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  1. Hi all, in our dash to the big 5-0, my friend and I decided to have the final lap against Recluse and companions. Thus, our plan was to have a STF tonight to see if we can reach that goal, as its only half a lvl away. Seeing we dont really know too many people on defiant to help organize it (unionites at heart, see ), we're trying to form a team using the forums.

    So, if any of you is willing to join in the fray, please leave a message here with your character (+sets). Those who are joining, we will meet on the boat at 8.

    So for now, the team is:

    1. Anger Management (bs/regen)
    2. Spunky Star (rad/psi)

    Hope some of you will sign up for this
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    Yea ive actually had a disagreement with a couple of stalkers over something like this. They were arguing that using leadership and focused accuracy and +per set bonuses was cheating because it took away their advantage....

    Sigh... ironically these were stalkers who chant "anything goes in a pvp zone" while popping insps when the heat got too much for them hehe. Btw have they fixed that exploit in Sirens yet that seemed to be popular a few weeks back?

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    You can see many of them at RV too 'dueling'. They are EM/Nins (i.e) and asking a squish for a duel with no inspis. "LET ME STUN U AND KILL U, DONT USE BF, COWARD"

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    hehe aye, those are the guys that just need an ego boost fighting people with no defense. Just as said troller earlier this thread, challenging everybody to a duel "no insps, no temps, no running", i take up the challenge on my MM (robo/poi) then get told "no, you are too good" while I just entered the zone

    Of course, not having problem joining in the fun when i had a laugh fighting a scrapper friend, then legging to the safe zone as soon as i target him instead of the scrapper.

    About the emps.. seriously wth is up with those? Each time i try to play a nice game of "gank the empath" they run and dont stand still to get killed... really, they should get hit by the nerfbat!
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    Sprint is the best becuase it is unsupressesedesed

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    But Sprint+Swift+Hurdle+Combat Jumpimg = t3h w1nn0r

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  4. cya bud, hope to see you back in RV soon
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    I personally want to see maybe a water kind of blast!

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    shouldnt be too hard as we already got super soakers

    on a side note.. poison blast would be nice..
  6. Nefarious_EU


    you DO know that announcing something like this on the boards will also result in a big group of villains showing up tryin to get some fast kills in?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Soloing isn't my main goal at the high end. I just like to be able to have an active role both in and out of teams.
    Thanks for the slotting info; i'm sure it'll come in handy.

    One thing though; the leadership pool or whatever its called; does that work on PA? and if so is it worth bothering with?

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    well, as said, at higher lvls, you arent really able to have such an active role outside of teams.. I was bout to give up in the 38-41 range as my SG died and I couldnt find teams. Twas only that I joined a new SG and they got me some teams in that lvl range that I pulled through. As stated before, soloing is pretty nigh impossible at the higher lvls. PA does nice damage, but with lack of debuffs it doesnt make a feasible solo strategy. And of course as said before, you cant buff PA in any way (aside from enhances of course).

    I picked ill/ff when I built him cause I wanted to be someone that would focus purely on his team.
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    The staying alive part is my #1 goal really.
    Shields are also pritty passive in their use; which allows me to focus on using powers to attack and control.
    I wont be healing people or buffing that often which is how i like it; heh.

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    I prefer teaming with people who say "Keeping the team alive is my #1 goal" personally.

    With your motto you may aswell stay at the back of the group in a PFF, do some fun emotes and hope nobody notices your conspicious lack of efficacy.

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    As killing/confusing/blinding goes i'm a good teammate; and you also dont have to worry about me if my health starts to drop - i can just invis/pff and heal up (usually by moving to a defender; instead of expecting them to find me)
    I find it works anyhow.
    I'd be a much less effective soloer if i'd spent 2 powers on the team shields so far too; and with illusion as my primery power i guess thats even more understandable.

    My plan is to switch round sometime around or after i get phantom army; so i have the friendly bubbles - but before then would mean i'm far less useful in an active way if you ask me. And i like to be active. Bubbling every teammate twice i have no problems with - but i dont want to be teamed on that basis; and nobody's had a problem with it yet.

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    From how you describe your playstyle im starting to doubt FF is really the set for you.. you want to focus on controlling/damage.. which in combo with illusion means you need a debuff secondary. In case i didnt make it clear, FF is HARD to solo at high lvls.. not just hard, but really really REALLY HARD.
    You have absolutely no means of improving your damage with FF, and with illusion you lack containment to deal damage with blasts etc.

    Ill/ff is a real team build, even without insulation/deflection shield you still are a team build. I didnt have IS/DS for a while as I was trying out with a combo of hami build / pvp build. It worked, but of course in a team people liked me more when i specced those 2 shields back in.

    As for slotting, you can see somewhere in this topic my personal opinion on the illusion powers. Including a discussion and other viewpoints on the matter, take a look at it and decide what works best with you.

