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  1. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    Aye, I get that. Sadly Marvel has been extremely inconsistent about which Mutants kept their powers, not to mention the fact that most of the mutants that did keep their powers are the main characters.

    But I digress. In fact, this whole side topic is a digression, which I keep trying (and failing) not to get sucked into.
  2. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Forgive me if I'm wrong but...

    ...I swear there is one storyline in X-men where a young mutant has a power which means he exhudes a deadly chemical which effectively turns him into a mobile chemical weapon which he can't shut off and there's no way he could stay among people...

    ...I think it ends with him being in a cave out in the middle of nowhere and Wolverine (who thanks to his regenerative powers was the only one that could get near him without keeling over) explaining that the guy had to die for the good of the rest of the world just before promptly killing him.

    I could have imagined all this but I swear I've read that comic somewhere.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's fairly recent, actually, under the Wolverine title (not Wolverine: Origins, or Wolvering: First Class or anything like that). I think it's around issue 50 or so.

    I still don't get how laser beam eyes develop over a single generation though. I think I like the Ultimate universe's explanation better (whaaaaat? Morac likes something from the Ultimate universe? Say it ain't so!).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It happens because comic book mutation =/ real world mutation. In the real world, inborn genetic mutations are minor affairs like webbed feet, alternate coloring, or *slightly* enhanced musculature. Truly out-of-the-way characterstics do develop over many generations as adaptations. Comic book mutations, however, are the result of fictional super-genes that grant super powers and do not follow the rules of real world genetics or evolution. They're not the same, and trying equate one with the other is an exercise in futility and frustration.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That doesn't make it not stupid. Basically what the writers were doing is saying they got the powers "just 'cus", which is lazy writing from where I stand. Yes, I get that they're not the same thing, and applying general rules of science in a comic book setting is a rather silly practice, but their handling of it in the main Marvel U is... weak.
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    As I left the tutorial and loaded into Atlas Park, my chat box was filled with lots and lots of request from either a) low-level characters looking for an AE team, or b) high level AE 'boss farms' looking for very specific members (usually a high level tank). But, as this was essentially my first immersion into the game, I was very, VERY confused at the chaos. Atlas Park, the iconic starting zone, honestly scared me. I didn't know what to do, where to go, or who to talk to.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This needs to go to Posi's desk. Right now.
  4. Postcount++;

    I mean... err... you didn't see that.
    Totally supporting this for non-biased reasons (really!). That's a "yea".
  5. Morac_Ex_Machina

    A warm thank you

    Oy... blood diseases/disorders/deficiencies... those suck. Losing a leg? Sucks even harder.

    Still, I am glad you are doing ok! And more awesome people in CoX is always a good thing.
  6. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    [ QUOTE ]
    Forgive me if I'm wrong but...

    ...I swear there is one storyline in X-men where a young mutant has a power which means he exhudes a deadly chemical which effectively turns him into a mobile chemical weapon which he can't shut off and there's no way he could stay among people...

    ...I think it ends with him being in a cave out in the middle of nowhere and Wolverine (who thanks to his regenerative powers was the only one that could get near him without keeling over) explaining that the guy had to die for the good of the rest of the world just before promptly killing him.

    I could have imagined all this but I swear I've read that comic somewhere.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's fairly recent, actually, under the Wolverine title (not Wolverine: Origins, or Wolvering: First Class or anything like that). I think it's around issue 50 or so.

    I still don't get how laser beam eyes develop over a single generation though. I think I like the Ultimate universe's explanation better (whaaaaat? Morac likes something from the Ultimate universe? Say it ain't so!).
  7. So... how da hell am I going to come up with an alternate version of Morac? (No, spelling it backwards doesn't count).
  8. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    [ QUOTE ]
    I always thought it was an interesting exception of the Mutant origin that there are very rarely, if ever, outright negative super mutations.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's cus regular mutants are boring. Who cares if I have semi-webbed toes (which I do)?

    Though I've often wondered how in the hell can the X-Men make sense under the standard theories of evolution. I mean, that much variety, in so few generations? Crazy.
  9. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    That's also a good way of looking at it, Umbral.

    I guess I wasn't articulating the character well enough (which is understandable, cus I've never really written this stuff down in any detail... maybe I should do that).

