1176 -
Quote:Uhm... Darkseid won that fight. Sure, Superman was all bravado and power, but Darkseid got up and hit Superman with a rather nasty Hold right after that video ended. Superman needs to watch his End use, you really don't want Unyielding to detoggle during an AV fight... (Also, Superman's line should have been "...show you just how super I really am!")
As for Tankers in this game, I wouldn't be opposed to letting each set have a super attack. KO Blow sets the standard. The attack that looks powerful, hits really hard, but isn't available that often. It can be flashy, or it can be subdued, but basically an attack that with okay slotting removes a lieutenant from the fight just like that.
Mechanically, I'd rather play up the crowd control parts of Tankers, though. Longer control duration, bigger debuff values, basically making Tankers a little more Defender like. Force multipliers, more or less. Shield Defense shows that having powers also benefit others is okay for a defense set with Grant Cover. Maybe graft something similar into the other sets?
Basically, I want Tankers to be the absolute kings of aggro control and defending others. There's plenty of damage flying around in the game, and the melee classes are bunched together enough as is. Like Stalkers got to step a bit out of the spectrum with the new Assassin's Strikes and other buffs, let Tankers step the other way, and just become that much better at not dying and keeping the enemies away from everyone else. If I could add a completely new mechanic to Tankers, it'd be that AoEs and cones targeting the Tanker would have a smaller arc or radius on the AoE blast. Like Superman taking a missile to the face right in front of Batman, and all that happens to Batman is his cape fluttering in the blast. That'd be unique and useful to teams.
This, definitely.
It would be nice, as a tank, to be basically be a PBAoE Buff Debuff for other players.
Leave our damage as it stands, hype up the support and control rolls
Aggro management is really a Control role anyway.
If it were possible, which I'm not sure it is, I'd mechanic out what you're talking about as a team buff +Def AoE and +Res AoE.
I'd rather such things be specific to the different sets though.
Bruising was the right direction, it gives the the tank something that makes his team more effective, same with Grant Cover.
Too bad they can't realistically go back and tweak all the tanks so that they all have team buff powers, such as Fire Tankers granting +Def(Ranged) by melting projectiles and stopping blasts in the air around them, +Res(Fire, Cold) would be a given -
Quote:My family team does something similar with a controller team:Pretty much this, yeah. Offender is an old term, and kind of obsoleted in most cases these days.
It basically means a Defender who does not neglect offense. Radiation and Kinetics are the classics for primaries that lend themselves well to it, but most primary sets aren't that busy that you can't send out some attacks as well.
The classic opposite is the Defender who has all 9 Empathy powers, the entire Leadership pool, and in some extreme cases, the Medicine pool to have another heal. And that one blast they had to take, but didn't want to "waste" any slots on. Healing Aura is, naturally, set to auto. And this isn't hyperbole, by the way, this was a classic Team Only Empath build back then.
If you want to see what Offenders can really do, you could contact the Repeat Offenders, they kind of live the dream here. Because one of the most powerful teams you can get in the game, is a team of Defenders who know how to run both primary powers and secondary powers properly. And that's RO in a nutshell.
Illusion/Storm, Earth/Rad, Fire/Kin, Mind/Sonic -
Quote:I am more or less happy with the divide we have now. Tankers are not the Hulk type that Jack originally envisioned...for that we have Brutes now, but they are sort of the Captain America type.Not sure if it was a promise or not, but the idea for Fury originated as an extension of the Tanker archetype before the City of Villains expansion.
I for one am not jealous of Fury. Sure, Brutes are stronger out of the box, but being tethered to the momentum needed to keep it up does not always sync well with general Tanker behavior.
As I see it, Tanks are still the best at surviving. The fact that they have primary defenses means that those defenses start out stronger than with brutes, and they can cap themselves out fairly easy. They also have higher max HP resulting in higher regen. They start with higher base damages, though Brutes quickly catch up to and pass that. Also, while Brutes do have a sort of mini-gauntlet, it is single target and not as effective as the Tanker true gauntlet. In addition, Tankers' latest inherent, bruising, adds a 20% damage boost for everyone on the team.
