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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    That being said, I was pretty annoyed earlier today when I was soloing my Patron Arc on my Crab Soldier and could neither take down Lord Recluse or auto complete the mission.
    Well, that is meant to be a very climactic battle. I now skip the patron arcs because each of the four arcs for each of the four patrons ends in a mission with an EB fight that can't be auto-completed. If everything except the Recluse mission could be auto-completed, I wouldn't mind so much.

    Both times I took the Recluse mission, I took it at level 48 and didn't actually do it until level 50. That's mainly because I was very annoyed by the previous patron content and wanted to easily grind Recluse into the dirt.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
    I think if they just wanted to make everyone play their way, they would have removed the tactic of knocking him into the lava while they were at it. But they haven't. Presumably because that method makes sense concerning his powers.
    I tend to assume that the devs deliberately put him in the lava room to give us the optional tactic of drawing him into the lava.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    That makes cents. Send it two icanhazcheezburger.
  4. I don't think the Trapdoor mission is easy. I think it's appropriately challenging. It adds a trick that you need to get past (the bifurcations). There are notable tactics to use that aren't difficult to figure out.

    Trapdoor can be knocked down. You can use -regen to counter his bifurcations. You can use -recharge to slow down his bifurcations. You can lure him into the lava, or knock him in. Etc. I think there are enough useful tactics for just about any soloing character.

    The mission is part of an arc that's meant to get people ready for Incarnate stuff, so it should be a bit trickier than normal. I'd prefer that we have the option to auto-complete it, but since I can auto-complete the other two EB fights, I'm satisfied.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    He was telling people to swallow their pride and accept some freaking assistance when they can't solo with their ubermegasoloer.
    If I can't get through a standard mission with my ubermegasoloer, then there's a nasty bug that needs to get fixed. And once we point out the bug, the devs usually get that fixed before long.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    I'm assuming -regen is a handy tool since he doesn't necessarily "heal" About to do this mission with my Cold/Ice Defender.
    Yes. An ice patch could come in handy too. (Especially an ice patch in the lava...)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    The stress/phobia thing can be overcome, and I wouldn't say that it gives reason to bark at the devs for making content that can't be easily soloed.
    People said the same thing about all the AVs in the standard 40s mission content. "You can't get past the AV? Just get a team! Stop complaining and just ask for help, this is a massively multiplayer game, you know." Back in the old days, I was just planning to stop at level 40. But we talked the devs into adding the AV -> EB feature. Later we talked the devs into adding the auto-complete feature. I have no problem getting to 50 these days.

    Pressure on the devs can be useful. The devs make changes to make players happy. Happy players are players that stick around for a long time. Like me.
  8. I've helped other players do their missions every very long now and then in the past. The only time I ever asked for help in the game was when I accidentally selected a non-timed mission with simultaneous click glowies, long before the auto-complete feature was added. I just don't ask for help when I'm in the game.

    Because I'm shy.


    I don't expect every mission to be soloable. Teams can have their TFs and trials. I do expect the standard mission content to be soloable, ever since the devs caved into people like me and made AVs downgradeable to EBs. The devs were also nice enough to add the auto-complete feature, so there are very few standard missions that I worry about these days, and the ones I worry about simply take a little more preparation.

    I very much like that my favorite game has moved more and more to my soloability standards over the years. Still not quite where I'd like it to be, but it definitely keeps me playing.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Camper View Post
    So not doing TFs is less fun than not doing TFs used to be? I am so confused.
    Hmmm. Doing the TFs would be less fun for me now than the two I did way back when, because I wouldn't be able to do TFs now with the SGs that I had back then. But it's really a moot point I guess, because the only reason I was able to even start those TFs was because of the SGs I had back then.
  10. TFs are less fun for me now. I've completed a grand total of two TFs (and no trials). I did both of them thanks to forum-created supergroups. One of those SGs is long gone, and the other is no longer active except for me. I haven't done a TF in years.
  11. In retrospect, I have to admit that my standard tactic with Trapdoor depends heavily on one power that all of my level 50 characters have: Hover. I lure Trapdoor into the lava, and then hover over his head while beating on him. That's not exactly a tactic that I can recommend to everybody. But at least I can say that I'm a casual solo player, I found a tactic that works for me, and I beat Trapdoor with the following:
    Energy/Regen/Dark Stalker
    Fire/Fire/Pyre Brute
    Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker
    Inv/SS/Pyre Tanker
    Ice/Ice/Cold Blaster (got killed once due to horribly bad luck)
    MA/Regen/Dark Scrapper
    Claws/Regen/Dark Scrapper
    Katana/SR/Dark Scrapper
    Thugs/Dark/Soul Mastermind
    Ill/Rad/Psi Controller (no lava required)
    Dark/Dark/Dark Defender (after 2nd try)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
    If you can survive the alpha from 25+ (the first time) Rikti.
    Oh, it's not that bad.

    The aggro cap is 17, so you'll only be drawing fire from 17 Rikti at a time if you happen to aggro one of those groups.

    (That's not much of a consolation, is it?)
  13. Having successfully beaten down Trapdoor with 11 different characters, without pulling him down the corridor, I'm satisfied with the difficulty of the mission. I did pull him into the lava almost every time (the exception being my Ill/Rad controller), but I tend to doubt that the devs will try to get rid of that tactic. Considering that Trapdoor can be knocked down easily enough, and can be held by dominators, I think it's a mission that can be completed by just about any solo-oriented character with reasonable (no Shivans required) preparation, while having a trick that can be challenging enough to make the mission suitable for the Incarnate arc.

