Mr. DJ

Forum Cartel
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  1. This was really fun, though Lord Recluse and his gang put Tyrant and his boys to shame. (looked at Recluses HP and saw it was tilting over 70k) o_O There was atleast 10 people wailing on them and didn't dent them very much till someone debuffed the AV

    for those of you complaining about lag, did you try to turn your graphics down to minimum? that helped me out a lot. Then again, this is a higher performance computer.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow. What a jaw dropping change.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what part of "greatly reduced" went by you? j/k
  3. Mr. DJ

    Base AFKers!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    the timer badge in sirens is for PvPers. if you don't want to PvP, you don't deserve the badge. but that's irrelavent

    [/ QUOTE ]

    then why bother to mention it? I don't PvP as much as other people, but I still badge wh0re if I need it to add to my collection. Now on the other hand, if you don't like PvP and you're not a badge wh0re, then yes I'll agree to why you are here in the first place, cause the PvP badges serve no purpose to no current or known Accolades and are just more candy to look at.

    To respond to the other guy, just cause they're there to chat doesn't mean anything, they're still active in the zone. While they are preventing you from collecting you're bounty on them, it's still not stopping you from getting bounty from other players.
  4. Mr. DJ

    Base AFKers!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    What would be nice when you think about it is the copbots monitor people afk in the general area and then zap them which randomly teleports them into the zone with the comments like "Get out there and fight!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I don't really find that a good idea, it's more of a good idea just to boot them out of the zone and have it say something like "if you ain't here to help THEN GET OUT!" of course, if they're standing there chatting....oh well
  5. Mr. DJ

    Base AFKers!!

    either way Cappy, the arguement has no ground, if the GM's see that they players are using an outside program to keep them logged in while AFK, then you got something, other than that, you don't really have anything.

    Was PvPing today for around an hour in Siren's Call, I couldn't find NONE of my bounty heads. But ya know? I still went around w/ other heroes fighting villains as they came, in under a hour I racked up over 7k bounty.

    In the amount of time someone wastes crying they can't get there main bounty cause they're afk in there base, you can be putting that energy to other use and fight other players.
  6. Mr. DJ

    Base AFKers!!

    where in the PvP book says you gotta kill you're bounty target? o_O

    go kill other players, they have bounty too ya know, it may not be as much as your target, but they still have it.

    It's really a moot point I'd say.

    Hell, I just stood in the helicoptor chatting w/ people when I did my badges.
  7. dawg...seriously...dawg, I know this guy that's sorta like MacGuyver man...just give me the word man...give him the few supplies he needs and you'll have the most uber computer ever.

    Seriously, from some rope, a toothpick and a snorkle he made a Spanish Gallion

    (heart sploded when it realized the site went down)
  8. Mr. DJ

    I predicted this

    [ QUOTE ]
    HO's do not make a difference because of ED. HO's do not increase damage or ACC beyond what SO's offer since ED was implemented.

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    while that is sorta true, HO's still allow you to have more slotting options to make you more effective than you would w/ just SO's.
  9. Mr. DJ

    I predicted this

    If you're dedicated to PvP then you'll have Fly and Teleport for Travel Powers

    Hidden+BU+Snipe+Teleport+Hold/Stun/Fear+Plactate+AS = GG (if they have a bit of health left, then hit them w/ your 9th Tier Attack Power just for show )
  10. yeah, I botched my second respec and forgot to get Stealth for my Stalker @_@ but I still go into PvP like once a month

    Dues...did I just read a manual? o.o

    Front...typically when there's a conversation and a Stalker's Hide+Stealth situation comes up, Focused Accuracy isn't too far to follow. I never used the power cause I thought it was just anothe click power like Conserve Energy.
  11. it's a toggle? didn't know that then ignore that part of my post ^_^

    (notes to respec w/ Focused Accuracy on Tank when/if I7 gives a free respec)

    funny though...I dunno the name just makes it seem like a clickie
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Um...which, exactly, of my comments was falsified? Seriously...look back at my posts and point them out to me.

    I think you're a bit "confused" now...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This wil help you:

    [/ QUOTE ]'re attempt to be witty helped me realize you're full of sh*t. Good job.

    Way to make a bogus claim and not back it up too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  13. why do I have this nagging voice in the back of my head saying people will cry about EM Stalkers again...

    also if Castle is the Stalker Rep...gee...what AT will you think he'll work on more? Hmm...this is such a brain buster...damn I think I gave myself a hernia trying to figure this out @_@

    I love how people say Stalkers are broken and I'm 100% sure it's based off of AS, cause nothing else is really "broken" in a Stalker AT unless you want to start complaints about Plactate which is there are ways around just as Hide...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Every single patron power pool has a snipe AND a single-target hold.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    the Hold I can see it giving every Stalker AT some bit of balance since MA and EM have a "hold" of there own, namely a stun. Though once again w/ EM Stalkers...I hear more complaints coming about them. The typical Stalker in PvP Zones don't have's really only the PvP dedicated ones that grab Stealth to stack w/ Hide. So pretty much and /Device Blaster or a Blaster w/ Tactics will see through the typical Stalker, like me

    Steathed Blappers? um...Ninjitsu, Super Reflexes have a +Perception power...there goes your Stealth...EA has Repel...there goes your melee unless you do a death from above on them. You're only real fresh meat is /Regen since they don't have a +Perception power.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think it would be a good idea for a Stalker to give away his position, that would go against their strengths.