Brutes are best at sustained, high damage. They can reach the highest damage caps and have high survivability. They are good for long haul fights and due to having mostly sets inherited from tanks, more AoE than scrappers or stalkers, meaning that they are excellent satellites/mob-sweepers.
Scrappers' critical hits mean that they have the highest single target damage potentials. This is because they can get to near the same levels of damage buff as a brute, but then critical hit doubles what they do. Scrappers have decent survivability, high damage and a healthy amount of AoE.
Stalkers sacrifice almost all AoE and some survivability in exchange for more reliable criticals and Assassin's Strike. They are tailor made for torpedo/boss-killer.
The different playstyles are equally manageable and effective, but different players won't respond the best to one or another.
As to buffs to get others to defensive caps. Capped tankers will always have more survivability given the fact that they will always have higher max hit points, which is fairly important. Granted there isn't much in the game that requires the level of survivability that some tanker sets have, but this game is largely easier than most other MMOs out there. -
Quote:Honestly, I'd be happy if they adjusted Gauntlett to add to damage like it did with Defenders Vigilance in solo, 2 and 3 players. That would make them feel a lot more powerful solo and just as useful in teams. Maybe increase the aggro cap for them as well. Even as Johnny_Butane said, their survivability is good enough, I really do feel my 'weakest' when playing a Tank is solo, and when Elec/Shield Scrappers can steal my WP/Mace Tanks aggro...
While I'm thinking about it, fix the aggro auras on WP and SR for Tankers too. I can taunt all day, but damn, I still lose aggro to Fire blasters and such.
TL;DR The best fix would be more cemented aggro all around; a higher aggro cap (maybe even nerfing the aggro cap for Scrappers and Brutes who get it because of damage but don't really care as much) and scaling damage attached to Gauntlett like Vigilance for Defenders.
That's my two cents anyway. I love all the AT's (not the Controller or Dom as much but I keep trying) and really love the Tanker as a concept, and would play more if I could solo a little better with them, while being as valuable on teams as they used to be.
Lyc~ the "more than one of my namesakes is a Tank on any given server by a majority" werewolf
EDIT: While I had intended, I didn't mention that while I like them all for the most part, my favorite AT conceptually was Tankers. That is all.
From the other Lyc~:
I did a aggro control survey of the tanks sets once, let me see if I can find the file.
Okay, here it is:
As I remember, the numbers were in thousands.
Dark Armor's three toggles produce .985, .221 and .221 threat per pulse. And had a click that produced 0.985 threat
Electricity's produces 1.97 threat per pulse and had a click that produced 0.016 threat.
Fiery Aura(with Fiery Embrace), 1.083(2.166) threat per pulse and three clicks at 1.97(3.94) threat, 0.054 threat per pulse and 0.912 threat.
Ice armor, two toggles with 0.221 and 0.985 threat per pulse and one click at 0.221 threat per pulse.
Invulnerability one toggle at 0.221 threat per pulse.
Stone Armor(granite armor) one toggle 1.773(1.241) threat per pulse. (Granite armor also reduces all related threat production by the same amount it reduces damage since the two are connected)
Willpower has one toggle that produces 0.167 threat per pulse.
But that's not the whole story since taunt duration multiplies existing aggro from what I remember, so in the absence of any pre-existing aggro, your pulses get the above. Otherwise, your pulses multiple existing aggro by the remaining duration of their taunt. The .221s are those that basically only apply debuffs to the enemies. Damage of any type results in rapid multiplications.
So look at the taunt durations of the various auras in the sets:
Death Shroud 13.6s taunt (multiplies existing aggro by 13 at first, dropping as taunt duration runs out)
Cloak of Fear 13.6s taunt (unsure if taunt stacks from multiple sources, but having multiple pulses means it runs out of duration slower at least)
Oppressive Gloom 13.6s taunt
Lightning Field 13.6s taunt
Blazing Aura 13.6s taunt
Chilling Embrace 13.6s taunt
Icicles 13.6s taunt
Invinciblity *****17s****** taunt
Against All Odds ******17s****** taunt
Mud Pots 13.6s taunt
And now...the two named power sets and their taunt auras' durations:
Willpower 1.25s taunt
Evasion 1s taunt
Which means that Willpower and Evasion produce less than 10% of the aggro that other tanker defenses do.
