101 -
I'm running a solo SG base myself, and yeah, that initial step is a tough one.
Not only because it's expensive, but also because it takes a lot of space on your plot.
I now have a 2x2 energy room with a single generator standing in it .. all looking quite bare.
I with there was a smaller option, like, say, a 2 x 1 or so.
Also annoying that there has to be so much room lost between rooms .. but that's another rant altogether.
As it is, keep at it and eventually, it'll get better.
You didn't mention if you were going to add more people to the group, or just the two of you ?
If it's just you and him, then a Fire/Kin controller will indeed work well. -
What I meant, was that when you put the upper limit at 100 characters, I'm not sure it's considered URL compliant.
My apologies, but I still think it's too darn short.
And I'm not too sure if it can be considered an URL, if it's shortened that much.
And I have solved my other problem, turned out the forum had set the "first time set" stamp on the cookie to 3 of august, 2010. Very strange. I edited it manually, and now it accepts it. -
Allright, lets have it here, the good, the bad and the ugly!
I personally have two main issues, first of, it trunkates my avatar picture link.
Secondly, it keeps logging me out .. very annoying.
And yes, I do have cookies enabled.
And cleaned out my temporary internet files.
Also, I hear people all links in old posts are ***** now.
More details on the Avatar problem :
This is the link I want to use :
This is the link I get when I take properties for my avatar picture :
That looks suspiciously like a 100 character limitation.
Obviously a bug. -
You simply place it on the floor tile, nothing strange about it.
Oh yeah.
Many "Lost connection to mapserver" and Missions not loading.
And oddest of all, a case where People weren't zoning into the same mission! -
I forgot to mention it here, but Demon Hunter helped me out with my alts, so I'm all set already
This is an excellent Thread - I fully approve of it.
You get a kick in the back everytime you send one of us to your therapist ?
Yeah, you have a case of "We're not doing it because it's easy, we're doing it because it's HARD!" syndrome.
Wait wait wait.... they drive slow to compensate for "slow reaction times"?
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That is correct.
Also because of not-so-good vision, not so suple movements, and a plethora of other small ilnesses they suffer from.
They are OLD after all.
My common sense is tingling...
Isn't that the exact same reason why people aren't allowed to drive DRUNK?
So then maybe people shouldn't be allowed to drive old either.
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Yes, and no.
They are slower, yes, but not quite as slow as a Drunk person, plus they have all their faculties in order and ...*wait for it* ... they are DRIVING SLOWER!!
That means they are still relatively safe when they drive .. well, save for when they have a brainfart and goes down a one way street in the opposite direction with their left indicator permanently on.
But that's another issue completely, young women do that too.
Sorta like how many young men giftwrap tree's with their cars.
Also, in some countries, people over a certain age, have to reapply for their drivers licence at set intervals.
Like in Denmark, eventually my great-great-grandma had to retest once every half year when she reached 100 years. It annoyed her, because when she started driving, she didn't have to take a driving test, and suddenly she had to.
Must be most annoying, I'm sure. -
You can has both!
Take one now .. take the other at level 20 when you get the Costume quest.
I mean I can breeze through pretty much anything in this game with any AT/combo, but even I felt the wall at about lvl 34 with my ice/elec and that is one of the safer and more powerful combos. I happened to like the "wall" but it was clear how it would eat most people alive. And did.
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So very very true. The above underlies the denial in this thread. The only DPS that matters is effective DPS and when you are dead your DPS is zero.
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Blasters should have a "Make your own corpse explode" then.
Sorta like their last act of defiance.
Personally, I went with a Salvage storage and Crafting Table to begin with ... will probably get an invention storage next.
They are unable to understand even the most basic of thinsg .. such as electricity .. or fire.
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you should do some rants, Tech Stories are usually well received, at least by me
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Well, long story short, I had a 40 somthing aged lady asking me when she should plug her wall socket into the ethernet network plug - Before she rran the CD-ROM or after? Obviously I told her no, and then asked how she would even manage to do that, "Easy" she said,"I have stripped the ends and put them into it, so when I turn it on like now ... OMIGAWD, ITS BURNING!!!"
Real story. -
I must admit to being lazy .. I didn't read all 26 oages of thread to see if anyone made already made the sáme suggestion :
Open area's SuperGroup Bases.
Like, a small tropical island, with a volcano base, for example!
Hrm ... you intend to use hover in combat I take it ?
Not sure if you can fire off ground based AoE spells while hovering .. ie. Fire Sword Circle.
I'd probably go with Combat Jump, but that's my preferred travel power, so I might be biased. -
True ... but as he also mentioned, Fire has no damage mitiogation in the form of stuns/kockbacks/slows ... they have to deal with the MOBs at full strength .. which is kinda harsh for an AT with no defensive powers.
They do pay for that high damage.
Just in other areas. -
I wants a pink loading screen ... no joke.
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Oh .. Oh .. OOOhh .. oOoooooOooooo ...
/wets self