    I was gonna explain more about the character, but the I realized I'm almost just making it up as I go along to try and fit him in to either Tech OR Science, and that is hardly productive. Which brings me back, in a roundabout way, to one of my earlier points about Tech and Science being very hard to differentiate between, as it is easy to come up with a character that could belong to both. The same is true of other origins, which leads me to kinda wishing that you could choose two or three origins, instead of just one.

    I do like the origin system though, almost entirely because it doesn't really matter that much, but often gives me something to focus on about a character when trying to come up with one on the fly.
  10. Speaking of sounds, have you ever turned the volume up in an Orenbega map? Tons of cool sound effects working in the background there.

    Also, it took me quite a while to notice the music in Ouroboros, but that music is also really cool.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    READ THIS! In 1997 a girl called lauren was walikng in a forest and then a she just disappeared no one ever found her until 2000 when a yoing girl called Mary found her body and markings on her chest saying: I wasn't pretty enough" and now you have read this she will appear in your mirror saying your not pretty enough and kill you. by the way the girl called mary died shortly after. To be saved paste this to 5 other videos. THIS TRUE

    [/ QUOTE ]

  12. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    but after a while his story changed so that he was infected with a Technological organism that allowed him to interface with various pieces of technology on the biological level, which is a totally Science background.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My nanotech heroes are all Tech - why should it be Science?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The line of differentiation that I use is this:
    Using technology: Tech Origin.
    Having Technology fundamentally alter you: Science.

    Which one you want to use for your guys is up to you.

    [/ QUOTE ]Actually, if you notice, nanites seem to be tech enhancements - So in game, nanites are primarily tech.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, what I was trying to argue is that the nanites, while floating in your bloodstream or wherever, haven't fundamentally altered you, therefore: Tech. With my namesake character, it's a virus that has altered his very cellular structure, therefore: Science.
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    - You create a Superman clone who has Super Jump rather than Fly. (+2 Geek Cred for getting this joke)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I got it! Yay! (For those that don't, where do you think "Able to leap tall buildings with a single bound!" came from?).
  14. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    but after a while his story changed so that he was infected with a Technological organism that allowed him to interface with various pieces of technology on the biological level, which is a totally Science background.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My nanotech heroes are all Tech - why should it be Science?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The line of differentiation that I use is this:
    Using technology: Tech Origin.
    Having Technology fundamentally alter you: Science.

    Which one you want to use for your guys is up to you.
  15. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Changing Origins

    Before you jump on me, this is NOT a petition to allow changing of origins after creation, nor a comment on anything to do with origin mechanics.

    What I am interested in is how many of you roll with one origin, and then later on, as you get a better idea of your character, or come up with a better background or story or what-have-you, have wanted to change your origin?

    I've done this a few times, generally around Tech and Science. For instance, my main character, Morac, was originally a generic Powered Armour guy, but after a while his story changed so that he was infected with a Technological organism that allowed him to interface with various pieces of technology on the biological level, which is a totally Science background.

    Does anyone else do this? Or is it just me?
  16. I think I should be available on Friday. Sign me up with Project 64B, dominator.
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    "You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them."

    [/ QUOTE ]This one has actually been in for a while. You do have to be online when the person rates it to collect them that way, though.
  18. True story: you can break all matter down to its component parts of SMASH.
  19. Damn, gonna have to bail on Thursday.

    I might be up for Saturday, not sure.
  20. I'm down for Thursday, on my Earth/Fire dom, Project 64B.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    On Virtue.

    [/ QUOTE ]I dunno... that sounds kinda nasty to me.
  22. They did eventually get rid of the Bank Temp powers effects, though.
  23. To be honest, I found this the most interesting:
    [ QUOTE ]

    Boomtown: In the 5 years City of Heroes has been on the market, we’ve seen many new powersets. However, we haven’t seen a new major travel power. Is that due to an engine limitation or is that a design decision? After all superhero lore is full of various travel styles.

    Matt Miller: We’ve designed and back-burnered several new travel powers over the past 5 years. It seems that there has always been something more broad to do with that development time. Someday! We have a lot of other work to do that our players are going to love.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Never realized that new travel powers were being considered at any point.