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  1. mostly what billz said

    if you can survive the mobs easy when you aggro them then just dive in their

    why stop and wait for the tank and restrict yourself so that you can be freindly? its ludicrous if you wait to be honest
  2. LucoEnergy

    The best DPS?

    what about the toxic DoT from night widows?
  3. LucoEnergy

    solo rikti plyon


    someone must be beating the scrapper record at 4mins 18 seconds though
  4. LucoEnergy

    solo rikti plyon

    whats everyones rikti plyon times?

    i soloed a rikti plyon on my ice/energy blaster for a time of 5 minutes and 2 seconds. anyone got better?
  5. it just me or is the sise of the page messed up?
  6. LucoEnergy


    any martial arts/shield scrapper dps builds? or does any1 wana build some for pure dps? should be fun
  7. LucoEnergy

    Am I alone?

    you should probably roll them to lvl 36 and then decide
    lvl 9 and 10 isnt high and you cant judge a set by that lvl

    just wait till u get shield charge
  8. LucoEnergy

    Simple Question

    broadsword is the best for pvp probably
    it already deals very high dpa in pve
    in pvp the longer the animation the power the more damage it deals so it deal bigger damage

    secondary regeneration is good

    bs/regen can solo avs
    use parry for your defence and keep a attack chain of it being double stacked at all times
    go for lot of recharge in your build for the regen clickies
  9. LucoEnergy

    3 AVs at once...

    off topic question:

    is there a way to turn off phalanx fighting in mids? i might finally make an awesone bs/sd scrapper for solo avs. do i need to pretend that i have 2.61% defence less or something due to phalanx fighting?
  10. LucoEnergy

    3 AVs at once...

    werner soloed hro'dtohz and nemesis at once

    a bs/regen soloed adamastor, hro'dtohz and malaise

    a dm/regen from the eu soloed three avs at once but i forgot what avs

    a claws/regen from the eu soloed the itf without insp and temps by pulling the avs at the end and killing one at a time
  11. LucoEnergy

    3 AVs at once...

    nihilli soloed six av's once
    they were: custom mastermind av, marauder, infernal, adamastor, some council or 5th column av, and one other i forgot

    he had like 100 or more avs in the room and soloed them but the aggro cap s 17. he has a vid of it on wegame somewhere if u wanna look for it blademaster
  12. LucoEnergy

    fm/sd and dm/sd

    we need to remember that the rikti plyon has 20% resistance to all dmg typpes besides PSI and shadowhunter has 0% resistance to all
  13. LucoEnergy

    fm/sd and dm/sd

    which deals more dps? every1 goes with dm/sd and claims it to but iggy has the plyon soloing record...
  14. how much faster is a fire/kin than a fire/rad at farming?

    i was thinking that fire/rad woud be better for the aoe debuffs and there will be larger mobs with i16 etc
  15. anyone got a Spines/ farming build? the cost does not matter

    so anybody got some? and no, my farming will not be used to powerlevel others. it will be used for the solo farming iusually do, but thats usually with a dark/sr scrapper which is not that good for farming lol.

    just post your spines/ builds and i will have a look! secondary doesnt matter! probably gonna go /fire or /invuln or /wp or something though
  16. besides werner and iggyi have never seen a regen solo avs without insps and temps. it will be nice to have another regen av soloer around
  17. i have got it fixed now thanks
    no needto reply anymore
  18. Ok. I am making a channel.

    i want to set the description and motd before i give out invites

    however, whenever i do, this comes up in my tab "you are not allowed to peform this action"

    why? i just created this channel and im the ony one in the channel atmand im a op

    help would be nice please
  19. bass ackwards are you golden girl?
  20. how do you calculate the dps of a attack chain? i want to calculate it for my katana/invuln and ma/sr scrapper. i also dont know how to calculate it with build up and focus chi being used.

    how do you calculate the e/ps or e/p/s on a attack chain also? so i will know if conserve power recharges quick enough or not.

    i heard you could do somthing with mids and it tells you the dps and e/p/s of attack chain

  21. ok - i am putting CoX on my second computer

    it works fine but gets stuck here

    it says "fixing files: piggs/texFxGuiltems.pigg" for roughly 10 minutes and then i'm forced to close the updater due to an error.

    it says debuf assertopm fao;ed
    file dbgheap.c
    line 1279

    a microsoft visual c ++ debug library error or something it ses

    i press retry to debug the application but it doesnt work still - it just comes back up with the error within a few mins

    help please?
  22. LucoEnergy

    specific guides

    are there guides for certain topics on this sorta subject?

    how to calculate attack chains, how to calculate e/p/s, how to calculate dps etc

    it will save me and others a good amount of time
  23. LucoEnergy

    Scrapper Vote

    claws/fire for concept - orange/red talsorian claws, all of your fire toggles plus the fire aura from the costune editer, put a pumpkin head on it and you will look awesome ;-)
  24. maybe i mistaked it for cloak of fear?
  25. is there a way to have it so i can see my character rather than just being, a black cloud... lol

    i got told theres a / command for it
    and does this make it so other players see me also?