545 -
"Thanks for the birthday greetings
I think this is the thread and forum I should have been hanging in all along...
Seriously, I've been having a quiet birthday, having hit fiftythree in real life.
Got a Halloween cake for my birthday yesterday (the first halloween cake I ever got...) It was cute, blue night with a cute white ghost against it...It was chocolate too...
Can't go wrong with Chocolate. Would upload a pic but the cable for the digital camera's misplaced.."
*takes one of the Starfleet cupcakes..."Thanks, Rosie!" She noms on the cupcake,following it with more cake from Becky..."and hi, Rad, Fedor,Becky,Rosie, Stryph and Katja..."
"Going to go out a little later, so you may not hear from me again today, but have some upsidedown cake, tea and cupcakes...and they are adorable with the starfleet symbol on them..." -
That's an idea for an RP in Pocket D...set up a poker game, only requirement is that you know the rules of that game, or enough to fake it.
:sets a tea service and party up on the ceiling...including chairs and tables bolted to the ceiling...then pours tea. Very carefully.
/me sits, floating upside down....
"Whee, what a great birthday gift! This is fun!" -
Kitty, if you have a empty character slot, give your RL friend a challenge...
Make a little girl character and use the sliders...
I guarantee it will drive her bananas - it did when I first tried to make a child character...Played with sliders, made her legs smaller, but no matter what, she looked like she needed a little more than a training bra....
So finally slapped a martial arts robe on her (one of the dressy ones) and a skirt..just to hide that her figure was a little..um..more mature than it should be...
That is what I do for little girl toons.
For adolescent toons, I use the slender model, and usually shoot for the look of a ballet dancer...and I always go towards the left to shrink...go towards the right and she will look like a stripper!
I do have a few athletic ones, they are usually legal adults, eg: Oryo Ryou, Kami Megami and so on..
And men still say I don't have enough breast meat on them! Or as one friend put it.."They're super-heroines...they need to look superheroic!"
Maybe so, but it doesn't mean that my back has to hurt looking at them....and yes, I am a RL female! -
I am so glad you are safe, Viv. Years ago, back in Tampa, hubby and I had something in storage...the storage area burned down...
As for the faulty plug...is it possible it wasn't grounded? Had to get plugs replaced in the apartment this summer because the building inspector discovered they had never been grounded!!!
In the end, you and yours are safe...and isn't that what matters? -
I've deleted a few toons, only to reroll them later...
But the one I regret rerolling was Magical Warrior Luna/Warrior Mage Luna-
The first one was a electric/electric blaster...but I messed up somewhere about lvl 45-something about being told that putting enhancements slots on Ninja Run would make her faster...between that and the fact that I had aged her from 9 to about 15 for someone else's SG, I just got frustrated and decided to reroll her, instead of waiting or going for a respec trial.
Worst mistake I ever made! If I had it to do over, I would never, ever have deleted her and tried to reroll her as a kin/energy defender..or kin/anything...It was a bad enough experience that I won't even touch the kin power set now....
Recently deleted the Warrior Mage variant and went with 9 year old Pink Pika-and yes, she is an electric/electric blaster..and this one is NOT getting rerolled again! -
Ugh..not me!
I've had to have help in the past to get that costume 'just right'. I'll procrastinate in the costume creator.....just trying on different costumes on the new toon.
I've also recycled costumes that I liked on a toon I deleted because the character didn't work out in RP. Also have a couple of costumes left over from a couple of Vexxxa's TF runs, that I saved because I liked their look. -
/me comes in, dragging a coffin behind her stuffed with Halloween candy.
"Ok, Puppeh, where do you want this?"
/me looks at Neko's card.."That's precious..." -
Mellissandria watched over Meg Sr.'s shoulder as they both read the report.
"This isn't good, Mellie." Meg looked up at her mentor of sorts. As a teen, she had been Mellie's assistant in creating new inventions..and was now one of Mellie's best researchers as a grown woman. Three kids didn't leave much time for adventuring and inventing..although she still worked on her prosthetic wing project- a sideline that many a bird sanctuary cheered, for allowing injured birds to fly again- even if they couldn't be released back to the wild.