I had thought Granite Armor giving me -30% damage and thus reducing my aggro by 30% (since damage dealt is included in the threat production formula) was bad. Then I did this survey.
And this was before Super Reflexes, which I'm now seeing is the absolute worst of the worst aggro management sets in addition to being defense based meaning that on any given moment the RNG can win the slot machine daily million on you.
The scary thing is that Invulnerability properly specced and played is still the most all around survivable set (not including Granite) while shield is very close and both have that 17s taunt duration pulse going on. -
I'm probably not the first person to have this particular thought, but decided I should post my thoughts here anyway, just in case. And because I'm wanting to rant about something.
Since I heard the term "offender" I've thought of that as a debuff heavy defender. However, I had a thought recently posting strategy and tactics suggestions on another game that is rather interesting.
Buff/Debuff is NOT the dividing line between offensive support and defensive support.
An defensive buff/debuff power set is one that primarily slows down the pace of the enemy while an offensive buff/debuff power set is one that primarily speeds up the pace of your team.
Powers that debuff enemy tohit, damage, endurance, recovery and recharge as well as those that buff team resistance, defense, regeneration, max or current hp(heal) are defensive powers.
Powers that debuff enemy regeneration, resistance and defense as well as those that buff team tohit, damage, recharge or recovery are offensive powers primarily.
To a small extent, debuffing move speed works in both ways.
Looking at things this way:
Cold Domination: primarily defensive as it mostly buffs player resistance and defense while debuffing enemy recharge and damage. However, there are also major powers that debuff enemy resistance, defense and regeneration. The offensive capacity is lumped mostly at the end of the power set with one power at the beginning.
Dark Miasma: almost entirely defensive with hefty amounts of tohit debuff, some rather heavy damage debuff and a decent def/resist buff. It has offensive potential in the form of -regen and -resistance, however.
Empathy: primarily defensive with three offensive powers starting at Fortitude. Mostly heals and other ways to prolong the survival of the team. The offensive powers include +rec, +rech, +dam and +tohit.
Force Field: Entirely defensive. Even the two damaging powers are predominately defensive.
Kinetics: Primarily offensive, but some limited defensive capability in the form of -End, -Dmg and -Rech
Radiation: Not only is this evenly split, but most of the mainstay powers of the set are equally offensive and defensive. This set pulls double duty.
Sonic Resonance: Primarily defensive with +Res, -tohit, some soft controls and an egg power (time out ability). Some offensive ability in the form of -res and -def.
Storm: Almost entirely defensive with -tohit, -recharge, +Res, +Def, several soft controls and a stun. Some offensive in the terms of -def, -res in one power.
Thermal Radiation: Mostly defensive until the end. Lots of heal, +Res, Status Protection, some -damage, -end, -recovery and a rez. Offensive abilities come in terms of +Dam, +tohit, -res and -def. Also the rez is a damaging rez.
Time Manipulation: Pretty well split, though slightly more defensive. Lots of -recharge, -damage, healing, +Regen, some holds and +def. On the offensive side, there is -regen, -heal, +dam, +tohit, +recovery, +end and +rech.
Traps: Primarily defensive with -recharge, +regen, -slow, +Def, +Status Pro, -Dmg, -Tohit, -Perception, some knockback and holds. The offensive comes with -def, -res and some out and out damage.
Trick Arrow: Mostly defensive with -rech, -tohit, -damage, -recovery as well as some knockdown and controls. The offensive is not light, however, with some -def, -res and some straight up damage.
By the same token, you can look at the ranged attacks available to defenders and corruptors. Though all ranged sets lean almost entirely toward the offensive, the secondaries involved can lean more toward the offensive or defensive.
