94 -
This is awesome, but I wonder if they will have customization for non-weapon users?
Well,time to roll something with a weapon.
Welp, since no one else said it.. I guess some one should.... This whole thing sounds like...........
But ... well, the image I'm seeing in my head comes across as awfully vicious, awfully aggressive looking, for a hero set. The image I'm getting in my head is not "I'm going to disarm and defeat you," it's not even "I'm going to kill you and let the medics at the prison hospital piece you back together," it's more like, "they'll be picking you up with a sponge and a mop."
[/ QUOTE ] So,this isnt how we're suppose to do it? Oops.And where did this arrest thing even come up?
They could have been more broad but other then that they look very sleek.
This needs some further discussion. *puts on his thinking cap*
O_o Mani and Recluse working together? ARG! Issue 11 cant come soon enough! Im so confused.
I have to agree,I know a few select people detest blades, but a poll to see what power sets make it onto the OFFICIAL poll would be fair.
And Deadpool does make it look awesome...shame Liefield created him...means i cant hate that bastid unequivocally :/
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I consider him created by Marv Wolfman, seeing's how he's just a sad Deathstroke clone with a motormouth.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's like Deathstroke and Spiderman had a baby, and the result was pure AWESOME.
[/ QUOTE ]The image you gave me was NOT pure awesome. -
Do you have to ask?I mean come 'on, that is the best avatar EVER!
[/ QUOTE ] Yes it is,it buries my avatar. /em cry -
Yeah, and the information about Outbreak has Talos quarantined and infected overruning Mercy and Grandville. Odd.
[/ QUOTE ]My scrapper's home was in Talos. THE WORLD CAN NOT LET ME BE! -
so ok...most of the devs are posting...but wheres recluse at??
why isnt he posting anymore?
[/ QUOTE ]
QFT. Where is he?
[/ QUOTE ]
Zeb Cook (Lord Recluse) hasn't worked at Cryptic in a very long time. He's now working on Stargate Worlds. Sean Fish (Manticore) is also no longer at Cryptic.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not to put a damper on this great thread but when did this happen?
Manticore leaving ??
[/ QUOTE ]*GASP* When did this happen? -
Even if everything is smaller now
It looks really sharp,thanks!
I am BIG Penny Arcade fan,Read em all the time but I cannot go the PAX. I'm broke :P.
P.S. Click on the link in my sig,it is pure awesome. -
/waiting for patch note to say pkpkg spammers have had their site shut down and their bodies dismembered/
[/ QUOTE ]AMEN. They've been hitting me with those since monday... -
Lord Recluse:*beep beep boop* Pick up dammit...
Lord Recluse:This is the Corperation of Small Packaging Incorperated. Do you have any small boxes?
Statesman:Wait.....Stef? Is that You?
Lord Recluse:This is the Minitature Shipment Facility,do you have any small boxes?
Operator: Sorry the number you have dial is no longer is no longer in service,please hang up and dial again.