on Consume. My Fire Brute doesn't have it, doesn't need it and for me it is down to what else you do to a build and how well you play..particularly if you're Superstrength.