    As for bubbles.. I personally wouldnt recommend taking repulsion bomb and repulsion field. Repulsion field costs too much end to be effective, plus it becomes a bit redundant after you get forcebubble. Repulsion bomb.. well, i still dont see what devs were thinking when making this power. The instant KB around an ally may be nice to get a squishy out of trouble, but the animation is SO long that the squishy will be dead by then. Would be more useful if you could fire it on an enemy rather than ally.
    If you mainly PvE, I'd suggest skipping Detention Field as well, in PvE you rarely have any use for it, especially as a controller. As for forcebolt, I can't say I used it alot in PvE, but its a handy tool nonetheless.

    For bubble slotting:
    I dont agree with slotting PFF 2 def, 3 recharge.. the recharge is fast enough for a panic button. I got it 3 defbuff myself.
    Insulation shield, dispersion bubble, deflection shield.. 3 defbuf and endreducers to taste.
    Forcebubble: 3 endreduc
    Detention Field: own taste really, seeing I use it for pvp i got it 3 acc 3 rech, so it'll rarely miss AND be up as often as possible.
    Forcebolt, 1 acc 1 rech could work, even though the base recharge is very fast on its own.

    Btw, all this slotting is based on SOs, havent had the time to look into sets/IOs etc.
    Right, hope it makes sense, bloody tired after workin all day and havin had no sleep tonight
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    Any wisdom direct for a ill/ff controller. Anything i should/shouldn't bother getting/doing?

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    All depends, you want to focus on team-build only (meanin you will rely on a team for the damage and killing most of times), PvE, PvP? All require different builds (and i had em all )
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    PFF + invis indeed is also a very powerful combo. I don't know if its a bug or something, but with both PFF and invis running, even snipers wont see you

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    I have never been seen by a sniper with SI running, it's invis from pools what they spot thru, afaik

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    Hm, i havent had sup invis in my build for a while.. though nemesis snipers used to spot right through sup invis when i had it, unless i had PFF running as well...

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    There is no need to get SJ for acro in PvE as you get dispersion bubble, which practically gives you better protection than acro.

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    Dispersion bubble didnt grant knockback protection last time I checked

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    ah yes, my bad... forgot bout kb.. more meant dispersion bubble protects from more mez effects than acro. Though if you get fly rather than SJ, you still got some form of kb "protection", the infamous flip in the air..
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    ME TOO! Although Stage seems to enjoy his ill/FF

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    oh sure, drag me into this will ya

    anyway, my thoughts on ill/ff vary a bit from time to time. Yes, I did have the patience to get one to 50 in any case you guys are wondering

    Thing with ill/ff is.. dont expect to solo at higher lvls. Illusion damage is pretty good at lower lvls, but once you hit the 30s or so, that significantly drops. You'll be spamming attacks n controls like there's no end just to take one down. In teams is where you'll shine.

    Indeed like you said, ill/ff concentrates on occupying the mobs while you knock those down on the floor that are stubborn. PFF + invis indeed is also a very powerful combo. I don't know if its a bug or something, but with both PFF and invis running, even snipers wont see you.. Not to mention dispersion bubble offering that valuable mez-resist to controllers.

    Not to mention in PvP ill/ff can be a pretty dangerous enemy. Once more, you might lack damage and got stupid pets that wont attack once someone gets pushes away by forcebubble . However all those bubbles can be pretty dangerous if used right. You'll laugh at puny MMs trying to hide in bodyguard mode. Stalkers trying to AS you when you got forcebubble running...

    As for travel powers, I got fly + ss for pvp purposes. If you dont pvp, i'd say any travel power would do. There is no need to get SJ for acro in PvE as you get dispersion bubble, which practically gives you better protection than acro.

    As for stamina.. well you need stamina really, what powers you pick before then is your choice.. I'd say swift/hurdle, however you can also pick health and later on put a Numina's convelescence +recovery/+regen in it, seeing your end will be a b*tch at higher levels
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Thing is, no amount of cooperation will make up for the imbalances.

    Good villains players in team > bad heroes players in team or good hero player solo, but given equal skill and min/max'ed builds, a good hero team wins against a good villain team everytime.

    I don't think most people who complain about villains being underpowered worry about killing some newbies in zones.

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    True I agree.. given players of equal skill and cooperation, and equal min/maxed builds... indeed a hero team will most of times have the edge. Mainly because heroes complement each other way more in teams than villains do.
    However, it does show that a good cooperating team can kick [censored], even with the imbalances in it. In example I mentioned, bout 4 corrs + dom, its clearly they coordinate very well. On paper, they would have a hard time surviving if put up against teams of equal cooperation. Thing is, seeing they are so well cooperating, meeting that same level of cooperation is hard, hence resulting in the death of heroes.
  13. currently got it 3 dam 3 rech as most others for both pvp and pve, at 50 it'll most likely be 3 dam/range HO and 3 rech, or if i can find it, a nice set to make it even better than that
  14. just for the record, what villain team were you in?

