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  1. Or maybe just issue stealthed characters a leash - and let NPCs follow them whether stealthed or not.

    Perosnally I've always gottena little tired of having to turn my hide off in order to drag kidnap victims around, when I personally always envisioned myself as being skillful enough to lurk in the shadows and occasionally whisper "Psst - go to the end of the hall and get in the elevators or you die." Without breaking stealth.

    I guess I'm just less super than I thought.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    a system that doesn't make every MM player in existence's brain hurt emerged from the chaos.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I like the possessive on existence. Gives it a feel of existence itself was hurting from this. Very cool!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh. I have no problem with it potentially reading as "All MM player to be found somewhere in Existence's Brain are suffering pain. Conversely, those MM players outside of Existence's Brain (seemingly to include MajorDecoy ) were [u]not[u] experiencing pain."

    Goofballs .
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    The Pet Damage enhancements which give unique effects (such as Taunt and Placate Resistance) turned out not to work well with the Mastermind code. So after a bit of work on the programming staffs part and a bit more of my time, those abilities now work 100% of the time once the enhancement is slotted. The radius limitation remains unchanged.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow. It's like the universe itself came down and said "knock that clicky-aura crap off" and lo, a system that doesn't make every MM player in existence's brain hurt emerged from the chaos.

    Thank you, cludgey, lumbering piece of code. Thank you, for putting a stop to that madness .
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    (in regards to casual re-biding after a failed offer)
    I don't think it will be this way, because then people will complain that the devs 'forced them to' increment bids up in 1 inf units to not 'get screwed' on a price.

    If I was a dev, I'd do it this way:

    As previously stated, you have a 'transaction inventory'. Each bid you make moves a 'ghost' of that item into your transaction inventory, along with any items that have failed to sell within the last 30 days. When your transaction inventory is full, you can make no more bids.

    When the sales are processed, (every 24 hours?) the 'ghost' items become 'real', and failed bid vanish and free up space.

    After all, if you can bid for more items than your transaction inventory, what happens if they all come through? You don't want items to vanish because your transaction inventory got overloaded.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I pray for a system like that. I'd offer up a goat on the Altar of Game Balance for a simple impediment like that. Skybreak will absolutely flourish under those conditions because putting up with my 20% cost of staying in business will seem like a positive dream come true after you've lost a few key purchases to the joys of blind bidding with a re-bid delay. At that point a real, consistent, persistent known price is THE most valuable asset in the whole economic system, and Freebird will have it.

    Get your Freebirds here folks, and at a price you don't have to guess at. Ever.

    (Actual pricing to be determined. Includes all tax, licenses and dock fees. Offer valid in all servers with Wentworth's access. Some restrictions may apply. )
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Does anyone feel the same? Or differently? Maybe your experiences with resummoning on the fly differs from mine in some way?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very. A MM who can't combat summon and who thinks he's only tough enough to face things that won't kill more than a stray pet is of no use to me whatsoever. Hechmen are cheetos - crunch all you want and make more. They're there to die so other members of the team don't have to.

    Then again, anything less than +3 was kinda boring to our crew once we got rolling, and we use the MM like a tank in our groups . Most MMs I've met tend to be a little more sedate and protective of their darlings.
  6. The problem I seem to recall was that while you could cycle through poses, you couldn't be assured that other people were seeing the same pose you were - and some were pretty terrible looking for some characters (the whole reason you cycled to the one you liked was that you DIDN'T like the others as much). The strafing thing came when they swapped out their first attempt because the gossly tipped over posses for forward-diagonal flight (which were quite jarring) for the wierde camera-wrecking strafe thing. All and all the adjustments were pretty ham-fisted. From close with some tweaks needed-to-gameplay disrupting-to-gone in 2 steps.
  7. Good lord, why would you be coy/smug/whatever over "our processes suck and you're seeing a glitch"?
  8. Could we get the lower color portion of the legs disco pattern to start a little lower? Right now it almost completely overlaps with the various skirts. Down around the line of the athletic shorts or fishnets or even a little lower - above the knee, below the hem.

  9. I like the new SS glow, but wish it would suppress while I'm not moving... like sprint does for example.

    Similarly, the new prestige sprints need to have the same changes made to spint to get the dust to supress while not on the ground.
  10. Could we get a fix so that when you press the follow target key while hovering you don't stop short of melee range? Follow target is a critical part of the melee arsenal, and with hover looking more and more viable in close range combat, fixing this would ba a major QoL improvment.