Archery: Almost straight offensive. Some light controls, almost no debuff of any kind, mostly straight damage.
Assault Rifle: Almost straight offensive with some defensive in the form of lots of soft control in the form of KB and afraid status. There is one debuffing power that hits -Def adding to the basic damage to increase the offensive status.
Beam Rifle: -Res, -Def, -Regen, applied DoT...offense, offense, offense. Some defense in the form of knockdown.
Dark Blast: -tohit out the wazoo plus some soft control, very defensive in comparison to other defender blast sets.
Dual Pistols: Depends on ammo, with standard ammo, slightly defensive due to soft controls. With cyro ammo, slightly defensive due to -rech. With toxic ammo, slightly defensive due to -dam. With incendiary ammo, definitely offensive due to the added DoT. Regardless of ammo, there is a limited amount of -Res that adds to the offensive nature. Dual Pistols is usually defensive in comparison to other ranged sets, but has the option to drop defensive measures for offensive ones.
Electrical Blast: -End and -Rec makes this primarily defensive, though the effectiveness of end drain is limited at best.
Energy Blast: Primarily defensive due to the rather heavy amounts of knockback tossed about.
Fire Blast: Straight offense. Not even soft controls to slow down the enemy.
Ice Blast: Lots of -recharge, some -tohit and a couple of holds. Very defensive.
Psychic Blast: Several controls and a fair amount of -recharge. Very defensive.
Radiation Blast: Mostly -Def with a two controls. Very offensive.
Sonic Attack: Mostly -Res with a couple of controls. Also very offensive.
What's this mean?
What this means is that power sets with lots of defensive nature will tend to allow fights to last longer, giving you more time to whittle your opponent down. Offensive powers will allow you to end fights faster, letting you whittle your opponents faster.
This can also be important for mastermind secondaries.
A heavily offensive mastermind minion set would benefit heavily from a defensive range of support powers. On the other hand, masterminds who have minions that already have decent defenses might want to look at the offensive options available to them.
And, In that regard:
Poison: Primarily defensive with lots of -dmg, -tohit, -recharge, soft controls, status pro, some holds, -Rec and a little bit of healing, rez and +res. There is also hefty offense here in the form of a decent amount of -def and -res. Also, the rez adds some +Dam, +tohit, +recharge, +recovery, but that isn't something to be aiming to use.
Pain Manipulation: About split, +res, decent heals, +Regen, a rez and some status pro. Also several +Dmg, +Recharge, +Recovery, -Def and -Res. I'd say it leans a lot more toward offensive than defensive, but the heals are heavily defensive. -
The first two weeks have passed without entrants. But I have heard some interest.
We might even have a cosplay entry from the sounds of one comment!
Hurry up and get your entries in so I can start tormenting myself with choosing the best of the bunch.
I've been planning to put out several short stories based around the characters of Divine Blood this year and I'm proud to say that the first one is out!
Starting the Divine Blood: Extracurriculars off with magic, monsters and a smidgen of Immortal politics in Iceland.
Pick up Smoke over Grimsvotn for free to learn just why Lilitu was in such poor health during the novel and keep an eye out for more stories.
Pick it up from DrivethruRPG: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/produc...%ADmsv%C3%B6tn
To coincide with the contest, the Divine Blood novel is currently on sale.
The Thrythlind-Stories group should now be accepting all members!.
This is the first of my four art contests this year and it is centered on the world of the Divine Blood novel.
Note, some of the rules have changed from earlier announcements.
What do I need to do?
Post a deviation based on Divine Blood to your gallery and submit it to the Thrythlind-Stories group in the Divine Blood Informal Contest or Divine Blood Canon Contest as appropriate.
A link to the group is here: http://thrythlind-stories.deviantart.com/
If it is working, go ahead and submit it yourself or send me a note and have me do it. I'm fine either way. (though remain irritated at the system)
There are two folders one for portraits and the other for scenes.
The group seems to be having trouble still.
