STF Tuesday 26-06 @ 8 pm UK time
Hey hey! I'd be more than happy to help out - a seasoned STF runner on Deviant!
I'm sure a few friends could be up for this too - I'll point them to this thread!
It's tempting, but I'm not sure if I can promise anything. I'll be around at 8pm, and if I can join and you have space, I'll see what I can do.
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
I'll join with my Peacebringer - Xtream Justice (Level 50)
I still need the 'Saved the world' badge
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
Yipes! Is a bit short notice for a STF, but will try and make it... I've been meaning to test out Red's new IO build on the STF and (providing that I can get home from work, cat fed, dinner sorted and tomorrow's PBEM game turns done and submitted etc. before 8pm) this seems as good a time as ever...
+ Red Noise, IO'ed-up Level 50 Sonic/Elec Defender with Power Mastery Epic.
Has Aid Other/Aid Self, Assault/Tactics, Power Build Up and Vengence on top of the usual Sonic + Elec Powers. If memory serves he needs a fresh batch of Shivans but I should be able to sort that out before the TF...
Plz count me in with Nightmarer, lvl 50 DM/SR and myopic goalkeeper.-
Cya tonight
Plz count me in with Nightmarer, lvl 50 DM/SR and myopic goalkeeper.-
Cya tonight
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My house still needs painting!
*taps foot impatiently*
Ok, I can confirm it. I'm in. Please don't replace me!
See you at 8pm
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
I would like to add my name if i may, Asteria MA/SR scrapper or Kaia Fire/Kin Troller, the choice is yours.
Defiant Heroes
Asteria 50 Scrapper MA/SR
Kaia 50 Controller Fire/Kin
Super Kaia 41 Blaster Elec/Ergy
Astaire 27 Ice/Rad
Union Heroes
Asteria Rad 36 Defender Rad/Rad
Ailsie 17 Kat/SR
hey guys, just little update, seeing the signups are tad bit more than expected and theres still a lack of at least a tank in the team, I can't really give a definate team setup yet.
Also note we mainly do it for fun and xp rather than the badge. Hence its maybe best to just assemble at the boat and see what teams will be formed (especially if aero asks/brings some people as well).
For now, thanks for the show of interest
P.S. Asteria, think for now the kin is more needed than the scrapper from looks of it.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Really sorry got held up last night & couldn't even get to a comp to say I couldn't make it
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
Not to worry, we got going at about 8:45pm with a PUG Fire Tanker but quit before beating the last mission.
Sped through most of the TF, but spent too long taking out the patrons/flier in the last mission and didn't get our strategy down properly for Recluse. By the time we'd beaten the patrons it was well after 11pm, then Recluse caused about 8-9 full team wipes. We called it a night shortly before 12pm, with people quitting the TF rather than logging out. Bit of a disappointment really... but I guess you can't win 'em all.
The major headache was keeping Recluse occupied. I've done the STF successfully with a Fire Tanker and a Kin + Rad duo before, but there was a terrible lack of team co-ordination somewhere in that last mission... Had we had an empath instead of one of the damage dealers, we still wouldn't have beaten Recluse. We just couldn't keep Recluse busy and take out the towers at the same time.
Our Fire Tanker kept getting Knockbacked into the tower team (Kin didn't have Increased Density IIRC) or getting fully endurance drained (by the time we got people positioned to tank Recluse, AM was down so they had zero end drain resists) and then 2-shot (Sonic Buffs alone weren't enough for the tanker to weather the incoming damage after being toggle-dropped from lack of endurance, and ID wasn't available). Recluse wasn't kept in melee range either, so he spawned his BossPack all over the place which started attacking the tower team. The team wasn't really meshing well (no gathering for vengence, people flying out of heal/buff range, having to ask for buffs before they were applied, people unwilling to try different tactics, team members attacking two different towers at once, etc.) which didn't help matters.
It happens though, hastily-arranged PUG teams can be fickle. One of the two organisers did hit 50 on the last mission (GRATS!), but AFAIK the other one was still at 49 when we gave up. I'm still a bit annoyed at the outcome, but I did get to test my new build... and sometimes you learn more from defeats than successes!
no gathering for vengence, people flying out of heal/buff range, having to ask for buffs before they were applied, people unwilling to try different tactics, team members attacking two different towers at once, etc.) which didn't help matters.