"I know," Mellie sighed. "Looks like the bloody Pratorians, and the Rikti, are on the move. We'll have to get ready." She looked at Meg. "And no, I am *not* going to risk you or Caleb out there, if I can help it...Especially you." She gave Meg a sharp look over her glasses. "I'll also have to contact Mike Carter over at PJSA. He's going to need to discourage the students from joining the front lines."
"What about you, Mellie?" Meg asked.
"I'll be trying to figure out a way to sabotage both of them." Mellie grinned as she picked up her tool kit. "You can do so much with the right equipment.." -
Man, I try to avoid the more obvious tropes. If I find myself using one, I try to put an spin or twist to it..
Oryo Ryou- it could be said that she is the Frankenstein monster gone wrong (or right)? Basically, she's got DNA from twenty different individuals, thanks to a mad scientist at Crey..although she considers the couple who adopted her as a child her real parents. (Guess there's some Clark Kent in her, too.)
The Rose of Paragon- is in some ways, a spoof of a young George Takai set loose on the set of Star Trek with a fencing foil, and has actors/stuntpeople for parents...She could have been white bread instead of Hawaiian, but I wanted to make her as different from the other Zorro/Utena types in the city as I could. (And yes, I *like* sharp pointy things. Deal:P)
Mystik Paladin-..yes, he's a damn boy scout gone rock star, gone superhero. Or Rick Springfield puts on medieval armor and fights with a magic broadsword ( was cast as a boy scout gone rock star gone superhero:P)
Both Rose and Paladin are examples of normal people who have weird things happen to them (which resulted in their respective superpowers). Ryou is more the girl who trained all her life to give back to the heroes who rescued her as a small child from Crey Labs, by becoming one. Guess I didn't subvert them enough...
I'd go on, but this would take all night, and I'm trying to get back on a normal sleep schedule.
(later, rather than add yet another post)
I'm also guilty of the magical girl trope-(I actually have three, but two are the same character-one being an healer for the SG she's in..the third's origin pokes fun at collectable card games and is nine years old icly..) -
(dear lord, is the story that cheesy?)
Quote:It was a quiet afternoon, and Mellissandria was working on a project that was due in a couple of weeks..a simple matter of reverse engineering a Rikti something or another for the Defense Department. Last time she had delivered it a week early and the General of the project had looked at her as if she had grown a second head.
What would your character do, if faced with a Major natural disaster?
So this time, it was going to be just delivered on...
Her concentration was shattered as an alarm sounded. Grabbing her jacket, she rushed to the command center.
She looked at the readings...a freak earthquake, on the border between New York and Connecticut, centering in the small city of New Hampton, Conn. No flooding so far, but...
She frowned. Normally, she could dispatch the Thorntons..they were a one couple triage team, but Meg Thornton was recovering from giving birth to their first son..
Mellie picked up the com. "Caleb, can you go pull Chris from his classes over at PJSA? We've got a situation over in Connecticut..You heard? Good. We're going on a little road trip." She looked over at Bea who was just entering. "Bea, you and Meg got the com, I'm grabbing the medkits..."
Fifteen minutes later:
In the end, Mellie had been able to scrape together a small team. Pandrea from PJSA had insisted on coming, along with Rhiannon Archer, Chris, and Mystik Paladin. Only Paladin and Pandrea were in costume, Mellie wore her leather outfit, and the kids were in jeans and T-shirts. Rhi carried her bow and arrow.
They weren't the only group arriving. Other supergroups had sent their members as well...Some had set up tents with the Red Cross, to try to give comfort to survivors as others were digging through the rubble to reach victims.
All were horrified at the devastation. Buildings had collapsed into themselves, sometimes trapping people inside.
Quickly, the members of Timecraft set up a small communications hub, along with the triage tent. Mellie got out crowbars, pickaxes and shovels herself, along with communicators. "Rhi, you're holding down the fort. You're communications."
