75 -
Yeah, but it also means that n00bz who don't know what stuff costs will have their sales plucked and relisted, whereas under the "original" system they had a chance of getting a windfall even if they posted a stupid low price.
I guess I should be happy the inf transfers will be relatively easy now.
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Except you don't really have extra inf to be transferring around until you are in the mid to high 30s. Hopefully the player isn't really a noob by that point.
I look at this as the devs are giving us the tools we need to protect ourselves. Whether we use those tools or not is up to us. If we don't, it's our risk. Very similar to base storage racks. The tools are there to protect SGs from having their rack raided. Not the best of tools, but they are there. If an SG chooses to not protect themselves, and gets cleaned out... their problem. -
Hey wait! This doesn't jibe with what Positron's been saying in the intreviews. Are you telling me the Devs lied?
Or when you were quoting everything you really meant it, and you aren't on Test.
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Or the devs read the discussions about how to intercept transfers, and changed things up to help protect players from the sharks. -
I am not saying that I am or am not on test atm, but I would 'believe' you can see the person listing the item and how much for in a screen that may or may not be labeled 'Advanced'.
You could 'possibly' also see multiple listings of the same item but only choose the item from the name of your alt.
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If all that turns out to be true, then, while intercepts are not impossible, they drop into the realm of being able to be avoided by anyone careful enough to make sure they are buying from the correct toon. Which should become standard practice in such situations. -
Someone in another thread explained quite well how hijacks could happen. It worked in part under the assumption that you cannot see who is actually selling what you want to buy. Player A lists a lvl 1 TO with a lowbie toon, then proceeds to swap toons to their lvl 50. While they are swapping, player B notices the lvl 1 TO for sale, and places a similar lvl 1 TO up for sale. Depending on how the system decides which lvl 1 TO is sold to the 50, the transfer can effectively be intercepted. Or player B buys the TO themselves and immediately relists it, again intercepting the transfer.
There's quite an element of luck on the part of the person trying to do the intercepting, but the person describing it was saying that, when he visited Wentworths, if he happened to have a lvl 3 Flight TO on him, then he would check if anyone else was currently listing a lvl 3 flight TO for sale. If someone was listing such a worthless TO, the chances are good that it is a transfer in progress, and he would immediately list his own lvl 3 Flight TO at a 1 Inf price to try to intercept. If he misses, he's only out that one Inf. But if he hits, he hits big.
This is how it's being discussed to potentially intercept transfers.
A little more secure way to do such transfers is via Buy requests. Because (we beleive) you cannot see anyone else's buy requests. Figure out what odd-ball TO/DO your lowbie posesses, and have the high level place a Buy request for that TO at a large price. Then swap over to the lowbie and list the TO, which should sell at once to the invisible buy-order from the high level toon. Still not 100% without risk, but a lot better than the sell-first strategy. -
Sting of the Manticore, for example, only works in Snipe or Assassin Strike powers (which I believe makes Stalkers the only AT that can slot it TWICE).
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I hate to disappoint Stalkers out there, but Sting of the Manticore can only be slotted into Sniper powers, not Assassin Strikes. I don't know where that rumor started.
Assassin Strikes can slot in sets that are made for Single Target Melee powers.
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I believe that came from Iakona. See this post.
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Warmaster has it exactly right for the source of this factoid on ParagonWiki (speaking as the person who assembled most of that article.) -
Anyway, _Castle_ has said that the shivans and nukes will get less powerful eventually.
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I assume you are referring to this post where he said:
Or we could reduce the effectiveness of a suite of Temp Powers. Shivans and the Nuke's are pretty dang good.
And before more people jump on Optimus, we've known those powers were over the top since they were created.
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But you need to have also read his follow-up post where he said:
Just to clear up:
No, we're not discussing any changes to Shivan's or the Warburg Nukes at this time. Shivan's are easier to get than anticipated, but even that is not likely to be changed in the near future. My original post was meant to show that we knew how these powers were being used -- and that is all.
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So he specifically clairified that, while the devs know about how these powers are being used, they have no plans at this time to nerf them. Nothing about them getting less powerful eventually. -
I think this may be one. The Lost leader Muxly may be a homage to Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines. Aside from the name, Muxly appears to have the same laugh that Muttley does.
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Definitely one. And you are just hitting the tip of the iceberg of the chain of references. Check out this post in another thread for a fuller summary of the currently known Wacky Races references in the new Faultline.