There are two contests, the Informal and the Canon.
What are the rules?
For the informal pictures, you can draw any character from the novels that you want. You can dress them however you want. You can even have them interacting with your own OCs or characters from established series such as Marvel, Dresden Files, Naruto, City of Heroes and so on.
For the Canon pictures, you need to draw a scene out of the book, but it can be any scene you want to draw.
No limit on size, number of characters, complexity or color vs black and white. You may also submit as many as two deviations to each category of the contest, meaning each participant may submit a total of four pictures maximum. If you desire to do more than that, awesome, but choose which four (two each) you want to apply to the contest.
Informal Contest maximum entries per person: Two
Canon Contest maximum entries per person: Two
Do not submit anything with sexual content. The clothing damage incident one of the evil characters suffers should be the limit of that.
When does this end?
11:59 June 1st, Japanese time
How will the winners be chosen?
On June 1st, the contest will come to an end and I will spend the next week speaking about the entries with selected friends. The final decision will lie with me, it will not be up to an outside vote. I will choose based on the following criteria.
Creativity - how clever you are with portraying the characters and situations
Characterization - how well you keep my characters in, well, character
Technique - flat out artistic skill
These criteria fit both the Informal and Canon contests.
What are the prizes?
For each Category:
First Prize: 4,000 deviant art points, a signed copy of the book
Second Prize: 3,000 deviant art points
Third Prize: 1,000 deviant art points
One of the First Prize winners will also receive the Grand Prize which is as follows:
Your choice between a $100 Amazon Gift Card or a commission from an artist of your choice up to $100 in value
What is Divine Blood?
Divine Blood is a novel that features elements of science fiction, fantasy and even a trace of horror. It is set in an alternate version of our own world. A world where nonhuman beings live among humans everyday secret societies and organizations fight for the fate of the world, hidden realms of ancient power struggle with the idea of coming to a truce and war is on the horizon everywhere though no one seems to notice.
What elements exist in Divine Blood?
Mecha - small mecha ranging from 12 to 15 feet tall exist as fast assault vehicles. Traditional tanks still carry more firepower and armor on average. Humanoid mecha are referred to as "uprights".
Supernatural Powers - magic, psychic powers and supernatural martial arts are all considered part of the Divine Blood universe
Nonhuman species - most modern day nonhumans have evolved to fit in among humans either through appearing almost the same, shapechanging or not entering their true form until puberty. Most nonhumans live normal lives.
Intrigue - there are numerous secret organizations, some good, some bad and most not communicating well between each other. -
the ATs were balanced against the environment rather than each other...as such PvP has been loaded with problems since some ATs are better against other players than they are against environmental enemies....
also, PvP will attract people that want easy wins against an opponent they can actually annoy as adverse a computer....stand and fight isn't going to happen save by choice, rarely, because there are no real consequences for running away.
so yeah, between the fact that it is more or less an after-thought pegged onto the game and the personality types often involved...not interested anymore....did it a little bit at the beginning...but the players killed it for me...the last time I PvPed it was in RV and my team was there for badge reasons...we basically ran over everything, but we also weren't actively trying to hunt down players so never chased when they ran...which let us focus on our task of hunting AVs -
was going to offer Paragon Points, unfortunately there's no way to get those as a gift yet.
Was going to put this in multimedia but figure its more appropriate here.
This is the first of my four art contests this year and it is centered on the world of the Divine Blood novel.
What do I need to do?
Post a deviation based on Divine Blood to your gallery and submit it to my group "Thrythlind-Stories".
A link to the group is here: http://thrythlind-stories.deviantart.com/
There are two folders one for portraits and the other for scenes.
The group should be set to automatically approve applications, please tell me if it is otherwise.
There are two contests, the Informal and the Canon.
What are the rules?
For the informal pictures, you can draw any character from the novels that you want. You can dress them however you want. You can even have them interacting with your own OCs or characters from established series such as Marvel, Dresden Files, Naruto, City of Heroes and so on.
