102 -
I'd like to join, but I need to know when it is on sunday..
I can offer a defender (empathy), a scrapper or a blaster. -
True, but what then? Stop RPing AR blaster? No comfort and all, we still have to face facts.
The way I see it, we simply have to be flexible. Some things may be [censored], but if the alternative is to not RP certain sets or something like that, then I choose to bend a little, use lame explanation instead. -
Well, either using rubber bullets (which is a possibility against the more human enemies) or simply shooting after non-vital body parts and letting them medi-port out seems like solutions to me. Perhaps not the best, but simply and somewhat acceptable. If you are more creative, you might figure out some other, smarter way.
Oh, and against demons, spirits, devouring earth and all those lethal force *should* be acceptable seeing how as they aren't humans but monsters. But when I do stuff like that, I actually often to try to avoid the subject altogether if possible. -
Paragon Violators definitely are
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From what I see on your forum, you're past vigilante. More like villains in paragon city, and that's usually not what's meant with anti-hero. Not saying that's a bad thing though, just not what is requested here
Yeah, it actually seems kinda unfair. Even police officers may kill in self-defense or to protect others. If you always have to hold back because you're afraid you're gonna hurt someone, then you are less likely to win. That gives villains and criminals in general a distinct advantage over us, so actually, Vigilantes are just realistic and should really be more effective than other heroes.
But even with that said, I still believe the no-kill solution is viable when you're a hero. You're supposed to be strong enough to defeat someone without killing them, and I must confess I prefer this solution myself. -
No worries, figured it would take a while to be rid of the old rep.
He was removed. And as far as I recall, all other heroes who broke the rules were persecuted, one was even taken down in by fellow heroes and severely reprimanded (revoked hero license).
I guess our rep hasn't really improved yet
The Militia are NOT vigilantes. -
Yeah, I really HATE it when you get forced to leave in the middle of everything.. It has happened a bit often with me
This weekend I should be online a lot, and no worrying about having to stop at a certain time! I hope to see some of you there.
I don't mean to rush anyone, but it's about time we get a new forum up and running, right? I say abandon suddenlaunch(for now) and start up somewhere else... Comments?
"Who IS that weird dude?"
"The one in the black trench coat. He's been coming in here every night in a week asking people about some red archer."
"Do you think he means Manticore?"
"No, I think he said it was someone else."
"Hmm... I wonder what business he has with him anywho."
"I dunno, but I bet he's not out to get an autograph."
Conversation between two regulars in the heroes bar in pocket D. -
Oh yeah, sorry for off-topic.. Just curious
Actually, I have a toon who has lived for way been beyond what normal humans do, and so I plan on having some of my toons be somewhat related to him. Other than that, common friends or SG are what I use to link them together, but I don't strain myself to do so. -
Well, IC they aren't exactly linked. They're the one and same. Nice concept, agreed, but if you want your characters to have individual personalities and stories then that approach won't do much good.
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Not true.
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Then I'm not sure I understandCare to explain?
IMHO Pious is the master of character-linking. A whole bunch of his alts are the same character! Cool since he has a story and reason behind it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, IC they aren't exactly linked. They're the one and same. Nice concept, agreed, but if you want your characters to have individual personalities and stories then that approach won't do much good. -
Wow... That looks both very confusing and pretty l33t
Could someone please host that photo on imageshack? I can't view photobucket and I'd like to see it..
By the way, I agree with the incentives. Easier to RP.
Yeah, people don't feel pain when they're reduced to ashes.
Why the need to link all of them?
Global name: Mr. Erth
Server: Union
RP characters: Vergil Nerva, Shadow Pariah, Stormstruck
Type of RP: A little bit of everything
Times on: Usually during evenings and weekends.
Timezone: GMT+1 (Denmark) -
A real doctor mind you, not Doc Mechano.
I nominate Crimson Archer's Motley Fool as a main villain
This would of course require his permission, but man that dude looks crazy!
Yay! That outta be a challenge. He doesn't go far without, does he?