Rhi nodded as she put on her choker, her transformation item. "Right!" she nodded.
"Chris, stay with Rhi. In case we have survivors routed here, going to need you and Rhi to stablize."
Chris nodded. "You can count on us."
Mellie smiled. At least this particular teen couple could be trusted to keep their minds on their jobs instead of each other. Not to mention if need be, Rhi could change to Bast to help with stablization...
"Caleb, Pandrea, scout from the air; Paladin, with me.." She regretted not having any heavy equipment..TimeCraft normally didn't assist with rescues, but this had been an 7.5 .
Caleb turned on his flightbelt, following the flying panda girl as they flew upwards. Paladin watched..
"Why are we groundbound?" he asked Mellie, looking puzzled as they started to pick their way through the rubble...
"We can see things, they can't and vice versa." Mellie pulled an infrared scanner from the backpack she always carried. "Now follow me, and stay alert."
She pointed the scanner at a nearby collapsed building, frowning as she checked her GPS.."This was a high rise apartment building.." she said as she googled the location..."
Paladin was already starting to attempt to dislodge rubble.."Over here! I can hear someone crying.."
Mellie frowned, hearing the crying as well, now. "I do, too!" She pulled the backpack off her shoulder and pulled out a small instrument..
"What's that?"
"Small laser. I use it from time to time..usually if I had to do a break in in the bad old days.." she said cheerfully as she adjusted a setting.. "Could you help me move this slab ?"
Paladin nodded, as she turned on the laser, using it to cut the slab into several parts that would be easier to move to the side.
Soon, they were joined by Caleb and Pandrea as Mellie continued to slice through the rubble. Paladin discovered his sword was almost as good as the laser and was soon hacking at it as well. All four alternated pushing and pulling rubble into a pile as the cries became more audible.
"We are working as fast as we can", Pandrea announced as she started to blast through the rubble..
"Pan! Careful, you can cave that in even more!" Mellie cautioned as the rubble started to shift.
Pandrea stopped blasting, letting Paladin and Mellie resume carving. After a moment, she grabbed a pickax and attacked the rubble with silent determination.
It was Caleb who shoved aside the final slab, revealing a young woman, her body covered in dirt and cement dust. He checked her pulse, even as he heard a whimpering under her lifeless body...
He pushed the dead woman aside gently, to pick up the baby she had shielded with her dying breath.
All were silent for a moment, until Paladin climbed in, to help Caleb remove the dead woman.
Mellie took off her leather jacket, covering the woman's face with it.
It was Pandrea who took charge of the baby.."I will fly him to the main Red Cross, "she said softly, her panda ears drooping. "They will know what to do.." Holding the baby close, she took to the sky again as a rescue squad finally arrived.
There were more cries from the rubble..and the group resumed digging...
(sorry if the ending is kind of a downer. Unfortunately, it also reflects real life-you can't save every life, just as many as you can.-DC) -
Only once. I had just gotten out of the hospital as Mellissandria and decided to be better prepared.
So, hit secondary mutation as I rushed the Tsoo...and became monkey sushi...which resulted in my very swift return to said hospital. -
*Halloween night*
Lani stood in front of the mirror as she buckled on her sword. "Not too shabby," she said to herself, admiring herself. She had managed to get the pink wig on without too much trouble, making sure each and every strand of dark hair was hidden, so as not to shatter the anime look of her costume. She turned, looking back to look at her self in the mirror, her pleated miniskirt twirling as she turned.
The sparkly mask was in her hand, that contrasted with her white military jacket, and she noticed it already had the adhesive, all she had to do was to peel off the paper covering it, and affix carefully. The instructions promised it would not smudge her makeup at the end of the night. She turned again, to use the mirror as she followed instructions and put it on.
Lani finished off the costume with a red rose boutonniere, which was pinned to her lapel. She took one last look in the mirror, brown eyes sparkling with mischief behind the mask.
