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  1. Most fun: Ice/Ice Blaster

    Most powerful: Ill/Rad Controller
    She was able to handle just about any situation, including clobbering every elite boss she ran into (while hardly ever bothering with inspirations); but she was generally not as fast as my blasters.

    Honorable mention: Energy/Regen Stalker
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Mortimer Kal and Admiral Sutter are not leet incarnate stuff. They're level 20-40 TFs. They take about 30 min to an hour to finish (more if you're all new, I guess).
    I stand corrected, although that doesn't really help.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    So what are you aware a new task force and strike force were added also or, are you one of those anti omgbbqs@uze never team under any circumstances ever people?
    My poor teaming skills aren't up to standards for TFs/SFs/trials/raids in any case, let alone the uber l33t incarnate stuff. In the past seven years I've only managed to complete two TFs and zero trials or raids, and it's been years since I did the two TFs.
  4. Quote:
    Issue 20 - Black Helicopter Transport Additions
    Thank goodness for the black helicopter additions. If not for them, I'd have nothing in I20 to enjoy at all. Still, I think I preferred Issue 4... where all I got was some new costume pieces.
  5. 1. Review all EB/AV fights in the standard missions and update any (i.e. most of them) to make them properly climactic. Far too many of them are just liberally sprinkled in for no good reason. "I need you to get something for me. Oh, by the way, Silver Mantis will be there and you'll need to defeat her. Good luck with that." If the story is too short to make the encounter properly climactic, replace the EB/AV with something more reasonable.

    2. Update the original civilian NPC models. They're badly outdated.

    3. Provide soloable methods of unlocking costume pieces that are currently only unlocked through team-only content.
  6. My general preference: Default settings. I don't optimize my characters or use much in the way of IO sets (no rare sets at all), and I don't use Incarnate stuff at all. Plus I like my characters to actually feel super, in that they can crush minions quickly.

    A few of my weaker characters in the mid levels (such as my Kheldians) are set at -1 difficulty.
  7. 1. Ice/Ice/Cold Blaster. Great combination of ranged damage and control.

    2. Energy/Regen Stalker. I like the stalker play style, but strangely enough this is the only build that I really like for stalkers.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I have Fly on every character and Hover on most, thank you very much.
    Well that's something we have in common.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    our differing opinion on LR basically sums up the whole thread.

    Was it the Form or Function which put you off the power that I think is best Form + Function in the entire game?
    Function. Lightning Rod is just all-around a very awkward and very inefficient power for me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    Why can't I have both, and I think I will, I break your rules and Lightning Rod, I choose you!
    That's a good example. I don't like Lightning Rod, and I dropped it in a respec. Lot's of players think it's a great power, but it just doesn't work well for me.
  11. Although I'm not a min/max type, I am fairly practical. I'd probably take the powerful one, assuming you mean "most powerful for my play style". Some powers that other players think are very powerful don't work too well for my play style.

    Sometimes I'll sacrifice power for character concept, not for cool looking. My level 50 Inv/SS tanker never took Foot Stomp, for example. But I tend to form my character concept around the power set, so even that's pretty uncommon for me.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?
    I'm not under the belief that the game should cater solely to my tastes. If the game suits my tastes, then I'll play it. I'm all about the journey, not the destination. The better I can pull that off in a game (using a variety of characters), the longer I'll be playing the game.

    I've seen a number of players who don't care at all about the journey. They get to the end as fast as possible and grind raids and other end game content. They'd be perfectly happy if they could start off at the maximum level so that they wouldn't waste time getting to their version of the "real" game. This game hasn't been suited to their tastes in the past, but it's expanding that way. And all the old things that appeals to those of us who enjoy the leveling process are still here.

    I don't begrudge the game trying to appeal to a variety of tastes. It's an MMO, and can continue to grow and cater to more and more players over time.

    I'm playing a new MMO now that is mostly about the destination, rather than the journey. The journey takes maybe a week for any given character. Then it's onto grinding for gear. Lots of people like that. I don't, but I enjoy what little journey there is. With very limited character variety and a short game, I won't be staying there much longer. CoH has far more for me to do even after all this time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    That person should get over themselves. It's a game. You shouldn't be uncomfortable doing ANYTHING in this or many other games. There are no consequences here that mean anything.
    By that token, it's a game; I play it to have fun. If there's something that isn't fun, there's no point in doing it, unless I need to get past it to get to more fun stuff, and the gain exceeds the pain. There are things I'd be uncomfortable with doing in the game because it wouldn't be fun for me. It would be very non-fun. This includes raids and PvP. There are consequences for me, including boredom and discomfort.

    If I buy a game, it's because I know I can get my money's worth of play time while staying in my comfort zone. I might stray out of my comfort zone now and then depending on my mood, but by far most of the time I'll be sticking to my comfort zone. Adding content with cool stuff that's gated by a lot of stuff beyond my comfort zone will pretty much guarantee that I don't do that content. Because it's a game. If I want to do unfun stuff, I have plenty of that available outside of games.
  14. The Slayers - Lina Inverse (with friends) robs robbers, spooks dragons, and manages to save the world without accidentally blowing it up.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kindeller View Post
    Its this attitude that sucks.
    Well, yes, but keep in mind that I'm not being flippant because I'm not in Europe; I'm being flippant because I don't use global chat and wouldn't care if my global name got changed. Still, it is a matter of practicality. It would take far more work to negotiate individual name changes between two parties with the same name. I can't really think of a reasonable (in terms of time and effort) way to handle it besides what they're doing, so I can't call what they're doing unreasonable.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Light View Post
    1) I know there will be people upset about loosing globals, I am one of them (and if someone can contact the US @Black Light and @White Knight and ask them to contact me on the forum, it would be fun to compare notes :P), but my real upset is that I will loose for no other reason that I'm playing on the EU servers. I thought I made that clear, but obviously my writing skill is lacking since so many seem to assume that it's just my names I'm upset about. I am upset about that the entier population on the EU servers gets shafted, for no other reason than they are on the EU servers.
    If they're loose, just tighten them up again.

