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  1. Tedium

    Icy rain info.

    1 vote each way

    Anyone know if it's been actually tested? anyone wish to try testing it ? [Union]

    I was thinking. If the debuffs are applied as often as the dammage, then youd have to floor the hit chance to 5% to get any real hope of not being debuffed.
  2. Ambushes , the old style ambushes from CoV don't actually see through stealth. They just get handed a packet of aggro by the mission. And any creature with aggro on you will ignore stealth when choseing targets.
    This also has a habbit of planting MM's as the mobs ignore the pets and hit the main guy.

    For the original post: when anyone attacks a mob they activate any deffences they have. Some of these will include +per although thats quite rare.
    I do kmow that if a pet [including a mission-given follower] attacks. Then some aggro is dropped on the owner. Which means the mobs now consider you a target and will use mele attacks on you if the other guy is too far away.
    Also AS does huge dammage, and so causes a lot of aggro for the stalker. And again , if the party is at range the mobs my well opt to use mele attacks on the nearby stalker rather than do nothing. Even if the guys chucking AOE's have more actual aggro.

    And sometimes , I too have been randomly attacked by mobs as I stealthed by. I assume that one is just a bug.
  3. Tedium

    Icy rain info.

    It's one of my favorite stormy powers. But I was wondering about slotting. I started by adding accuracy enhances , mainly because watching mobs fall over a lot was funny. But it occured to me that Deffence debuff might simply be better. As I'm assuming that the debuffs are actually auto hit, does anyone know?
  4. Tedium

    New base Items

    Yes ok , we havent evem started raids yet. But ideas for more base items.

    Prison: Anyone taking the hospital option ends up in one of your little private prison cells instead, aka council base.
    Each cell in the prison room would cost power and controll. The prisons anti-TP shields being one of the first things to go down if the base loses Power or controll.
    Weapon hardpoints would be limited in the actual prison room.

    Sensors: uses up a weapon hardpoint. projects a field that buffs all allies with a heafty + perception. [and maybe a bit of + ACC]

    Stealth field: uses a weapon hardpoint, projects a standard group invis field.

    Other field generators: as above they take a weapon hardpoint, projecting a continuos effect of some kind. Gennerally from the deffender lists.
    you could have:
    Ice slick
    Steamy mist
    or others
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    NB: I do mean forced, the IoP's are clearly giving PvE bonuses, thus are part of the PvE game. While technically noone is actually forcing them to get an IoP, no one is forcing them to use enhancments either.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't really agree on this.. The bonus is too small to have a real effect. When I told one friend about 1% extra damage she laughed at my face

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While I disagree about the usefulness of 1% dammage. That isn't really important. What does bother me is that a lot of people will want the 1% bonus. Very soon people will consider any SG that dosen't have it nerfed.

    Any privallige you get to keep for more than a week becomes a right.
  6. Imagine if :

    a/ Greifer SG's diddn't get an IoP so they can raid and trash bases.
    b/ PvP SG's diddn't get an IoP because attack is more fun then deffence.
    c/ PvE SG's diddn't get an IoP to avoid having to PvP.

    And so nothing happened.

    Funnily the most unlikely of the 3 is c. I can't imagine PvE SG's not doing a new mission. Which means they'l get PvP forced on them and cry a lot.

    NB: I do mean forced, the IoP's are clearly giving PvE bonuses, thus are part of the PvE game. While technically noone is actually forcing them to get an IoP, no one is forcing them to use enhancments either.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Projected interview with a developer regarding the changes to the Mastermind, in the near future.

    Q: So what was your vision regarding the Mastermind, why these changes?
    A: Well, the initial group of three minions felt alright. Especially when they operated a level below the player. That's fine. The next group was slightly overpowered we thought, so we had to put them on a timer, and reduced their numbers. You can only have one from the second group now. But it will last for 3 minutes, and only be down for 6 minutes. That should be good enough.

    Q: And the last pet?
    A: Uh, yeah, that was not in the vision. Clearly granting the player superior advantages. We removed it and gave the Mastermind 5 percent more damage to compensate for it. Not that the MM truly needs any compensation, mind you. The last pet power will now resurrect a fallen villain, and boost his powers for a limited time.

    Q: And the pet upgrades, they were changed too?
    A: Yeah, we were kinda happy about the first upgrade you could get, but we felt that it came too early, so your first upgrade is now your last upgrade. But you CAN still use inspirations on the MM pets, we like to see more use of inspirations. They are fun! Besides, in the future we believe we can give the MM some kind of aura, to compensate for the pets. You see, we don't really believe pets should be a large part of this game. Oh yes, we will put in a good temporary pet buff that lasts for a grand total of 20 seconds, in the place of the upgrade power we removed. Just to show how nice we are.

