Base building costs




TG, any chance you could put that fantastic list of costs up you had on the CoV beta boards?



Until he does ....

The idiots Guide to base costs:

Anyhting decorative : cheep as chips.

Anything functional : wildly expensive.



How wonderfully unhelpful.

TG had a full list of every major option complete with the prestige cost, which I wish I'd remembered to save.

It let you get a fairly accurate basic cost before decorations, which is really useful for working out how much you'll be able to lay down in the near future and prioritsing your spend costs.



Got to admit, it isn't the basic cost that bothers me much, it's the onging rent.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



He copied it across from the US forums so provided one of those guys made a copy of it you can get it again from there.



y on earth would a villain pay rent for their base, can u imagine how pathetic it would look if they were facing down a group of heroes who had broken through the defences and some guy comes along with an unpaid bill and just kicks em out, the villain would just destroy them wouldnt they? especially seeing as these bases dont seem to exist anywhere we can reach, you have to take a protal to one, maybe theres this far away land that has yet to be discovered with just tons of bases on it with no entrances. k im done speculating, gonna go sleep and get up early 2morrow for head start



indeed - wat on earth is the logic behind bases ?

at lvl 10 u start renting space - with your prestige which you get for taking out villains at the expense of some influence ive heard

and then you 'rent' (dont think thier yours even though youve spent a few billion prestige buliding that vault and item of power etc) more bits for your base...

then once you've spent a few billion and 'rented' a nice base full of functionality you must pay erm rent on your base?

sorry but i just cant seem to make sense of the system



It would seem that bases are all about making them look nice for when they get raided ie. defending your base with flowers and plants that are 100 prestige each because as soon as you put anything that could be useful in your told that it needs something else and that needs something else etc. Eg, i built a forge today to try and see what i could do with salvage, BUT i need a control room, so build a control room and a consol but NOW i need an energy room so to do anything u need like 500k solid.

Ofcourse i dont expect this to happen overnight but i dont expect it to happen over a year either, how boring will that be, spend a month crafting a years worth of salavge cause it took that long to build the right stuff, its mad!



i'm just hoping now that bases don't turn into another 'arena' especially as they r an integral part of the game - that cannot be ignored




*Goes off to play with the shiney and dream of the day she might have enough prestige to afford more than a shoebox.*