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  1. Would be nice if there were some other way to earn Award Merits.
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
    Video Device Name:
    Manufacturer / Chip: /
    Video Memory: n/a
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
    Driver Language:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know much about tech-speak but this is the only thing that jumped out at me. Some computers were affected by Y2K. (Yes, it's a bit late for that) But this looks similar.

    Especially concerning the numerical date 1/1/0001 at 12:00:00 AM.

    I'm probably wrong, but.... doesn't hurt to look.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    But since you are on freedom I find it hard to understand the whine about finding teams. Do you have like minded friends? Are you on "any" of the chat channels.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm, yeah silly..... with you. On a few chat channels, and teamed with you on quite a few TF's SF's. Good teams too.... am I that forgetable?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    The fact that a large portion of the player base seems to consider differences in level to be meaningless may be one of the more destructive aspects of AE.

    The other day I'm on with my 50 fire/kin i get a blind invite. I've got my flag set to lft, so, even though it's not how I prefer to make contact, fair enough. I join up and start checking my teammates out. Sure enough, they're between level 6 and 10, lots of AE badges, no veteran badges.

    Me: Uh guys, I'm more than 40 levels above most of you, whats the upside to me joining this team?

    King n00b: Doesn't matter

    Me: huh? How exactly is a level 8 gonna help me at all?

    King n00b: It's auto-sk, we're all the same.

    Me: Dude, you've got like 3 powers.

    King n00b: I've got 6 powers

    Me: Facepalm <quits team>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's exactly how I felt, but on the opposite end of the spectrum.... at lvl 11 what kind of powers or defenses can I possibly have to fight against lvl 40's? Ummm not much. Yeah auto lackey/side kick puts me in the level range, but does not grant me the same powers I will get at level 35-40, nor the same defenses at those levels.

    I have several global channels active, and a great friend list, but at times I play on an off-beat time when none of my regular crew is logged on. So why shouldn't I PUG? Everyone does from time to time. Hell, even just joining up with some of the people on my globals is like PUG'ing because it seems like so many people are just joining or getting invites to chat channels, but don't necessarily know me or anyone else but the person who invited them.

    So anyway, Yeah this is another thread complaining about AE, some like it some don't.

    Some want to find any reason they can just to call someone else names, because it's easy to call people NOOB. Some people are just plain rude. It doesn't mean I care, nor does anyone else care how cool you think you are.

    Some like to post criticisms just to be that person. "I'm cooler and smarter, and better than you because you're a nOOb". The forums are supposed to be a place to say your piece, get advice, give advice, let others know about a problem within the game, or make announcements of whatever sort. (and others) I don't think they should be treated as just another place to call people names. LOL Broadcast chat is for that.
  5. So I recently decided to roll a new toon. I'm not one for PL'ing or Farming (but that's my choice).

    Here's my problem...

    Say in broadcast "lvl 13 LFT" get an invite from a lvl 15 who goes on to form a team. Invites a lvl 11, 9, 2, 25, 30 and another 30. Ummmm how's this going to work?

    Oh, they say, we're gonna do a lvl 40 AE farm.

    AE says WHAT?? How can this work? No stamina, no travel powers (aside from purchased jetpack and earned ones from Mayhem missions), and limited attacks. And we're supposed to fight a Boss Farm?

    MA could not have been intended for this. Shouldn't teams be formed within lvl range with enemies around the same levels? I don't understand.

    So here I am, playing an MMO solo. That kinda stinks because the whole point of MMO is teaming up. If I wanted to solo through levels I could just play something on PS.

    I know there are going to be those who are going to tell me to do just that, but I just wanted to voice my confusion about AE.

    Hopefully this is getting a serious review by the Devs. I know they're fixing some of the things with the new issue, but.......... time will tell.

    Happy Hunting
  6. Barracuda is just to the left from the Fate Weaver.(your left if you're facing her) Just around the corner.
  7. Miss_Blue

    Spam Emails

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Lucky666:[ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    LOL wouldn't it be funny to /search one day and no one shows up but the server is full?!?!?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Note to self hide from searches to avoid spam email. Thanks

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That only works to hide the day(s) that they are skimming the /search menu to compose new character lists to send Email to.
    It's like junk mail. Once they write your name down in thier address books, they continue to send it whether you're online or not.
    Eventually, your character might drop off thier list as they compose new lists, but it takes awhile.

    [/ QUOTE ]i dont think it works at all, i know im seeing names that get knocked off of my ignore list re-appear at the bottom, two or three weeks later, if im reporting these people to someone, they aren't banning these accounts, or i wouldnt be seeing the same names again and again

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think that you and I are talking about different things.

    Yes, I've had characters stop getting RMTmail after I stop playing them for a while.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /hide (select hide from searches) does work to stop the emails. I never get emails. at all. Even sent a msg to Castle about this and he does the same thing. Just never ever come out of /hide. You can still be visible to friends, sg's, globals etc...

    It takes a while for the emails to stop, (if you are already receiving emails daily) but they do stop. If you /hide right from lvl 1 you never get any emails.
  8. was gonna let a friend play on my test account, he complains he can't get a widow to work for him.

