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  1. That reminds me... I still haven't messed with the new difficulty system and my soft-capped Fiar/Shield Broot.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Most of my neg rep were from the forum care bears who couldn't bide me calling people out for socially inappropriate behavior (i.e., being jerks). So, they anonymously chastised me for chastising others, the hypocrites.
    The irony of this statement is something only me and my mysterious neg-repper will ever understand. Unless I explain it, I guess.
  3. Morac_Ex_Machina


    Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
    Post Deleted by Moderator_08
    Look, we all realize it sucks. That's old news. Really old news. What we are taking issue with is the inflammatory tone of your posts. Ranting and raving isn't going to accomplish anything other than getting people pissed off at you.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Fir bolg = orangy colours
    DE = green colours

    Match goes to Damz
    I dunno... I ran into some orangy coloured trees that turned out be DE today.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'd really like to see that as a feature - although, it might mean team invites comign to you from the other side, even if you weren't in a co-op area
    I'm sure they can figure out a way to throw up an error message on the inviter's end if that happens.
  6. Morac_Ex_Machina


    Thats... a really good explanation. Especially for those that didn't play pre-newspapers.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    *stuff about fury*
    I think part of your fury building troubles comes from having Battle Axe as your primary. It's a bit slow. But then, pre-new-difficulty system fury was always a bit slow solo. Hmm... I wonder what claws is like...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Qurios View Post
    If this is true, what happens to my inf when I switch sides? If it's not convertible, then shouldn't I lose it all? If I don't, then somewhere along the way my influence is being converted to infamy and vice versa, isn't it?
    Maybe? At this point we just don't know. Infamy may be completely incompatible with influence, or they may be the exact same thing with differently text labels. As of now, on live, there is no way to tell because there is no way to transfer. Anything beyond that is speculation (unless some dev somewhere said something I don't know about).
  9. That's why they pay me the big bucks.

    Well, actually, no one pays me anything, but if they did pay me big bucks it would be for that reason.
  10. But then the entire nature of the Undrnt would have been compromised. You'd be relying on encryption alone, instead of encryption and secrecy.
  11. That... would be rather unwise.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Someone's never seen stunt bikers, have they?
    Sooo.... stunt bikers can jump straight into the air without any sort of outside momentum?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Unless someone set up some sort of "repeating" device that would repeat the same message continually. Hmmm.... *scratches chin*
    Would give too large an opportunity for people to break your code then, I think.
  14. To: all the people promoting the idea of motorcycles:

    How's it gonna handle jumping?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think that's why WWII is such a popular setting for games and stories - fighting Nazis is about as close to comic book good vs evil as you can get in RL.
    Except it really isn't. Also, dangerously close (again) to Godwin here.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
    Testing my new Loyalist sig image. What do you guys think?
    It's a little too hard to make out what's going on in it at that size.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tabik View Post
    There are a couple problems with that from the get go the way I see it. First of all, I'm having difficulty thinking of a scenario where killing "for fun" can be, or ever has been considered moral. Perhaps this is merely a mistake in the wording of the question, but I would think the basic premise of that can only be considered immoral by most people's standards.
    Secondly, who decides if the person "really deserves it," and what gives them the right to make that judgment as to whether a person should die?
    Well, the example I had in my head (that I should probably have mentioned, but oh well) was an executioner (for those countries that still have capital punishment) that reeeeaaally enjoyed his job.
  18. I'd also like to add that I don't think that running bosses is bad in theory, but in practice it's just not particularily well executed. Maybe if it wasn't so much "run to the door, you lose" but more like the Rikti Communication Officers where it certainly makes it harder if they get off their power, but it doesn't make you fail.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
    This sounds like somethings the devs should set-up, video and release to YouTube.
    This sounds like a job for Samuraiko! *batman transition music*
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    A prediction for one that wasn't announced:

    Updated team search.

    Why? Because we will need functionality to search for both Heroes and Villains.

    Why not? Because it would be helpful to also be able to search for team leaders, and team size, and possibly other functionality.
    I would love to see this. They could also cut out a few of the "Looking for 'X'" that no one uses, like "Looking For Patrol".
  21. You should really try the Baracuda Strike Force. I like much better than the Khan.
  22. Morac_Ex_Machina

    November 27th

    Originally Posted by Kungfu_Bunny View Post
    is CoX doing anything special on this day?
    No one besides the devs know. Unless there was something at Herocon that I don't know about (which is possible, as I didn't go).

    For those of you in the dark, he's talking about the opening of the Hero 1 memorial Time Capsule, unless I miss my mark.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    You can vendor inspirations?
    At the inspiration vendor base items, yes. Some can't be sold, and the ones that can aren't worth that much.
  24. They're not too bad, as long as they're rare. Shakes things up a little. I certainly wouldn't want them more common, though.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unbroken Shard View Post
    I have 1 tincy wincy QoL thing I'd like sorted, When I open My Recipe List it would be extremely nice if the Memorised Recipe tab was closed unless otherwise wanted cos I get a tad miffed everytime I go to make Enhancements or check recipes and the Memorised IOs pop up all the time.
    Guh. Yes. This.