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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I think it's not nearly as good as the comics version, but likewise I don't think it's a show-stopper.
    Remember this is only his WWII preliminary costume (altered a bit for combat from being the mascot of the military). This is not the final cossie he'll be wearing in the Avengers after they thaw him out of the ice as it'll be too badly shredded after.....
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
    It's science, but it works like magic?
    Thats pretty much the explanation Marvel will be using yes, at least with Thor. (How they'll explain Dr.Strange though I have absolutely no idea).
    How does it go again; 'Science so advanced its indistinguisable from magic'.

    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    I figured that map simply was showing the location of potential Avengers, Black Panther in Wakanda being one of them.
    Cool!, thanks. Theres a link I'd missed, I'll have to rewatch (handy as I've just picked it up cheapish on Blu-Ray).
  3. I saw this mentioned over at and had to share:

    The Ultimate Lovecraftian Cthulhu chair.

    .... OoOh, that rhymes.
  4. R.I.P Susannah York: 1939-2011, (a great actress and the definitive Kryptonian mother 'Lara').
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    ...what the heck's with those guys in the background? Have they got automatic grenade launchers or something?
    Technically they are Hydra troops outfitted with [Marvel NDA] weapons designed by the Red Skull that uses the powersource known as the [Marvel NDA] hence the eerie glow to them.
  6. I honestly don't know what on Earth is happening with the global weather patterns lately.
    Thousands dead in total in serious floods wrecking both Australia, Brazil and Sri Lanka - El Niño apparently.
  7. This Friday Appreciation Day, Is this something you wish to start analogous to 'Fan Fridays' on a certain MMO in production in a galaxy far far away?.

    So many multi-page threads here over the years detailing why City Of Heroes is close to a lot of player's hearts.
  8. As i said, don't believe the misdirection. If this press-release were true, there would be no way the Alien prequel set-constructions would currently be taking up half a dozen valuable stages at Pinewood.

    [EDIT]: Remember, film (& videogame companies) do this to throw newshounds off the scent.
    Remember when everyone from Lucasarts and Bioware (right up to senior management level) swore blind there was no such thing as a KoToR MMO, and then announced shortly before the project's unveiling that they've had 12 writers writing it for the last seven years and it had been in serious game-content production for years as well.
  9. Somebody ought to tell the production office at Pinewood Studios because as far as I know the guys there are still working on it! - lol !.

    Could be misdirection from Fox tbh, the leaked scripts were probably getting too close to the truth. Paradise is the production codeword.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post think that a highly intelligent teenager making webshooters is implausible, but a bite from a radioactive spider that creates natural webshooting from his wrists (not from his rear, which is where it should be if he's a spider) is plausible?
    First off, Parker is intelligent... but he is no Stark-level genius innovator, so no, I don't subscribe to that as a plausible idea (which is probably the reason why Raimi also went the mutant spider-glands on wrists route)... and you're not seriously saying said mutant route is not accurate artistically because he's not shooting webbing from his butt? - are you?.

    Ahahaha hahahah... too funny!.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
    I feel bad that the poor guy worked out so much and this costume covers up all his hard work.
    Plenty of shots of all that in the Project Rebirth lab part of the film I imagine.
  12. Know what Star-sign you were born under?...

    You sure about that?
  13. Cuts to 'n fro - but a good 85%+ is in WW II era.
    Thats not to say there is no technology, just that the tech is different, and retro (and possibly due to the Red Skulls plotting & machinations) somewhat sophisticated and 'out of time' for 1940.
  14. Joe Q's the power behind the comics, but Its Kevin Feige who is the power behind the Captain America/Thor/Avengers build-up and Marvel films in general.
  15. Pretty much what has been released so far re: the cossie.

    Hugo Weaving looks pretty damn creepy as the Red Skull, and his secret lab headquarters (on the day i walked around it on-set) is really brilliant set design.

    Tip: In the original post, see those Hydra soldiers in the background? - see that blue glow coming from their weapons apparatus/cossie? ..... OoOh!, I wonder what power-source could be powering said weapons!

    (Get that and you'll get 'a' link between Captain America, Thor and the Avengers).
  16. Ahh yes I forgot about that!, the same reason the Superman reboot is being rushed out the door - expiring rights.

    Thanks for clearing that up Talia.

    When Spiderman's (and the X-men) license is up and the properties revert back to Marvel, except Marvel films to reboot the series again
    Good grief, It makes you wonder why Marvel hypes up the film as much as it does in conjunction with Columbia. If the studio ever does get back the franchise I wonder what they'd do with it differently as a 100% Marvel property, I mean... Avi Arad, Kevin Feige, Stan Lee, Gale Ann Hurd and the usual crowd are usually involved anyway in one way or another as executives whatever studio is producing, and I remember those guys hyping up the Ang Lee 'Hulk' as revolutionary and the best thing since sliced bread, the definative version... before it flopped, only to be involved in the subsequent reboot as well. A lot of the same people from Marvel are involved every.single.time.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Please no more zones! Make original mission maps/areas in TFs and SFs. We have too many zones.

