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  1. If anyone has the AE code laying around I'd love to have it. >_>
  2. Sean Astin AND finally Felicia Day mentioned the effort to save COH in the last few days. To top it off Felicia retweeted a link to a news article that included the petition link. Hell even Positron thanked her for tweeting about us. (She said our efforts made her tear up :3 )
  3. You all realize that the reccomend button and share button aren't what we need to get this on CNN's big radar right? We all need to click the button "This belongs on CNN." We need roughly what?.. 4000 people to click that before we get to the big leagues.

    Start pushing that down all your friends and family's throats. If we can get that many signatures to save the game in a few hours we shouldhave already been on CNN's tv broadcast by now!
  4. I clicked it. The Blogger was ont he side of NCsoft either form misinformation or just looking to get a high read count on their blog. In either case the article isn't worth reading.
  5. It is something to surerly look into. To be honest if anyone has an idea for what celebrities or news oringizations to contact be sure to be the first to do so. THEN come here and make suggestions.

    This will work better if all of these people and News destianations are "flodded" with calls for coverage and support.
  6. Do things like this even happen witht he community over in Korean games when they are closed down, or do they get better sendoffs then we have gotten to calm the playerbase?
  7. I think it was more the fact there are areas in the game that are eastereggs for his fans.
  8. Neil Gaiman retweeted the effort for us. And he has over a million followers.

  9. Matthew_Orlock

    City of Creators

    As a former writer of Hero fiction I'd be interested in helping out if it comes to this. COH actually put a stop to my writings as It gave me the avenue I needed to get out everything my mind had kicking around inside it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
    Well short term they going to sit on the IP and burry it , unlike previous other Projects ,
    There were valid reasons , now if capital can be raised (it is a if) .
    Then they still cannot get past the NCSOFT roadblock , so money isn't the reason after all.

    So short term failure , and long term failure .
    That is not a strategy .

    If money is the reason they should state it and earn the money .
    Beter then sitting on a IP and letting it rot for no reasons this time .
    People keep throwing around the comment that they won't sell to avoid competition.. but the thing is unless they have another Superhero MMO in the works for regions outside of Korea there ISNT going to be any competition for their profits.

    Which makes the prospect of their holding onto the IP even more petty.
  11. In the short term NCsoft will have more money which is why they did this in the first place. The long term however? They are looking at a very bad sell for those consumers in areas that had access to COH and know how they shut it down.

    Just look at SOE and DCUO. They expected a hit and got a fizzle, half because the game was a poor MMO and half because SOE was involved.

    EDIT: Just think what is going to happen if they are forced to do the same to one of the Korean focused games. If their money issues force them to close one down like they did COH...Which will probably not happen. if they did have to shut down one of their own games they will most likely show it more "heart" then they did us. Which would just anger people like us even more.
  12. I tweeted Stan lee, Seth green, tara Strong, Kevin Smith, and Jason mewes today about what's going on here with our game. WIll anything come of it?Who knows. But Tara Strong seems th emost likely bet. She often retweets when requested.
  13. All great ideas everyone. Now we just have to carry through with it. Contact Stan lee, Goerge Takei, Joss Whedon, Vin, and all local Comic Book Shops.
  14. I considered contacting Stan Lee about this. he's the AllFather of the Comic Book Industry. While he may be to old to truley grasp what our little part of the world is if we can get HIm to help us I can think of no man better.

    We should also start contacting our local Comic Book Shops, seeing what they can do to help get the word out for us.
  15. I reached out over the last few days through twitters and e-mails contacting any celebrites I was aware of playing City of heroes, had spoken about it, or were known MMO fans. I haven't heard anything back of course but hopefully if we all pitch in they may at least mention us.

    So far I have contacted
    Felicia Day
    Kevin Smith
    James Rofle/AVGN creator and Star
    joaquin phoenix *seen playing in a studio*
    Rick Astley .. :3
    I heard natalie Portman played as well but I couldn't find any real "direct" way for fans to interact with her.

    if anyone else knows of some MMO'ing celebs tweet them, contact their offical fansites or facebook.

    Hell use YOUR facebook and Twitter to get the word out.
  16. Today and in the months to come we as Gamers.. No as Heroes and Villains are going to be tested. We're going to be kicked when we're down. We'll be spat on, we'll be ignored.. but now more then ever we as a community and a FAMILY have to rise up, shrug off the pain and We have to raise our Fists, our voices and our battlecries one last time for the world that needs us... We have to scream at the top of our lungs in the middle of a Hurricane So loud and so defiant in the true coming storm that not even NCsoft can ignore us from across the globe as our combined effort shakes this company to it's very foundation.

    This isn't just a video game we are all fighting for my friends. This is our second home, our family, our friends and our loved ones. We are an army, a legion, that numbers in the hundreds of thousands Maybe even millions.Some of us may have put our capes away. Thrown away our uniforms but on this day and in those that follow we need to put back on our colors, put aside our differences and bring out the Hero inside that screamed at us to take up the fight in primal Earth.

    The time has come everyone to truley show what makes us the greatest Community in the world. The only question is, are you ready?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
    So why do I get so few Christmas cards?
    If you help us save the game or get the word out to the Comic Book community to support us I think you'd get more then some Christmas cards!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Kevin is a busy guy I don't think he plays much games. His few luxury hours are dedicated to all things batman, and should he play a hero MMO, i bet he will be playing DCUO.
    But he's still a huge face of the Comic Book Community, and anyone that reaches out to him about this might be surprised. He may just help us out.
  19. Might as well do another one with more complete info

    Facebook & Email :
    Champions Online : @Matthew_Orlock
    PS3: Vorgoth182 *edited, put the wrong one here!)
    Twitter: @orlock182
    Steam: Orlock182
    Yahoo: Orlock182
    Skype: Orlock182
    Msn: (long dead e-mail but msn messenger still works)
    Cellphone (usa) 864-360-6484 Let me know who you are of course.

    I also Post on The Fwoosh forums very often under my Orlock182 name so you can PM me there.