    Q: Thank you!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Any [native english speaker] one who didn't spot that this this was a sarcastic exageration, needs to grab a little cynacism. Humour, sarcasm, metaphor [Lies] don't allways need smileys plastered all over them to be obvious.
  8. Well the sensible way to get your IoP and avoid being radied, would be to wait a month or so. By then most raider SG's will have one, and be unable to raid a single IoP base. Though I can see a lot of whining happening about that answer too.

    One problem is Cryptic promised 'no PvP unless you want to'. And making IoPs raidable seems to be a severe case of getting economical with that bit of truth. [assuming the IoP's effect PvE play]

    Hopefully the much anticipated unique IoP's will keep the raider SG's happily raiding each other. Hopefully the unique IoP's will give PvP only benefits.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Quite simply, no.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Too true.
    Now if you play in PvP, put in a decent showing, fight well and do it reasonably courteously. Not ganking [attacking with an absurd numbers advantage] and not just hunting one person down continually. Then you will make some freinds.

    However, don't expect anyone else to behave like that. While some players will there are plenty who will try to kill you by any means available.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    As Jemma has already pointed out the build choosen also has a lot to do with how the player likes to play the game!

    What a tread like this makes me wonder about is:
    - How come some feel the need to try and impose their ideas upon others?
    - How come some think their ideas are better than others?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They don't , well ok sometimes they do.

    But; it's hard to discuss the merits of powers relative to playstyle if people have differing playstyles. What you can do is discuss what defeats the biggest badguy / gains xp fastest. This gennerally means including an optimum playstyle for any particualr power or set in the discussion.
  11. If thunderclap [in particualr] is a 100/75/25 toggle dropper, does that happen before or after the disorient effect?

    ie. can you drop someones status resist and dis them all with one AOE power?.

    And is it as efective as a secondary [for controllers] ?

    Also which toggles get dropped first . Is it reverse order that you put them up ?
  12. Tedium

    Stormy Info

    Does anyone know where the stats on the tornado might be listed. I'm after base durations on the fear , disorient etc. and or the magnitudes. I was wondering which would be better to slot.

    Or just ideas on slotting it gennerally
  13. Storm is a long list of powers you have to be carefull about using. I think mist and O2 are the notable ones that you can use at any time without worry.
    And thats why I love the set, It makes me think, maneuver and then use the fun powers.
    And some good news, tornado currently seems to be refusing to go more than 100 yards or so away from me. Still needs a lot of consideration before use. Still obscenely powerfull. Still very random.
  14. As Phrox said, it's all part of the H341Z0R syndrome. Healing is obvious, it makes peoples health bars go up. Preventative measures are not obvious, they just stop the health bar going down.
    When did you last see a 'nice debuff M8' comment [that wasn't a sarcastic reply to a 'nice healz']
    Shields are somewhere in between with respec to obviousness, as the recipient can see you buffing them.

    Big problem here is the people who read these forums mostly allready know that debuffing can save you a lot of pain.
  15. Also the mission sequence now takes you to a representative outside the PvP zone. Near the zone entrance. So the resolute Non-PvP's are now immune to all your childish tp ganking tricks.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    My other sugestion would be to give PC's a cone of vision. So that their perception is much higher to the front. It could make sneaking and searching more fun, would benefit active clever players and makes ''intuative sense''.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm pretty sure one of the developers has already confirmed that this is in place. Something about the centre of the zone of perception being off centre towards the front.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can anyone confirm this ?
    I do know that Mob's work this way. For both unstealthed aggroing on PC's and for spotting stealthed [not invis] PC's
  17. It is being 'looked at' , my question is what do we want?

    For me, the important thing is that neither the sneak nor the searcher should ever feel safe.
    Currently a stalker can get stacked invis to become untterly undetectable. Now as most people agree this is a bad thing. But, from the other side Tactics is a toggle group effect, that lets you see a hidden charecter at long range. TBH I'm not suprised stalkers quickly found ways to boost their stealth. Without that Tactics would have broken the game in the other direction.

    I'd sugest making any toggle perception powers reletively weak, and boost the limited duration effects instead. Currently that means inspirations.

    My other sugestion would be to give PC's a cone of vision. So that their perception is much higher to the front. It could make sneaking and searching more fun, would benefit active clever players and makes ''intuative sense''.
  18. Until he does ....

    The idiots Guide to base costs:

    Anyhting decorative : cheep as chips.

    Anything functional : wildly expensive.
  19. Tedium

    Content -SG

    Anyone interested in a content focused SG.
    Aiming to make small [around 4] teams to run whole storyarcs together.
    Since its all about enjoying the content, the only really strict rules will be no spoilers.[ie if you have done a mission before, or read about it, shut up]
    And politness when ooc.

    Light roleplay to be encouraged.
    And that means, say whatever you like in any channel. If you can't tell weather a comment is IC or OOC by context, guess.

    The SG will have a handy 'any villain' background. An organisation recruiting the chosen of Recluse to work villany together.

    So I give you 'Final Directive'
    or it will be unless someone comes up with a better name.