    I'll let him use my regular account, I'll just make a different pw then change it again when it's done.
  9. got it today. took a few tries and a reboot as well, but it worked
  10. i had this happen to me once a long time ago when i tried the "safe mode". The trays covered the whole screen and window scale did nothing to help and the GM's Devs were clueless. So i uninstalled the whole game then reinstalled. It's a pain in the bottom, but it worked fine.
  11. Miss_Blue

    Widow survival

    The Fort does have a better selection for set bonuses, but don't go with out at least trying the widow at the upper levels. You will end up spending a fortune because you will love both equally.
  12. Miss_Blue

    Widow survival

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    25+ starts to feel like godmode. That is all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QFT. Once you get your defence softcapped you'll start to feel like the dev's must have misplaced a decimal point because NOTHING could be this awesome.

    ...then you get elude...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So true!! Aahhh elude!!! While I agree the Devs must have made a mistake somewhere, I don't care!! I can tank almost as well as a brute/tank on my widow. The defense is crazy.

    Can't hold aggro, true, but can easily take the initial or alpha attack with out a problem.
  13. This is my widow hunting PP's in GV.

    Just wanted to share one of my favorite options of the game.

    Being able to separate the power trays. Toggles off to the side, fight tray nice and clean. No more accidentally hitting the arrow and turning the power tray to another tray.

  14. I thought it was possible, but I can't seem to find out how to change my "Test Server" log in name and password with out having to change my main account PW. Is it possible?
  15. IMO co-op zones are great, I prefer villain side, but most people I team with prefer the hero side. Being able to move a villain to hero side doesn't do it for me, because I just don't like the hero side of going to every zone available to complete one story arc. Yuck.

    I'm still excited about this expansion because it opens up extra things for high level contact.

    About power leveling to 50 in a few days/hours (whatever) some people like it some don't. I tried it a couple of times and found that I didn't like that character because I didn't work to achieve the levels. (though most of us hate low levels for our own reasons) I ended up deleting both of them that were PLed. But that's just me.

    About saying tankers vs. brutes one will be preferred over the other.... yeah, it's how it is. The person who makes the character and plays it will be the one who chooses what they like better. Co-op zones will give you a good idea that both are wanted and appreciated. The same goes for all other class of AT weather it be hero or villain. The only time I get frustrated is when seeking a kin (we all love SB) you find a kin who either doesn't have or refuses to use SB. LOL I had a kin on my team once who was convinced that siphon speed was aoe like FS and siphon power. Had another who said he doesn't have sb cuz it doesn't help him. *kick-boot* lol

    For the record I hate AE. That's just me, most like it. Most farm it. I can't stand it.

    I'm looking forward to the extra slots beyond lvl 50. That will be fun to work toward.

    I am confused though. Will all of coh/cov be able to access the new zones? Once the expansion is purchased of course. Will all new characters have to start out in the rogue zone? Or can one maintain their hero or villain class to start then choose later on? Would be nice to take my widow to the real PI to fight there with out having to go goody goody. Not some alternate PI zone. And no, not for pvp, but for hunting or picking up extra missions.

    Kinda thinking a pvp option in all zones would be cool. But mine would always be no. I hate pvp. Some love it though and we have to keep the pvpers happy. LOL they spend the most money in the markets.

    Well, those are some of my thoughts on the new expansion. Not that my opinion matters to anyone but me. But if anyone actually thought about it, that applies to everyone.

    Have fun and happy hunting!!
  16. Miss_Blue

    Spam Emails

    Well, I said in another thread on this same topic that my solution is /hide select "hide from searches". I do this right from lvl 1 upon first zoning into live game. If this is done with an already established character it takes a while to stop getting the emails, but they do eventually stop.

    When the spammers are generating their list to spam they use the in game search to find people. It may not work for everyone, but it works 100% for me. I am still visible to friends, global channels, sg's etc... I have no problem not getting blind invites or tells. If I'm looking for a pick up group I join one that spams in broadcast that they're LFM.

    With the new options of inviting, sending tells, or editing note right from clicking one's name in the chat window this has made /search obsolete. Would be nice to take that option from trial accounts as well as the email option, but we have to do what we can.

    LOL wouldn't it be funny to /search one day and no one shows up but the server is full?!?!?!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    In the current system, no one can demote someone who is at their same level, and there is no self demotion.

    Adding in a "sole" Superleader to the SG system allows for leadership disputes to be solved within the SG themselves, as there is now a level that can demote the current "leader" level. If the Superleader no longer wants to be Superleader, they just need to promote someone else to Superleader, and they will demote themselves in the process.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pardon me for resorting to a cliche, Positron, but...

    Baby. Bathwater.

    This new system will perhaps do what you seek. However, it will have a huge number of new issues all its own.

    If you wanted self-demote, why didn't you just put that in? If that turned out to not be enough, then you could have further complicated things.
    If you wanted same-level demote, why not address the things that makes someone a "bad leader" and gets in a position to be demoted? Such as a tracking system to keep people more honest. (like how you created an audit trail to help protect storage, but still don't have one for SG rosters.)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    well what's wrong with the person who created the SG holding onto the "superleader" position?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    can we relocate the 'spawn point' for the VIP teleport to someplace other than the STAGE?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ummm, when I spawn in Pocket D, I end up in the Gold VIP room. I haven't ever landed next to DJ Zero on the stage.
  19. Justice Bases

    Purpose: For leaders and members of PvP interested SG/VG's on the Justice Server to comunicate and coordinate Base Raids, Arena Challenges, and Tournaments