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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    I suggest that it is time for another character name wipe.
    I suggest you're wrong.
    I recommend wiping the character names of any player that has not logged on for three years or longer, no matter the level of the character. Let's face it, if someone hasn't played the game in three years (especially now that the game is free-to-play), odds are he or she isn't coming back
    .... except that there have, indeed, been people coming back after 3 or more years, especially since the game went F2P.
  2. All I can think of when I see that is...

    "Head Asplode."
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I really have no earthly clue why the Devs continue to drag their feet on this issue...
    .... wasn't this an argument with Zwizzleztick?

    I think this was the topic that was brought up and he ended up bringing up the "But who gets to decide" - to which multiple people (including me) mentioned being the *entire reason* we were given for the red-star rank - a single point of contact and single person of responsibility for CS issues.

    Which, to me, includes renames.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    I had an idea that maybe they could make a full secondary build for the same toon, with different power sets. Just mod the current system for a different build that we currently have to also allow for different levels.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Not so much 'helping' as 'not letting him intentionally do it wrong'. The Doctor likes it having quirks. No matter how badly it causes things to go.
    "It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on."

    ... as far as new-Who lines go, I like "Shall I repeat the question" more - but that still brings a chuckle.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    So the Doctor fixed the chameleon circuit?

    And by 'fixed', I mean 'stopped breaking'. Slightly.
    Well, it can go invisible. At least if River's helping.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    Make it a bottle of Surge.

    Make it a bottle of Serge and he'll look FABulous too. >.>
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    Ignoring the fact that it's a niche power only useful in certain scenarios,
    Called "Combat," which doesn't happen much in.... wait, yes it does.

    the main reason that Trip Mine should be changed is because, thematically, it doesn't fit Devices.
    You're right! Trip mine *obviously* belongs in Mind Control! Because it's a device!

    It'd be something better seen in Traps,
    Where it also is.

    your gameplay is basically "plant 50 trip mines, lure enemies into them, repeat forever"
    Or plant a few, with caltrops, snipe, and as they're blowing up, Ignite the survivors.

    which is stupid both in concept and practice.
    While normally I'd take advice on a specific subject from an expert, in this case, I have to disagree with what's being mislabelled as "stupid" here.

    *Note, I'm not calling you an expert on Devices, as you're obviously not.

    Maybe you're comfortable with it,
    .... as is every other Devices blaster out there.

    but that's more because it's the only way you can make the powerset good, rather than it actually being fun to use in any shape or form.
    Ohhh, and you can define for everyone what's fun now, too...

    Here's a tip: If your entire powerset revolves around one gimmicky and ugly power
    Which it isn't
    that's only taken by min/maxers
    which it isn't
    without any thought to the appearance or function of the power,
    Trip Mine - You put down a mine. Seems like an appropriate appearance to that power for me.
    then maybe it's time to fix it.
    And if it's not broken, don't. Which it isn't.

    Replace it with something that actually better fits the theme of the powerset
    A device! In devices! Like, say, a mine!
    and has more utility to a Blaster than "extra damage" (which is what their PRIMARY powerset should be doing)
    So you obviously know nothing about blasters as a whole, then. Have you met /electric? /Energy? /Psi? .... oh, look, extra damage.

    Here's a suggestion for you:

    Instead of trying to screw up a powerset that people have used and enjoyed for 23 issues now.... if you don't like it, don't take it.

    "Problem" solved.

    I also note you, unsurprisingly, ignored what I told you before, which would show you it's hardly a "niche" power.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    As extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, I would like to see anyone give me video evidence of a person using Trip Mine in an actual combat situation. Just one example, unless it doesn't exist because nobody ever does it.
    Search on "Toe Bomb."

    Common enough it has its own terminology in game.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Meh it won't even load the first video for BBC's website heh
    They're on youtube, too.

  11. Lately...

    Lemon Law - Water blaster.
    Slightly less surprised - For Grape Justice. Also water. (Cold/Water defender. Which itself is just kind of fun to say. "I'm a Cold Water defender!")
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    As someone with more than a few characters locked in time due to their faces no longer being available

    ... For him, it's "Go to a tailor, lose your pants."

    (And yes, the color does need fixing... can't do it though. As he loses both face and pants.)
  13. Pretty much have to disagree with the entire thing. But really this:

    Trip Mine: Get rid of this, as it is never used except in gimmicky, niche occasions
    ... I have to think you have never played devices. Ever. Or, for that matter, Traps, which also has Trip Mine in it. If you'd said Sonic Cage was a bit of a "niche occasion" use, I'd agree. Calling Trip Mine "never used" is like saying "Nobody uses Stamina."
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    I tried playing Empathy once. I really did. But then I thought "Why?". And why would you?
    Because I want to. Because it fits a character concept.
    Why would you want to play a powerset that loses almost all of it's powers when solo?
    If this bugs you so much and you don't see how they can open up possibilities nicely with dual builds, four words for you:

    Run An /Empathy Controller. (Or, for that matter, a /pain MM.) You'll never feel like the powers are "gone" or "useless" as long as you have pets. (Ignoring PA.)