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I hope these people learned something
I hope these people learned something
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I think they learned you can't scrap your way through the STF without buffs...
I hate to say it, but the only way I could see us beating Recluse with the tactics we were using is if we had had a Granite Tanker instead of a Fire Tanker... something with it's own Endurance Drain resistance and enough raw survivability to free up the buffers to babysit the other team members.
I actually PREFER Fire Tankers, particularly on my Sonic Defender... but the complete lack of end drain protection and the knockback problem was something my Sonic just couldn't help them with on that team.
The only time any of us survived longer than 30secs on the towers was when a Liquefy patch was down or we were PB-Vengenced. I had vengence running Perma for nearly 15 minutes at one point (though due to team scatter, I could only hit 2-4 others with it each time). We weren't exactly short of dead bodies...
Tbh, I learnt something, which is not pointing fingers at others. Of course it can be done with a Fire Tank and no Empath, it could have been done if everyone and by everyone I mean everyone would have followed the agreed tactics instead of going freely in the way "I had a better plan than this one".
The past 4 times i did STF were failures, either stuck at inner circle, bad spawn on the towers or people quiting due time.
Each team is different, each team has/needs different tactics. But as Nightmarer says, never start pointing the finger at someone else and justify your own deeds.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Hehe - this is one of those "conversations" that can only degenerate into a row. Let's put this one down to experience and instead focus on congratulating Anger Management for hitting lvl 50 on the last mission!
Tbh, I learnt something, which is not pointing fingers at others. Of course it can be done with a Fire Tank and no Empath, it could have been done if everyone and by everyone I mean everyone would have followed the agreed tactics instead of going freely in the way "I had a better plan than this one".
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We followed the "agreed tactics". The tanker was endurance drained and two-shotted.
Chaos ensued immediately afterwards, and the team didn't recover until they were fully wiped.
There is a difference between pointing the finger at someone because you're looking for someone to blame, and highlighting a specific problem that needs to be addressed before your team's tactics will work. Personally I enjoy PUG teams, but since the team members don't know each other there's a much smaller margin for error with them. Sometimes they just don't co-ordinate that well. IMO this is what happened last night.
That's the first time in 8 PUG STF runs that I've failed to beat Recluse, and IMO it was avoidable. I had several paragraphs of explanation typed out, but I'm not going to say any more here in case it sparks an argument.
Better luck next time folks, and 'grats to Anger for hitting 50!
Tbh, I learnt something, which is not pointing fingers at others. Of course it can be done with a Fire Tank and no Empath, it could have been done if everyone and by everyone I mean everyone would have followed the agreed tactics instead of going freely in the way "I had a better plan than this one".
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We followed the "agreed tactics". The tanker was endurance drained and two-shotted.
Chaos ensued immediately afterwards, and the team didn't recover until they were fully wiped.
There is a difference between pointing the finger at someone because you're looking for someone to blame, and highlighting a specific problem that needs to be addressed before your team's tactics will work. Personally I enjoy PUG teams, but since the team members don't know each other there's a much smaller margin for error with them. Sometimes they just don't co-ordinate that well. IMO this is what happened last night.
That's the first time in 8 PUG STF runs that I've failed to beat Recluse, and IMO it was avoidable. I had several paragraphs of explanation typed out, but I'm not going to say any more here in case it sparks an argument.
Better luck next time folks, and 'grats to Anger for hitting 50!
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Well, that's not what you said before:
I think they learned you can't scrap your way through the STF without buffs...
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That seemed kinda personal to me.
Well, that's not what you said before:
I think they learned you can't scrap your way through the STF without buffs...
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That seemed kinda personal to me.
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If we MUST continue this discussion, that's a reference to:
+ Not using our strongest team buff (PB-Vengence) *before* fighting the Patrons or Recluse.
+ People not wanting to remain nearby for AoE buffs such as Leadership, AM and Vengence during combat.
