Neggy Z

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  1. I didn't 'blatantly accuse' you of being rude, I said that a lot of people consider that rude. There's no need to go all ad-hominem about this. It's not like I had any way of knowing that you're on a Mac, and can't use Mids' because of it. =\

    Anyway, as a peace offering, I can give the build a shot. How do you want it? I've got a couple of StJ/Nin builds lying around in mids, but I don't think they're what you want (minimal end redux, etc). Do you intend to use Incarnate content? I mean, a Cardiac alpha would fix your end troubles easily.
  2. I think it's generally considered pretty rude to just show up and ask someone to go through a lot of work to make you a build when you haven't even tried doing so yourself, kind of like going to an art forum and just asking someone to draw something for you instead of drawing it yourself and asking for advice.

    So with that in mind, why not give it a shot? Go download Mids' if you don't have it, and make a quick build. Even if it's not great, it'll give us a good idea of what you want.
  3. Neggy Z


    The nice thing about Assassin's Focus is that even if you don't have a lot of recharge (ie hasten), you can still do pretty good damage. I mean, by sacrificing hasten you won't be able to touch the best attack chains, but I know people hate hasten and it still looks/sounds horrid (especially for Natural characters), and that's fine. Stalkers are in their current iteration pretty amazing and you'll do Tons of Damage as long as you play well. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you're trying for feats of strength (soloing pylons, AVs, etc).
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Ok, so fixing up the AS>CS>BU>SB>BB chain with more proper placement of BU:

    BU>AS(160%)>CS(160%)>SB(80%)>BB(80%) = 2057 dmg over 7.958s or 258.482 dps, which is a 19 dps increase.

    Things to note:
    -AS and CS will always benefit from double BU, even when/if AS is balanced with other AS to a 1s animation(1.188 arcana).
    -If BU's buff is being eaten by it's own animation it will be 0.108s off from double buffing CS in it's current state (before any AS animation changes), so unless it eats anything other than it's entire duration it will double buff CS. Again I would really appreciate anyone that could comment on whether this is true or not.
    -The damage AS is using (same with the other chains listed above) is just using the 152.9 base damage listed in mids, Crit AS in game will be doing more damage. If someone has the exact numbers that would also be appreciated.
    This chain doesn't work anymore, to my knowledge, due to the 10.25 second "cooldown" of the ATO stealth. I've got another thread in these forums for alternative attack chains, but I'm pretty sure that since you can't get ATO stealth twice in ten seconds the second CS won't crit.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I thought when it was put into AS, that it went off every time you used it, regardless of the recharge you have.

    ...and yeah, using BU and Burst is good... but having it do double damage via crit on top of that is amazing
    Okay, I got Hasten and Entropy Shield on my Stalker for the recharge, and tried using AS (with the Stalker's Guile ATO in AS) twice in ~9 seconds. The second (non-stealthed) Assassin's Strike did /not/ apply Hide.

    This means that any sustained KM attack chain can use the ATO'd AS for a guaranteed CS crit (and therefore another Build Up) no more than once per 10.25 seconds. This means you either use those moves then wait ten seconds, or you find a way to work AS (and CS, if desired) into the chain twice, once every 5.125 seconds at minimum, which is going to be inefficient if you don't have relatively high recharge.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    And with the Stalker ATO slotted into Assassin Strike, you can crit with Concentrated Strike every time.

    Works like this:

    The ATO proc will put you into Hide automatically when it goes off. It's a proc per minute formula based on the base recharge of the power.

    Since AS's base recharge is so high, it will proc every time in it.

    Concentrated Strike will automatically crit when used in Hide.

    Thus, you can run an attack chain of Build Up>AS>Concentrated Strike>Build Up>Next heavy hitter>filler attack>AS>Concentrated Strike>Build Up>etc.

    It requires a lot of recharge to do, but once you reach that level of recharge there isn't much in the game that will beat it for single target damage output.

    Also, KM's PBAoE (Burst) has a 100% chance to crit from Hide, unlike most AoEs which have a 50% chance.

    KM is stupidly good on stalkers.
    Don't you run into the issue with that attack chain where the Stalker ATO won't hide you more than once every 10.25 seconds? I've got a thread on the Stalker forums trying to deal with that, but I'd be happy (and surprised) to lean that that limitation doesn't exist.
  7. Hey, I'm pretty new to Stalkers, but I rolled one up recently and I'm really enjoying the new Assassin's Strike. However, when I went
    into mids to make an IO build and calculate an attack chain, I ran into a bunch of complications, most notably that Kinetic Melee lost
    its gimmick of repeatedly landing Assassin's Strike with the ATO to guarantee a crit Concentrated Strike. I've come up with some
    'candidate' attack chains to deal with the current version of the ATO, but I'd like some feedback to see what more knowledgeable
    people think.

