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Gmail: Dheirry@gmail.com
RPProject forums: The Tyrant (shared with uncle)
Comic vine: Vrakmul (shared with aunt)
Kaijuphile: Mr.Cthulhu
Armchair General: Czin
Giant on the playground: Czin
Total war center: Czin
Deviantart: Blah (Or was it Monkeyblah?)
Youtube: HiveFleetHydra (shared with overseas friend) -
I think the best in universe reason to explain why everything stops on november 30th is that because Lord Recluse doesn't rule the world, as Mender Silos said is needed for the Earth to survive the coming storm, when the Battalion comes, they get us all to bite down on the curb and then stomp on our heads, drink the well of furies dry, and then mind control all incarnations of humanity across the CoX multiverse. So I think I'll go with that to explain why my characters tried to flee the multiverse.
Sure they try to put up a fight, but honestly, what can we do against a species where every member is as powerful as statesman and lord recluse at the very least if not a lot more powerful? One that's likely going to vastly outnumber us too. Realistically, most of us would go down swinging though, just like how we'd want our game to. -
I have no real interest in other MMOs, so if city of heroes doesn't come back in some form I'm likely not coming back to this subset of the gaming industry. I will be taking my characters over to the RPProjects forums and beyond because I've invested too much time into them to just let them be taken away because of some glorified bean counters half a world away.
I just got into this game, there is no way I'm going to allow some pencil pushers ruin what time I have left to spend in the warmest, friendliest community I've ever known. So while I may not have legions of characters like many of you, I'm not deleting any of them.
Over my years online I've been to a lot of sites and communities and have made a lot of friends. Rest assured, I can spread the word against NCsoft quite far. I might even pull out my old Sporum account and tell all of my Spore buddies about this.
I honestly can't bring myself to kill off Exo-buster, Gaela, and Tyrannicus...and would probably just end up taking the character concepts and transplanting them into play by post and chat based role plays should City of Heroes or a superhero game of similar quality be unavailable. That being said, I might just come up with a story of how they leave the CoX multiverse, either of their own volition to escape the impending collapse, or brought against their will by the laughter of thirsting gods.
Quote:If by small you mean nonexistent as NCsoft has repeatedly shown next to no involvement in the game and would likely be unable to recognize anyone from the game save for Statesman and Lord Recluse themselves.Anyone giving serious thought to using their characters in a commercial venture of their own someday should still give some thought to deleting them. As long as they exist in the game's storage, they're owned by NCSoft, even if the game is no longer active.
It may be unlikely, but they could sue people who use their character names and likenesses again. If all rescue efforts fail, that is.
I only say this to creative types serious about reusing the ideas they came up with here in their future career. Once the game goes down, your chance to delete them will be gone, and everything is still up in the air as to whether it will be deleted.
It's something you will have to think about. I fully realize the chances of them seeing something that may look a bit too much like a CoH character and diving into archived characters to find it, then suing the artist using it is slim to none. Then again, I expect a lot of comic artists never expected to have trouble with their former publishers when it came to rights to their creations.
IP is important, and I'd think long and hard before leaving an idea you're attached to in someone else's hands. -
I never had any intention of deleting my characters, I may only have three of them, but I worked pretty hard on them, and knowing how hard you all are working to keep this game from slipping into the night without a fight brings a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart.
Quote:Actually these days, Activision has done the impossible and actually become worse than Hitler. Though that's like saying the Spanish Inquisition is preferable to Nazi death camps.Not to Godw- Ok, to hell with it, TOTALLY Godwinning the thread and I don't care;
Wholesale destruction? Consuming other companies indiscriminatingly? Massive marketing spin? Unethical treatment of companies and consumers? Kills off and discards said companies when bled dry? Tells everyone who doesn't like it where to shove it?
If that's NOT like a media-world Hitler, then I don't know what the hell is. -
Quote:No, no. If anything I should be thanking you. It is because of you and your team that I was able to bring to life ideas I've had in my head for years but was never able to bring past the stage of a written description because my twitchy hands, lack of dexterity, and difficulty focusing made it nigh on impossible for me to draw a humanoid entity to any satisfactory degree. You and paragon not only gave me a venue to bring my ideas to life, you helped me share them with a community of likeminded people who I've gotten to befriend in my short time here. I have done nothing to warrant your gratitude, but you have done everything to warrant mine.Hi everyone,
It breaks my heart to have to say this, but I want you all to know that it has been my honor to be a part of this community, even in a little way, and for a short time. The passion of you, the players, as well as your fervent support of this game has been nothing short of amazing, and humbling.
This was my first (and hopefully not my last!) job in the gaming industry, and you all have set the bar so high. I can only hope that I'll be seeing you all again in the near future.
You guys showed me how amazing a community can be when it puts its mind to it, and I will forever be grateful to all of you. Thank you SO MUCH.
All my love and thanks,
Kevin "Freitag" Callanan -
I know I can't claim to have hanged with you on this eight year long roller coaster ride, or to have been here since the beginning, but I can claim that this is honestly the best superhero game if not the best game I've ever played period, yes, better than even Hulk: Ultimate Destruction or Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. I am amazed by just how much vision you possess and am left in awe by your care and investment into this game, whereas most MMO developers never seem to interact with the community in any meaningful way. You are a great person and I wish you luck in your next endeavors. And while I'll never forgive NCsoft for what they did to you, I'll never forget the best month of my gaming career you have given me.
Honestly, seeing you and this game go reminds me of the first time I ever saw Optimus Prime die. After getting so invested into something and then watching it die for some corporate decisions (I haven't a clue as to what in this case, but everyone knows it was to promote Rodimus Prime in Optimus'), it just feels like a punch to the gut like nothing else. But just like how Optimus unfailngly returns to life sooner or later, I know that whatever you'll bring us in the future will be excellent. And while I'm hoping you'll bless us with another great Superhero MMO, I'd be happy with anything you create.
Because even in an age of bad moves in gaming such as Other M, you still stuck to what you did best and it turned out to be more awesome than anything I could have imagined. I know I may seem like just another random newbie, but in the month or so I've had to enjoy this game, I've never met a friendlier or more colourful community, with people from all walks of life with so many different interpretations of what a superhero was. And you helped bring these people together. And to borrow a quote from Optimus Prime to sum up my feelings towards you and all the devs "Thank you, all of you. You honour us with your courage and bravery." I don't expect you to respond, or to even read this, I'm not really that much of a big name here, or anywhere really, but writing this makes me feel a bit less powerless.
Farewell and good luck. -
Quote:I don't blame them. Playing D&D in the same party as a Cleric/Druidzilla made my fighters feel really irrelevant. Not only could they tank better with just a few simple spells, they'd also do far, far, far more damage than me with their weapons. All while still being able to lob holy flaming death better than the wizard can.Funny enough, this decision was made long before even I worked on City of Heroes.
I was told that this was done this way so that powers that targeted allies/other players could easily exclude yourself as a potential target. This was done to promote more "team play" as many of the original designers had a distaste for tankmages and/or 3rd Ed D&D Clerics (can buff/heal/do everything by themselves).
Now while I don't think any hypothetical defenderzilla build can quite reach the absurdity of the "Druid shapeshifted as a bear, riding an even bigger bear, shooting bears out of it's eyes, one hit killing enemies many levels above it at either range or melee, all while being able to tank anything short of DM fiat" that CoDzilla was able to attain at it's height, I can see where the old Dev team was coming from.