Max Video Setting?




Hey all- hope I got the right area for the question but here it is anyway.

Just got a new vid card, power supply and now a 32' display. sad part about this is I try to run COX and all I get is a black screen with a blue floaty box saying 'Unsupported'. I'm currently set at 1280x800.

At that point I can't do anything but reset my system. Can't see anything to STOP CoX and get back to desk top. I have tried playing with the Display settings all morning but so far nothing has fallen into the SUPPORTED range. So upon comes the questions...

What are the MAX resolution settings for the Video of the game?

Is there a way to change the CoX settings with out getting into the game first?

Thanks for the help!




Use TweakCoH: it doesn't have all the ultra mode settings, but you can change resolution from there. I usually just run windowed mode, you don't have to worry about the "Unsupported Resolution" issue, since you aren't switching resolutions from the one windows is using.

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Thanks I'll poke it with a stick after work tonight...



Originally Posted by Midnight_Mime View Post
Hey all- hope I got the right area for the question but here it is anyway.

Just got a new vid card, power supply and now a 32' display. sad part about this is I try to run COX and all I get is a black screen with a blue floaty box saying 'Unsupported'. I'm currently set at 1280x800.

Your monitor size does not matter.

What matters is your monitor RESOLUTION.

Just to give you an idea here, currently lists 50 different monitors with a screen size of 24".

Of those monitors 36 have a recommended resolution of 1920*1080, while 14 have a recommended resolution of 1920*1200.

Just because that is the resolution the monitor says it can display, DOES NOT MEAN that it is the resolution the monitor actually displays. Cases in point, I had a Scepter 23" monitor. While the monitor said it could accept 1080p ... it's actual resolution was... 1366 x 768. I currently have a Westinghouse SK-32H240S. The monitor says it will accept 1080(i), but it's actual resolution is... 1366 x 768.

I hope this explains why telling us the monitor size... tells us absolutely nothing at all.
Thing is, the resolution City of Heroes Supports... does not matter. City of Heroes supports resolutions based on the information passed to it by your display driver.

Here I've told CoH that the maximum resolution is 1680*1050. In the user-interface options I have options up to 1680*1050

Here I've told CoH that the maximum resolution is 1920*1200. In the user-interface I now have options up to 1920*1200.

The secondary factor to resolution is refresh rate. Now, refresh rate doesn't really matter on most LCD monitors.

However, depending on the physical connection of your computer to the monitor, be it VGA, DVI, Component, HDMI, or DisplayPort, the refresh rate can become a barrier.

My normal monitor resolution here is 1920*1200 which has a listed refresh rate of 60hz.

If I drop my monitor's resolution to 1680*1050 I now have options for 60hz and 50hz:

Going back to the hardware itself... Although I've set a 50hz refresh rate in the software, that particular setting isn't passed back along to the game:

* * *

So, how do you fix your problem?

Well, first thing you need to do is get the specifications for your own monitor.

What resolution(s) does your monitor support?

What refresh rate(s) does your monitor support?

With this information in hand you can set about fixing the problem.

TweakCoh is one option.

You can also force the game to launch in safe-mode. On the crap-ware NCSoft Launcher it's an option you can set.

Safe-mode will force you into a lower resolution, allowing you to get into the game, and then set the resolution / refresh rate for your monitor.