And there's a post from the second page of that same thread:
In Doc's TF, you fight in succession Dr. Vezzini (Vizzini, the Sicilian who you should never go against when DEATH is on the liune) and then Dr. Humperdink (the Prince). I dont remember the one before or after and whether or not they corresponded, but I guess the writer was just as bored as us at that point in the TF.
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Princess Bride references. Someone should go through this arc and see if either Fezzik or Inigo Montoya pop up in that same thread. -
There is a page titled 'Easter Egg' in ParagonWiki but it's not even close to the size of this massive thread. Either the person (gods, I'm sorry, I forgot his name, there's a poster round ehre who does update the ParagonWiki stuff... I'm brainfarting though so I apologize to him) either this thread literaly sploded his head or his still compiling stuff.
I hope you guys didn't splode him. I love ParagonWiki.
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The references were moved out of the Easter Egg page to their own page. They were growing to overwhelm the Easter Egg page, and really are not Easter Eggs, so they were given their own page.
As for editing, anyone is welcome to create an account and add to the Wiki. That's what the Wiki concept is about. The references page is big, but I doubt it has everything from this immense thread. -
My goodness. Certainly not the worst necro-thread case I've seen, but still.
I certainly hope there is more the I9 then just "a new crafting system" or that system better be something unbelievably fantastic.
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Here is what is currently confirmed for I9. I suspect there will be a good bit more than just the Invention System. The IS was originally supposed to be in I8, but moved to I9. Unless putting it in I9 bumped out something else, that means that there was a whole issue worth of other stuff planned for I9 before the IS ever became a part of it. -
So, the Jump Jet power helps those with Super Speed or Super Leap the most?
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Hard to judge. It actually also helps teleporters in a round-about way. Does not boost their TP speed or distance, but nice as an emergency click to help prevent falling between TPs if you take too long on the next TP. Or to let yourself down gently from a high TP. (TP, toggle jet, and tap spacebar/jump a few times on the way down to break your drop speed, and thus reduce your impact damage greatly.) -
Yes, it boosts Fly.
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What it does not do is boost the flight cap. Which is fairly easy to hit already with 3 SOs. So, if you are already 3-slotted with SOs in flight, and thus already around the cap, you will not see a boost, because you cannot go any faster than you are already going. -
Let me first note that you are likely right that different sources of +HP all work the same in this case. But as a programmer, I can imagine how it would be possible for the result to be different for the differetn groupings. It's possible (though IMHO quite unlikely) they have code that, power by power, excludes it from being counted for the badge.
A lot of people think it's Accolades at fault. Positron has said that this is unlikely. So, if we are to convice the devs, we need a repeatable test that shows for certain whether Accolades are or are not the key factor. Your test would show that +HP powers create the problem effect, but would not definitively show that Accolades are a problem. -
That would prove that there is something wrong with farming damage, but not that the accolades are the source of the problem. I'm in the camp that thinks they are the likely cause, but if we need to prove it, we need a test that eliminates as many other variables as possible.
What we really need is to test it on the same character, with and without one or more of the HP boosting accolades. Take a character with no HP boost accolades, copy him/her to test. Earn that character one of the accolades and copy to test again.
Now, run a similar damage farm with both instances of the character. Run it for the same number of hours on both versions. Use Hero-stat to record how much damage was done in each test, and compare how much the damage badge bars move in each case. If the accolades is not the culprit, the bars should move or not move very similar amounts. If the accolade is at fault, you should see a signifigantly lower movement on the instance with the accolade.
This is likely most easily done CoV side, and I think Invader is likely the easiest accolade to play it with, given that it's just a series of exploration badges, and can be earned without huge extra effort with a little cooperation from other people. 5% HP Boost is not huge, but should be plenty to show whether there is a difference with/without the accolade. -
Can't find the exact post, but I'm pretty sure one of the devs followed up saying that, if they can figure out how to flag Kora Fruit to not be allowed in the storage containers, that they would likely restore the fruit to it's tier 3 status.
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Someone in another thread found the post by Positron mentioning the possible future reversion of the Kora fruit change, assuming they manage to block the fruit from storage bins. -
Why mess with my Kora Fruit?
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_Castle_'s short explanation Here .
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Good enough. Makes sense. Thanks.
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Can't find the exact post, but I'm pretty sure one of the devs followed up saying that, if they can figure out how to flag Kora Fruit to not be allowed in the storage containers, that they would likely restore the fruit to it's tier 3 status. -
I would hope that new badges are added to the END of the list. The old list would therefore be incomplete, but not completely useless. I cant imagine that they would shuffle around all the numbers for the badges every time they made an addition to the list.
