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  1. Meowtch

    So Cobalt...

    Better watch out you two, Twixt may write a paper on your negative forum behavior without taking a look at the context in which the behavior occurred...


    Happy Birthday CA, hope you enjoyed your day spending it as you chose while soaking up as much fun and relaxation, CA style, as you wanted/needed -- many more an' all that

    EDIT: Spelling...damn I'm tired!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Farming is doing anything over and over again. Farming exp, farming badges, farming IOs, farming radio/paper missions, farming streets (street sweeping), farming influence/infamy. It is all the same, and as Stray said, I have yet to hear someone prove objectively that any of the above is not farming.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    ...and I add to that TF/SFs that are done repeatedly...I do the ITF over and over sometimes three or more times in one day -- mostly because I like them and don't even like the speed versions...but also because I get merits and a good random drop *while having fun*

    I don't care about farming, I have a good farm mish blueside and I have a fire/kin...but I don't really use it...but I also never completed it so...

    Heck I don't even care about peeps asking me to join and I even sometimes to hop on my kin (usually redside) to head in for some AE, tickets and money for the base.
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

  4. [ QUOTE ]
    wow, i was really hoping this topic wouldnt come into this server and stay in the 50 thousand other threads there are on this topic.
    (wasnt directing this at you cat, i just hit reply after your post.. sorry)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is not at all new to the boards and comes about every so often...probably at least 2 or 3 times a year...
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    @Neuronia - Ill/Emp Controller
    @Talon Arsenal - Blaster
    @Pazahar - Scrapper or Ill/Rad
    @AceMACE - fire/rad ice/kin ill/storm
    @Meowtch - rad/rad
    @Dark Friar - Fire/Fire Blaster

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Got this on the cold/cold already so Radtastic Friday it shall be!

    Yay!!! No plans Friday night and FREEEE to play!!!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Would like the Ill/Kin or the Rad/Rad or Mind/TA or Fire/Kin if you can make next week with hubby (or whenever).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Would like to get it on the rad/rad first so you got it!

    EDIT: Gosh I hate work...thinking this started tomorrow Friday I'll be returning late from a business trip to the corp. office sooooooooo - for me will be the first one after that dagnabbit
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd say pencil me and my wife in, on pretty much whatever a team could need between us. The last most a few weeks back was a lot of fun. =P

    If you can get Meph on his ice troler your odds of success will increase exponentially. ;]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Toons I would like to get this on:

    Meowtch - Ice/Ice Blaster
    Nuclear Diva - Rad/Rad Def
    Mental Trap - Mind/TA Troller
    Miss Heals - Mind/Emp Def
    Rogue-Justice - Fire/Kin Troller
    Predominante - Grav/Bub Troller
    Miss Illusion - Ill/Kin Troller

    So anytime these are running & I am able to make it (like this Fri) I would love to be involved
  8. Ha, I usually have the attention span of a fly watching anything but that was just silly goodness, tyvm for the laughs DR!
  9. Meowtch

    To My ITF Team

    [ QUOTE ]
    It didn't. Let's just leave it at that.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    No worries Amy, we knew you'd never just bail and there had to be a puter problem! Glad you're all good to be on for the raid tonight
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I think the first step is getting a set of raid leaders together, much like blueside. Overall leader, yellow taunt, MM Hami Taunt, Yellow attack, and ranged. Get them on board with a time/date. Let them recruit on the side to spread the word.

    Second step is getting back to the EoE farming. That helped get the word out.... and I need maor. That last raid cut my reserves by 75%.

    Lastly, let it be known what we need so people can plan accordingly. IMHO the team structure should be as follows:

    Hami Taunt:
    6 MMs (no /Pain) 2 Kin

    Yellow Taunt
    6 Brutes (w/ taunt) 2 Pain

    Yellow assault (2 teams of 6):
    5 Brute/Stalker + 1 Support (Kin/Pain/Thermal)

    Ranged/Mez (2 teams of 8):
    Mixed Corr/Dom/SoA/Fort + a bubbler

    44 slots with 6 left overs for adhoc support. Everyone has a place, and a place for everyone. But just like blueside, there are specific needs that really need to be filled. Imagine a blueside with no Emps or controllers. Not pretty. You might not get those precious merits on the toon you want, but swapping to a niche filling spot can make a huge difference.

    We've pulled off 3 redside raids successfully, and Im sure we can do it more often, if we can drum up enough support.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    But as I've stated more times than I care to mention at this point, this requires organization which no one (to date & including myself) have had time to do or are willing to do.

    Sorry folks, there are plenty of redsiders (elf's group alone whether you like it or not) that could come and whip the hell out of Hami but no one wants to come to a raid that takes 2+ hours.

    Just like so many said in broadcast at the first one we brought to completion a few months ago, they can run (even more than one) SF in a 2 hour time span and get the same merit rewards, maybe even more.

