Double XP weekend?




Ok, so I know for us Freedom folk, double XP weekend can be painful from time to time.... But since the weekends are all I have to play, I wanna do something! What is everyone's plans for this weekend, and would anyone be interested in running a team for the weekend? Maybe a bit on Saturday and a bit on Sunday?

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



I personally am not running a "Come Crash with Mr E" weekend this time around - it was a bit too much short notice for me. Plus, I've been feeling crappy the past couple of weeks.

I will be on when I can, and figured I could just do some PUG TFing/SFing -or- start leveling up my tank for Luna's next set of Monday Night Horde TFs.

I'm making this a lite DXP Weekend.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'll be around most of this weekend, but I'm not sure if I'll be leading any TF's or not. It'll just depend on the mood I'm in :smirk:

I've got a ton of lowbies though, so expect me to be running some of them, and I'll keep an eye on the global channels. If I see something that sounds interesting, I'll join in.

See you all then!


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I had thought about running a few TF's but decided against it thinking that if lag became an issue, we'd have a hard time getting them done.

I have two lowbies I'd love to get some work done on. One is my level 22 tank, and the other is my level 10 ish scrapper. I'm thinking of just running radio mishes in each of the zones to try and level, and more likely will go with the scrapper for the weekend.

So, if anyone would be interested in joining me, that's what I plan to be doing!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Yeah, my WS is stuck in the 30's right now. I can't seem to really get into anything other than my tanks and my trollers.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



As people in Freedom TF know, Im down for anything. Global NooDL3, Character Accutech



Gona play a lot more than the last go around and dont play on doing any marketing stuff. I have several 45+ toons that I think is the right time to run them to 50 on both the red and blues sides.

The good think is that several of them are KINS so if anyone needs one for most anything just shout out