For the Canon pictures, you need to draw a scene out of the book, but it can be any scene you want to draw.
No limit on size, number of characters, complexity or color vs black and white. You may also submit as many as two deviations to each category of the contest, meaning each participant may submit a total of four pictures maximum. If you desire to do more than that, awesome, but choose which four (two each) you want to apply to the contest.
Informal Contest maximum entries per person: Two
Canon Contest maximum entries per person: Two
Do not submit anything with sexual content. The clothing damage incident one of the evil characters suffers should be the limit of that.
When does this end?
11:59 June 1st, Japanese time
How will the winners be chosen?
On June 1st, the contest will come to an end and I will spend the next week speaking about the entries with selected friends. The final decision will lie with me, it will not be up to an outside vote. I will choose based on the following criteria.
Creativity - how clever you are with portraying the characters and situations
Characterization - how well you keep my characters in, well, character
Technique - flat out artistic skill
These criteria fit both the Informal and Canon contests.
What are the prizes?
For each Category:
First Prize: 4,000 deviant art points, a signed copy of the book
Second Prize: 3,000 deviant art points
Third Prize: 1,000 deviant art points
One of the First Prize winners will also receive the Grand Prize which is as follows:
Your choice between a $100 Amazon Gift Card or a commission from an artist of your choice up to $100 in value
What is Divine Blood?
Divine Blood is a novel that features elements of science fiction, fantasy and even a trace of horror. It is set in an alternate version of our own world. A world where nonhuman beings live among humans everyday secret societies and organizations fight for the fate of the world, hidden realms of ancient power struggle with the idea of coming to a truce and war is on the horizon everywhere though no one seems to notice.
What elements exist in Divine Blood?
Mecha - small mecha ranging from 12 to 15 feet tall exist as fast assault vehicles. Traditional tanks still carry more firepower and armor on average. Humanoid mecha are referred to as "uprights".
Supernatural Powers - magic, psychic powers and supernatural martial arts are all considered part of the Divine Blood universe
Nonhuman species - most modern day nonhumans have evolved to fit in among humans either through appearing almost the same, shapechanging or not entering their true form until puberty. Most nonhumans live normal lives.
Intrigue - there are numerous secret organizations, some good, some bad and most not communicating well between each other.
Comedy - there is a good amount of comedy in the series ranging from wry sarcasm to slapstick
Also offering free kindle copies to the first twenty people that retweet my contest announcements on twitter. -
yeah, it is legal...came with the computer delivered by Dell....actually just got it working...full reinstall...that made it difficult to get on the internet...apparently not all the drivers are on the driver disk they gave me...downloaded them on another computer and installed them
now I have an English speaking computer that runs CoH -
problem with that being that this IS a fresh system install and the only install disk I have is the one it came with
at this point, I have tried to create a system restore disk from my laptop, uninstalled and reinstalled .net 4....installed .net 1.1 ...found .net 2.0 refused to install for unknown reasons...followed the instructions on the support list...did a game adviser report, sent it to support....only got back a survey request wondering how I felt about the way support had (not) handled my issue....said survey is probably the first support survey I`ve sent to CoH that was bad
nope, from what I can tell it was never on here
the computer reports as having microsoft .net framework 3.5.1
...in addition to the language issue (Japanese computer) I get the following error:
Index is out of range. Non-negative, must be less than the size of the collection.
StartIndex: the parameter name
how do I get past this? -
I have wished for stuff like this before...and things like having different options based on power set
for instance, I don't see my ss/will brute disarming bombs...and I don't understand why people that control fire need to set bombs to burn down a neighborhood (burn Croatoa mission) -
so the jist of this thread is:
a) this was a bug
b) you knew it was a bug
c) you admit it was a bug
d) but it was a bug that helped you
e) helped you in a significant statistical fashion...ie, an exploit
f) and you expected it to be fixed
g) but you'd prefer it wasn't....
okay....done with this thread. -
First he spends most of a mission in Cimeroa stuck in a bush and now he's doing....something.....to a set of shelves in Dark Astoria....
