One last battlecry, one last battle. (All read)
Glad to hear it, Matt. Take a look over here:

Hell yes, I'm ready.
This weekend, PAX was one block from where I live. I printed up 1000 fliers with the simple message of what NCSoft did on the 31rst.
It also had a plea to boycott NCSoft products. ALL of them.
It also had a short plea to wake up to corporate greed.
Out of those thousand...I'd say perhaps fifty or so people actually wanted to talk on all of the topics and out of those fifty, maybe fifteen actually seemed interested in the corporate greed part. If those fifteen can get fifteen more interested....hell, I'm happy the younger generation is even -considering- it might be true( -is- true, but hey.).
End point is...yes. I'm supporting this game however I can.
Petition? Signed.
Hand written letter to the CEO of NCSoft asking to do whatever they can to avoid closure of this game? Done. And sent via certified mail.
Money set aside for my part of a kickstart effort? Done.
But I'm also going to do everything I can to bring down corporate greed once and for all. This event was a catalyst for that decision.
With my last dying, wheezing breath, I will extol the evils of corporate greed and beg the citizens of this planet to fight it with their utmost efforts.
Please....if you read this and even marginally agree....tell someone else. Only in numbers can we have the strength to accomplish this or any task.

This weekend, PAX was one block from where I live. I printed up 1000 fliers with the simple message of what NCSoft did on the 31rst.
I also wish you had used the opportunity to be more constructive. Instead of calling for a boycott, I wish that you could have pointed them to our efforts at the Titan Network, asked them to contact NCsoft and ask to make sure the lights stay on in Paragon City, or something along those lines. I'm 100% certain that boycotting NCsoft won't make a difference. Prevailing upon them the importance of working with us to keep the game alive would.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Over my years online I've been to a lot of sites and communities and have made a lot of friends. Rest assured, I can spread the word against NCsoft quite far. I might even pull out my old Sporum account and tell all of my Spore buddies about this.
shameless bump
Today and in the months to come we as Gamers.. No as Heroes and Villains are going to be tested. We're going to be kicked when we're down. We'll be spat on, we'll be ignored.. but now more then ever we as a community and a FAMILY have to rise up, shrug off the pain and We have to raise our Fists, our voices and our battlecries one last time for the world that needs us... We have to scream at the top of our lungs in the middle of a Hurricane So loud and so defiant in the true coming storm that not even NCsoft can ignore us from across the globe as our combined effort shakes this company to it's very foundation.
This isn't just a video game we are all fighting for my friends. This is our second home, our family, our friends and our loved ones. We are an army, a legion, that numbers in the hundreds of thousands Maybe even millions.Some of us may have put our capes away. Thrown away our uniforms but on this day and in those that follow we need to put back on our colors, put aside our differences and bring out the Hero inside that screamed at us to take up the fight in primal Earth.
The time has come everyone to truley show what makes us the greatest Community in the world. The only question is, are you ready?