She reached for her sparkly shoulderbag and stopped, noticing the temperature according to Google ...
"Chilly?" She muttered to herself, about to reach for a coat,when her fingers found the cloak the odd saleslady had given her."Hmm, this has possibilities.." Lani pulled it out, noticing the plush texture of the cloak, with its delicate but durable chain. In a moment, she had pulled it on, covering her shoulders. Again, she turned towards the mirror and smiled...then headed out, for once not using the window. After all, most of this costume was a rental...
Lani slipped out the back of the dorm, to satisfy that part of herself that ached for adventure..not the prefabricated adventures her parents acted out in front of cameras, but an honest to God adventure, where she would fight evil, protect the innocent, and swing from chandeliers. Maybe rescue some cute guy..although most of the guys she thought were cute wouldn't stand to be the one being rescued for ten seconds, and would probably insist on being the rescuer.
Wrapping her cloak about her, to ward off the October chill, Lani started to walk across the campus. Without thinking, her spine straighted out to an almost military bearing. She stopped, noticing the shadows starting to fall. A few red and orange leaves swirled about her. She was just aware of the traffic in the distance, seemingly so far away from her..
"Leave me alone!"
The girl's shriek pieced the almost idyllic scene. Lani turned, to see, a young freshman hanging on for dear life to the purse that a young tough was trying to pull from her. Another tough was in the process of pulling out..a pistol?
Lani was hit by panic first. Where were the police? Where were the Midnighters? No time to fish for her cell phone! There was only one thing to do.."Maybe if I psych them?" She grabbed her sword, to draw it..and ran towards them..."Hey! You!" she yelled..and drew her sword, brandishing it as she would in fencing class.
The first thug let go of the purse, and the guy holding the pistol turned...and were joined by five others, holding baseball bats, all except for one fellow in the back. He just stood back as she found herself charging..jumping over them, landing square in the center. She wasn't aware of losing her wig...
They all stood in a circle around her..stared..and started to laugh..."What a noob!" one roared..."Hey, Zorro, come get some!" another mocked..
For a moment Lani stood, wondering if she had somehow defused the situation..until they all turned on her, smirking. And then..Lani pulled a second sword, not a fencing sword, but a one handed sword from..where? She had no time to think as two of the thugs rushed her.
She feinted, slashing at the first opponent, drawing blood from the slash. Twirling, Lani slashed her second opponent as well, again drawing blood..just slashes, more like scratches. Yet, down they went, apparently more from sudden fright than blood loss.
Another pair rushed her, from each side, one being the guy with the pistol, the other wielding a baseball bat. She slashed across the batguy's wrist, causing him to drop the bat, and twirled in time to see, and hear the gun being fired point blank at her.
Time seemed to slow down, even as the bullet started to streak towards her head She held up her one handed sword without thinking, and deflected the bullet with that, then a second one before kicking the shooter in the crotch with the toe of her boot.
Again, she twirled, taking out the next man with the pommel of her fencing sword and jumped again, landing in front of the final two thugs. The unarmed man stood back, letting the final batguy charge her, holding his bat like a lance in front of him, swinging at the last moment. She ducked his intended sideways blow, going to one knee in a leg sweep, knocking him off his feet.
She sprang up, and faced the last man standing. "You can run if you want," Lani said, trying to sound confident, forgetting the man at her feet, who appeared to be unconscious..
That is, til he grasped and pulled her ankle out from under her. Lani slashed again, this time landing on her rear, as the batguy started to club her. She laid back and folded her knees above her..then thrust upward with both knees, ramming feet into the man's belly. This time, he stayed down as she sprang back to her feet, both swords at the ready, then jumped back as the final man swung his fist at her. Midswing, the fist turned into stone. She gave a squeak of alarm, her eyes growing wide. This would be a good time for a real hero to appear, Lani thought.
However, none seemed to be appearing.
She was on her own.
Dancing about the unconscious gang members, Lani again dodged the stone fist.
And then things got really strange, as the world seemed to slow down...again.
