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Does that mean that we can or can't use it on other nights as just the bar?
I'm busy tonight I'm afraid. My plot is finally progressing
Keep in mind that no matter what night you choose, there will be people who can't come, so perhaps there could be one MAIN night without that having to mean that the place it closed the other nights?
Good point Hates
I surrender to your superior argument :P I guess since they're supposed to be very different from the real thing, you're right.
I think Thursdays are good for me so far, just don't expect me to be there every time. Got a lot on my hands right now :S
I like being able to meet your opposites, but it's a pretty big thing to RP someone else's toon.. It requires total insight in the persona and understanding of how they think, act, react and all that. Besides, everyone has their own distinct RP style, so if it IS gonna be done, then everyone would need to find someone they're comfortable lending their evil alter-egos to.
Well, I remember the plot to rescue Amber from the Hand of Andros. Coile had set some hardcore rules, meaning that those who were part of it risking permanent harm to their characters (if they had agreed to it, that is). It made it a LOT more exciting, thrilling, when lives were at stake. And it actually ending with Crimson Archer losing an eye, Redsight dying, Dante dying (for a while :P), Lost losing an arm and generally left those involved in need of rest and recuperation. While not all plots need be THAT extreme, then it certainly makes it interesting, realistic and FUN to have consequences to fear. Also makes for more realistic behavior as you have to be careful all the time.
Hooray for insightful discussion!
But when I ever played an evil character, the instant I logged on I thought like that character completely - right up to the point I switched off the game. I guess for me with a background in dramatics it's not so difficult to do, but it's not a skill everyone has.
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Indeed, such deep character empathisation is the problem. So how do you do it when you have dramatics heritage?
[/ QUOTE ] No, the point (if I got it right) is that there is no problem. He is able to enter character and exit again without being influenced.
The big problem with 'take over the world' plots, (again this is just my opinion so take it at face value) is that due to them affecting the entire world, and as such it's the responsibility of any hero trying to stop said plot to warn the world. Once the warning has gone out about a global threat every civic minded hero would leap to help (great so far, mass participation while still leaving people with the option to leave it alone if they choose) So lets see a GM come up with a plot that can hold up against such an insanely vast collection of abilities. Now factor in all those villainous types that would also seek to stop said wold domination plot, if only to later try something similar them selves.
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Great point. It's practically impossible to run this type of plot when it's open to anyone. Even someone like my hero GhostSpy who's a relatively low-powered hero could foil nearly any plot in a bunker by simply walking through its walls... With even a handful of the cities heroes you may well have not only one person who can mess up a plot by being too good, but probably a whole team of them.
[/ QUOTE ] Well, the villain isn't likely to be alone, now is he? If he also amasses a big force of powerful villains (with the right motivation, not impossible) then the heroes wouldn't be able to just swoop in and get him. I realize that there is more to this, but haven't got time right now (sry)
Now, it's said that you can't RP unless you're at least a nice guy(ish).
So, how do those that want to play the evil, nasty bad guy do it?
Thoughts, suggestions, heralding from the good old days?
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It seems like the answer would be "in short bursts"... While this doesn't fit well with Massively Multiplayer Game style, it does fit the existing patterns and seems to be the case.
The question is, how do you play them for an extended period of time? Make them your main character? Is it actually possible to play Chaotic Evil as a main character? Apparently it is. So what's the answer?
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Well, I, for one (and Netherwitch as well it seems) have no problem playing them for a longer period as there is no influence from playing evil. Maybe it's because I'm not a good roleplayer, I dunno, but I can (usually) easily RP without getting affected, even in the long run. It IS just a game and no worse than pretending real life. Just like Netherwitch said, Anthony Hopkins doesn't take any damage from playing Hannibal even though he did it a lot during the making of the movie, so why should we? -
If we really want proper villain RP (with heroes as well) all we have to do is get together, plan and coordinate and do it! It'd probably takes a lot more effort than normally, but it certainly can't be said that there isn't any room for proper megalomaniacs in this game or "take over the world"-schemes, or just villain RP in general.
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The big problem with 'take over the world' plots, (again this is just my opinion so take it at face value) is that due to them affecting the entire world, and as such it's the responsibility of any hero trying to stop said plot to warn the world. Once the warning has gone out about a global threat every civic minded hero would leap to help (great so far, mass participation while still leaving people with the option to leave it alone if they choose) So lets see a GM come up with a plot that can hold up against such an insanely vast collection of abilities. Now factor in all those villainous types that would also seek to stop said wold domination plot, if only to later try something similar them selves.
Now before people stay pointing out that the plot might have multiple ways to prevent near instant resolution, I'd like to point out that the plot HAS to fail as there's no way to enforce any form of domination at all over the game world and as such will have at least one way for the collective 'do-gooders' to vanquish the evil bad-guy.
