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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    *looks down at all the AE exploiters*

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    OMGZ! Get 'im! *lynch mob*
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    I was fairly sure, according to what I've read in the forums, everything was a step backwards.

    Which means if CoH started in Rhode Island, it is somewhere close to Japan by now.

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    Which way is forward, then? Towards America? Or away from it?
  3. While technically you aren't allowed to have your friend in on your account to try the game out, or otherwise take control of an account that isn't yours, that's not the sort of the GMs would come down on.

    If, however, someone logs in to your account and starts throwing racial epithets or otherwise brings the GMs down on his head and your account gets suspended or banned for it, you can't take the defense "but it was someone else using my account!".

    This extends to any other reason your account would be banned/suspended (like abusing the AE, for example). The act of letting someone borrow your account isn't wrong, but you have to be prepared to wear the consequences of anything they do while logged in to your account.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I did Ashley McKnight's mission the other night, where you have to retrieve the 4 amulets.

    Solo at diff 4, level 33 - the prison room contained a Succubus, a Hellfrost, a Ruin Mage, 3 Behemoth Overlords and a Rikti Chief Soldier. Thanfully I was able to fight 'only' two of them at a time (!) but I have never seen such a concentration of bosses when soloing as I did in that mission.

    I don't mind the guards, but the doors themselves take a very very long time to break down, or at least did with my SS/ Brute.

    Edit: Is there something about the layout of that room's spawn points that causes it to have a very dense population of enemies?

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    I hate that mission. Every single spawn has a boss in it. Even when soloing. Every. Single. Mob.
  5. No! No opinions for you!

    ... actually, I just latched on to that example because I like talking about art.
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    Maybe you should get a new video card and change your graphics up a bit. Because I'm not seeing what you just described...

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    I'm running max settings on everything.

    You may be blind, one way or another.

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    Then very clearly you need a new graphics card, because I do not see what you're seeing either.

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    Not everyone sees everything the same, or forms the same opinion of it when viewing.

    Some call this art. I call it bland, and relatively uninspired.

    C'est la vie.

    EDIT: Should probably clarify the piece linked was done by Piet Mondrian, a recognized abstract artist.

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    While I like his earlier stuff, I'm not well versed enough in Art Culture to really get the point of things that he was doing later, like the one you linked. As long as we are going truly abstract, I think I like some of Pollock's stuff better than Mondrian's late stuff.

    EDIT: Earlier work, Grey Tree
  7. It's true! Everyone on the internet is a paragon of tolerance and *snerk*... sorry, I just can't say that with a straight face.
  8. This again? Didn't we just have a thread on this a couple of weeks ago?

    My answer remains the same: Do not remove the system. I use it. Others use it. It is not completely useless. Just because you don't, does not mean that no one does.
  9. I think one of the cooler places I've found recently is the clocktower in Mercy, on which you can occasionally find a mad gunman shooting over the railing.
  10. I really wish that villains got access to the Shadow Shard.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    The most cool is the secret club somewhere in Faultline.

    [/ QUOTE ]I like the one in Grandville better.
  12. It was a most epic way to get the MoLRSF. We pulled Numi, smacked her down, and then on the next pull we got all of them. And won. I was mighty pleased. PGTs are awesome.
  13. I think what I was more getting at is this: in making generalizations about Anthropologists, you dissed mah momma! I'ma getchu for dat one!
  14. Morac_Ex_Machina


    I humbly invite you to check out the 1st Mechanized Infantry
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    This is why I have a horrible dislike for Anthropologists. They liken themselves to Psychologists and Sociologists insofar as using observation to determine relationships and effects yet believe that, in order to properly observe, one must actually join said system, completely ignoring the fact that their very presence alters the system.

    [/ QUOTE ]And this is why I have a horrible dislike for generalizations. No Anthropologist that I have met has ever held this to be a necessity, and I've met a fair few, seeing as both my parents had strong backgrounds in it (one an Anthropologist, and the other an Archeologist).
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Sign me up on Project 64B again. Mebbe I'll actually get in?

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    Well, if you would have been there last night by 10:30pm you would have been in...

    [/ QUOTE ]That's what being 5 minutes late will get me, I guess.
  17. Sign me up on Project 64B again. Mebbe I'll actually get in?
  18. Morac_Ex_Machina


    I know that I was totally traumatized, and need some purples (not sleeps, ya cheapo) to make up for it.
  19. A Signature Hero hunt would also be a good thing to organize at some point, I think.
  20. You can totally pull the "tentative" off of my name, I am sure to be there.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    God can't be female.

    Eve would've come first, Adam wouldn't have been made of ash and dirt (Lillith), The Apples of Knowledge would've been given freely and cute things wouldn't have the ability to kill you. (See: Australia)

    However I am of the belief that God was, at one point, a stoned Frat Boy.

    "Okay, okay... Hang on!" *toke toke* "Okayy... check this you! We'll take the body of a beaver... give it webbed feet and poison but -only- in the males... Then we'll give it a Duck's Face! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehehe.... And.. And... And it's a Mammal that lays eggs. [censored] YOU DARWIN!"


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    Dunno why everyone hates upon the Platypus. They're freakin' awesome.