    Of course, it could just be that "heavy team support themed" sets are not for you. Which is fine. Doesn't mean that *they're* broken, though. They're just not for you.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    No, you won't solo like an SS/Fire brute. Or anything else for that matter, because your primary only has three powers all of a sudden. The only things that might have a worse time soloing than an empathy defended are:

    Petless pain dom/thermal/force field mastermind

    Oh wait, that's pretty much it.

    You're empathy. You're attacking enemies solo. What are you going to do, Clear Mind them to death? I can replace that solo with a breakfree... and find another power I'd use solo anyway. Your primary has three powers you can use on yourself... the rest just sit there in the tray.

    Alternately, you dip into Leadership and get yourself a bit more damage (to stack on top of the damage from Vigilance you get from being solo.) And/or extra ToHit (and perception... frigging ghosts/banes.) Or start adding some defense to your "solo offender" build. Use different sets than your team build.

    How about the buffs/changes/boosts to the Presence pool coming up? Get a bit of control in there. (I've got a Dark/Therm Corruptor - who, by the way, solo also just has three powers from her secondary she can use, and had to wait longer to get them - who'll be enjoying this, as the solo build is also concept and has the presence pool.)

    Seriously, having a bunch of "useless" powers is, IMHO, a gift with dual (or triple) builds.
  16. Getting somewhat back on track with the purpose of this thread....

    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    In this instance, I happen to be trying to refine a good SO build for a Tri-form Peacebringer, while allowing for inherent Fitness and all of the tweaks that the Devs have made to our powers.

    Be Well!
    I'd almost put this project on hold (or wander to beta for a bit) and see just what sort of impact the i24 changes will have on it. Things like, oh (and I'm going from memory on here) do you want to grab Glowing Touch or actually dip into Medicine for Stimulant (now that it affects enemies - or was going to, if I'm remembering the coffee talk bit properly) and grab Aid Self from there, and possibly the new T5 power? And where do you fit that in? Grabbing Air Superiority? We may want to look at what can be done with biforms and the newer pool changes on SOs.

    I24: Even More Options. Even on SOs.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
    I personally know at least four players that would disagree with you. I'm sure many other players have purchased one or both Kheldians but not an Invention License.
    Don't bother. If you don't play exactly his way and think exactly the way he does... *shrug* (And yes, I can mention several people - non VIP - who saw me on my khelds, had as little as *one month* on their account, and raced off to purchase them. This sort of thing helps them.)

    Why he has to come in here and make a nuisance of himself for something he's obviously not interested in, I don't know. I just hope Fireheart, et al, keep refining it for those people and ignore his noise. Because this *will* help people, whether he likes it or not.

    Edit: Useful script if you have greasemonkey. Does make the thread look a bit odd.
  18. They have the occasional "high res" (I suppose) face.

    ... they tend to look a bit creepy, to some.

    Things like fingers and such - no. Since every costume piece related to them (and likely weapons, etc.) would have to be reodone.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Yeah I like the idea for the powerset but it would need a better name. When I saw the "litter" word used I imagined that this would be the powerset Catgirls would use.
    I think the Legion would approve.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    ... Yes, some powers have restrictions to make them balanced. But getting passed the restrictions doesn't help or reward the Empath, does it? Unlike every other example you mentioned. It rewards the people who just so happened to team with the Empath. The Empath is the least rewarded because to itself it cannot give anything, even on a team. Solo you can only use three powers. That is a problem.
    ... until we got dual builds and could use those now-free spots to find other things that *would* help the Empath (or FF or Thermal or....)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Is that a bad thing, though? I mean, I get that the point of confuse is to get you to attack your team-mates, but doesn't it make sense that you're so confused you hurt yourself?

    is not confusion. Just stupidity.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Patient_V View Post
    Oh no, a moderately survivable character with low HP, weak lethal damage, and no aggro control, crowd control, or debuffs that still falls on the low end of the contribution spectrum when it comes to most teams and leagues.
    Look up "green machine" in game and tell them that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    The people who are trying to solo are mostly skipping these powersets anyway.

    ... or using dual builds and taking advantage of the extra "free" power choices in the solo builds.
  24. Personally I think there's a bit of a "Wait on I24" going on when it comes to builds, especially with some of the pool changes, set bonus changes and the like. So just be aware you may see something (or things) that make you want to respec.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
    ,even using ae tickets items were unavail for awhile.
    That is impossible. AE salvage is created on demand. You need a Deific Weapon and have the tickets, it's created.

    Commons, just roll - and be sure you're in the right level range and type (magic or tech.) If you're not sure which is which, peek at Paragonwiki. Fill up with what you don't need, drop it on the market or in storage and go back.

    AE cannot run out of salvage short of the game itself shutting down, at which point the issue is moot.