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  1. i might be able to make it with my 27 PB, sign me up
  2. ill be there if theres a space with lost
  3. im up for a tf with my Peacebringer, lvl 26, see ya at 7
  4. Lost_samurai_EU

    Jackhobo, out.

    cool, ive seen u in PVP areas as chives and i really wanna see if i can even scratch the PVP god, ive seen you around forums and the game and its gonna be different without you there to scare away the villains, i look foward to seeing you tommorow for a good fight ta see ya off. im sure ur gonan be missed by hero and villain alike
  5. if i wake up early enoguh ill join u as Lost Samurai, katana regen lvl 50 but will exemp, if im not there within 5 mins of start time im still asleep so dont bother waiting for me
  6. im up for it, i need to get my debt back to the cap again anyway
  7. i play my scrapper as tho i am invincible, when soloing i rush through missions killing/arresting everything in my way without pausing for breath, in temas of around 4+ i have a habit of trying to solo mobs, half the time resulting in me proving that my enemies are nothing, half the time resulting in me using revive and finishing em off
    I am level 50, i am a katana/regen scrapper, i am your worst Nightmare villains!
    i will overcome every opponent to find redemption, and death is just another obstacle
  8. gratz jynxy, enjoy the epics, we just got owned in ur dreck mish lol
  9. ultra big gratz tinks, hope u liek teh keldys
  10. knew oozy would do it, pity i lost connection and left team before it happened. hope u enjoy the Warshade
  11. hang on ill go grab my aura and cape. il lset off laods of present ambushes too, hopefully slow ti dow na bit mroe to
  12. i dont know if someones already suggested this but something along the lines of Unstoppable tht activates on low health apparently they made the blasters inherent defiance because they were trying to make them seem mroe like the comicy kind of blaster that somehow get stronger as they die, personally id prefer them to gain a ncie defence or damage resistance buff when they get to low health.
    Howveer i believe mroe times the hero who is almost dead rather than becoming insanely pwoerful just becomes a real trouble to kill, this would solve the problems of blasters being IMO the most suicidal archetype, for example ur at full power when almost dead and nova etc. can get you killed if you dont wipe out most enemies.

    Well theres my replacement idea for what its worth, which probly aint much, ive started a blaster and though i like defiance, i like my tactic of flying and dropping till im on 1 hp thn build up sniping a pwoerful lone enemy, seems to kinda cheat the purpose of defiance if you or for tht matter I know what i mean.
    Im going to sleep now, cya
  13. sounds like fun, lost samurais gonna be there to take down some villains
  14. my opinion, read at your own risk. stalkers are not overpowered, icarried out a test with my bro in PVP the other day, we both headed to sirens call and had a duel, it started with me in the water waiting for the tell tale spalshes , saw him used lotus drops but missed and suffered a huge blow, one reconstruction and i was bak, from then we fought like scrappers would. it took a long time, two regens with low damage moves, go figure. in the end i won but this is due to the fact that i am lvl 50 and have mroe slots. stalekrs seem to be balanced as it is, possibly make it so that when a stalekr uses AS the target is always ledft with at least 5%, whether this apllies to them being hit frm full hp or not i dnt know thts for the devs to decide.
    well u were warned, just dotn nerf anyone, either buff us or leave us
  15. i have revive and i thin kits good, IMO MOG is worst pwoer in regen set, it kinda goes against the entire point of regen, i love being able to rez and finish off my enemies while teyre stil lwondering y the dead guy is still fighting. gives me mroe room for other insps to
  16. Lost Samurai, no hold, it was dissapointing lasst raid when we couldnt get him, hes going down this time
  17. pvp isnt very unfair in my opinion, my mastermind can do almost nothing in PVP but thts wot i expect, he is built for PvE, my scrapper is a mix and i had fun in sirens with a stalker who kept trying to kill me, most our fights ended with one of us running, all i had to do was pop a yellow and it was easy to get him. PVP is about strategy, stalkers use their hide and AS,its a good strategy, standing around or attacking an enemy is not a good strategy, simple as that. I hope they release a new zone soon though where you cant use travel pwoers,it gets a bit boring when all the people i try and kill run away
  18. Supergroup: Super Villains Inc.
    Leader: Wamdue
    Co-Leaders: Spanner and Lost_Cyborg
    60+ members with 2 already lvl 40
    we have a base on an upgraded plot with a control room, 2 teleport rooms, energy room and 2 workshops

    Anyone is welcome to jon as long as they are active and help out with prestige and salvage
  19. meh, ive never really liked the concept of PVP much ,didnt stop me logging on as my villain and sitting near safe zone with PFF on, wtaching my robots fire holes in heroes while they tried to land a blow, lol, i didnt even attack them technically my robots were the on es firing lol. for me PVP is forcing other players to think strategically and also to annoy them in new more hillarious ways
  20. y on earth would a villain pay rent for their base, can u imagine how pathetic it would look if they were facing down a group of heroes who had broken through the defences and some guy comes along with an unpaid bill and just kicks em out, the villain would just destroy them wouldnt they? especially seeing as these bases dont seem to exist anywhere we can reach, you have to take a protal to one, maybe theres this far away land that has yet to be discovered with just tons of bases on it with no entrances. k im done speculating, gonna go sleep and get up early 2morrow for head start