    And that's the only EB I'm actually fighting in that arc, so I don't mind putting in a little extra effort into it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    The lava thing really never worked for me. However, pulling him down the hall out of the LOS of the bifurcations (who always spawn in the room) nullifies their regen. You have to pull him fully out of their LOS, not just into the big room, he has to personally be in the narrower hall.
    Yes, I must not have broken LOS. I used a power analyzer on him, and he doesn't have any special negative energy resistance. Having read the training room patch notes, I think I'll avoid the corrider tactic with my Dark/Dark defender and just try the lava again.

    But in the meantime, I crushed him with my Ill/Rad controller. Didn't even bother luring him into the lava, or using temp powers or inspirations. It's scary what an Ill/Rad can do to an EB.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    My dark/rad had no issues, but I was at -1. Did you change your difficulty?
    No, I'll do that next time.
  16. Hmm. My Dark/Dark Defender is having a rough time with Trapdoor. Tried pulling him in the lava and he just kept jumping out (even from melee range), tried pulling him down the corridor but I couldn't dent his HP (so he was still getting a regeneration boost, or he's really resistant to negative energy). Sent my temp pets at him, and used up my inspirations. I'll have to try again later. I haven't had such a problem doing damage to him with my previous nine characters.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    ...just allow the difficulty settings to apply to the arc, that's not unreasonable.
    The difficulty settings do apply to the arc. Elite bosses (and AVs) don't downgrade to ordinary bosses, outside of the Mission Architect. It would be nice if that was one of the difficulty options though.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm guessing that the most-dropped mission on the arc would be the Hero 1 mission?
    You mean the Holtz/Honoree/Rikti horde thing? I've auto-completed that nine times myself so far. One or two more times to go. I haven't decided whether to actually do the mission with my Ill/Rad or not. She should have no problems with it, but I doubt it's worth the effort, since my level 50s will pretty much be incarnates-in-name-only.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Greenykins View Post
    Claymore is a good series, I've read up to volume 10. But has several tropes that are prevalent in shonen series that sort of don't feel right in this series. Like power levels, named attacks, etc. etc.
    I don't mind that so much, because it's relatively low key and the plot is so interesting. You'll find that the next volume diverges a lot from the anime. When Claire and Miria predicted that their odds of success in the Northern Campaign were zero, they weren't kidding...
  20. A few of my comics:

    Justice League: Generation Lost #15: Captain Atom returns from a bleak possible future that would result if Max Lord manages to kill Wonder Woman. And this was after Max framed Cap for the murder of Magog and the deaths of nearly a thousand people (all really caused by Max). Cap decides to kill Max dead, but Booster gives him a big lecture to talk him out of it, insisting that Max has to go to prison AFTER Booster beats the "ever-loving @#$% out of him". The interesting part is that no one remembers Wonder Woman, except for Max, Cap, Booster, Fire and Ice. Apparently, when Max wiped out everybody's memory of him except our heroes, he also protected all of them from having their memories changed when Wonder Woman's timeline got changed (see Wonder Woman comics). Nice way to tie in the different comic titles. (Another tie-in occurred in a recent issue of Brightest Day, when we found out that Batman (Bruce) does in fact remember Max, because he was lost in time when Max mindwiped everybody.) Needless to say, Max is very frustrated that he can't find Wonder Woman, because he wants to kill her. Some surprise military guests show up at the end, and something bad happens to one of our heroes.

    Flash #7: Captain Boomerang knows that he has to kill Dove (actually the vision only told him to throw the boomerang at her) to fulfill the conditions of his resurrection, but he's having some qualms about that. So he does a dumb thing and frees Reverse Flash, hoping Prof. Zoom will let him know what will happen to him if he doesn't fulfill his duty. Because, you know, Zoom is a fellow resurrectee, and he's from the future and might know about Boomy's fate. A bit of a stilted way for the writer to set Zoom loose, but it's a nice characterization story for Boomy. Say, does anyone remember that the Rogues hate Prof. Zoom? Boomy has some serious explaining to do...

    R.E.B.E.L.S. #23: Vril Dox and Adam Strange get together to have everybody settle down and make peace. The Green Lantern Corps wants in on that, led by John Stewart. More to the point, the Corps wants everybody to remember who the SENIOR law enforcement agency is: the Corps, not Dox and company. But wait, some terrorists are going to blow up a sun with a black hole bomb! What coincidental timing! Can the sector's disgraced rookie Green Lanterns stop the bomb in time, or will they have to lose face and call on Dox for help? Could Dox have arranged the whole thing? He wouldn't be so amoral as to do something like that, would he? (It is kind of fun to read a series that features a domineering, amoral jerk.) Don't underestimate those GLs. By the way, Starro is back.
  21. *attempts to solo the thread*


    *auto-completes the thread*
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Did you complete Mender Ramiel's arc in order to unlock the Alpha Slot?
    Of course. And I have the shard that you get from completing the arc, along with the Alpha slot. That's still my only shard.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    That sucks for you. Really. (You are fighting level 50 enemies and above right? Just making sure.)
    Yes, all enemies are at least level 50. I'm currently doing Unai Kemen's arc. Lots of nice big outdoor maps.

    Note: I'm not actually in any kind of hurry to get the shards. I was just pointing out that collecting shards doesn't seem to be very fast from my perspective.