The fist was coming down onto the pavement as she sprang upwards to counter, timing it as she somersaulted over him, to land on one knee. The point of her sword scratched down his spine, glowing with gold energy. It was just a scratch, but down he went.
Time returned to normal as Lani stood, half dazed herself. She knelt down to check for a pulse. It was strong, and the bleeding scratch she'd inflicted was already healing and fading..as had the wounds on the other men she'd scored with her fencing sword.
She looked down as the broader sword started to fade from her grasp.
She turned, and faced what appeared to be herself..her jacket was now blue, her pleated miniskirt had turned into a tighter, slitted skirt..which was not what she put on ..hell, the boots shouldn't be going all the way up her
thighs, nor should they be red and blue. Her mask was now darker, not so sparkly. The cloak was now darker, the collar higher.
Even her dark hair was shorter, and were those blue highlights? "Hey, where's my wig?"
Then her costume shifted, as if superimposed on her Halloween costume..before disappearing. In a moment, the one handed sword was
also gone, as if she had never held it. For a moment, she thought she heard a gentle laugh in the breeze, but she couldn't see the source.
Lani picked up her pink wig...and started to shake as the adrenalin high she was on started to subside. She finally found her glittery shoulder bag, on her shoulder where it should be, and reached in for her cell phone..."PPD? I'd like to report seven men down, all early to mid twenties," she heard herself say in a calm voice. She looked for and found the street number.."790 Statesman Avenue, Steel Canyon. "Ah..my name? Call me...Rose." With that, she disconnected the call.
Lani looked down at the red rose on still pinned to her chest, just now starting to unfold. Amazingly, it had not been harmed, perhaps it has remained safe in whatever pocket dimension her outfit had gone into. She unpinned it, and let it drop on the gang leader, the one with a stone fist, then swirled her cape. It seemed to be the thing to do as she ran down the alley, even as the police and ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance.
She spent the next half hour trying to sort out what had just happened to her.. -
*The week before Halloween*
Lani's original plan was to train to be a stuntwoman in Paragon City, away from the bright lights of Hollywood. Unfortunately, this
also meant that she would be away from Oahu for the next few years. Paragon City, in addition of being the City of Heroes, was also known for its intensive training for heroes- which was also attractive to stuntpeople these days. The demands of the craft could be such that you virtually had to be Olympic material for some stunts. Also, hero training took some of the same precautions as stuntwork. Usually, you didn't work without a net until the first patrol.
There was one such program at Steel Canyon University, just obscure enough for Kalani Tenou-herself the daughter of two action stars in Hollywood. Dad had made his name in several films where he showed off his acrobatic and martial arts training- always
getting the girl, always defeating the bad guys. Hikaru Tenou wasn't as well known as Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee, but he gained
respect for his professionalism.
Her mother, like her, was a Hawaiian beauty who went by the name of Kalelani, first name only. Originally a silver medalist in fencing and gymnastics, she'd been offered the title role of "The Masked Maiden," a TV series about a woman in nineteenth century
California-at night, she donned the garb of a man, and a mask, to fight evil and defend the weak and innocent..it was a unabashed
Zorro ripoff, and even Kalelani cheerfully admitted it. Still, it gave her a way into films, first in the movie version of "Masked Maiden," then in other action films...
Lani, as Kalani was known to her friends, wasn't sure if she could act, but she had always loved watching her dad and mother at
work. Cheerfully, and maybe relived that she wasn't interested in going the starlet route, they had been her first teachers, training her in martial arts, gymnastics, acrobatics, and well, fencing. At first, she'd tried for the Olympics, but didn't make the final cut for the current Team USA. "Maybe next time, " everyone else said pityingly, but Lani had cheerfully thrown herself into stuntwork and training.
Right now, she was practicing a type of gymnastics called Parkour, laughing as she jumped over bushes and fences on her way to
pick up her Halloween costume. This practice had given her nicknames such as "Nutcase", "Jungle Girl", and "Tarzan Girl", usually hung on her by her friends, who shook their heads when she would climb up to the roofs of low buildings, hopping from building to building, just for the rush it gave her.