    Here are the assumptions I'm working under; call me out if they're wrong. I'm spelling these out because I'm still new to Stalkers and
    don't want to miss out on something obvious.
    1. Any non-Assassin's Strike attack used while Hidden deals double damage (excluding proc-based damage).
    2. Assassin's Strike does around 2.5 times normal damage if used while Hidden, but takes 2.67 seconds to animate (plus Arcanatime).
    3. Assassin's Strike has a 33% chance to crit for each stack of Assassin's Focus (if used while not Hidden), causing it to critical for 2.5
    times damage as if Hidden.
    4. The Stalker's Guile ATO proc activates 100% of the time if slotted in Assassin's Strike or in Concentrated Strike, putting the user
    back into Hidden status.
    5. The Stalker's Guile ATO proc has a 10.25 second global cooldown that begins when the power it is slotted in ends.
    6. Stalker Kinetic Melee recharges Build Up on a Concentrated Strike critical, even if caused by Hidden status rather than the
    chance-based critical.

    Assuming those aren't wrong, here are the two attack chains I'm considering, chopped into several lines so they aren't so ugly.

    Chain 1: (With the ATO in Assassin's Strike)
    BU->AS->BB->SB->BB->repeat chain sans first BU
    The the AS in the second line uses the long animation because of the Placate, which means that AS finishes right after the ATO proc runs out (the attacks inbetween take up 10.292 seconds, over the 10.25s duration of the proc).
    The AS in line three is not from Hidden status, which is why the chain of weaker attacks is needed to stall until Placate and AS are up again.

    Chain 2: (With the ATO in Concentrated Strike)
    Placate->CS->BU->AS->SB->BB->CS->AS->SB->repeat this line
    This chain lands a crit CS and a crit AS every loop and a non-crit of each as well. However, it does not get as many Build Ups as the first chain. It also spends more time using and BB, which implies a lower total DPS.

    I don't know how to stack Build Up in mids, and I'm not 100% certain that an attack uses Build Up modifiers for damage if Build Up runs out during the animation of the attack, but assuming my math is accurate, Chain 1 has about 276 DPS in the first loop. After that run, the first Build Up is omitted, bringing the DPS down to 262.
    Chain 2's first-run DPS appears to be 308, with the continued chain resulting in 264.
    These numbers imply that the "best" attack chain for Stalker KM is the latter one, but I'd be happy to hear otherwise.
    This is with Agility Alpha, no Interface/Hybrid slots, and decent damage slotting. I can link the actual build if anyone's interested, but I don't think it's an especially optimal one. Purple proc in Body Blow, since that appears most often in the two chains (excluding AS and CS, which are both six-slotted already).

    Note that neither chain's DPS was calculated with Assassin's Focus in mind, or the possibility of random crits (especially on Concentrated Strike). I could try and calculate those in, but it doesn't seem especially fruitful.

    That said, the main purpose of this thread was to find out if anyone had any better attack chains than mine - I'm not especially attached to these, but I don't know if it's realistic to have a short, elegant attack chain with the way the Stalker ATO works.
    Thanks for reading/commenting.

    Edit: I know that with the new Stalker, Placate has fallen out of favor, but I feel like KM in particular benefits from Placate because it allows for the use of slow Assassin's Strikes (which are high DPA but also help stall for the ATO proc to time out) and because it allows on-demand crit Concentrated Strikes for extra Build Ups.

    Edit2: I found another chain that I thought was worth testing.
    Chain 3: (ATO in AS)
    BU->AS->CS->BU->AS->BB->SB->QS->BB->repeat (sans first BU)
    Burst DPS: 262
    Continued: 281
    This chain supposedly has the highest continued DPS of the chains I've used so far (this might be because I have the purple proc in Body Blow). Still, it seems to have LOWER DPS the first time through, possibly because the short version of AS is so much more DPA-efficient than the slow version used the first time around.

  8. I'd have quit the game a while ago without IOs - what I wish never happened was Incarnate stuff past the Alpha slot. Nothing makes you feel as insignificant as having an IOed-to-the-gills toon go try to solo a spawn, only to have someone one-shot the entire spawn before you get there with their Judgement.

    I know I can get one too, and I know that I don't have to team with a bunch of other incarnates. But it's still annoying.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    How exactly is Sailboat the one who's wildly out of line when all he's arguing for is the status quo? Doesn't the burden of proof lie on those who want to completely change how the game has worked for seven and a half years? Knockback is in the game. Deal with it. You have been dealing with it for up to seven and a half years, why is it suddenly too much for you now?
    Yeah, I've been dealing with it by giving up on playing an energy/ blaster and ignoring Gale/Tornado/Hand Clap/etc because the powers are made useless and little more than griefing tools by their high knockback. Why should the powers be set up so that they've got such a disruptive element in them? I want to know a reason for a power to have an (uncontrollable) element that has such high potential for pissing off a team and so little reward.