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I don't know about *every* time, but I6 showed they are perfectly willing to place new stuff at the front of the list, moving everything down. That's why all the I6 stuff, from CoV badges to PvP badge, etc., are in the low numbers. Why they did it this way, I have no idea. But they did. And that's just the most visible example.
Please realize that, like the command that people have been using to get CoV costumes in CoH, this is a command intended more for internal use than for player use. The list is an internal list that players have discovered and fleshed out. Given an internal command, and an internal list, I really don't see the CoH people to be under much obligation *not* to shift the list around however best fits their development plans. -
BTW, this list of numbers, and the information on how to use them, is exactly the sort of information that should be included in the player guide binder (but which, of course, is not).
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One problem is that this is a dynamic list. Every time they add a new badge, unless they add it to the end of the list, every badge with a higher number than the spot for the new one will shift. So these numbers are really only good until the next time that they add a badge. Usually that's at issues, but not always. End result, any printed listing in the guide could be out of date with no notice at all. So while as a forum post like this people can respond to the changes rapidly and post updated lists, that would be much, much more tricky with a printed guide.
And then there's the whole badge secrecy thing. The devs want the players to find the badges on their own. Printing a list of all badges in the games kinda defeats that goal. -
Best guess is you have two active story arcs somewhere else. First, check your clues tab. If you have anything in there not connected to a current mission or mission-chain, then you have an active arc you need to work through. If not, you may still have an active arc. As far as I can tell, as soon as the first mission of an arc is *offered* to you, an arc slot is locked for it. In this case, you'll need to go back through all you old contacts to see if they are still offering any missions. If an outleveled contact offers you a mission, you almost certainly have an active story arc with them.
It's not clear to me that Positron's statement included CoV - it was made a while ago. I do believe that CoH zone events are not triggered. Jack and Eochai are part of a multi-stage wave battle, which *begins* at random but once it starts it's sort of player triggered in the sense that the leftovers from a wave can be cleared to make the event continue.
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Note that I'm one of the people who has talked about how to identify when the Croatoa war is on, and what to do then to bring out Jack & Eotchi. I think that the key difference here is that there is still a major element that is totally out of the control of the players. If the War has not started, there is nothing that the players can do to force it to start. It's only once the war starts that the players can move things along. So the combo of Jack & Eotchi cannot be summoned at will by the players. IMHO, this fact keeps them out of being on any list of "Player Summonable" giant monsters. -
I dunno. It's possible the History plaques give invisible badges as you read them. Same with Dimensional Warder. In both cases it's a badge-worthy achievement, not a count of something, just like doing one of the two V-Day missions.
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While I don't know that History badges do not use invisible badges, the reason I suspect that the V-Day event is the first time they were used is that this is the first time we've had the bug of "seeing" them by them being counted for the count badges. It's possible that they have been here all along, and they somehow introduced a new bug with the V-Day ones. But I still lean towards them being new, and this was overlooked. I'm a programmer, and this is exactly the type of unintended consequences code changes sometimes cause. Make a fix in one place, get an unintended result somewhere else.
But back to my original point. Whether invisible badges are new or not, it's likely to take them a build or two to stop them getting counted. In the grand scheme of things, I suspect this is not exactly a top priority to get fixed. -
Are they still counting towards the the Visitor/Native/etc badges? I've noticed some characters (even mine) have those badges even though total badge count (according to /info) is less than 10/25/etc...
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I don't think they've had time to fix this, given that it only started popping up a week or so ago. The V-Day event appears to be the first time they've used these invisible badges. But they forgot to make them not count towards the badge-count badges. If it wasn't for this, then we players would still be totally unaware of them.
But still, having the invisible badges count towards the count badges is a bug, pure and simple, and I'm sure it'll be fixed in a future patch. -
Actually, I may have a way of getting these badges within a short time.
I'm just waiting for an answer from a PM to Positron if what I am proposing may get me banned. (It's better to get permsission than forgiveness).
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One easy way I can see is just to come along on the missions of a much lower level hero/villain. This is standard operating procedure among badge hounds looking for missed mission badges, etc. If the lowbie does not care about the XP, run their Snaptooth missions and just take out Snappy as fast as possible. -
There's already a CoH/CoV Wiki running over at Paragon Wiki .