I have severe doubts about this guy's trustworthiness
and once again...getting stuck in terrain means he's not around when the other NPCs get knocked out -
Just a couple of things here:
Who Will Die 7 - Warburg has more missiles than the US, Russia or China??? A simple statement about red-tape or bureaucracy with the major powers serves to get rid of this concern.
Also....Tanks not defending themselves made me sad and served as the major disappointment for this arch....I was looking forward to actual moving, active ground vehicles...you already have moving ground vehicles in RWZ...attack animations should mostly be limited to power effects (unless you also want the turret to move around...which would be cool) so would it be easy to set up a mobile vehicle for us to fight....so that...one day, we could find ourselves facing a Nemesis mole machine in battle? or something else equally cool and interesting
Dark Astoria
It would be nice if we at least could warn Solaris about Arilia's plan...I know that would likely lead to a "she was too late" moment...but still, if we've done the WWD archs, we'd know about it...of course, there might be some problem with spoilers...and I'm not sure whether WWD takes place before or after DA goes Lovecraft or not, but still, would be nice to have the option
Kraken tentacles...the Kraken is already a beast that exists in CoH lore in, granted I could see how the modern kraken would be named after a mythical one, also, this is a minor gripe now, but if you change the names because of the previously named slime-monster kraken, I should note that the kraken is a Norse myth....perhaps Scylla would be a better term (though as I write this, I remember how Scylla actually had several heads, so maybe the mouthed-tentacles on the Paragon kraken are more Scylla like)....in any case "Lusca tentacle" would have been fine...but I'm not sure how the kraken got there before the Rikti invasion...also the tents were too large for the Kraken so that's rather unusual...I suppose you might have plans for that, but it still stood out as a "huh" moment for me -
yes, the third tier 1 wolf has an AoE debuff and a couple of other things that the other two wolves lack
I was also surprised it didn't have a different color -
Quote:Firing quickly is not an excuse for improper form. I've seen video of a person hitting 10 moving targets in round about 10 or 12 seconds. The targets were clay pigeons about the size of tea-cup saucers being thrown into air roughly a hundred feet from the archer.One of the guys comments was that Renner was wearing an arm guard on both arms meaning that he really had to be doing things wrong if he was hurting both arms. I guess he's never heard of a costume before. Completely bare arms just don't look right with that costume. And the type of bracers the comic book Hawkeye uses really would interfere with firing the bow.
Plus of course the author probably thinks that nobody can hit the broad side of a barn without the correct form (hand to cheek, sight through string). Much like Adam and Jamie on Mythbusters decided it was impossible to be accurate firing a pistol from the hip just because it was something they couldn't do on their first try. The main concept behind Hawkeye is his skill is at a point that he is an instinctual archer. He doesn't have to bring the bow in line and sight through the string in order to hit something. He just knows where the arrow is going to go.
And you know, when I was a teen I taught myself to fire the bow with a very awkward form. Sure I could line up the bow and be more accurate at a longer range but I did it just because it was cool to be able to whip the bow up and fire before my arm was even fully extended and put the arrow in a milk carton from 50 feet. Hitting something that size from 50 feet is not exactly accurate archery, but it's fun when you are doing it all superhero like and firing from the hip.
A person who has mastered archery, or any skill (combat or otherwise), to the point where it is instinctual and constant would use proper form without thought every time.
In fact, the criteria for master level I've heard from martial arts instructors is that you do things the best way all the time without having to think about it. It's reached the point of second nature, in other words.
Now, looking at the picture of the woman with the bow in her feet. She's bent the wrist for the purpose of using the spur of the bone as a weight-bearing prop. Notice her arms are more or less straight and aligned parallel to each other and coming under the body.
There are right ways to bend the wrist and wrong ways. The wrong ways cut off blood flow and interrupt the harmony of the interacting muscles which basically bottoms out the amount of power you have. And make no mistake, a bow requires you to use power...even the piddly bows we were allowed to use in amtgard could be felt if you weren't used to it.