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  1. I still think it would be nice if they actually may some of the +res bonuses just a BIT more realistic. Especially when they are usually just one or two types, were Def always gets Pos and Typed.
    At the very least, add a second +res proc, or change the pvp one to 6%.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Except that fitness isn't a selectable pool anymore, so how would one select it?
    Obviously..by making that one power selectable.
  3. I think it was in the Virtue section, or Pvp (maybe both) but theres a thread called Pvp redux or similar? About them running pvp activities there, teaching people the basics.
  4. MisterD

    Control Hybrid

    He explained that? In game, in the power description perhaps? If not, and I am very sure it isnt there..his explanation is about as good as the power itself would appear to be.

    Almost in teh same way Assault double hit is SUCH a weird formula, and Hopeling did his spreadsheet. Before I looked at that, I had no idea if it would do anything with various sets. At least Assault core the general rule is (fast quick attacks, high damage mod) go core. Easy, done. But no..cant do that for assault radial. Or Control it seems.

    The 40% (or whatever) just gives no hint of all these other conditions, and makes it seem more like a rip off to me. Surely the stacking ability would have been great, especially for trollers. How many builds have TWO powers with the same status effect, than they could +1 stack, since it wont +1 from the same power!
    (Maybe things like Energy Melee...but even then, those stuns are a chance to occur, so it wouldnt be worth it)
  5. MisterD

    Control Hybrid

    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    I tested with a Fortunata against a Fake Nemesis, and the +1 mag showed up pretty consistently on a Power Analyzer (but more on that in a moment), but the Control message overhead appeared only sporadically, frequently not showing even though the extra mag was clearly present in Combat Attributes and the Fake was clutching its head Held from a single Dominate.

    However, the extra magnitude from Control seems to not proc if the target is already affected by a mez of that type. I was unable to get the +1 mag Hold if I already had a Dominate on the target, whether the target was actually held or not. Similar for immobilize from Subdue and Stun from Psychic Wail.
    Your first bit.thats GREAT. I did not test it with the PA, so too hear it is actually working, and not saying so..is good. Well..until I consider that it..you know..not showing up..is a bug and annoying as hell, because you dont know when its working!

    2nd..Also..dodgy as all hell. Not what your saying, but if thats how it works. That is really dumb, if you can use the same mez and +1 it. Also makes it even less useful vs ebs and avs.

    Overall..I am thinking..Control is just..buggy, dodgy and/or plain stupid. I think I am going back to Assault!
  6. MisterD

    How do you?

    Ask someone for money. I dont mean..hang around WW and beg. That will get you slapped. I mean..ASK, nicely. On of the most annoying things I found when I started this game, was that in playing 'normally' you did not actually seem to earn enough money to update yourself every 5 lvls.
    So it was basically..borrow money off someone, then when you start your new toon, trade yourself money..from your now non lowbie.

    Of course..the market helps a lot there..but not everyone wants to play it, or enjoys it. ANd neither should we have to. Ask someone nice
  7. I have no made a toon JUST for this but..
    Both my water/em and dark/em blasters do VERY well at a door. And can kill at least 95% of the guys (that is, 90% over the WHOLE five mins, not just per wave).

    I do find that any getting past are usually because I stopped to attack a guy going behind me on a path, running by from another door, itching my nose etc etc.

    MY Dp/MM doe great too, but I find only having BU, means I can just chain AIm and BU one after another (it seems that a lvl 53 average blaster aoe with interface and either aim/bu, kills most of a wave).

    Knockdowns and backs are really good to, allowing you those extra seconds as minions flop about, to ST the LTs to hell.

    My fire/earth dom does bad bad things to doors also. And NO, not in that way! Even if he is on (lack of)Virtue.
  8. MisterD

    Control Hybrid

    Yay thanks Hope. Again..wasnt seeing a combat msg for +1, just Control. And see if you are getting waylay at a much greater rate than control
  9. MisterD

    Control Hybrid

    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Pretty sure it follows the PPM formula:

    PPM * ((Activate Period) / (60 * Area Factor))

    In other words the chance to proc in a toggle is VERY low. (Same with the other hybrids)
    Ok that makes sense. BUT (I bet you are sick of me using that word) ..if the proc chance in a toggle, mudpots is so low..why was I see so many Waylay hits, compared to Control hits?\

    Or..is it something even more silly...is it ONE chance for both? ie, if waylay hits (maybe that rolls first?) does it then lock out the control chance, cause its already had a chance per the time period?

    very subjective observation too..I seemed to see waylay go off a LOT more in the toggle vs a single target, than spamming my hold on that same single target. Yet..its meant to be the same chance? (or less, given what you just said)
  10. The title is the obvious suggestion, but I am going to ramble on a bit. Bear with me.