    ...along with follow not sometimes droping to a crawl -again outside of melee range- when the trget happens to be moving slowly.
  11. The pathing AI on the Warburg Scientists has definitely changed. They now get stuck on turns I had down to a science in the before time (pre-issue 8).They weren't exactly rocket scientists before (even if they are rocket scientists!) but now they are even more aggressively stupid in not following you. It has nothing to do with stealth.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    FYI, both of the doors I've seen described in this topic are, in fact, accessed through the Arachnos tunnels underneath Faultline. Both the one underneath the Freakshow-controlled building, and the one off the left side of the map.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ooookaaaay. So where is the entrance to these elusive "Arachnos Tunnels"?

    Edit: Right. Found the entrance. On the -south- side of the dam. I had speculated that the Arachnos Base has a tunnel entrance, but apprently hadn't puttered around in there long enough to find it. Thanks for the hint. I still think it's stupid that those tunnels run north under what is perceptually a different zone .
  13. Clear out 1st Ruin
    My closest approach- 761.2 : 0.0 : 2126.1 Range 39 yards (apparent depth when viewed from the side: -115.0)

    Clear out 2nd ruin
    My closest approach- 1277.5 : 0.0 : 1784.3 (sidewalk facing into warwall) Range 106 yards due west and downwards (apparent depth when viewed from the side: -160.0)
  14. I was VERY thorough in searching for tunnels in the area - having experienced some of the quirks in Skyway . It was under the large building in the Freakshow controled area immediately west of the drowned rat badge (down in the south end- so no, it wasn't a parking structure or something). I'll try to pull up a loc of the closest spot I found. But beleive me, I had a -long- time to search for openings while waiting for a GM to not show up.
  15. Agent G is consistently giving me mission doors (or at least pointers to doors) that cannot be reached - first one 30 yards underground and after dropping that, 55 yards OUTSIDE THE WARWALL. I clicked on all doors in that whole quadrant of the map in case it was another pointer screw-up like in the Seer Marino missions, but no luck. This is occuring during the 3 dig sites then base missions.
  16. I'm sorry, were people unclear on 'major power substitutions aren't going to happen'? On a good day the powers you already have will be made more aplicable to the problems you are dealing with - not better, more applicable. You'll be a lot better served by figuring out what small tweaks would make what you have now make you happier, in a "more stylish, not stronger" way. The notion of adding some fear to /fire seems promising - it's logical and it would actually let you shed some aggro instead of concentrating it to the point of faceplating. Auto-turret could be extremely useful if it had a strong taunt component - it would pull hits off you and on to a portable reserve of HP as things had to take the time to destroy the turret. Swapping out a power for something like build up if you don't already have it is just entirely the wrong thing to be hoping for.
  17. That's what I'm saying - People on the Dom, and I believe Corrupter boards have been discussing that at some point in the not too distant past the PToD gained an additional characteristic of fluctuating debuff resistance - while they are "up arrow" they are shrugging off all kinds of stuff, not just mez. I don't know if that extends to taunts, I'm just suggesting that it would acount for some "my taunt isn't working" behavior some people here are experiencing.

    It's a little chaotic over there in the aftermath of the Domination change/buff, but I'll try to track down the specific comments about this. Again, I don't know that taunt is or isn't affected, I'm just mentioning it because it sounds like the symptoms match.
  18. I'm not sure if tank folks heard, but the AVs are displaying massive resistance to nearly all debuffs during their "up arrows" cycle. They seem to blow off [u]everybody's[u] stuff while the Purple Triangles of Doom are going their way (except fo the sainted Rad set). I would guess they now get taunt resistance during the up arrows the same way they ignore attempts to mez them. You can probably taunt them just fine during the down arrows - if they aren't held at the time :P.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    While I love the idea of mezz protection, I have to agree it feels like just another reason to crutch on Domination. I was thinking that since domination boosts damage (which we supposedly have) and controls, why not have it boost inherent mezz protection? Like, give doms a mag 4 resist to hold, sleep, disorient, and then domination boost it, along with the fear, confuse, KB, repel, so that way we can survive ONE hold on our own. To help with the peaks and valley issues a lot of people have

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have to agree here. It sounds neat and all, but my primary issue with the PvP environment as a Dom-player since the game came out is that when I face a scrapper or tank, one of us is going to get mezed and then die - and that one of us is ALWAYS me, because I need to stack 3-5 holds on him (the benefits of Acrobatics are kinda ludicrious) and he needs to get exactly one hold on me - casually killing me before I recover. If it took him 2 holds, I could at least take my chances but as it stands, the villian's principle mezzer is always the the one getting mezzed .