Like I said, this is just my opinion, I'd love to see a plot like that actually running and working, but I just don't think it's realistically possible to run something on that scale in CoX, maybe in other places with actual mechanics for controlling the world (Kinda like the factions system for town ownership and control from Ultima Online waaaaay back when...) just not in a world where almost everything relies on players consenting to events even occuring, never mind unwelcome outcomes to IC situations.
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For every problem, there is a solution. I mean, the Requiem War was possible, right? So others should be too. I'm not gonna bother with specifics (unless you want me too), my point was that if we want such a plot, it IS possible IMHO and it would be something everyone could react to if they wanted to, but it would of course required a lot of thought to avoid problems like those you mentioned.
Now, as far the whole "it has to fail", I do believe I covered that bit before. Yes, the apparent threat would have to be resolved as we obviously can't have anyone taking over/destroying the world. And yes, maybe that would leave the villain a loser (who could plot his return?) but then that's not the only option. The villain could still get away and he could succeed with a bunch of other stuff. Maybe the global domination was only a front used to distract the heroes while he actually worked on something else (we all know that only madmen try to destroy the world, this dude is probably smarter :P), or maybe his real goal was to lure heroes to him, to destroy relations between X and Y (person or organization) and so and and so forth. Just because the grand scheme fails, it doesn't necessarily bode DoooooM(tm) for the villain.
So, I still believe it possible and I can't think of a better way to give EVERYBODY a chance to interact, to partake in a plot. It would also most like let new people meet old people, or old people meet other old people they don't usually hang out with. New friends, new enemies.
Massive effort, but great reward, IMO. -
We don't hunt people, we hunt creatures (albeit some are sentient, we have yet to kill any 'good' creatures) and we do it for money, now because we enjoy inflicting pain on others or killing for fun (well, I guess I don't know if some of us does, but that's beside the point), we kill for cash. It's just a job, like any other, and not evil 'per say'. At least not megalomaniac-ish evil.
1)I agree with Netherwitch. It's just an act, so I really don't feel it affecting me the slightest.
2)It IS possible to play at least try and affect the universe. Just look at the Requiem War. Okay, so the villain was NPC and I guess it does confirm that villains are destined to fail, but that doesn't mean that plots like this aren't worth it. I believe it could be entirely possible to come up with a threat against society/the world or whatnot, and (if people accept the threat!) get a very nice story with plot and subplots from it. Most heroes would of course react to the threat and try and stop it, but it could also draw in lots of other villains (especially mercs I guess) either hired to protect the madman/evil genius, villains crazy enough to join for fun, villains observing and/or taking advantage of the situation, villains who join the chaos simply to get a shot at some (or a specific hero) or even villains who see the threat as harmful to them as well and try to take out the madman/evil genius (maybe even cooperation with heroes). There are practically endless opportunities for plot-hooks that could involve practically anyone in the grand scheme or one of the countless sub-plots that would probably spawn. In the end, the grand scheme would have to be foiled, yes, but that doesn't have to mean absolute failure! The mad villain could achieve something else, like killing of his nemesis (NPC if no one has a hero they wanna lose), culling the hero population, or perhaps it was all a diversion created to help his REAL plan succeed. Again, COUNTLESS opportunities.
If we really want proper villain RP (with heroes as well) all we have to do is get together, plan and coordinate and do it! It'd probably takes a lot more effort than normally, but it certainly can't be said that there isn't any room for proper megalomaniacs in this game or "take over the world"-schemes, or just villain RP in general.
3)Also, the Hyenas are a good example that a it is NOT true that VILLAIN equals EVIL! Villain just means that you do what it takes. The Hyenas aren't really evil, but no less villains for that reason. Sure, some villains just aren't made for social situations but they can find other purposes and if not, well then roll another villain.
4)As for my biggest issues with villain RP, it would probably that it doesn't come as natural and I have a harder time finding people to RP with villain side.
By the way, I really hadn't given any of this any real thought, it just sorta popped. Comments? -
Monday is no good for me I'm afraid. Think all the others are good.
So, in-character but dressed as some one else? Sounds interesting
It's union and you wouldn't be the only ones with new characters
Guess I might try to see if any of this fits Isaac, but I don't have a whole lot of time to do so. Like the idea though.
((Is there a deadline? I am very interested, but I need a little time to decide whether to roll with my fire/fire brute or roll a new toon))
Thanks for replies so far
Still waiting for Illusion_Master
though. I'll let you know when I have a more precise date. -
So, I've sent a few replies and got no replies so far. Are you guys there and still interested?
Works fine on my end too.
And lookin' fine 8) -
I've checked the site and I'd very much like to join. What do I do?
So, I know Union is the (un)official RP server, but does that mean NO RP on defiant?
I think there is a tiny difference between the two, but nonetheless a difference. Not easy to spot with the naked eye though.
Well, count me in. I like the idea of only meeting up every now and then and I even have a character for it already. If you guys are okay with it, then I'm up for it.
((Brilliant initiative
An alternative for the D and GG, sounds great!))