    Squid, I hate to say it but your strong suit is the leading of the actual raid & not the organization of same (to make what Net is saying actually happen) and until we have someone step up to the organization plate, redside raids will continue to take too much time and people will not show.

    Kat/Amy/Tom had some raids at first that took some time but then after the organization was put into place, for the most part the time was cut in about half (correct me if I'm wrong) and now it is a Sunday night breeze to make them happen for participants (maybe not the leaders but they seem to accept the challenge).

    Sorry folks, admit it or not, without organization it will not be a weekly event.
  11. Meowtch

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Veering away again from this thread...I HATE CO and think is the most boring, excruciating game that was quite obviously dumped for another project prior to even making it halfway through alpha...I say to CO: See y'all when you get done boring yourself to death and come on back for some much less hum-drum fun =]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QFT. I have to add that the character creation is nice and has some interesting features and every cool name that is taken in City is currently available in CO. HOWEVER, the graphics are ... not very good. They look a lot like my "graphics minimum" on the high-powered machine I used. And some of the attack chain quirks, are not so nice either. Unless it gets lots better, there is no interest here in a switch, even a temp one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're right about everything there...

    Except the character creation, it is confusing and impossible to use, may help that the graphics match that of pong. CO is full of fail, seems liked they've taken what the players here at CoX would like to see and put it into a game with a 20 dollar budget.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I disliked the character creation too, glad someone else agrees on that note...and for sure, it's like take everything you didn't like about WoW, mix it with what you had wanted to see in CoX and then dump it out there cause Star Trek might make more money...

    I thought the idiot left having learned lessons, no...
  12. Meowtch

    Where's the rum?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Witty has it all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Has it or stole it?

    WB DA, have fun!
  13. Awwwww!!

    Your gf sounds fun Pingster... be good to her !!

    We have a Japanese restaurant in town named "Ping"...I swear every time I drive by it I think to myself I've gotta take a pic and post it here for ya but I never have my camera on the way to/from work lol
  14. Meowtch

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
    Then I must be a lousy player, 'cause I can't stand my Gravity / Electricity Assault Dominator. It's so weak compared to every other toon I've had. I somehow managed to get him to level 50, but I've hardly touched him since.

    Every other toon I have, I changed my difficulty to level 4 at level 32, and never had a problem. He was still at difficulty 2 at level 50, and still had problems. :\

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmmm...didn't see him mention you specifically but okay...

    Anyway, sorry to see you feeling as if you need to leave Doll, but I will urge you to stick it out, provide constructive feedback and hang tight until it goes live before heading out the door.

    I am never happy about nerfs and I think I still hold a grudge against ED but the bright side is that I have so much freaking fun with IOs and builds now that it trumpets that for the most part...just took me a while to come around!

    Perhaps you'd be able to, say, find a set that you like playing more and trumpets the nerfs? And I mean really play...regular leveling...enjoy the ride or something I dunno.

    I guess if you decide to leave, good luck on your travels & have fun out there

    Veering away again from this thread...I HATE CO and think is the most boring, excruciating game that was quite obviously dumped for another project prior to even making it halfway through alpha...I say to CO: See y'all when you get done boring yourself to death and come on back for some much less hum-drum fun =]
  15. Pingster, please tell the girlfriend that SHE ROCKS and thank you very much!

    Gratzehs to all of the top dogs, there were some fantastic entries
  16. Meowtch


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Welcome to the loony server, you've obviously met some of our forumers who keep Champion on top of the other forum servers (Besides alphabetical order ) and I've heard if you catch a penguin, snap it's neck immediately and you get a gold coin.


    But that's just a legend.


    Who knows?

    *Runs off to find a penguin*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Feel free to visit me for a snapped neck.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can I just spank ya instead?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We also offer...spankings, apparently...and bacon flavored pie
  17. I love that name AngieB, Mule Kick Jane, haha!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    To comment on Meowtch's post, I want to say that I honestly believe Blackcide/@Fanged Knight was very clear and awesome as the leader of the taunt team, and helped a few of us who were rather new to the experience. On Round One, I taunted the wrong mito, so you would have caught agg there, my bad. This was pointed out to me and corrected before Round Two. And there were a few other times that in team commentary helped us (I think 3 of us were new to Hami'ing) refine our tactics.

    We had solid leadership, with NetMinder (i Nubis) helping out as well.

    Just saying, I really don't think leadership was an issue from what I saw around. I think a lot of people being really new, which will change, and a less than ideal character make-up were the two biggest flaws, and both of those are easily correctable.

    Sadly, I, personally can only correct one of those flaws. Other than my brute, the only thing I have near 45 is a 38 MM.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree 100%.. fang did a great job leading! Our team was pretty organized if you ask me. But i know it takes more than just 1 team to be on the same page...