+ People flying vertically away out of Aid Other and Sonic Buff range.
+ The Recluse tanker not being buffed unless they specifically asked for it.
It's not a personal attack on any one team member, merely a comment that highlights how the entire team didn't "gel" well with each other. We couldn't predict how each other were going to react, who wasn't going to follow orders to the letter, or what each person was going to do when the sh*t hit the fan.
And we were all rather tired and getting annoyed with each other. Which never helps matters...
I've seen this happen before, especially on STF, when a plan fails you need to take a min or 2 to see why it failed. My BS/DA scrapper sailed through this TF because end drain is never a prob 4 his build but my PB has found it harder.
It is never the blame of anyone person. It tends to be tiredness after the whole TF or people not listening to team orders or panicing when the Sh*t hits the fan.
Hard luck on the failed TF, but look at this as a learning experience. You all learned something that may help you in this TF or another again
If you wanna try again I could always pull my Scrapper out of retirement and help you out,
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
There were multiple flaws during that TF, not just the ones pointed out, as there are always multiple aspects to it. For example, not hugging together for vengeance, you could say people wouldnt hug together for vengeance, but on the other hand i dont think i saw it announced you were going to use it when someone planted.
Only thing i did was just attack tower trying to stay alive and one time pulling recluse away from it when the tank died and he came bolting towards us as I had DP/IH/vengeance running (oh and popping some purple insps of course ).
Yet when I died I didnt know to get up or not cause i was waiting whether or not vengeance was gonna be used. Not digging at anybody's performance here.. just saying that there are 2 aspects to any flaw. Don't know much bout that scatter myself tbh as I only had my eyes on that tower trying to take it down as much as i could before planting . And recluse's minions running all over the place doesnt really help in coordination either
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Well I did mention the vengence idea at the start of the Recluse rushes a couple of times and got ignored... then I just started using it as soon as it was recharged since there was always a dead body lying about! There was at least one other person with vengence on the team as well.
From my vantage point (keeping the entire team constantly bubbled and rebubbling after each death + rez, using Liquefy at LR's feet when it was up, spamming -resist powers on the tower, covering Tanker with allied heal and making sure they were just inside the Sonic PBAoE toggle) the thing that I identified that was crippling us the most was LR killing the tanker so quickly. This was mainly due to him sapping their blue bar... the only counter we had available to that was AM's endurance drain resists, or +defence from vengence/purples.
On at least two occasions I remember someone intentionally faceplanting in order to give us a pre-emptive vengence buff, but we never gathered for it and they ended up being rezzed far away from the group. Had we had a sacrificial death, then PB + Vengenced and then gone for Recluse, we would have had 4 minutes of extremely high survivability in which to wear down the towers. Assuming we could deal with the Repairmen (another sore point IIRC), this could have been repeated until each tower was worn down.
The whole thing would have needed a fair bit of co-ordination/organisation to accomplish tho, and frankly we were all a bit too tired by then to change our "run in and hit it/tank it/buff it!" tactics. I was certainly too tired at that point to start yelling at everyone to change the gameplan, and if I had done then then the pre-emptive Vengence suggestion would probably have just been called "Lame" again...
Well, that's not what you said before:
I think they learned you can't scrap your way through the STF without buffs...
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That seemed kinda personal to me.
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If you consider that personal (I dont see names mentioned in this post) then Id say it was warranted.
aye I know it has been said in advance, and indeed 1 problem was the lack of communication.. everybody had their own plans and it seemed nobody was willing to listen to other's input. So instead of acting like a team it was each doing his own, and that just doesnt work on the STF
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Hi all, in our dash to the big 5-0, my friend and I decided to have the final lap against Recluse and companions. Thus, our plan was to have a STF tonight to see if we can reach that goal, as its only half a lvl away. Seeing we dont really know too many people on defiant to help organize it (unionites at heart, see
), we're trying to form a team using the forums.
So, if any of you is willing to join in the fray, please leave a message here with your character (+sets). Those who are joining, we will meet on the boat at 8.
So for now, the team is:
1. Anger Management (bs/regen)
2. Spunky Star (rad/psi)
Hope some of you will sign up for this
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright