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  1. James posted a new video to thank his fans for the donations and support to the project.
  2. I'm sure some of you as "gamers" have heard of James Rolfe's internet retro gaming review series Angry Video Game Nerd over the years..Well now he's trying to get a feature length film made completly from fan donations, or at the least without having the backing of a Hollywood Studio breathing down his neck.

    At the moment he's set up a dontation page on a indie website and set the goal at $75,000..which was passed in under two weeks and he's now sitting on dontations of over $100,000 opn top of what has been donated to his offical website since he first announced the project.

    So if any of you like this guys work,like Indie films, or just like nerdculture you can donate to his project here.

    Or if you want to see what all the fuss is about you can check out his AVGN videos in his website.(Warning, there is a LOT of swearing!)
  3. I hope this isn't the only death in the SSA because as it stands.. I cared nothing for her death. Hell I never even ran across that character before outside of a footnote here or there in the lore
  4. I recently had to run a system restore after a hard drive issue..and I admit I have noidea how well I fixed that problem as Half of my programs aren't working correctly and I lost all of my personal data.. BUt right now I just want to fix the current issue I am having as I am unable to launch or reinstall City of heroes as the ncsoft launcher errors when I attempt to start it. Here is what it says

    Stopped working

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
    Problem Signature 01: nclauncher.exe
    Problem Signature 02:
    Problem Signature 03: 4bb0f826
    Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
    Problem Signature 05:
    Problem Signature 06: 4d8cdd0e
    Problem Signature 07: 358c
    Problem Signature 08: 24
    Problem Signature 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
  5. If that was the leader of the new Big bads I can see he's completly creepy when serious..and looks to be in a high seat of power in the civilain world. Which should make it an interesting battle to get rid of him.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post

    If you mean why is the show back I think I have a fair idea. Mike's efforts after the cancelation of King of the Hill have mor eor less fallen out of favor or failed completly, and as a relaunch of KOH is out of the question with the passing of one of the main voiceactors I can see how going back to what gave him his start with more experinece and a waiting fanbase would seem like a sure bet for a steady paycheck.
  7. Depending on how long Grimm lasts I may watch it eventually, afterall I'm going to need something to fill the void left when SUpernatural comes to a close..though I don't see one of the big three keeping a Buffyesque show on the air for as long as I would like.
  8. Matthew_Orlock


    I thought it was some Prequal to Leonard Part 6 being announced.
  9. While I missed the premier I did watch a clip of the guys making fun of JS..and I have to say it looks like Mike Judge and crew haven't lost their touch as I LOVEED what I saw.

    Here's hoping that they are allowed to really push the limit this time to do more of what they wanted to all those years ago.
  10. I'm only interested in seeing this because of Milla Jovovich.. Then again I'd watch a movie with her reading the paper for two hours.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The devs have already soid that it'll be a slower process - so it'll probably use the usual 20 hour cooldown timer on rewards
    Plus it's quite likely they could make them like mini-Trials, with tough bosses with all kinds of special tricks - as well as a random reward table at the end of each arc, with only a handful of arcs to play, and a 20 hour cooldown on the rewards for each arc.
    Exactly, the content will be added, but I expect it to be on either a 20 hour timer, or one longer in an attempt to keep most of the playerbase using the multi team trials, which I am perfectly fine with as the multi team ones are now completed so quickly on my server that Incarnate progression on alts isn't really an issue during peak hours.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    And I don't give those other companies money. Raiding is a big reason for that. And it's not end game grinding. It's end game grinding that requires a dozen people and has virtually no benefit(in the case of getting multiple incarnate enhancement).

    I would gladly grind for 1% smashing defense (for example). I won't gladly grind for a different graphic attached to my judgment's basically identical power. At that point it feels like a ripoff.
    As far as I am aware, a solid number of other likeminded games require a good number of other players outside of the normal questing size to accomplish the goal of endgame raiding/grinding. Of those they also share the unfortunate but necessary trait of needed to be ran dozens of times if not more to gain everything you need/want from them.

    Do you get everything you want right away from COX's incarnate trials? No, BUT they are easy enough now that a person some free time can manage to get all three level shifts on an alt in under a week... Let's see you equal that in most Fantasy or more popular MMO's that have week long lockout timers per Raid/Trial.

    Feeling ripped off by the way the system is set up is odd considering COX has the easiest to use,shortest, and downright just plain casual friendly End Game Progression I've seen as of yet. Not to mention that I notice Incarnate Enhancment benfits to my character right away as opposed to just getting a new set of super uber rare armor with maybe a 5% increae in overall character performance compaired to the last set i spent two months farming for. You couple this with a maximized I.O. build and you can surpass even the Pre ED and GDN days by leaps and bounds.

    NOW as for the 21.5 I'm VERY excited, and really looking forward to seeing how they expand the Judgment powers.. Here's hoping for a Cyclops style Unfiltered eyebeam type blast, or a physical AOE attack that looks like an Invisible Nuke went off.
  13. I don't see them adding any soloable incarnate path that will be nearly as affective as the incarnate trials since doing so would cause everyone that is capable of soloing content to do so in droves. I know they ARE going to add something soloable or with eight man runs.. but I'm more then sure it will pale in comparison to the speed in which a gamer with more free time can reach T3+ powers.