"Yo, Tarzan Girl!" Trace caught up to her finally..a nice fellow with tanned skin, and wire rimmed glasses that were currently covered in sweat from running.."Been trying to get your attention for two blocks now..!"
Lani swung down from the fence.."Sorry, Trace," she laughed. "Just now heard you.." She took out the earbuds connected to her MP3
player. "What's up?"
"Just talked to Harry. He's not going to the party..something about a previous engagement.." He waited, praying she wouldn't explode.
She rolled her eyes.."Wimp. Just because I was trying to get him to go as my character's consort..."
"Um, Lani, in case you haven't noticed...the Rose Bride is a girl...Harry's a guy. Crossdressing really isn't his thing..."
Lani sighed, eyeing the really tall (six feet to her five foot one height) basketball player she called her best friend currently. "And you're too tall, even if you did.."
Trace wiped his brow, partly in relief, partly for comic effect. He'd seen that dress; a red and white floorlength number with epalets and enough ruffles to decorate a whole house.."Not to mention I wouldn't be caught dead in that outfit." he told her.He looked down at Lani, as she regarded him with her wide almond eyes that always reminded him of an anime character. How she managed that was beyond his comprehension, but he suspected it had something to do with some latent acting talent. Now she batted those eyes at him..and he knew he was about to get sucked into something...
"Well, then, will you at least help me get a sword? I can't be a proper swordswoman without my sword," Lani simpered, or at least pretended to.
"Only if you will walk...not jump like Spiderman.. the rest of the way to the costume shop," Trace told her sternly.
She thought it over, running a hand through her longish black hair. "All right, she finally agreed. "Think they'll have a decent pink wig? or at least a blonde wig I can dye pink?"
Several hours later...
Lani had gotten her costume for the most part, a militarylike uniform like those worn in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, but instead of pants, there was a miniskirt and shorts, and boots.Everything but the sword...
She wanted a fencing sword, if only because she liked the idea of wearing a sword at her side. Then again, it was something of a running joke that she had always adored sharp, pointy objects.
"Hey, look, at least you got most of the costume..We could get the mask at Icon for a little class, since it's a masked ball.." Trace said, trying to give her an option as they passed by Icon.
"I want to try to find the sword first..If I can't have a Rose Bride, I at least will have my sword!" she declared.Then she saw it. "Hey,look!!" Lani started towards it, dragging Trace behind her.
"It wasn't there the last time we were here.." Trace commented. "I'd remember a store like that.."
They stood in front of what appeared to be an 'junktique' shop..one of those second hand shops that masqeraded as a antique shop.
The sign that hung over it declared:
Ye Olde Mysteries and Curiosity Shoppe
Proprietor: Lessa Sebastian
Established 1986
Lani grinned... In she shot, leaving Trace in her dust as she ran into the dark, musty shop.
The woman behind the counter was polite enough, a pudgy middleaged type in glasses. She wore a black 'witch' dress, in honor of
the upcoming Halloween holiday. "May I help you?" she chirped cheerfully.
Lani looked about at all the dusty old furniture, some actually honest to god oak cabinets, tacky lamps and aged souvenirs of Hawaii...and the candles.."Yes, I'm looking for a sword for a costume party. Preferably one with a sheath and belt, I'd like to wear it."
The saleswoman hmmed.
Trace started to get nervous. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something odd about that saleswoman, even as
she started to search at a rack of what appeared to be second hand clothing...First, she pulled out a long, elegant,velvet black cloak,
lined in dark satin, and handed it to Lani..."I couldn't help but notice your costume..Halloween night will be chilly, and you
will need something warm over it...now..ah, here you are.." The saleswoman pulled out a sheathed sword..the pommel was golden,
resembling a pirate's sword..."Look at this..." It was a fencing sword, which she had been looking for.