    (SKip the following if you must! I got rather carried away, for such a small idea, TL,CR at the end)

    Earlier today I was playing with a friend on our new toons, a db/invul brute (him) and a water/poison corr (me). Now, as a background, we are bother pretty veteran players, we both have a lot of resources to spend on making good builds and decent toons, we both are NOT hard core, full on min/maxes. We both know how to play, in simple ways like..if your end isnt great..dont go and run missions at +3 and 8.

    SO we are doing missions, and both running out of end, a lot. Looking at my toon, I am using all generic lvl 35ish IOs, and both recovery uniques plus the shifter proc. I also have and end mod in every attack and the debuffs, and maxed end red in my one toggle. Given that...SHOULD I be running dry?

    This is not a discussion of my builds, my playing style, or anything. Merely the fact that with slotting like that (which, with the uniques is far and away better than anything we could get with SOs..game is balanced on sos remember!) is it reasonable to be almost out of end after debuffing a mob and attacking a few times?

    I am NOT expecting, or indeed wanting, every build combo to suddenly have the end management of a claws/regen scrapper with cardiac, ageless and phyperf but..well, for example. We got Inherent Fitness. Which to me..it the devs basically sharing the opinion that having to wait till 20 before we can actually have an attack chain (slight exaggeration) IS annoying. And frustration. And not at all fun..hence a lot of people blowing past that early content.

    The game is easy, yes. Am I lazy and just want it easier? Hardly. I have seen a lot of teams where people spend half the time running dry, toggles dropping etc etc. Again, we can put that done to bad builds or power sets combos...but it does not always apply. As I was saying above..I really dont 'know' how I could build my corr (yes he is only 40, I am not pretending IOs wont fix it) to make that lvling up process easier, in regards to my end usage.

    Sure, at 50 we have our IOs and our alpha, and now incarnate stuff. I know from some friend, that a simple t3 cardiac totally fixed the end use on her ill rad, with just an SO build. That is truly great I think, that you can do that with such a relatively minimal effort. But..it still does not really change the fact that before Incarnates (and even after) the proportion of content preGodness is a lot more. Some people love to play and 50 and only 50, I say good for them, I enjoy it to..but I also enjoy getting there. Hence this suggestion.

    Now..onto my actual idea! I cant recall anything similar but if there was..point me in the right direction.

    In i24 we are getting new Tier5 powers for the power pools that dont have them. Some of these some really neat with interesting mechanics (even if I doubt I will want to take two picks to get them myself) and allow the devs to add some new shiny stuff, that we all can use. I am not sure if theres an absorb one in there, but as I said in my other thread..some absorb spread through sets would be neat.

    So they all get 5 powers..EXCEPT for fitness! I know, fitness is now inherent and no longer a pool. But..what if..it was! I have seen quite a lot of people in various threads, complain or suggest, Physical Perfection, for other ATs. Make the T5 for inherent fitness, a pickable version of PP, unlocking at 20 as the old stam, or perhaps 35 like epics.

    To go further, giving us all PP may not be a good idea since melees already get it, but it could be locked out in the same way (i think?) as Hiber for stalkers. (or whatever it was, I forget, but I am sure something was locked out in a similar fashion) Or just leave it, so that say..your end hungry SS/Fire/Soul brute COULD get tasty darkest night..AND pp! Of course, that might just break the game (especially with that combo) but the added bonus of extra recovery would be offset by losing a power pick elsewhere, perhaps getting the same brute to the s/l softcap.

