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  1. I enjoy them too but...but... I am a wimp.

    I had copied my Level 50 Fire/Fire to test, and after using my second build to play with the new epics, and finding a wonderful color for Plasma longer do I look like I am surrounded by a white glo..I decided to try out the new difficulty settings.

    I started by doing the Banished Pantheon map in PI. +4 and map set for 8....I saw all these colored masks floating about, and was soooo happy at the sight....happy until I started fighting.

    I died.

    I died over, and over, and over again.

    So I fiddled, and I adjusted, and well, I am probably the wimpest Fire/Fire scrap in Paragon City.

    +1 map set to 4 for the Banished Pantheon Map has been so far my best compromise between carnage and safety..can't fight things if I am in the hospital.

    I have a fairly good build, I have Weave, I believe in taking my purple vitamins, I don't know why I cannot do +4/8 like every scrapper here.


    Anyways..all you +4/8 scrappers have my deepest admiration. If I were wearing a hat, I would tip it to you all.

    Lisa-Jealous but admiring
  2. McCharraigin

    Solo AE Mishes

    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
    I will join in in shameless pimping; I tried to resist the first time I saw this thread but now...

    The two arcs listed in my threads are pretty soloable. I designed them around soloing primarily because I rarely have a team to test them out (who wants to play a story arc when you can farm?) and because being story driven, anyone other than the leader on a team will miss story content.
    There IT IS

    Not the Bunnygirl one, the other. I forgot which toon I was on when I ran it, and what level, but that mission was....a pita.

    A pita in a good way...I would run back from the hospital with fury in my eyes....and a fierce desire for revenge. It got my dander up, but I completed it

    Need to do it again, this time with my Dark/SR
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
    Yes. You can earn respecs through Veteran Rewards, recipe drops, or else completing the Respec Trials (you may get a total of 3 respecs through the use of the Trials)
    And for ten dollars you can buy one in the store. The link to the store is on your list of characters screen.
  4. Hello everyone.

    I am going to ask a question that has been probably asked a million times....if so I am very sorry. Truly.

    I was going through my Victory server character list looking for one of my old toons of which I had stopped playing with the idea of bringing it out of mothballs and playing.

    I clicked on a toon named Lady Geomorphia and found myself staring at a level 35 Willpower/Stone Tank. She was carrying a fair amount of influence, considering she had been forgotten and abandoned. She had common IOs slotted, and a few pieces of set IOs. Obviously I had plans for her.

    I went to WW, and my eyebrows went clear up into my bangs when I saw what she had in her WW inventory slots. She had bought Mako's and Crushing Impact recipes when they were dirt cheap. I think the most expensive one was a thousand influence points.

    She even had bought the expensive ingredients very cheaply..they were sitting there too.

    According to her bio, I created and leveled this Tank during a double XP weekend...probably the first one when Willpower was released.

    Clearly this toon is ready to rock and roll.

    Problem is, I am a solo scrapper, and have no earthly idea of how to go about Tanking....grin...she does have Taunt....I do know how to use that

    How can I make this Willpower/Tank into a scranker? I mean, I am sure she is now because I did get her to 35 solo, but does anyone have any tips for me?

    Power Choices, what sort of invention bonuses to chase after to increase her damage output???

    Hmmm..or maybe this could be my "Get Over Your Fear Of Teaming" toon.

    How hard is it to be a teaming sort of Tank??? Do Tanks get jeered at by Dark/Dark defenders????

    How do you learn to be a tank if you have had bad experiences in the past with teaming,,

    Shoot, I am making no sense, and I have to leave for work real soon....Sigh.

    Is this Tank a keeper ???

    Any input at all will be deeply appreciated.

    Hugs to you all. a big big rush.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by North_Woods View Post
    My spine/fa is 44 and I'm having trouble which powers I should take as my final 3. I suppose I could always make two builds, but I wanted to hear some input first.

    The last three power choices would be 44-Burn, 47-Fiery Embrace, 49-Rise of the Phoenix
    or 44-Conserve Power, 47-Focused Accuracy, 49-Energy Torrent.
    I do not have a Spines/Fire, but I do indeed have a Fire/Fire. I do not have Burn, but I do have the other two. Fiery Embrace is a second buildup power. I love it.

