Server Channels




Does anyone know if there are any other server channels other than the Freedom TF channel?

Are there server channels for AT or anything similiar?



Originally Posted by Tw00sh View Post
Are there server channels for AT or anything similiar?
I should address this, as it's not mentioned in the Global Channel sticky: I'm not aware of any server-specific AT channels, although there are cross-server channels you can look at (if you have general AT questions, that serves you better anyway - wider audience).

I didn't see anything beyond what I posted when I dropped in the word "freedom", but if something's come up and it's legit (meaning it's got more than one frickin' member who's showboating - I'm lookin' at you, JFS), let me know and I'll add it.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
meaning it's got more than one frickin' member who's showboating - I'm lookin' at you, JFS)it.

Wait what? I'm confused and lost.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
*points to an extremely well-written sticky on our board to that effect*
It’s very likely I would have noticed the sticky if it did not have all that additional unnecessary crap written in front of the Server Channel.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Ask about RF2010 on @JFS, Joe.
Don't they have up to RF2019?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
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