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  1. Yeah, it was a momentary downtime. However, the whole site feels a bit sleazy.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    To avoid the proxy server overloading this system is temporally restricted
    If you wish to continue using this system please try again in a few minutes
    or you can purchase an access code to surf without limitations
    Then it asks me for a credit card.
  3. Quote:
    This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.
    I am going to stab the people who came up with idea a stabby, stabby death. (I'm really not, but I kinda wish someone with a time machine would).
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Are you saying that all horoscope lists are not thoroughly and meticulously researched and ratified?! Are you daring to insinuate that any aspect of it may actually be WRONG?!

  5. Funny... every time I tried to get some soloing done I would end up with either a blind invite (if I wasn't in a mission) or a tell (if I was). I saw some truly $diety-awful builds that way... like the level 20 scrapper with one attack power... who sent me a tell after I quit to get me to "stop leeching".
  6. Wow... just... wow. This is epic.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    "All City of Heroes® and City of Villains® players who maintain an active account for the time period beginning August 15, 2009 and ending November 15, 2009"

    From the official site.

    The badge will probably be given out AFTER the end time.
    So, no one has this badge yet? Good to know. I've been fretting, as my account lapsed very briefly (measured in hours if not minutes) at the end of August, and I would really hate it if that meant I couldn't get this badge. I want mah badges!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Timber_Bear View Post
    There are no girls on the internet.. heh
    Old joke is old.
  9. I got some thanksgiving leftovers.
  10. Morac_Ex_Machina


    I have a softcapped Fire/Shield brute. He pwns face.
  11. And on that note, broadsword needs the "rusted blade" option from Katana.
  12. Thanksgiving is really going to limit my time available (worst weekend choice ever), but I plan on pushing my lowbies up to the low twenties at least.
  13. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Server Channels

    I think I might dibs on RF>9000.

    EDIT: Or I would, if the channels allowed '>' in the name.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post Brain...
    Really? *re-evaluates the amount of useless (editors note: useless... until it is super-useful) info stored in my brain*

    Originally Posted by pohsyb View Post
    I can't believe no one noticed this earlier!

    Since everyone loved my last bug explanation:

    Level capped experience being converted into influence was broken because of an off by one error. (49 is never >= to 50)

    Exemplaring converting experience into influence was broken because the experience was being added to influence before influence was being set (note these lines were a lot further apart):
    Influence += Reward->Experience;
    Influence = Reward->Influence;
    GiveInfluence( Player, Influence );
    Oops, I guess. Looks like a mistake I would make (though unless I find a time machine in the future and change my identity, I'm pretty sure it wasn't me).
  15. You scared me with that whole "not coming back to CoH" bit. I though you were leaving us for good!

    Still, congrats on the wedding!
  16. By the way, to all the people who don't like it, and are going to HeroCon... can I have your code?
  17. Morac_Ex_Machina

    free giveaway.

    You also both draw breath. I do not think it is cause for alarm.
  18. Does the money argument wash? Distance = time and money. Time also = money, so distance = money * money.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Actually, anything divided by 0 is simply undefined.
    Right, but it approaches infinity when you take the limit.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
    the game is fine.

    The players sucks.

    Blame it on the AE, blame it on the I16, after all, its just this 'anti' vibe who is pulling the game down.

    Did i participate? yes.

    Did i started it? no.
    Dude, just quit already.
  21. Morac_Ex_Machina

    free giveaway.

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Jetting? You're Wright Brothering, the amount of time it's taking you to go
    I think that does him too much credit. The Wright Brothers actually got off the ground, you know.
  22. Morac_Ex_Machina

    free giveaway.

    I don't think anyone has made this big of a deal of leaving for some time now.

    Look, you really don't need multiple threads for this.
  23. For some reason I remember both of these having patch notes. Am I crazy? (is possible, I have a massive headache right now).
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    Naw, not when a yellow sea sponge armor temp power is coming out at the same time.
    Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. This will make it completely impossible to solo Hamidon, as well as being a huuuuuuge nerf to Regen. It is going to ruin the game, and make everyone quit.