    As for 49 and below content..I hate to sound like a @#$* here..but they've worked on that content long enough since the game first launched, I'm bored with it after running through it dozens of times. I'd rather have progression for all of those characters I stuck with to the level cap then start up an alt combination I was never interested in leveling in the first place.

    Now I'm not saying to heck with everything else and just focus on the Incarnate progression, but considering this is what's going to bring in more players new and old I'd rather have a fleshed out end game Incarnate system then a couple new lowbie mission chains.
  14. I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is with how the incarnate content was added and how a number of people actually complain about them adding ways to progress lore and power wise in the game with level capped characters that for five + years just..sat there to be deleted for more room,or brought out to try a new costume piece or one taskforce with nothing but a badge to award us for the effort.

    What do you want the Dev team to do? Coepletely re-invent the MMORPG Endgame wheel on a Seven+ year old engine without even 10% of WOW's claimed playerbase? Will that make you happy? Because if endgame grinding doesn't interest you I'm sad to say you won't find many options in the MMo market to make you happy.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    To be fair. The camera crew/publicist actually looked him up and asked to follow him, not the other way around.

    There's also the fact that a good number of these Heroes/Patrollers carry video recorders or digital cameras with them to deal with the exact thing that is happening to Pheonix right now on top of being able to catch criminal activity on camera and how they deal with it.

    It's a lot harder to say a nutjob started beating you up when you're on camera breaking the law and trying to assault them.
  16. I've noticed that there is a pretty solid increase in players running around on both my global, and in the 1-30 range zones the last few weeks over on Virtue.

    The downside is with all these new powersets coming out it's getting a litle rough trying to get Incarnate trials started up during my playtime. That will of course improve once the next trial or power slot is unlocked..but it sure is killing my progression on alts.
  17. He did nothing wrong, because if you look at it in another way the Law holds you accountable if you witness a a crime and DON'T stop it, depending ont he type of crime of course.

    I also call major childish, vindictive foul on that Police department for telling a $#^@ Internet dirt sheet the guy's real name..There's no telling who he's upset doing this and now they put his entire family at risk.
  18. It seems that every time I try to edit a costume on my Soldier of Arachnos I can't move pass the Bodyscale window, as soonas I try the game crashed.

    Costume slot doesn't matter as it happens with each one.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that this is for normal tailors, costume editing works perfectly fine when done through trainers.
  19. I'm surprised they are still making these, because I recall there being a huge multi-site news story breaking that DC's animated features were canceled due to the poor performance of WonderWoman and GL:First Flight.

    Glad to see that isn't the case anymore as I am using these as my substitute for DC's Live action adaptions.
  20. I enjoyed the episode,the hint at the big reveal for next season..and I have to say Karen Gillan is somehow managing to look more attractive with every passing episode! Tonight she was absolutely beautiful, even with an eyepatch!
  21. I have to say I'm liking how this season is starting on more then last season. Things are more clearly they sure went for the big shocks right off the bat!


    I wonder how long it will be before Cas and Bobby come back? .. I also wonder how they will bring back Joe since she was mentioned as returning at Comi-con.
  22. I'd rather have the energy and Life mage Gloves then the ones we have now. At least those would be easier to blend with more options then the ones given now that look like reptile patterned hippie sleaves. :3
  23. Sera Gamble*sp* Seems to have worked out the kinks that popped up with her first run as Big boss of Supernatural. This episode was much more focused and revealing ont he season arch then last years premier episode was.

    One thing I wonder about though is how much hatemail they have/will get for what Castiel did and said while actively filling God's role. *Which I fully dug. A God like that has my vote! lol*
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    I don't. It would seem like a cop out to me if he just stepped in at the last minute when all sorts of terrible **** has happened to the boys already. I think they should continue along the lines of leaving mankind to save itself so that when the boys finally do pull it off, they are given some kind of ultimate reward like having their friends and family back.


    Also, if god does show up in front of the boys, I hope they chew him out. >.>
    I'd want to see Castiel confront his Father, I expect that if God did show up Dean,Sam, and Bobby would want to chew him out..but would be smart enough not to. Such as when Dean talks to Death with some actual respect for what Death is... all out of fear of course but it shows that they know when to keep their mouths Shut, just like they did after Cas proclaimed himself god and Bobby rolled over like a scared puppy.
  25. After season Five I got the impression that God only appeared to be absent and uncaring of what was happening, when really everything in the boys life, and everything that happened to them with the angels,demons, and God telling them to leave him alone lead to their being able to Stop the End of the world.

    Lets not forget that through the 4th and 5th seasons it was hinted time and again that it was the Angels, Not God that pushed up the date of Revelations, with Chuck *Possibly God, or his vessal* directing Dean,Sam, and Castiel to fight against it.* Including bringing Castiel back from angelic death a number of times*

    I think, and hope that if things do actually reach a no win situation God will step in and help in some way..even if it's so subtle the boys won't notice but the viewers might.