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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Have to say, the exchange between Bender (Leia) and Timmy (that imperial guy) was classic.


    And don't say boobies...


    Too bad, no Harley Quinn...
    As great as that scene was, my favorite bit was Stormtrooper Bender and Porky-Wan Kenobi.
  2. "Remember, ponies wear the saddle."
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    The guy who played Green Lantern, and the guy who should have played Green Lantern, were both on the short-lived sitcom, "Two Guys, A Girl, And a Pizza Place."

    I remember Ryan Reynolds from that show, but I can't remember the other guy and the girl.

    *looks up show*

    Traylor Howard? Holy crap, Monk's second assistant was in Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place?

    And Nathan Fillion had a role in that show? And Tiffani Thiessen?

    *mind blown*
  4. Hm, sounds disappointing. I guess the ultimate question is, did you feel like it was worth the ticket price to see it in the theater?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    What's surprising is some of the stuff Patrick Stewart has done in the role of Director Avery Bullock on American Dad. The stuff is funny in and of itself, but then you realize that it is also Prof. Xavier, Gurney Halleck, Captain Picard, King Richard, and a knight to boot saying those lines.
    Also the role of the grandfather, Lloyd Steam, in the English dub of Steamboy.

    I've always said that, out of all the actors and actresses I like, Patrick Stewart is the only one I'd like to meet. He has such a wonderful sense of humor about himself and his work.
  6. Lord_Nightblade

    Sanctuary RIP

    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    Bloody Hell!

    Yay....Universal keeps killing off shows that are actually worth watching because they are too cheap to pay "real" actors and instead replace those shows with game shows....yes reality shows where there is a winner is indeed a game show....
    No no, they're just too cheap to pay for good shows on SciFi. They prefer to sink their money into the USA Network.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
    I actually remember J.K. Simmons (actor in question) first as shrink Dr. Emil Skoda from the Law and Order franchise. Looked up his listing on IMDB. Damn... He portrayed that Character for nearly the entire L&O Series run (except mainly when he was involved w/The Closer). He's also the voice of the Cadamus General in JL/JLU. Wow...

    Thank you for the time...
    Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
    Not to mention the voice of Cave Johnson in Portal 2. "I punch those numbers into my calculator and it makes a happy face."
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Funny, I always remember him as the white supremacist Schillinger on Oz. Now he's everywhere! Good for him.

    He was also Juno's dad in Juno.
    Vote for him, if you want to live.
  8. Not really a cure, but what alleviates my altitus is if a powerset combo feels really fun. I soloed my DB/elec brute to 50 relatively quickly because I had an absolute blast when I played her. Same with my Nightwidow.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Huh, I haven't watched that remake... Now you guys are going to make me watch that... *sigh*
    It's actually pretty good. I like it more than the original (but I don't really have the nostalgia glasses on the original). This might help if you're having doubts.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eviella View Post
    His daughter is a writer on the show, according to a quick check of the internet; and we know how infallible that is. :-)
    That's actually true. If you listen to the commentaries on the Futurama DVDs (which you really should if you own them, because the commentaries are fantastic) she shows up and talks about being a writer for the show and how her dad is a huge Bender fan.
  11. Al Gore in the first Anthology of Interest episode of Futurama. I still can't believe they got a sitting Vice President to do that.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
    Quick comment. Elementary=House as police procedural.
    Or, you know, Sherlock in America with a distaff counterpart for Watson.
  13. FMA and FMA: Brotherhood in the lineup seems kinda... redundant. I know that the two series diverge after a while, but that's still a lot of FMA.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I can't fathom what Hollywood would do today with Lord of the Flies.
    It would be a lighthearted romp about a boy who invents a helmet that lets him control armies of flies. He fights crime! Brought to you by the same animation studio that did The Lorax! In 3D!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Well, Adult Swim has also announced that they are "developing new original anime programming for fans."