    Rise Of The Phoenix is, in my book at least, a got to have power. Let me tell you why....

    I was tussling with Bobcat this morning in her EB state. I got her down to a sliver of health, and was cocky enough to believe I had won.

    She did something, not sure what, but I faceplanted, and she was right there, daring me to use the wakie I had. I popped Rise Of The Phoenix, and seconds later I had her at my feet. Had I not had Rise Of The Phoenix, I would have had to go to the hospital, and by the time I got back to her, her health would surely have regenerated, and I would have had another catfight on my hands.

    I solo though, so, what is important to me, will not be important to you.

    Good luck with your build

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JGHopkins View Post
    does anyon here play World of Warcraft. I watched that new "the Guild" music video and got a nostalgia twinge. So since I am feeling a bit burnt out on CoH (again, happens WAYYYYY to often nowadays,) I decided to play WoW for a bit again, probably longer this time :P.

    Anyway I've been trying to decide on which server to roll on (normally I pick a random one but my brother is starting playing it now so I'm looking for two people.) and I was just curious if any of ya'll played WoW or knew what a good newb friendly server was
    By my Aunt Matilda's undershorts, I clicked on the link, and now I cannot get that song out of my head

  7. Grin. I go into a story arc with two things on my mind...the primary and what effects my grading is the story. I start an arc anticipating a fun, challenging time. The arc, in my mind, starts off with five stars.

    If I finish the arc wanting more, it gets a five. If I finish the arc with a warm fuzzy, contented feeling of accomplishment, then it gets a 4,

    However, If I go into an arc, and no matter what I do I can't defeat a minion much less something higher ranking, when I feel I should be able to with ease...and the mission description says I should be able to defeat with ease, then I come roaring out of the mission, and not only do I one star the thing, I tell the mission writer why I am one starring it.

    I am not really hard to please. If you have critters that are harder than the average bear to defeat, say so in the mission description, and I will go in armed with the right mindset and the right inspirations.

    Oh, and the amount of tickets I haul in is the other thing on my mind....I love tickets and wish we had a choice while doing reg missions, as we do in Dev Choice. Tickets or reg please
  8. Lisa comes into thread, and reads the above list....Fireblast, Fireball, Melt Armor, Char, hmmmmm.....sounds like my Dark/Regen is going to get herself experimented on

    Thank you Devs, for second builds

    Lisa-Plotting and Scheming, Scheming and Plotting
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
    A_C, For what it's worth I still remember that debate, not because of the subject
    I am sure a lot of people are going to give you academic advice, but I'd like to give you something a bit more broad. I was also the first in my family ever to go to college in 6 generations. I was the second generation in my family to graduate high school (well, primary education, the local system was a bit odd back in the 1800s) in 6 generations.

    The first thing I'll tell you is, don't let the sudden freedom drive you a little nuts. It's sometimes hard to reel ourselves in and not get a bit drunk with the new-found freedom and sudden openness of ideas and modes of thought. However, revel in that same freedom at every possible chance. In some ways I envy you. College was the absolute best time of my life because of all the potential, ideas, new thoughts, new knowledge waiting to be picked up and put in my pocket.

    Second thing: be as social and outgoing as possible but not to the detriment of your degree. You are very likely going to meet people who you'll be friends with for the rest of your life and a few you'll trust with your life. They're more valuable than anything you're going to see or hear in your studies, but you have to keep a watchful eye on your degree and know when to tell you friends "I have to study, so I can't go to Denny's at 2 AM." You also have to know when to bin the studies, go with them to Denny's and pull and all nighter to make it up.

    Third, moderation. Watch the "bad habits" that come your way. There is nothing wrong with having a drink, nothing wrong even with getting drunk, but it all has to be in moderation. You have to be very aware of how much you do anything, "good" or "bad," and when it starts becoming a problem. Fastest way to get your read-end on Academic Probation (or Suspention) is to wake up one morning and realize it's a month later and the last four weeks is a haze.

