Neo Shadowdream

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Try doing an apex or tin mage without your alpha slotted (which is an 8 level difference). An Aim/BU'd blaster using total focus does about 15 dmg. You're NOT meant to fight like that, it's not possible, I do not consider that to be supported by the game. Because of the purple patch there is a limit to where you can effectively fight higher level enemies, realistically, that's at +4, +5 tops.
    No... I meant the game supports +8 level shifts for players...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    It's going to have to. 54+5 means +3s are going to be fighting +6 enemies. The game doesn't support that kind of level difference because of the purple patch.
    Well, the game does currently support players to +8, we just haven't unlocked that yet..
  3. While not a Poem... I've made a program that lets you change your login screen...
  4. 1920x1080 @ 42", Window scale is 75% Most characters have this same layout, my MM does have a extra tray, and the right chat window is pushed over to allow it to fit (4x3), next to the main bars there.

    I also run Corva's Power icon mod, and my SO/DO Standardization pack
  5. Huh... my post was deleted
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    Is this the part where ZWill comes and offers us all some points or merits if we "Forget we ever saw anything and stay silent"
    If so I saw it twice
  7. Neo Shadowdream

    527 MB Patch...

    Well, Test has been running I21 for awhile now... It's about time they did this...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
    I just found this thread...I looked at all the pics done by our wonderfully talented players and, well, I would take any of them over what we have now.

    Gazing at Statesman showing off that part of his anatomy does nothing for me..seriously.

    Lisa-Hoping this next issue will include a new login screen
    You could always just change it to any other image you like with my program

    PS. as of right now, no I23 uses the same screen as I22
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    This is what a Liger looks like:

    I am dissapoint.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OminousVoice View Post
    I was wondering why I kept crashing on zone transitions. Evidently it was the custom login screen.
    It seems that the issue is with the compression on the login screens, the viewer uses the old, albeit proper compression of A8R8G8B8, so 32bit DDS... I dropped this back to DXT5 compressed DDS and my tester who was crashing stopped crashing. The downside is that there is a bit of color banding, since DXT is a pretty lossy compression method. I've also got some updates for the program that I'll release soon, we just spent the last 2 days in the hospital with my Daughter, and I've had about 3 hours of sleep in 3 days, and I haven't been able to, or up to coding.

    Edit: I've uploaded a fixed version: Anyone who has this installed right now will get a upgrade prompt, once it updates it will crash (Just this once as I typo-ed a file name in the original release) re-run it and you'll get the nifty working features
  11. I've written a small, ugly program to change the loading/login screen. I've been using it for a bit and had no issues. It can take pretty much any image type, and convert it into a .texture for CoH. If you have UAC enabled it will prompt for admin access when you run it as otherwise it wouldn't be able to write to "Program Files" (default game location). If anyone has any issues, please let me know, either here, or in PM.
  12. Ahh, that is the intended behavior... the Save button only commits your current work into a file on my server, you have to actually click the "Download" or "Download Image" link to get your file. The "Browse" Button, is for loading a save file that you have previously downloaded. If you just want to link to your base layout, so that others can view you it, you use the link in the "Share" Box. And yes, you are right the T1 Power is indeed 200,000, that's what you get for coding at 4AM with no sleep . Sadly the way I've had to code this (atleast for now) any previous save files won't update to the proper cost, but new ones will be fine.
  13. If you would like to talk to other Basers ingame, you can always join the global channel "BaseBuildersInc." There is usually someone on that will give you a tour of their base, or help you with questions.

    Edit: Also glad to see my Layout Designer being used, still need some feedback from you on the other thread to try to get the prestige calculation fixed though. Thanks
  14. Neo Shadowdream

    Unsellable items

    Drag the item into another room, then delete it from there. If you look at your chat window when you try to sell stuck desks you'll get "CantUnStack" but you don't get that error when moving to another room.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    Quite nice. Saving doesn't work on my machine. I only get a dialog to upload something. (OSX/Firefox). Calculations of costs and such don't seem to work properly either.
    That's odd, I've tested it on my mac, and had no issues with the save button, or price calculation, which version of OSX and Firefox are you on?

    Edit: Just built the base in your screenshot on my 10.4.11 on Firefox 3.5, but my windows box has FF 11.
  16. Shameless bump. It now tracks the total price of the base!
  17. You can either place the cubical, and then hold shift and click it and drag up, or you can do the old fashioned way of putting down a Floor Safe, and place a floor tile "on" the safe.
  18. I've also included a fix for this from Corva_NA (it may be the same file from Badgehunter, I'm not sure) In my Community Mods installer, in my Signature.
  19. Anyone have the images from the Generator? if so I could possibly remake it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Heh, sounds like the UI is improperly trying to translate player names when it displays them in a few places.

    You should make a character named P4251138908 or P4227708012
    In game, P4227708012 shows as "P4227708012" everywhere mentioned, but on the character select screen it is "Rularuu can fly!"
  21. Neo Shadowdream

    C'mon Newb!

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Whenever I see a topic like this, I'm reminded of something that you real old-timers will undoubtedly remember.

    There used to not be an Exit button on the nav window when you completed a mission. Instead, you had to click on the little "i" icon that brings up information for the mission. (Yes, this means that after you completed a mission, you couldn't get the information for it any more; clicking on the i icon would exit the mission.)

    I think that buried in the bowels of the tutorial during the mission to rescue Flower Knight this fact was mentioned, but I missed it. So for a couple of weeks, I exited missions the only way I knew how--by running all the way back to the door in from which I came when I entered the mission.

    Finally, I was working on missions with some teammates one night and noticed that after each mission, everyone was simply vanishing into thin air. For the first couple of missions or so, I just chalked it up to some glitch or weirdity. After noticing it happening with consistency, though, I finally asked, "Hey guys, how are you all getting outside so quickly?" Someone told me about clicking on the nav window to exit.


    Of course, now there's a button explicitly labeled "Exit" that's pretty hard to miss. You kids have it so easy these days.
    I had a bind with "/requestexitmission 1"
  22. For now, to keep my session all day, I've made a Greasemonkey script to refresh the forums every 4 hours (I leave them up) if anyone wants to use it.
  23. Deleted my test install, and started fresh, made a fresh shortcut to City of Heroes. I then edited the target line to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe" /LaunchGame=CoHTest hit OK, and then double clicked that shortcut. The Launcher then opened, and without me having to click on anything else prompted me to install CoH Test. Now there WAS a option for the CoH Subscriber Beta, but that is not what you use to install test, the above steps should work. If it doesn't, you may want to uninstall and reinstall the NCSoft Launcher.
  24. Though the installer hasn't been updated to Corva's latest, it will be soon, rewriting a large chunk of 1900 lines of icon installer is a pain.
  25. Based on the icon for Mystic Fortune/Secondary Mutation in the top tray, I'd say they have "Corva's Power Icon pack" installed, which depending on how they installed it would also change the Pocket D TP Art. I know this, as I made the installer, and thought it odd that I would need to alter those textures and tested to confirm.