    Of course, you could argue that this would just make us even more super and stuff..but given incarnate powers..so what? And again..you have that trade of. Also..I think that power picks you can take, and spend minimal (ie, no extra) slots on, and still get a great benefit from, are just solid gold. (ok maybe not quite that good..) Things like blasters with conserve power (one rech, and its still SO good as a lowbie), bonfire with teh OF proc, PP for scrappers, even set powers like the Invul Passives etc etc. Just things you can take, know are going to help, and save slots for other powers, working to your set bonus ideal.

    Or..another idea. Since we HAVE physper already, and some of those new T5s look very..Incarnate-ty (isnt there a +dam, rec and rech one? Like a..hybrid of hydrid,agless and an alpha) so why not have a new and nifty t5 fitness. PP is nice, but the regen and rec are a bit..bland. Regen is pretty useless of anything not actually going for stacks of it, and recovery..well. Bland! (for lack of anything bad to say about it..)

    So how about..a auto (or click..hesitent to suggest a clit..it makes it too much of a Hybrid clone) that offers..+Hp and end reduction. Reasons being..
    Hitpoints. Until we start getting accolades and sets, hp is in general, quite low for none melees. Again, NOT a bad thing, but being able to get a little extra, as say..a lvling mm or troller? Not a major deal, but it would help.
    End Red. See my ramblings about enduse at the start. The major cause of 'Unfunness' (awesome Scrabble word btw) for me, and a lot of people I know. Giving some global end red of say..5/10/15%, a serious boon to the player lvling up, starved of slots, and getting powers faster than you can make them effective.

    I think thats about it..I meant to type a few lines. So for those without the patience..

    TL,CR (too lazy, cant read)

    1. A t5 for inherent fitness, selectable power, physical perfection clone.
    2. Same as above, a new power giving +hp/global end red.

    And..roll credits.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    I like MoG for Regen and the T9 for stalker Ice Armor best (Icy Bastion?)...honestly.
    Exactly J..you get something the set doesnt have normally, and its just a short burst of awesomeness with no crash or downtime.
  12. Even though the SoW type powers are more useful, I still hardly use them. Maybe that is just silly, to have the power and not use it..but..I find it easier (and usually better) to just pop a luck or two. Obviously..you may not always HAVE lucks..but your tier 9 may not always be up either.
    I like how Shields t9 offers something you dont normal get..+hp. Likewise, the ice stalker set gives a big +res and regen, shoring up a weakness (not a bad weakness, ever set needs a few) in the set.
    As someone else said, that is a big problem with SR, which just gets more def, to layer on def.
    However, giving each set a tier 9 that just covers all its holes..not a good idea. Maybe thats why the ice one is good? It is a shorter duration and rech right?

    In another thread, I was talking about giving the tier 9s some more thematic stuff. Like..

    Unstoppable could provide a chance for kb/repel, as you push your way through crowed of baddies, like a Juggernaught-y effect.
    Power surge could give attacks a small +elec damage proc, since you are just a ball of power.
    Sr would perhaps be some regen, as you speed up your metabolism and reflexes so much, your wounds heal quicker.
    Giving Dark the ability to soul transfer when not dead would be great to, perhaps with a bit of a +recovery buff (like um..that power in dark affini) to help offset the end hunger of dark.
    Fire..um..IF they could use the rez when alive..maybe like..channel the power of the pheonix and get some absorb?
  13. MisterD

    Control Hybrid

    Mmm. STill seems..odd?

    This dom, fire/earth, I was running mudpots, which has a 2 mag immob. Since it tics quite fast, does each tic have a chance to do Control/Waylay? Or is it every 10 secs like other procs?
    And why, since MP is the constant immo, was I seeing a LOT more waylay that controls going off? I think I saw less than 5 +1 controls in a few mins, and a huge amount of waylays.
  14. MisterD

    Control Hybrid

    I heard this sucks..made it anyway The tier 3 40% hold mag and lethal damage. Now..40% doesnt sound shabby.
    I was testing it vs 40-50 mobs in te RWZ and all I saw was a Waylay text, for teh damage. No text for +1 mag controls..I thought it just didnt show, but I could not see it in the combat logs.
    Then, I was bashing on the practice dummies and saw a COntrol text. The +1 mag! But..there was no way in hell it was going of as much as the Waylay..odd since I was constantly use my hold!