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    well depending on your situation, would you want to give your position away in melee combat w/ AS or from ranged w/ a snipe where they will have to look for you?

    Though I can picture this happening w/ Stalkers now...Snipe, Teleport, Hold/Stun/Fear, Plactate, death
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, are you kidding me? Stalkers are going to get a snipe attack that does critical hit damage....The same damage that's currently NOT resistable in game?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what makes you think the snipe is gonna be unresisted? I'm really interested in that....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Let them come. My BS/Reg scrapper has Focused Accuracy and Tactics. I'll use my sword as a skewer and roast that shish kebob (Stalkers) over a Fire Tankers Burn patch.
    Revenge for all the ganking my poor Blaster has put up with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sure melee will help you when they're using range

    I see alot of talk about Focused Accuracy...I guess you'll have that on auto click eh? though I'd find Hasten better to have set for it...

    so many pages...but by my opinion and PvP Experience...Blasters and Scrappers seem to get the most kills

    if some of yall read Castles pm reply, he said a Stalker's Snipe Crit would be as good as a Blasters Snipe, while Stalkers have BU, you guys still have BU and Aim.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry CB, but I just see things differently. Blaster + empath > stalker. If it's a skilled team, blaster + empath > multiple stalkers. I've seen it done.

    [/ QUOTE ] it just a blaster and a emp or is it more people? the variables are left empty...
  15. Mr. DJ

    Placate Nerf

    (looks at Plactate) says it has a chance of putting you into Hidden status, the change isn't earth shattering.
  16. yeah I would think the first time it came out, two Stalkers, one Claw and one EM, would AS someone and tell each other how much damage they did, and then they "w-t-f? how'd we do the same damage?" convo would come up

    edit: okay, take out FCS from my comment ;D
  17. my screen was flashing crits, but only one of them managed to get a AS off, I hit DP before hand and left the zone w/ half my HP bar :P

    [ QUOTE ]
    Blaster: Fire Manipulation: Fire Sword
    Blaster: Fire Manipulation: Fire Sword Circle

    [/ QUOTE ]

    dammit...lucky punks, I'd trade off some aggro for a toggle drop
  18. think the only ranged attack that drops toggles is Force Bolt
  19. wait...Tankers are gimped? damn...I must of just shruged off a team of 4-5 stalkers while I was running towards the Siren's Call gate a couple weeks ago o_O

    /e tries to find something to do besides being bored but fails T.T
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    I see...that doesn't make much sense to me...a power you can get a lv 4 as a tank or lv 2 as a brute that can drop 2 toggles is just silly yet your alpha can't do it...

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    The brute and tanker versions don't drop toggles (outside of mezzing). Excluding Brawl, which everyone gets and drops toggles for everyone, ATs with higher levels of self-protection don't get toggledroppers.

    As to why BC or EP take down toggles while TF doesn't, well, the lower level powers are supposed to be the ones used more often.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see...I guess it's only the Blasters' Bonecrusher that drops toggles...very annoying as a Regen w/ only one Toggle >.<
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Bonecrusher....ugh...drops 2 many does Total Focus drop? if it's 2, then I'm stabbing something...

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    Total Focus doesn't drop toggles (other than if it stuns you, which it shouldn't unless you have your trousers down). Energy Melee's Toggle Drops are in Energy Punch and Bonecrusher.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see...that doesn't make much sense to me...a power you can get a lv 4 as a tank or lv 2 as a brute that can drop 2 toggles is just silly yet your alpha can't do it...of course in exchange Bonecrusher would lose it's 2 toggle drop.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Bonecrusher....ugh...drops 2 many does Total Focus drop? if it's 2, then I'm stabbing something...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Total Focus doesn't drop toggles (other than if it stuns you, which it shouldn't unless you have your trousers down). Energy Melee's Toggle Drops are in Energy Punch and Bonecrusher.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see...that doesn't make much sense to me...a power you can get a lv 4 as a tank or lv 2 as a brute that can drop 2 toggles is just silly yet your alpha can't do it...
  23. Bonecrusher....ugh...drops 2 many does Total Focus drop? if it's 2, then I'm stabbing something...
  24. well, the draw weapon inherents don't have the same magnitude as ours, I would expect it to be higher, which still leads me to my other statement, ever notice how Chimera, Infernal and Dominatrix hit more often than the other Praeotorian AV's?