    Whatever that means, exactly. Just a fancy way of saying they'll be licensing more recent dubbed anime? Or they'll be trying to create American-made psuedo-anime shows like Avatar?
    Probably some half-***ed anime-esque equivalent to Tim and Eric
  16. Lord_Nightblade

    Tron: Uprising

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Also if TRON really is so damaged how he can still fight so well and yet not feel as if he can take on CLU?

    More data needed.
    If he's suffering from a slow rewrite by Clu, then maybe he's been altered enough so that he can't take direct action against Clu's forces, but he can do something indirect like train a successor.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    So which was worse: the Star Trek space hippies or having Penny turn into a carrot in Lost in Space?
    Did Carrot-Penny sing bad hippie songs and have a cross section of a hard boiled egg pinned to her shirt? Because if she didn't then the clear winners are the space hippies.
  18. Lord_Nightblade

    Tron: Uprising

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Okay despite the link problems I was now able to sit and watch the whole thing this time. I still think at the moment that Beck is doomed as per the events of Legacy don't show Beck at all.

    Also it was nice to see TRON even if it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense at first. We see in the movie flashback that CLU apparently kills TRON, but it turns out he damaged TRON and then reprogrammed him into Rinzler to serve him.

    What we see so far in the cartoon is a badly damaged TRON that shows us he is apparently badly code fragmented and missing parts of his code.....yet we also see that he is apparently Rinzler or at least disguised to make CLU and his army think TRON is dead. Yet for such a damaged and crippled program he was still swatting Beck around with ease despite Beck's efforts. Also I would guess that TRON doesn't know where Flynn is hiding as I would think that Flynn's user powers could heal TRON's damaged code.

    To quote the Lost in Space robot: "Does not compute!" More episodes needed to fill in the gaps.
    Beck doesn't necessarily have to end up dead. This series seems to be set in a different city than the one in Legacy, so it's entirely possible that Beck was still leading his insurrection while Flynn and his kid were fighting Clu. Flynn lived pretty far off the Grid, so he wouldn't nessarily know what was happening in other cities, and Clu seems like the kind of guy would would keep a tight rein on information (lest the wrong bit mar his perfect world), so he would keep any news of rebellion under wraps.

    Tron is harder to explain, though. Maybe he's slowly succumbing to Clu's rewrite? Maybe there was a backup copy of him that got damaged by the rewrite?
  19. Lord_Nightblade

    Tron: Uprising

    Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
    Boo, Link doesn't work for me. I go YT, it seems to start fine, and flashes to a 0:00 long video. YT works fine for everything else.
    I'm having the same problem.
  20. OK, good. Just, you know, wanted to make sure you weren't expecting to die in the next year or two and you wanted to paint WH40K figures to keep your mind off it or something.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    It doesn't all have to be bought at once, but just something to work on as I run out the clock.
    I hope this means you're retired and looking for a hobby now that you have a lot of free time.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    For a civilization with transporter technology, removing the wreckage would hardly be a major undertaking.
    It would still have to be broken down into transportable pieces. Aside from the general lack of cargo holds capable of holding a whole Galaxy Class saucer, the saucer itself is to big for any transporter to beam up in one piece.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    I don't think that was a gamble the Federation would take, also there is the idea that if certain parties like the Romulans or Ferengi knew that the flagship of the Federation had crashed on a planet they would likely send ships there to retrieve as much as they can for study.
    Maybe, but it seems to me that it would be a lot easier to strip the wreckage of anything compromising during the evacuation rather than trying to pick up every bit of the saucer. Then, when the saucer gets buried in a couple of centuries, it would just be mistaken for a weird cave system for a while. Plus, we all know from past episodes that the Prime Directive is more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Also per the Prime Directive, if there are inhabitants on the planet they would need to remove the remains of the saucer section and all debris and take Kirk's body home to avoid contaminating the culture or technology of the planet. The Federation keeps their tech and Kirk gets a heroes funeral.
    Veridian III was uninhabited, Veridian IV had the pre-industrial species on it. In the centuries it would take that species to even reach the third planet, the wreckage would be long buried by the forest.