    Fourth is to find your mentor as quickly as possible. You may not always know who he or she is right off the bat. You may not have much contact with them once you're out of school. But they will guide your whole life, even when you're not aware of it at the time. I didn't initially do the first three, and the fourth is what saved me. Had it not been for a particular professor named Blair Beasley, there's a very good chance I'd not even be alive today. Blair has been dead for many years now, but something he said, or something he showed me helps me every single day.

    Nod, Nod....I like this advice. Good job
  10. Good Luck A_C

    Grin, as you can see in my location, I live in College Station, home of Texas &M University, one of the Colleges on your list. College Station is a conservative place so if you are serious about getting a good education this is a solid choice.

    I work with a lot of college aged people, and most of them both game and get great grades. They say fighting things is a great stress reducer, and I concur.

    Things to look out for..hmm..everyone has come up with good points. The ones I stress are your parents are not going to be living with you. You will have to manage everything from eating correctly, to washing your clothes..and fueling your body and mind with the correct type of food is very is not a substitute for dinner. Don't laugh...I could write a book about some of the things I have seen and heard about here.

    OH, and if you decide to become a Fighting Texas Aggie, two things,

    (1) You must like Football, and (2) please, please, please, know how to drive amongst idiot freshmen all who seemingly just learned how to drive, and don't do it very well

    Hugs and learn lots
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    Post Deleted by Moderator_08
    I did not have the pleasure of knowing him, but I do care. A human life has been snuffed out. Someone does not have a dad, an uncle, a husband and/or son now.

    I care because I have been through this. Firstly, I am a widow and saw a person I loved with all my being lose the fight to Diabetes type 2 and CHF...secondly, the leader of the SGs I belong, the one who never gave up on me as I was learning this game, Shaz Rose, died the day before Valentines Day. I had never met him in RL, but I cried and cried when I found out.

    In each of our SGs, he made a lot of SGs, the new leader created a memorial wall, and in Vents spelled out "In Memory of Shaz."

    It's funny, but I feel like he is still ingame cheering me on.

    So, yes, you can indeed feel sadness about the passing of somebody you never knew. Losing loved ones makes it happen.

    Lisa lights a virtual candle, bows her head in silence, and backs out of this thread.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperT View Post
    Sorry to not directly respond to your question but something in your post caught my eye... spines/shield scrappers?????? SAY WHAT??? When was this announced and where have I been to have missed this juicy bit of info?
    I was not awake completely......Blush.....I meant Spines/Ele...sigh. Sorry.

    Lisa-Whose face is brilliant red with shame.
  13. Good morning all. I know that everyone is waitign eagerly for Electric/Shields Scraps and Spines/Shields, and I have seen people wanting Katana/Electric, Dark/ Electric, and Electric/Regen

    My Question is what about Electric/Electric?

    I have not played much at all with my Electric/Electric Brute, and am highly considering making one here Blueside where I have influence to give it a start-up egg.

    Will it be doable solo?? Sheesh, "scrap" that question. I soloed a Fire/Fire to 50 and a Dark/SR to softcap, I can solo this

    What will be the best solo combo using either Electric/ or /Electric? As I said earlier, I have little to no experience with either.

    Well, upon pondering a bit, what I am looking for does not have to be "The Best." I solo so I will not be seeing mobs set for eight man teams unless I set the difficulity slider up. And I will be fighting EBs not AVs.

    I just want a toon I can take out, and get some good stress relief, and have fun doing it

    Any ideas?????

    Oh, and I took my level 50 Dark/Regen, Battlesneeze Jessie, out to Unai Kemen's BP map, set to Unyielding, no defense except for combat jumping, Mobs were level 51, thought I saw a 52 Boss, and I kicked butt. My green bar did slide a bit but very, very, quickly went back to full.

    This means no more whining about Weave for meee.