    Please - just give me a chance to try an hold my foes. And not by having dinked around poking mobs for 3 minutes before going to engage him. Mag 4 resitance as a professional courtesy to mezzers. Heck, I'd take Mag 1.8 resistance to the matching incomming effect as a sub-benefit from each of my hold/root powers so it slowly built up as the character gained levels/powers and reflected my specific primary set.
  20. Morgenstern

    XP and I5

    [ QUOTE ]
    Removing debt for being defeated by ambushes would be nice, but I don't see it as practical. How would the DEVs distinguish betweens an SK'd character defeated by +10 and someone who fell prey to a high-level ambush? Also, I know of Tanks that go out and fight +10 mobs... not to mention PLing. I hardly think this needs more encouragement.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You must have a pretty low opinion of the Devs it you think they can't code "effective level +10" . That isn't even a hiccup, much less anspeed bump. As to tank (and only tanks...) attacking things 10 levels higher than them, do you suppose the problem is with the idea or with the tanks :P?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Regarding XP-regaining Rez powers - PLEASE DON'T. Please don't turn CoH into EQ-style Rez Begging Fests. Already we see rez begging in some zones. (I don't see the point of it, when by the time someone arrives and rezes and you rest, you could just have easily run back from the hospital and stopped off to sell and pick up inspirations on the way back.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, the problem there is from people comming and rezing them . Make the debt relief aspect of rez other strictly in-team, and prevent dead characters from joining teams. Done and done.
  21. Morgenstern

    XP and I5

    Greetings Statesman ,

    Thanks for dropping by and telling us what's up.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Couple of changes we're making in I5:
    1) Instead of the first five levels being debt free, the first TEN levels will be debt free.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As a regular creator of alts, the group of existing players most likely to benefit from this I ask you, please don't do this.

    Having played the game for moths, the one thing I don't need is something that takes away the challenge of the game even more. You have a comic book coming out that pokes fun at the fact that Paragon City's heroes are wimps without any reasonable fear of dying, and making that even more true is just sorta sad.

    I suspect the real target of this is new players, to encourage them to stay involved with the game. Saddly, if they are bailing out because of debt in levels 6-10, I really don't think they were gonna stick with the game more than their first month or two anyway. It basically makes the game a joke for questionable payoff. If changes are required to entice new players, how about reducing the debt by 50% in levels 5-10. That way the concept is introduced in a more gradual way than the hard binary yes/no we have now?

    [ QUOTE ]
    2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pretty much the same reaction here. The game is dangerously close trivial as it is, with only minimal consequences for dying in any circumstances. It's a light, pick up and play game which is good fun, but it could easily get to be like computer solitaire - If you don't like how much you are lossing, you just close the program and start again - completely without consequences. I personnaly feel that consequences engender involvment, and that a sense of risk is critcal to making any game worth playing. I would like to be on the edge of my seat, or I could find some other activity that does give me a thrill for my entertainment time/dollars.

    Please don't take away the sense of risk, it's fun to see heroes with ZZzzs over their heads, it's not fun to see players snoozing because it just doesn't matter if they are on the ball or not.

    In the subject of debt, I would like to see several changes, some small, some larger.

    1) 50% debt if you are killed by something 10 levels bigger than you. It's obviously someone else's ambush and not your fault your 13th level blaster met a 28th level Family guy in Perez Park (had it happen, wasn't amused). Alternatively, you are out exploring, and that's at least -something- to do other than the grind, and shouldn't be punished with the full weight of the debt stick.

    2) A new, possibly training-only (no DO, no SO) enhancement that reduces debt when you are rezed by a power. Give healers something to think about when slotting their rezes, and take some of the sting out of powers that can only be used by dead characters. Were it me, I'd cap it at 25% (3 slots) debt relief for rez-other powers, and 33.3% (4 slots) debt relief for self-rez powers. This change could encourage more teamming, and less going to the hospital in general, while providing greater variety in how rez powers are slotted/enhanced.

    Thank you for listening, and for bringing us a great, evolving game !