    Let's look at Hand Clap in particular. It annoys teams, sure, don't take it, problem solved. But why should it work that way? Shouldn't Hand Clap be a fun, useful power for people who team, too? The thread was petitioning for a simple change so powers like Hand Clap could be taken and used in teams without disrupting the play. Yet there's this backlash as though there's something wrong with that idea. What's wrong with Hand Clap being usable on teams? How does it hurt your video gaming experience for NCSoft to take this step towards making uncontrollable high-Knockback powers useful?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Level View Post
    Is there a place that shows which debuffs are stackable? I keep firing Flash in hopes that it stacks and will further hinder the enemy's accuracy. I pray especially hard with an orange LT is coming at me in slow-mo thanks to the glue patch.
    This site is a little outdated, but it should still work:

    Check the specific power and it should have a note saying it doesn't stack, like on Targeting Drone:
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
    go find some crayons and color him in now :P you know he'd look cooler with green hair
    He totally would. To the crayola box!
  12. Yaaaay, Shark Therapy got one!

    I love this thread, it's like a free lottery of joy.
  13. It occurs to me that some of these look terrible up close; note that Alicia (bottom right) is supposed to be wearing a Carnie Mask.

    Uploaded with
  14. The reason controllers will probably never get /traps or /dark miasma is because those are very 'controllery' sets for defenders. Imagine how powerful Poison Gas Trap would be when combined with an AoE hold, or the amount of Hold that can be dished out with Petrifying Gaze in the secondary of a controller. Or stacking Howling Twilight with some of the AoE stuns in the controller sets.
  15. And it has been done! Great work everyone, great teaming with you all. And there were only 99 deaths! ;D
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    Actually, I found the opposite to be true. Not enough slots, but too many pointless powers. The only human attacks I took were Gravity Emanation, Gravity Well, and Ebon Eye. I have numerous powers that just have only one slot in them like Grant Invisibility, Invisibility, Maneuvers, and Combat Jumping just so I can slot my pets better and add the LotG recharge global bonus.

    My common strategy is Superspeed + Shadow Cloak into a mob, activate Eclipse, activate Nova, then blast everything until nothing is left, then use Stygian Circle to heal up and use Dark Extraction if it is up.
    Might I recommend using one (or both!) Mires before Quasar? You only give up a second or two of time, but you gain a lot of time because of the sheer number of dead mobs.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    Emanation does not have knockback, but it does accept the enhancement in-game and has done so since i9. I'm not sure putting them in both AoE's is worth it, since they won't stack and should be going off frequently enough from just one; having at least one in there is definitely worth it, though, if you spend much time in nova.
    I don't spend as much time in nova as I used to, because I spend so much time in Human form looking for good Mire opportunities (although I go nova afterwards if Quasar and Unchain Essence are down). Still, the way I see it, if I can get the proc to go off once a minute, it's worth more recharge than two LotGs, and that's pretty darn good.
  18. Thanks man, and yeah, I've read through your guide quite thoroughly in the past - I said so on the ITF we were on yesterday. :P

    Good call on the Dwarf Mire slotting, I had no idea it did enough damage to be meaningful. Also, I have the Force Feedback +Rech proc in each of the Nova AoEs, but I'm pretty sure the Emanation doesn't actually have any knockback. Do you know if that's a MIDs' error, or does it work ingame?
  19. My first 'shade, Breakstar, was ironically enough my first hero to hit 50. He's become my main, and is further ahead in Incarnate content than any of my other toons. Still, I've been putting off the process of IOing him out because I can't settle on a build, so I come to you lot looking for assistance.

    I'm going for a tri-form build, perma-eclipse and perma-hasten are points of importance. I try to avoid the expensive purple sets, but I can save up for them if necessary. In this draft build, I have him slotted for enough ranged defense that he's softcapped with Vengeance up, but that is not a point of huge importance.

