7257 -
Yeah and New Dawn was me.
Governed by healers first and most golden rule all healers would have to let you die.
Quote:A guy I used to work near, every day a different Superman T-shirt, an out and out fan, gave his thumbs up to Superman Returns partly because it was like Superman 3 didn't happen.
My enthusiasm of Bryan Singer as a director was substantially reduced by the travesty that was "Superman Returns," which was filled with horrible choices. Still, going back to the X-Men franchise may have him get his directoral sea-legs back. As long as the reviews are decent, I'll see it. -
Quote:Power creep is something that can be classed as either a good thing or a bad thing. Being able to create what we want can also be classed as either a good thing or a bad thing. Someone who expects me to create something that serves their way of thinking is the type of person who deserves a kick in the nads.That kind of thing goes out the window when the team is having trouble. Our top end player characters could solo just about everything out there so if you had someone like that on the team it didn't matter. When you had teams of characters that had at best so's and possibly many slots unfilled it was a different story.
I agree with people paying to play what they want rather than becoming a slave to the team or being some team leaders instant lackey so if I saw a Pacifist concept I can't help but think "why not?". Although I do not like the idea of a pointless floating heal spamming bucket of no use whatsoever. Buffing powers, debuffing powers and the ability to keep purposefully busy without inflicting damage is still acceptable.
Having over 100 chars of different concepts on this game was never enough for me. I am a LTS of both CO and DCUO with probably well over 20 characters on each of them games. All games are flawed but then they also have their goodpoints and whilst there is a dev team to improve a game there is always potential.
When it comes to holding aggro Invulns aura is way out of Willpowers league. You can come up with many different situations where the Blaster could of stolen aggro from any type of Tanker in Invulns league, which is just about everyother type as Damage auras can miss with the damage component. Willpowers aura is not even close to most all the others and neither is SRs.
Due to AI possibilities there may not be an exact formula. All else could be worked out by enough people who care. Taunt Duration is the biggest part. The first all Scrapper STF had its no more than 5 defeats gained by knowing something about threat mechanics. It was a first attempt and we deemed that Scrappers could Mo it if they really wanted. That was before this forum existed.
Not to worry my computer is down now so I won't have to be up at 3am not knowing still.
In a team environment for which high settings are more understandably safer given a decent team make up the low taunt aura could encourage the intentional way of play. Willpower has higher regen with controlled/debuffed mobs around it. Players who prefer some level of aoe effect efficiency might be encouraged to allow a Willpower to achieve consolidation or else get mullered. QR does allow for greater gauntlet rate but then so can slotting of any Tanker.
Ever wondered how the "Oh so obvious difference in figures", plus all the requests for buffs don't always amount to the obvious something being changed? I think there are qualities and opportunities that are missed, and what is missed isn't missed by all and so may still balance against what people desire to be buffed.
I don't think inherent stamina has anything to do with it.
There were complaints about the lack of duration in the past but then people insisted there wasn't a problem.
Taunt duration can assist in herding, preventing them to be messed up.
People are fine with the lack of duration as they can gauntlet more and are perfectly fine if a Shield Scrapper does most the aggroing around them.
All in all, too late now. -
I think we might share the same interest in Wonder Woman. All 13 of my main Tankers are women, actually all my characters are women. All straight, no catgirls. No ERPing.
Can't say I have a fave as its got to a point where Tanks tank, Brutes tank and Scrappers tank but my Invuln/SS has had over 2000 hours which is alot. -
I'd like to thank the Devs past and present for making this the best MMO I'll ever play.
Even though I do play CO..
Having said that I think CO is getting better. I have always been a Jack Emmert fan throughout thick and thin. My soon to be deleted post history would vouch for that. I think the work has been wonderful, the direction this game has gone in <3 . The lessons and experience to take forward priceless. -
Quote:Wait?! What?! BABs was Tic-Toc?! I remember arguments with him from way back! My mind has been blown twice today
I was playing european forums when Tic Toc was about and in a sea of threads on the US forums he was the one guy I agreed with. So whatever you was arguing about you were wrong -
Quote:That sounds good to me.
I'll also be sure to schedule around Dechs, Alien and Microcosm too since they seem to have the most restrictive play schedules and I wanna be able to get all of the Kheldian crew in on this (Even Memphis Bill and New Dawn if they're interested.)
I would love to meet Memphis Bill, show my Pure Tri Form Kheld builds off. I've already met Alien, he farmed for me when I wanted to look at DE survival, thanks for that. But I am not a Kheldian, its like number 6 on my AT list or something. I would go in and do the RWZ challenge with my Khelds np, I would do that Mothership raid and be undefeated np. But I do feel the need to reciprocate a lack of interest in my being there. -
I love all mine equally but most my hours was on an Inv/SS Tank.
Depends on what you are doing and what you use Brutes for. If you are going to use Brutes for the full scope of things then fly is an acceptable idea. You're on Union so if you got a Brute which you feel can do the full scope of things I can bring Brute which I feel can do the full scope of things and we can see which does more. -
My 11 level 47's on Vigilance are most unhappy with this news but really its the sheer amount of heart and soul that players put into the game that I feel for, those that worked so hard at all types of things such as SG bases, being number 1SG, being a community leader, getting close to realizing dreams with newly paid for powersets yet running out of time. It's not all about the money, it's about the love and I do not feel that it's a fair finale to such a wonderful game full of beautiful people.