    So my question is..is the +1 mag for controls ONLY to already controlled enemies? The info text seems to say that..and if true, it would be utterly stupid!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    • Buff Jab so it no longer sucks so bad. Make it a 3 second recharge power.
    • Turn Rage into a toggle with a 0.56 end per second cost.
    • Rage no longer gets a crash, but now applies a constant 15% resistance debuff (resistable)
    • Rage now only offers 80% flat (not modified by AT) buff to Smashing damage.
    • All other damage types get buffed by 40% (flat not modified by AT.)
    Some may see this as a nerf, but removing the -dmg crash actually boosts the average DPS of the set significantly. It ends up being a buff for everyone but high end builds. It also may be seen as a nerf for anyone leveraging Rage with AoE heavy Ancillary/Patron pools.
    Most of the list is good and inline with what Claws was saying in his OP. But..a resistance debuff? Even if it IS resistable? That is as silly as the current crash only hurting (mostly) Defence based sets! Either it should be impacting both, or none.
    Another problem I see with a rage toggle (and just rage in general) is the massive +to hit. 20% in a huge value. Maybe it could stand to be lowered..? But..then again, a toggle with a cost like that, is somewhat comparable to FocAcc (pre nerf).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post

    No, the Gaussian proc's duration is five seconds (well, 5.25s to be precise. OTOH, part of that might be wasted by overlapping the power's cast time, not sure). The Rage crash is always ten seconds, whether stacked or not, but double Rage means crashing twice as often.

    Since the i24 proc changes have not even started beta testing yet, I wouldn't be too confident that any part of it won't change.
    Late reply (was my night time). Sorry Hope, I realised after my 'wtf 5 seconds' post that you might have been talking about the proc. I was just very confused about the idea it could be 5 secs..when as you say..the crash is always 10.
  17. 5 secs? Your saying..the crash from DSR is FIVE seconds? And somehow..you dont see that as being a bit too good? (not you hope) I just..cant even reply to that. lol. Yeah cause 180% damage buff and a 5 secs crash..nah nothing wrong there...apparently!!

    And the fact you say they wont change the proc from 95% chance per BU hit..again, speechless.
  18. Yes but...the very issue of double stacked rage having a longer crash is too me..moot..because I am already saying being able TO stack it is silly. Likewise..Bu with the proc, if it goes live at 95%, is just gonna be silly too.

    Oh yes, I was reading the Proc thread. And I STILL question the idea in making a proc thats been junk since it came out, into what with be seen an sure fire, for anything with aim/bu!

    I also totally dont trust His thought processes, when wasnt he the one who let the PerShifter store proc out with a bigger PPM, then took about a month to admit that..hey, I didnt mean that! Followed by a 'nerf' to it. Given that..I would not be shocked to see the BU proc come out at 95%, then 2 months later (after forum rage) it gets hammered back to normal territory.

    That would be EXACTLY what occured with the OF kb proc, in bonfire. When there was a huge thread about how broken it was (too most people) and they still pushed it out.

    Sorry, but saying a dev thinks something is correct, does not make it so. But..obviously it IS all the matters when it comes to what ends up Live.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I like this idea. They seem to be making everything else crashless might as make rage crashless too. Of course, the side effect would be reducing of the buff, which probably in turn mean increasing the base damage of SS.
    *printscreen* Some one else with sense
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Another thing that I want to bring up is the PPM changes in Issue 24. This will result in an indirect nerf to rage and a buff to buildup. The Gaussian's Chance for Buildup will go from 5% chance to 95% chance when in buildup come Issue 24. (Due to the way PPM works)

    Basically this means characters will be getting the equal of double rage from a single buildup.
    Yes..but only for TEN seconds. as opposed to..double stacked rage being..what, 80? (or whatever, I dont know) secs. Of course the crash matters but..

    As an aside...does this make sense? Not what your saying, I mean then making the proc go from crap to..sounding fully insane? Have they actually considering this? In the same way I think stacking rage is too good..Id say a 95% chance of x2 BU is also too good.
  21. You really dont need to break everything down into numbers for me. I already said that 600 was most likely an exaggeration. And no, how would slotting and set bonuses be the same..on two different sets? The alpha isnt either.