    I think I am a happy camper, and, until different IO sets come out, my build is complete and I can sell everything I come across

    And that is a good feeling

    Soo any ideas about a fun Electric/ or /Electric scrap???
  14. McCharraigin

    Regen Questions

    Originally Posted by Morbid_Star View Post
    1. yes, it is a great pool for scrappers in general, tough stacks well with resilience and weaves def stacks well with DM's -tohit
    AWK, Morbid Star explain please.....Weave by itself with combat Jump as my only defense power, and I can get my paws on a Steadfast Defense to all if need be, stacks well with DM's ToHit ??????? Do you have experience with this, or are you looking at numbers??? I Am sooooo confused. I thought Defense had to stack with Defense.

    On one hand, everyone and their dear sainted granny is advising the taking of Weave, on the other hand, Combat Jump is my only Defensive power. . . .

    Can I scream real loud???

    Lisa-Never going to make another Regen toon as long as I live. . .
  15. McCharraigin

    Regen Questions

    I tried to add defense in my Dark/Regen build, but to add enough to make a difference I had to sacrifice my accuracy and I gave up on defense, and piled on the recharge, and accuracy, and regeneration bonuses.

    Of course if I had a billion influence to spend I probably could find a way to shoehorn in enough defense, and all the accuracy and recharge I crave, but I don't.

    So I have Tough, and even though I want it so bad I could cry, I don't have Weave.

    It might be ok though....After doing my level 50 respec, I went to Romanland and did the timed mission involving the destroying of the crystals. It went pretty well. Only died once, and that was my fault..I got distracted by my cat who decided she wanted to help me play.

    So, my advice is to listen to these wise people here on the forums because they are hands on and know what they are talking about, but do also play your toon, experiment, and form your own ideas.

    You are unique with your own skills, likes, and dislikes.

    Good luck with it. Dark/Regen is a great toon.

    There, now that I have replied, I am going to stomp out of this thread grumbling about Weave and how I can't get it without hamstringing my toon.....if Weave were as required as everyone makes it out to be, you would think the Regeneration secondary would have some defense to stack with Weave...

    Lisa-Still grumbling
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral_NA View Post
    The only resistance unique that's actually worth it is the Steadfast Protection 3% +def IO (well, and the Gladiator's 3% +def IO). The status resist and psi resist contributions are so tiny that it's functionally pointless. I'd ignore them on an Invuln as well.
    Well, that was easy, and yes, I sort of figured they were meant to be icing on the cake and not something that would dramatically change the workings of the set...but I am lousy at numbers, and wanted input from "Someone Who Knows Something' before I did something very stupid. I would much rather appear the noob of noobs, and be jeered at for my stupidity, than doing something which might harm my toon.

    Well, good. I can use the slots for such things as putting heals in...Instant Healing

    Thanks Umbral, I raise my coffee cup to you
  17. Hello all.

    First of all let me say I know have a second level 50. Battlesneeze Jessie, my Dark/Regen scrap dinged 50 last night. I know this is ho hum to you all, but, I solo, and have many toons, so this, to me, is an "I DID IT" moment

    My question is this, she is one of my original toons dating back to when things were inexpensive in WW. When WW started up, I was there

    As a result, I have some "Trinkets" on her that I am not sure are doing her any good as she is of the Regen secondary which sees all damage as the same.

    I am about to do a level 50 respec, and noticed things like Impervium Armor's Psionic Resistance, Aegis Psionic/Status Resistance, and couple of Impervious Skin's Status resistance.

    Are these keepers for her, or can I safely free up the slots by removing them and, I don't know, start up an Invul scrap and give them to it?

    Thanks very much in advance
  18. McCharraigin

    Blaze Mastery

    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    Melt Armor on Tankers gives a tiny amount of defense and resistance debuff.
    Pumps fist into air. ChiliCheeseDog Annie, my Fire/Fire wants Melt Armor more than she wants Sapper Protection, of course she is the only one of my toons who feels this way....
  19. McCharraigin

    Blaze Mastery

    Originally Posted by TeutonicRogue View Post
    why not drop the ST hold and we get both? ;p
    If they drop Petrifying Gaze, I will be an unhappy scrapper. My non-SR scrappers use it in the fight against the dreaded sappers.
  20. I take the Dark epic on my scraps. I choose Dark because Petrifying Gaze is my tool of choice in the fight against Sappers.