Lani pulled it out partway, feeling the balance, admiring the pommel, then the shiny blade, which appeared to be a bit sharp. "I assume you won't be running it through someone," the salesperson chuckled.
"No plans to...but it's a bit sharp..."Lani commented...
Trace got even more nervous.
"It has a bit of history..In the past, it's been wielded by several women, marked with courage and the willingness to defend hearth and home."
"Interesting.." Lani smiled. She was starting to fall in love with the blade.."Are you sure of this?"
The saleswoman smiled.."Positive. As I said, it was wielded by several women in the past. Each one believed in her cause, right or not."
"It looks so new..this can't be that old..."
"Lani, remember, your budget was already blown by the costume rental..." Trace warned..
The saleswoman smiled. "Tell you what. I would be honored to give you this sword and this cloak. It's obvious you're a student, and that you appreciate fine things, Miss Tenou." With that, she started to wrap the sword and sheath up in the cloak."And I know you will take good care of it.."
"Are you sure?" Lani asked...
Trace leaned over to Lani.."Maybe she's one of those Salamanica witches..."
"Don't be silly...Those are old crones, and she can't be older than forty at most.." She looked at the woman.."Are you sure?" she repeated..
"Positive, Miss Tenou." She handed her the wrapped bundle. "Now, go, and perhaps, just perhaps, it will help you reach your true
potential. Have a happy Halloween!"
"Thank you.." Lani smiled, as Trace finally pulled her out of the shop, clutching both her costume and her bundle...while Trace
wondered how the odd woman knew Lani's last name..
Neither one saw, after they left the store, how it was suddenly surrounded by mist, then ...vanished. -
(Some stories write themselves, and some stories take you by the throat and will not let you go til you write them...
The latter is the case with this particular story. I originally intended for this to be one of Rosie's prompts, but it took a couple of turns I didn't expect when I started. The character involved is a minor character of mine, which makes her insistence that I write her origin even more unusual.
I've already edited this to the point that this is most likely the finished form. I'm pretty nervous as I post this-the last time the forum trolls practically tore the story apart like piranhas before it could be rescued. I still haven't had the heart to revisit that story. Hopefully, now that I have ranted, I've bored enough forum trolls that they have lost interest. And hopefully, the rest of you will enjoy this.) -
:floats down from her rafter and gets a cup of coffee and a vanilla cream filled donut.
"Hi, how's life?" -
ooh, didn't know you were also an artist, Rosie. Nice stuff.
I did see you and Nurse White in game once..doing some sort of comedy shtick next to the tailor for some reason. Unfortunately, had to catch up to my SG, so couldn't stick around...
Nurse White, I also met on an ITF...fantastic heals, was able to keep my fire scrapper up long enough to finish off the big baddie at the end..(never have been able to repeat that stunt...)
Just want to say thank you for all you've done so far what with the RP prompts and all. The newest one actually matches up with an origin story I'm currently writing...so you will have that, too. (actually starting to put those in a temp folder -
Don't know ya, but happy birthday anyway...
I already sent PG a birthday wish in PMs, but after googling pictures of birthday cakes online for someone else...I came across this...
So...belatedly, but publicly this time, happy birthday to PG.. -
/me peers in...
Hi...from one Pokefan to another...
*puts down cake*
Happy birthday, dude.
*poofs* -
Pink Pika...9 year old girl gets ahold of a magiked collectible card game card- and gains the powers of the card..
Did I mention she also wears pink?
(btw, there is a real critter called the Pika...
Which was also the basis for a certain fictitious electrical mouse...=)) -
Arithon Kerson was the frontman and guitarist for the band Fifth Wheel- his career was taking off when he discovered he had inherited his late grandfather's fortune...
And also the magic that allowed him to pick up where his grandfather left off as the Mystik Paladin..(and no, no one knows he's the Paladin....)
Arithon tended towards the mainstream-influences would include Yes, Rick Springfield, Moody Blues, and so on...I would imagine that the local radio station would play Fifth Wheel stuff from time to time if that helps...