Neo Shadowdream

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  1. Neo Shadowdream

    Log in

    Servers are down, but should be coming up soon, the Server Status page here on the official site is broken. I've written one, that is much more accurate.

    Edit: Servers are up now... Finally
  2. Use TweakCoH: it doesn't have all the ultra mode settings, but you can change resolution from there. I usually just run windowed mode, you don't have to worry about the "Unsupported Resolution" issue, since you aren't switching resolutions from the one windows is using.
  3. I've made one that queries the servers directly:
    Servers may show up that are not, the script connects to the port the server listens on so it may not be fully up, but its far more accurate then the one on the CoH Site.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
    If people want that login screen i can host the file somewhere like fileshare or filesonic for people to download, then when freedom goes live you can put it there, or use it for beta server
    That'd be great! While I know how to change them manually, I fail hardcore at graphics design...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post

    (Fixed now!)
    /em facepalm

    No... It's not
  6. Neo Shadowdream

    influence cap

    Originally Posted by talonflash View Post

    it has _nothing_ to do with the bitness of the os, and everything with how the variable is defined in the programming. I've seen quad-precision variables (128 bits) on 32-bit hardware/os combinations.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Can you export into XML for people to format on their own?
    Sure... give me a few to see what I can work up..
  8. I'v coded a temporary Server Status page, I DO NOT guarantee this to be 100% accurate, nor is it endorsed by the CoH DEV team/NCSoft... It may explode your computer, kick your puppy, or drown your cat.... server status has not been reviewed by the FDA, NRA, FBI, CIA, or Area 51....

    The status page updates every 10 minutes, and does not load ANY data from the Official Server status page/XML. It attempts to connect to the game servers directly so a server my show as up on my page, but not be fully up, or accessible at the time.
  9. I wrote one.... I DO NOT guarantee this to be 100% accurate, nor is it endorsed by the CoH DEV team... It may explode your computer, kick your puppy, or drown your cat.... server status has not been reviewed by the FDA, NRA, FBI, CIA, or Area 51....

    The status page updates every 15 minutes.. I'll add the time later.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lost Ninja View Post
    Found a way to remove that short cut, takes a bit more work but works flawlessly and what is more I won't be editing override files or .piggs.
    I'd kinda like to know this myself..
  11. Sadly, the clientmessages-en.bin file is nothing like the wonderfully useful popmenus , I just checked. I'm trying to figure something out though...
  12. Currently, I have replaced the Hero/Villian Load screen and login screens, with Ghost Widow for the wife.... Splasher is an awesome program, but with Vista/Win7, you have to make sure to run it as Admin, or disable UAC if CoH is installed in Program Files.
  13. Neo Shadowdream

    nVidia 275.33

    GTX 260, Windows 7, 275.33 here, with no issues...
  14. In the launcher, right click City of Heroes, and select properties, then change the Install Location to where ever you want CoH Installed, eg. D:\NCSoft\City of Heroes (my path )
  15. I believe some people were having issues, with a Comcast security program... forget the name of it, but it was doing much like you describe, but on a much larger level...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
    This happens to me all the time in a couple of my Bases. It's the Power unit that's not waking up after the 6 weeks shut down from not paying Rent. To fix it, you just need to sell your Power unit, then buy it back.
    I've heard this, and tried it, and have never had it work... So either you are having a different issue, with the same effect, or you are really lucky...
  17. Neo Shadowdream

    I Knew It!

    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I had (am still having) a weird issue with youtube. I just get a black screen and if I right-click in the black screen/video it just says 'movie not loading'.

    After some looking around, it looks like a youtube thing; if I make it "https" instead of just "http" it works Embedded videos work fine too but not direct links to youtube videos....strange; just started to happen to me a day or two ago I think.
    I was having the same issue in Chrome, I cleared my cache and it worked.
  18. You base may have become bugged, /petition and let a GM know about your issue, they can reset the base, and you will have power once again.
  19. I would like to formally welcome all my fellow MA Arc-ers, into the same boat as all my fellow SG Base builders..... Although I will now have to upgrade to a new, much larger boat, which will require some Dev time... NVM >.>