    I freely admit that what you are saying about SS at max performance, because max damage means rage isnt doing anything. But again..how often do we get there? In 5 years of play, I can think of THREE times when I would have been near to the damage cap/a lot of -res. 3 whole times, two of which were on Leagues of over 8 people. If it takes that many people to get to the max, in normal play, wtf is the point of using it as the end all argument of why a set doesnt need a tweak?

    May as well say..'Oh my AS does 3290123321 damage when I am at the cap, playing on a league of 10 sonics! Better nerf AS damage.' Which makes no sense..cause going back to my argument..in average play, As is just dandy.

    How else can I say it? On a average team, SS, due to Rage, seems much to good too me. People in teh thread are saying Rage is not 'that' great. And I dont agree, 10 secs of crash, 110 of perma buildup style buff..IS great. Sure, at Max fire maybe pulls pull ahead at max but..at average, garden variety play, no way.

    But thats ok Ult, I understand you dont agree, with your reasons. I just feel bad about you typing out all your detailed explanations..I doubt I will change my mind. (even if, going by your, no doubt correct, maths etc, I am wrong)

    (Those three situations btw..one was an ITF, back before Incarnate powers. I was playing my Energy dark brute..and him Rommy (end game rommy, not misson 3) for..4200 damage. Seeing a chunk that big of hp go away way..sexy.
    Second situation was a TPN, when my dark fire dom, with FE running and assault hybrid, Blazed Justin..sorry..Mael..for about 2000.
    Third was a LAM trial, on my StJ/ea scrapper, when I crit Crushing Impact'd Marauder for something like..3100/2500, or whatever the correct crit % is.)
  22. It really really is..limited use. VERY. I have seen it used well in the Eden trial, to keep mobs away from the wall..and about..oh, less that FIVE other situations. Less than 5..in my time playing! It is a relic.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    My point was saying that if you are an extreme team of that nature that is damage capping you and doing a -Resistance of 35% or higher then the other sets will have most likely surpassed Super Strength and its not your footstomp + Rage that is one shotting or two shotting things but the buffs from your team.
    But..it was NOT an extreme team! And how have other sets surpasses SS..when..again, I SAID I have been on similar teams with other sets, and I dont have an aoe doing THAT damage. Yes yes..the teams would not have been 100% the same with buffs/debuffs, but still. The point was that with average lvls of support, the set is just insane.
  24. That is also an interesting idea Ult.

    Giving FF absorb in force bub (as my example) would actually help the solo bubbler..which as you say Dr..is one of its main issues.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Energy Melee (You didn't mention this but I would like to use it since so many people state it sucks) -- Energy Melee's best potential chain is ET > Gloom > Burn > ET. Knockout Blow actually suffers a 5 sec penalty due to having 10 range (Seismac Smash, Total Focus, Energy Transfer all have 20 second recharges compared to SS's KOB having 25).

    The calculation here becomes more difficult because in the above chain you would have to factor build up into it and how often depending on the recharge. However, I do not want to bombard you with tons of numbers so I will explain this in layman charts with our chart again. NOTE: Energy Melee's AOE is fairly weak but I don't think trying to compare the weakest AOE set in the brute primary to anything is fair, thats something that needs fixing.

    If you have more questions, or still do not understand feel free to ask. I hope this explains and illustrates things better.
    Again, I appreciate the time you are taking to explain things better. However..although it does help me understand it, it really doesnt change how I feel about the topic. Im not being stubborn, Im not refusing to see your points or reasons. Part of the reason I just..'dont care' is that you keep going on about the best possible attack chains. Let's be honest..HOW many people use the best possible chain, all the time?

    Nevermind that the best is always paired with Fire Armour..saying a set somehow does not need a tweak (or even just LOOKING at it closer) just because, in the instance when you pair it with a totally different set, and use Magic Atacck Chain #1, it is awesome!

    I am having a similar discussion about Melae Armour sets..just cause somethings great at max performance (and obviously, the 'best' attack chain is gonna be that) does not mean something could not stand a tweak.

    A set at best possible conditions..is just that. As I am saying..my brute, single rage, decent team..it FEELS to good. Stuff the numbers, stuff the graph. (again..I did find your explanations helpful, dont get me wrong) Serious question..would the Devs, when making a set, do all these graphs and take unto account max performance? I KNOW we (as players) do so with a new set when it hits test..but do they?