    I would also LOVE to have some 'one-shot' TFs which involve different enemies etc. that we do not have anywhere else in game. We seems to have the same old groups we have seen/heard about for years.
    I think we don't have enough zones that are used to their fullest extent, thats the problem.
    We have Boomtown, Perez, Creys, Shadowshard, Dark Astoria (and you could argue a couple more) that have not been touched in years and are ghost-towns on most nights (most populated EU-server: Union).

    One could argue a possible cull, and / or reinvestment and reinvigoration of the content in those zones. The day we stop pushing for exciting enviroments being used to their fullest extent is the start of the apathetic slippery slope imho.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    I like the darker colour-scheme, I like the slight re-imaginning of the suit (the lattice and hexagonal texture of the Raimi-suit was very iconic). In my opinion they are just trying to disassociate from that.
    I like the less obvious spider chest icon, I really despise they way they have felt the need to unnecessarily tinker with the gloves design and tried to be all contemporary. I imagine its from the same idiotic production design department that decided to put a flourish of red on Thor's boots and gauntlets.

    But I absolutely disagree with web-shooters If they ever went down that path. Stan's original concept or not... It just doesn't make sense for a teenage schoolboy to be capable of inventing a scientific breakthrough like infinite supply of super-strong webbing and its practicle application through wrist-shooters in his bedroom. Totally dumb idea - just-don't-go-there. >.<

    And yes, part of me too wishes Marvel didn't have this inate reboot compulsion if films don't perform as hoped. There is really no need for it whatsover in my opinion, cinema audiences can make the leap of imagination with another actor in a role and there is no guarantee that this the new cast will last any longer than Raimi's cast.

    Silly Marvel, absolute folly. Andrew Garfield is 28 for heavens sakes, he may look younger than his years (as Maguire does / did) but for how long?, they going to reboot continuously to keep Spidey a youthful sub-thirty?.
    I think they should do a trilogy, possibly a cameo in the Avengers film or a following Marvel film, (Namor, Dr Strange, whatever) ... but retire the character from the silver screen after that. He's have a far more enthusisatic audience as a live-action 1-hour weekly Tv series with cliffhangers that would allow multiple storylines and explore the character's many Nemesis' without flogging the franchise to death on the silver screen.

    Thwip™ .o/

    Edit: Three claw scratches on his left cheek? and on zooming into the X2 resolution picture linked at you can definately see that a few of those stains on his suit have a dark green tinge to them (left glove/r.hand side on pic particularly). Lizard blood?.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Sexy Jay has recently mentioned Atlantis again
    Thats interesting, (and being an Atlantis mythology enthusiast I'm intrigued) but I think if underwater is attempted the Kingdom of the Coralax would be a perfect fit for existing lore rather than trying to shoehorn in something to CoH that is foreign.

    Besides, In the thirty years of PnP lore in the other game, Atlantis has already been a zone for decades. As the other studio's enviromental artists search through the PnP books for zonal inspiration, in-time it too will be attempted online to sit alongside the other underwater zone.

    I like the calls for a Norse-inspired Asgardian type of zone, as i do the calls for space and extra-planetary zones.
    Ancient Egypt also has merit I feel should pre-history be attempted.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    True, but I don't think this old engine could handle something like an underwater zone. One of our competitors has it and it can't do it right even with a more advanced engine. the other competitor that came out on 1/11/11 pretty much doesn't have such a zone.

    So I think SOME things could be done better here. Not all.
    Really, I thought it was very well done.
    Depth of field-check, a nice sense of depth re: different stages and sinking down fathoms deep-check, a wibbly-wobbly™ distortion effect that is noticable but not restrictive re:combat - check. A swimming animation and bubbles streaming from your breathing.
    I'm interested to hear what you feel isn't achieved convincingly enough for your tastes Aura.

    What I felt was a missed opportunity for CoH was not to implement an underwater zone first. I'm sure a convincing one could now be achieved anyway what with Ultra-mode, and the Coralax have been in-game since Halloween 2005, you'd of thought an underwater kingdom of the Coralax could of been attempted in the last five years.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    How can you have all that without adding a giant gorilla GM?
    Because you wouldn't want to ape the competition?


    ...I'll get my cape.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    But if we don't beat the dead horse, how do we know it's still deaD?!

    Agreed, besides... look at the horizon in the picture, no Castle in the background!.
  23. Union Chat is free-to-join and not a private channel that you need an invite for.

    Welcome to Paragon City Eliptica, looking forward to seeing you on-duty.