    Here's the build:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.92

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Break: Level 50 Science Warshade
    Primary Power Set: Umbral Blast
    Secondary Power Set: Umbral Aura
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Medicine
    Power Pool: Leadership

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Shadow Bolt
    • (A) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance
    • (3) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge
    • (3) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
    Level 1: Absorption
    • (A) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection
    Level 2: Ebon Eye
    • (A) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (31) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (31) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge
    Level 4: Gravity Shield
    • (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
    Level 6: Dark Nova
    • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
    Level 8: Hasten
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (27) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 10: Aid Other
    • (A) Healing IO
    Level 12: Sunless Mire
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (39) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 14: Shadow Cloak
    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
    Level 16: Dark Detonation
    • (A) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
    • (39) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
    • (40) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
    • (40) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (40) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
    Level 18: Gravity Well
    • (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Recharge
    • (19) Basilisk's Gaze - Recharge/Hold
    • (19) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold
    • (21) Basilisk's Gaze - Chance for Recharge Slow
    • (33) Damage Increase IO
    Level 20: Black Dwarf
    • (A) Resist Damage IO
    • (25) Resist Damage IO
    Level 22: Stygian Circle
    • (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge
    • (25) Endurance Modification IO
    Level 24: Maneuvers
    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
    Level 26: Unchain Essence
    • (A) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
    • (31) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
    • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
    • (34) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (34) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
    Level 28: Gravitic Emanation
    • (A) Absolute Amazement - Stun/Recharge
    • (34) Absolute Amazement - Accuracy/Stun/Recharge
    • (37) Absolute Amazement - Accuracy/Recharge
    • (45) Absolute Amazement - Endurance/Stun
    • (45) Absolute Amazement - Chance for ToHit Debuff
    Level 30: Super Speed
    • (A) Run Speed IO
    Level 32: Dark Extraction
    • (A) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Recharge
    • (42) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage
    • (42) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (42) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge
    • (43) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Recharge
    Level 35: Quasar
    • (A) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage
    • (36) Obliteration - Damage
    • (36) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge
    • (36) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (37) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    Level 38: Eclipse
    • (A) Aegis - Resistance/Recharge
    • (43) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Recharge
    • (43) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Recharge
    • (45) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Recharge
    Level 41: Stygian Return
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 44: Tactics
    • (A) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Endurance
    • (46) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Endurance/Recharge
    Level 47: Vengeance
    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
    • (48) Defense Buff IO
    • (50) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
    Level 49: Starless Step
    • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
    Level 50: Spiritual Core Paragon
    Level 1: Brawl
    • (A) Pounding Slugfest - Disorient Bonus
    Level 1: Dark Sustenance
    Level 1: Shadow Step
    • (A) Winter's Gift - Slow Resistance (20%)
    Level 1: Sprint
    • (A) Celerity - +Stealth
    Level 2: Rest
    • (A) Endurance Modification IO
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 10: Shadow Recall
    • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
    Level 2: Swift
    • (A) Run Speed IO
    Level 2: Health
    • (A) Miracle - +Recovery
    Level 2: Hurdle
    • (A) Jumping IO
    Level 2: Stamina
    • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
    • (9) Endurance Modification IO
    • (9) Endurance Modification IO
    Level 6: Dark Nova Blast
    • (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
    • (5) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance
    • (7) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge
    Level 6: Dark Nova Bolt
    • (A) Decimation - Chance of Build Up
    • (5) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
    • (7) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance
    • (23) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    Level 6: Dark Nova Detonation
    • (A) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
    • (13) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge
    • (15) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
    • (15) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
    • (17) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (17) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
    Level 6: Dark Nova Emanation
    • (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
    • (11) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
    • (11) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
    • (13) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (21) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge
    • (23) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
    Level 20: Black Dwarf Antagonize
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 20: Black Dwarf Drain
    • (A) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Healing
    • (50) Touch of the Nictus - Healing
    Level 20: Black Dwarf Mire
    • (A) Accuracy IO
    Level 20: Black Dwarf Smite
    • (A) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance
    • (29) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (37) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (46) Crushing Impact - Damage/Recharge
    • (46) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    Level 20: Black Dwarf Step
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 20: Black Dwarf Strike
    • (A) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage
    • (27) Mako's Bite - Damage/Endurance
    • (39) Mako's Bite - Damage/Recharge
    • (48) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
    • (48) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (50) Mako's Bite - Chance of Damage(Lethal)
  20. I've got a blaster in the works (I've never managed to get one very high into the levels), and he's definitely going to be an Assault Rifle guy. But I'm having a bit of trouble with the secondaries. I understand that AR's niche is AoE damage, particularly with Full Auto available every spawn (and Flamethrower/Buckshot after that's finished), which means I'd want to maximize AoE damage for my character.

    /Energy offers Boost Range, which would lengthen the cone and widen the area of effect for the narrow cone of Full Auto, but there's another secondary that would be somewhat more thematic with the character. Would I be gimping myself in picking something other than /Energy, doomed to always miss a portion of every spawn because of that 20 degree cone? Or is 20 degrees wide enough when you're 80 feet away, and I won't have to worry about it so long as my positioning is good?

    Thanks for your time.