2623 -
Wow, that article answers a LOT of questions... great read!
Sounds like it will be another one team night.
How many sessions left in this run? Hamster's only 46, right? -
This didn't succeed? How do it go down?
Quote:I love the Beam set. One of my main raiding toons is a Beam/Time Corruptor. Good damage (plus it's energy!), the Disintegrate effect is nice, and it looks cool!The Beam Rifle power set is also on sale, how's everyone's experience with it? I may just pick it up.
It is loud, though, as someone above mentioned. -
Picked up the Retro set... have a number of toons that can use the costumes and the custom weapons. Had a hard time finding the Bubble Helmet, though... it's Detail 2 under Normal heads...
Can't wait to see what they do with the Darryl/Merle relationship next season.
I think Prometheus definitely takes place in the same universe as Alien (we do have Old Man Weylan of Weylan-Yutani fame, after all), but the change of location and life cycle are intentional.
They didn't want the movie to end with a scene of the egg chamber from the first film (well, at least Damon Lindelof didn't want that), so they told a similar story about ancient astronauts and bioweapons.
If they told a tight story using those elements, I wouldn't care. I just don't like the plot holes and the generally unintelligent reactions of the characters (No weapons on a scientific expedition, indeed!).
EDIT: Here's the quote I was referring to:
Quote:Lindelof clarified, "If the ending to [Prometheus] is just going to be the room that John Hurt walks into that's full of [alien] eggs [in Alien], there's nothing interesting in that, because we know where it's going to end. Good stories, you don't know where they're going to end."[77] "A true prequel should essentially proceed [sic] the events of the original film, but be about something entirely different, feature different characters, have an entirely different theme, although it takes place in that same world."[69] -
Quote:I was thinking the same thing, although it does seem too on the nose.I'm starting to think though that he's not human, but rather a spirit manifestation. Possibly Koh (though that seems too obvious, just due to the mask).
I'll say Amon's a non-human spirit of some sort. -
Do we really want to get into a canonical debate on this? I partially agree with you, but if we throw out the AvPs, do we throw out everything past Alien? I want to keep Aliens! I don't want to keep Alien Cubed and the godawful Resurrection!
Quote:True. So Aliens did exist, but I'm not sure what relationship they had to the black goo. Everyone we saw who was living and directly contacted it basically fell apart (Engineer from the first scene, Holloway). Everyone we saw who was dead and directly contacted it (Geologist) turned into a zombie rage monster. The alien impregnation did seem like something that happened as an odd coincidence (sexual transmission from an infected person to a non-infected person).There was an alien bas relief in the room with the big head. Can't make a picture of something that doesn't already exist.
I get that they felt the Alien lifecycle was played out, but what they gave us was something incomprehensible. -
Prometheus makes it look like it was an accident. I don't see how the Predators would have come up with the exact same life form to use on humans, especially since we have no reason to believe they ever had contact with Engineers.
Quote:Vickers and the Cap didn't get busy until WAY after they were lost. They got lost and didn't return to the ship with everyone else. Since they departed the expedition early, maybe you should have someone on the bridge navigate their way back.As to them being lost... the Capt and whats her name were busy... well... getting busy, so no one was on the bridge. Hence they got lost.
What is the AvP Canon that everyone keeps referencing?
In the first AvP, we learn that Predators used to breed Aliens from ancient human civilizations for sporting purposes. If Aliens just came about because of Kraken-facehugger implanting the Engineer, then that obviously couldn't have happened. -
That's one explanation I was considering. It does contradict AvP2 in terms of when Aliens were fully developed as we know them, but I don't think canon consistency was high on the priorities list, since Scott only did the first film.
The Biologist didn't seem too smart about unidentified animals, I grant you.
The plot hole that bugged me most was the "search" for the Biologist and Geologist. Didn't you have a video feed from them 24/7? Isn't it recorded? You should know EXACTLY what happened to them before you go off on your search.
Also, how did those guys get lost int he first place? No one from the ship could have walked them through it? They had a freakin' 3D map of every part of the complex they were in! -
Just saw it, so SPOILERS AHOY!
Quote:This made no sense to me until I read the Wikipedia entry on the writing of the film. In a nutshell, blame Damon Lindelof:For two, the chest popping alien bioweapons in Prometheus are (pointlessly) different chest popping alien bioweapons to Alien.
Quote:Unaware of what the producers liked about the existing script, Lindelof informed Scott and the producers that he found the general concept appealing, but that the story relied too heavily on elements of the Alien films, such as the general concept of the Alien creatures life-cycle.
- Just kill you outright
- Infect you with a degenerative disease that will also cause your sperm to create parasitic babies (which eventually mutate into Kraken-sized facehuggers)
- Turn you into an enraged super-strong killing machine
It sounds like Lindelof liked the idea of body horror parasites, but didn't want to rely on what had gone before. I can understand that, but he went too far in the other direction. The black goo seems to do whatever the story demands, instead of having set rules. -
Reading Mieville's Kraken currently. Next up is The Stress of Her Regard by Tim Powers.
Quote:How in the hell did they get permission for that without paying zillions of dollars?!Yeah...the sheer amount of liscensed characters in that trailer alone, you're looking at, I think 10 different video game companies, some that aren't even around anymore (the robot in the meeting is from Rise of the Robots IIRC).
This, I think, could be the video game equivilent of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
My favorite line: "Stand by, my Q-bertese is a little rusty!" -
Thanks MP and everyone who helped out!
Great run. -
Quote:Damn... it's like Zombie X-Com... IT'S Z-COM!Something else to check out: http://kck.st/KCIRHA
Stop tempting me, Bone!
EDIT: Backed. -
That's a conqueror's throne!
Can't make the practice run either.