    Yes, EU servers are getting picked on because they're a clear minority. It's just a matter of convenience and practically. On the bright side, you're getting a lot more servers to play on. That might not be much of a consolation if you care more about non-tight global names than getting on other servers, but it's an important reason for the change.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    But whether they annoy you or not is wholly irrelevant. It's not a reason to give every costume piece away. There's plenty of precedent for having costume pieces unlocked in various ways. I personally, and I don't really expect or care whether you agree with me, believe that it's more fun when SOME costume pieces are gated. The majority shouldn't be and aren't.
    Hopefully any end game costume items are appropriately bulky and garish pieces of armor, like they are in a certain new MMO. That way I won't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

    Bulky and garish is definitely the way to go for end game!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    I think you're oversimplifying the situation here. Games are not made for one person. They're made for thousands. And everyone has different comfort zones. So pretty much everything in a game is likely to go outside someone's comfort zone. You mentioned that the market goes outside your comfort zone, but for a lot of people, getting the market added to the game was the best thing that ever happened to it (myself included). It fits right in my comfort zone. And everything is like that.
    Right. It's going to be extremely hard for an MMO to cater to everybody's comfort zones fully. They will inevitably include content that isn't going to suit certain play styles. I think the only problem would be if an MMO makes major changes to the existing game mechanics, shifting from some comfort zones to others. (Example: Star Wars Galaxies NGE.)

    If CoH changed things so that a team was required for any mission in the game, it would change right out of my comfort zone, and I would quit. Similarly if the game switched to a first person shooter mode, with no third person perspective available. I don't expect things like that to happen. If the devs continue to add new content that I won't be comfortable playing, I'll be disappointed at the lack of new stuff that suits me, but the content I've been playing is still here and unchanged.
  19. There is actually less for me in Issue 20 than Issue 19, and I didn't get much of anything out of 19.

    In fact, it looks like there is less for me in 20 than I got out of Issue 4, which featured the Arenas, and I don't do PvP. Issue 21 is sounding like more of the same so far.

    Um... yay for more black helicopters, I guess. I hope the incarnate stuff brings more fresh blood into the game, at least. More subscriptions to keep the game thriving are always good.

    The server list merger will make a lot of players happy. It didn't make a lot of sense to me to keep them separate in the first place.
  20. Nothing says "I am an incarnate" like merging with a giant mecha! Improving the giant mecha slot could give the giant mecha cool new abilities to add to your own. Laser salvo! Missile massacre! Rocket fist punch! If they don't add a giant mecha slot, I'm not going to use any new incarnate slots!

    (Just kidding. I'm not using the incarnate system at all. Still, it would be fun to see some new anime-style giant mecha flying around town.)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
    My multiple fire/fire blasters would disagree with you.
    I'm impressed. I've never been able to solo well with a Fire/ blaster. My Ice/Ice blaster, on the other hand, has always been one of my best soloing characters thanks to all the control effects.

    Scrappers of course are great at soloing. Claws/Regen was probably the best for me, although some people don't do well with /Regen. I'm very fond of soloing dominators, until I run into elite bosses with those purple-triangles-of-doom (but I just auto-complete or avoid those missions with dominators).

    Probably my most powerful soloing character has always been my Ill/Rad controller. Even the early levels are quite manageable thanks to throwing some confusion around. I had to use Hasten regularly to keep things fun though, because of the long recharge times on powers. I still have more fun with some of my other characters, despite the Ill/Rad's ability to handle pretty much anything thrown at her.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    So, my question is this: To what extent do you feel games should insist on forcing us out of our comfort zones? You let me know.
    I've been playing this game going on seven years now, so forcing me out of my comfort zone would simply cause me to move to a new game. In fact, I've been disappointed with the way CoH has been headed lately, so I've been caught up in a new MMO. That's not going to last for more than a couple months though, because that new MMO is very short on content (besides being a poor fit for my play style). Then I expect to ditch that game and get back to playing my CoH alts more.

    The Incarnate system is definitely way out of my comfort zone, but I don't have to do that stuff. I've tried it out a bit, and found it to be beyond my casual soloist abilities. But the CoH I've been playing in the past is still there, so unless they go and retcon that I'll still enjoy the game.

    As far as other MMOs go, if it doesn't fit in my comfort zone then I have other gaming options. I wouldn't expect other games to cater to my tastes. There are so many games, something is bound to suit my play style.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    All the servers will be on a single list. So if you're an NA player, you get 2 more servers to play on, while EU players get 11 more servers to play on.
    Ah. Big deal for European players, not so much for US players then. Carry on.
  24. I haven't been paying attention, and I can't find the announcement, so I have no idea what's going on with this "server list merge" thingy.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    They mentioned the raids would be fairly short (30-45 minutes, IIRC) and with auto-qeueing that's pretty casual.
    Uh huh. Well, if a casual PUG can handle those things with no problem, then as I said I'll be very interested to see that.