    I seen very effective combos of 4 corrs + dom that's VERY hard to take down.. thing is, most villains never know how to cooperate, or they just dont. This causes all those deaths, if a villain team would cooperate in a zone, it can really kick heroes' [censored]. Of course, we all know zones are inhabited by solo stalkers who start whinging as soon as an empath or any toon with +perc enters the scene...
  15. while the one-word name IS a decent proposal, I dont agree with having 2 seperate channels for heroes and villains, I'm filled with global chans as it is (and so are most players afaik). Splitting UB up would mean i'd have to choose for one. Current system is workin good as it is afaik.
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    Has anyone mentioned the uber ranged nova you have too? One big melee hit and thunderous blast drops most sqishies.

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    My TB is stacked for DMG & ACC but still doesn't always get her, but it's very often my best chance of victory.

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    hm, she wasnt using PFF when you fire it, was she?
    I got my TB slotted 3 dmg, 3 rech, and with bu/aim i dont think i ever missed a squishy with it. Its a great attack when youre duelling, as if it only hits 1 target it only drains 70 end rather than the full 100, allowing you to finish her off with ease.

    Also with elec epic, remember you got access to 3 holds (2 ranged + 1 melee), make her burn through BFs, even with acro, 2 holds should be enough to hold her. In case she IS usin acro and you feel lucky to try it, you can try getting in havoc punch or charged brawl for their chance to sleep. It'll knock down acro and can use a hold or thunderstrike after..

    3rd is your end drains, unless they spam conserve power as crazy, you can really hurt a blaster with end drains. Of course the 2 most efficient ones require you to be in melee and have a fairly long animation, but if you can get it off, its worth it. Once theyre down to 0, its easy to keep em there.

    Last but not least, insps are your friends.. as said before, pop BFs, purps, greens, whatever.. just make sure you stay in the fight
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    even if I dont see the animation, just changing direction constantly will get rid of anyone trying to follow with tp almost instantly.

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    aye, good pvpers never stand still, movement is key. Once you stand still, its easier for them to get a lock on you and kill you. Dont expect your opponent to stand still either. Force him to stand still... Hence why most people take both SS and SJ when goin to the pvp zones.. massive speed/mobility + acro. Only if you intend on making quick getaways id suggest taking TP. After all i get bloody annoyed when you get a stalker trapped, prepare to deliver the killing blow and the bugger TPs away.. No amount of SS gonna keep up with that
  18. Nefarious_EU

    To Free's Bush

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    Are you people vampire's 12pm start Time?? :P Its no wonder you drifted off to lala land.

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    sleep... she is for the weak!

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    Next time invite me instead of Double n00b .

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    i wasnt the one forming the team I got my connections to do it for me lol.. you werent online okton00by!
  19. Nefarious_EU

    To Free's Bush

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    Are you people vampire's 12pm start Time?? :P Its no wonder you drifted off to lala land.

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    sleep... she is for the weak!
  20. Nefarious_EU

    To Free's Bush

    It's ok bud, understand.. just got bit slightly miffed it was failed attempt 5 outta 5 total attempts..
    but i forgive ya
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    TP are only useful for teleporting yourself out of danger really. If someone is pursuing me with TP as soon as I see him begin the TP animation I simply change direction and hes far far away from me.

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    aye thats basically the main reason for it.. it is way too inaccurate to use other than escaping. Not to mention leaving you hovering in the air for a bit, allowing someone with sj/ss/fly to just outmanoeuver you.

    The reason SJ is favored is cause it has acro as said before. Other than that, it is pretty fast and gives you some vertical movement. The pros and cons of the travelpowers:

    speed -
    pros: hasten, fast
    cons: no vertical movement, preventing you with keeping up with a chase most of the times

    jump -
    pros: acro, decent speed, low end cost, vertical movement
    cons: still no full vertical movement, slower than SS so you wont keep up with a speeder on a straight piece, can be tricky to use

    fly -
    pros: full freedom of movement, decently slotted not really a very big end drain, knockback "protection" (you get flipped in the air), can stay out of (melee) reach of everybody not having fly themselves

    cons: slowest of all travel powers, lots of -fly powers around

    tp -
    pros: can traverse big distances fast, tp foe, no -teleport (other than -teleport foe) powers available in pvp afaik
    cons: major end drain, inaccurate, being stuck in hover for a few secs after each TP

    hope that helps a bit
  22. Nefarious_EU

    Oh noes!

    bwarharhar! There will be only one speedo now!
    *Speedo squid.. AWAY!*

    anyway, byebye jumn00b..
  23. Nefarious_EU

    Phil breaks 400

    wooo, grats to you nr 1 badgewhore!
  24. you're more than welcome in our SG though i have to warn you we arent a very big group. Currently the active core consists of 9 members and then a few that keep bouncing in and out at times. Lots of witty banter flyin back n forth though.. give a shout on my global if you're interested, or just need some other help if you still got questions.
    Hope to see you ingame once
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Well I agree with raz here. Hamidon has been made easier, not harder. if you also think about the new inspis they are adding for the +res(hami), it's more than doable since tankers can now replace the need of PA, giving the illusionists some time off...

    And no, don't ask who am I :P

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    oi! these boards are for paying subscribers only! now shoo!