    On the majority of my scraps I just get this one power, but my Fire/Fire has gone further into the pool, and uses Tenebrous Tentacles in conjunction with Burn. . . .but . . .

    I don't use the combo much. Usually don't even think of it until everything is burned ash

    Might have to respec out of it, and into something I will use more often...hmmm....
  21. Level one in the Rikti Warzone???? LOL....I am sorry I am laughing. I know level 1 is just an example, but thinking about it is bringing tears of mirth to my eyes. That poor buffer/healer having to keep a group of level one toons who are lacking their own shields, mez protection, and knockback protection, alive....

    But I know it will not be that bad. They well go into the AE building, team with Villains who are level one as well, and do lowbie missions there, but, still, the mental picture of a whole team of level 1 toons doing a level 35 mission with just their first two powers....precious.

    This whole supersidekicking system soulds full of win to me.

    I don't know what to say to that poster who hates the 20s, or is it she/he hates getting to the 20s?...Pre 20s you have street hunting in Perez Park, the Hollows missions, and at level 11 or so I take my toons to the park across the street from the hospital in Steel Canyon and farm COTs...yes you can farm at any level

    Faultine is fun, the Striga missions are fun and you get the very useful Ring of Peebles, Croatoa is my favorite zone and it opens in the late 20s. Warwolf hunting for the Atlas Medallion is a fun thing to do in the 20s.

    Big wide grin, I am a 30, almost 33 month vet, and I get lots of enjoyment out of the content. Like most things, it all depends on your attitude

    Lisa nods her head in approval, gives the Devs a thumbs up, and gives the disgruntled person a hug.
  22. LOL...I read the title of this thread as being Most effective level 1 toons.

    Lisa scratching head in puzzlement as she reads first post, Most effective toons for level 1?????

    Then the true meaning snapped into place, and I laughed myself sick.

  23. Pumps fist into the air...spills coffee as forgot that said fist was holding the coffee cup.

    I came to the scrapper forum to post a post wondering about electric/dark scrappers, and here it is, being discussed

    Dark is a secondary I have had nothing to do with...but this morning my level 15 baby Claws/Fire did a few Bronze rolls and came away with a Kismet Acc, and a Steadfast Knockback Protection, and that got me thinking about the Dark secondary and what to pair with it.

    Elec/Dark is it a good solo combo? Appearance wise I think it would be breathtaking, but I would like to survive with it as well

    Anyways, I have to scoot my boots to work...hmmm Electric/Dark

    Lisa leaves the thread pondering and considering
  24. And thank you for this post. It is a drop of sunshine in my pre-coffee morning

    Hugs to EVERYONE

    Lisa-starting to smell the scent of brewing coffee.
  25. I wasn't going to post to this thread, but I just have to. All of you who are calling people snitches...I just have to ask, "what are you hiding?" In school it was always the ones who jeered at snitchers who were doing things they could be snitched on.

    Insulting snitchers means you are guilty as all get out about something...and do you all really want to play in an environment full of cheaters ?? Shudder....I don't.

    That said, I really do not get the farming problem. Farming is in the game. You can start farming Hellions for magic salvage at level 4.

    If someone wants to rush through the levels, and hit level 50 in, oh I don't know, hours...they are only hurting themselves. Developing a toon through the levels is part of the fun, and when you get to 50 you are bursting with pride. Getting a toon to 50 in hours..where is the pride in that??? Where is the fun, the sense of accomplishent?

    There isn't any.

    I say, put in a farming tab in the AE so the farmers can farm, and the rest of us can find our stories.

    And, to be fair, farmers are a good thing to have because they can, and do, stock Wentworths with recipes and salvage. If there are enough farmers to create competition, the prices will not soar skyhigh...maybe...I guess we will find the answer to this when people are able to create one man farms in issue 16.

    There, this ole' granny has had her say.

    Hugs to snitchers and snitchees alike...and an extra hug to those who are jeering at the snitchers because they need an extra hug, because they are hiding something, and that cannot feel good on their conscience.