    Not bad for the 1st week.. we'll dial it in soon.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Guys, not sure where you are drawing from my posts that I am blaming or even bringing up the yellow mito team at all...and Cherry, this is not the first week - there was a break in the redside raids due to the release of MA and terribly poor attendance.

    I was not on your team and have not/am not accounting for anything that happened on your I stated, and am now stressing , I haven't mentioned the taunt team at all. NetMinder, out of everyone at the raid, is probably the most qualified to run the brute yellow mito taunt team - I am sure he was able to provide a very solid basis of knowledge for anyone that was unsure of their roles.

    I do not believe that any of my posts have laid blame on anyone at all, quite honestly. As a matter of fact, Net is making a super point and if I recall correctly, it happened more than once.

    What I will stand by is the fact that - and again NOT blaming anyone at all as I am generally speaking - better organization leads to faster, more efficient raids. History for our attempts at redside raids has proven that attendance is low and in the past, peeps have left because they feel the time it is taking is just too much.

    Sorry if you do not like me pointing that out, but Amy/Tom/Kat prove it; I also understand that perhaps no one redside has the time/energy/availability/want to try to organize the way that group of folks do and I can appreciate that to no ends as I certainly am unable due to time contstraints 5 months out of the year.

    I wholeheartedly agree with Squid that we should be very proud of what we did and even more proud that the folks who attended stuck it out, I was very surprised just as he was based on the past attempts at weekly raiding.

    I have supported Squid and the redside raids the entire time, my only hope is that attendance stays high enough for it to be a stable weekly event like blueside Hami raiding.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll give it a go: @-Dekoy
    Distraktion: Distraktion 1, Distraktion 2, Distraktion 3

    Dekoy: Dekoy 1, Dekoy 2, Dekoy 3

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Nice teaming with you for the redside raid last night

    Please fix your linkies, I cannot open them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can't open them? O.o Weird.. I can, anyone else having the same problem? I sent the thread to a friend of mine, said they worked for him, I think it's just your comp love :P (Also, nice teaming with you too )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Works for me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Works for me now too, perhaps Image Shack was experiencing some difficulties when I was attempting to look at them earlier as there was an error message that popped up for each one.

    The Puter was not the issue
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Great Job all. I'm sorry I missed it! Squiddy, what would you say is the most useful toon? Something you feel is needed. My brute is 50 but she'd get her butt handed to her. What could I make to help out! lemme know, k?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, we needed a kin for SB.. Damn blue piles of crap.. Or what would have been good was healer on my team. I was running Brute team 2, straight up damage, we were running on fumes but we held that [censored] down haha. Great job to the people who were on my team

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I was the therm on your team, however, one therm for 7 brutes is simply not enough. I think I did a pretty damn fine job with the ratio if you ask me.

    Also, our team was dead so fast I could hardly make it from one side of the jello to the other in order to heal with everyone separated.

    I did my best to rez but my therm is not built specifically to rez...and mainly our team did not have enough EoE nor did some of them fully understand what to do if I recall correctly.

    But, as I said before there is a clear lack of support and every team should have at least 2 support toons -- having one therm and one PD or even two PD would be an amazing improvement to assist with the lack of endurance.

    I really think that we need to know our team leaders in advance, much like Amy, Tom & Kat do -- and who would be willing to be back up leads if one of the usual team leads is unable to make it.

    Amy, Tom & Kat's team leaders make sure that they give clear, precise direction from my experience which will only come from the team leads knowing in advance who they are in order to know what they should be instructing.

    Squid has been doing a great job with what he's been given but if we hope to have Hami raids be successful and faster on a weekly basis it will need organization.

    I wish I could commit but within about another 4 to 5 weeks I'll be working 6 or 7 days a week through October or I'd be glad to pony up
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Jenny Dangerous - Back View - AR/NRG Blaster

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've always loved this costume, good luck JD

    (Good luck to all, of course! There are some fun ones in here and some great themed ones too!!)
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll give it a go: @-Dekoy
    Distraktion: Distraktion 1, Distraktion 2, Distraktion 3

    Dekoy: Dekoy 1, Dekoy 2, Dekoy 3

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Nice teaming with you for the redside raid last night

    Please fix your linkies, I cannot open them
  23. Meowtch

    Facepalm at Self

    NO BMT FO U!

    I'm sure a certain blue guy will be around to get the invite if he hasn't already!
  24. Congratulations Champs

    We did it again, I'm sure we'll get our acts together...but then again...being all villainous and such...who knows

    I'll certainly try to be there when I can!

    To add to the above, I also noticed we have almost no peeps to rez and most peeps redside have no tp...there seems to be an abundance of MM's even tho we only need 6 - there was actually an abundance of brutes this evening too and a serious lack of support.

    Maybe some of the MM's that aren't part of the 6 could help wander around and rez peeps -- or at least after each bloom?
  25. Grazehs Pingus!

    And thank you for always putting together such a great party for everyone to partake in, very kind, very kind!