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  1. Hmm, whatever goes (if it goes), I forsee the end of VIP.

    I mean, if the game does keep going and VIP subscriptions continue I'll remain VIP but...I'm not feeling the need to feel privileged at the moment. Just make the game F2P but all the costume pieces, all the costume slots, inventory increases, dual inspirations/boosts, respec tokens, renames, transfers, character slots, etc...those can be what we buy but might as well just give everybody all the content. Let freems play SSA, incarnate and alignment...I think the meat of what players spend their $$$ on is powersets anyway...and I'd drop a good dime on new ATs, pools, APPs and PPPs without thought.

    And if they had packs for custom animations? blech, I'd be broke...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    That's ridiculous. SOE prides themselves on a whole stable of games, many of which are similar. Never has Vanguard been shoe-horned into Norrath, never has EQ1 even been shoe-horned into EQ2.

    Please make sense if you're going to project end-of-the-world type scenarios.
    I was quoting Venture. You can scare him by threatening the lore
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Of course it probably wouldn't be all rainbows and kittens, either, but it's hard for me to see a scenario in which a SOE-run City would be worse than no City at all.

    -They could retcon a lot of the Lore so that Paragon City is some sort of suburb of another big city...basically try and shoehorn Paragon into their DC universe. And hey, they already removed Statesman...now just copy/paste Superman in there...

    -They could get rid of the Rogue Isles...Oh I'd HHAAAAAAATEEEE that...but if red-side (and gold-side) is viewed as dead weight because few players play it?...

    -They could meld RI and PC so that they aren't separate games and induct world PvP into the City...oh so many of you would hate that...I wouldn't particularly mind but it's definitely not a good thing.

    -Another round of nerfs because our heroes are just too damned good
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I like our devs and love what they've done with the game over the past year.

    But as a gamer I'm here for THE GAME.
    As fondly as I feel toward our developers, as much as I respect their talent, dedication and perseverance, it is a relationship anchored by THE GAME.

    Whatever attention they pay to me is in the context of being a well informed player. Whatever attention I pay to them is in the context of their making a game that has been a major part of my life for close to a decade.

    So while yes, I would prefer that everything stay exactly as it is now with no alterations, I reserve the right to be ecstatically happy with *any* outcome where my characters survive this virtual Armageddon.
    I don't feel quite that way about the devs though. I don't look to them as simply developers but more like mentors and paragons who we should model ourselves (or other developers from other games should model themselves after). That they deserve just as good as they treat their playerbase and their game.

    That said, I feel the devs of CoX deserve *better* than CoX. If they feel compelled to finish their work, that is hugely admirable. But I also don't feel they should or would be shackled to this game until then. They deserve, far more than we deserve to keep playing, to spread their wings if they so desire.

    So this news that Sony is interested in the CoX IP is good news...probably not for me since while I love and play this game, I'm more here for the forums and chat...even if they don't keep Paragon Studios.

    My true hope is, War Witch and the other big red-names find new, bigger and more innovative endeavors while some of the smaller red-names look into staying with CoX where they can break their gums on filling their former bosses' shoes while keeping CoX going with new compelling content.

    I think the interesting thing though is, there will be change for our game if it continues. Some of it won't be good but we'll be better for it in the end.

    Here's hoping
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I don't recall when exactly it was, though it was some time after it had come out. It felt like I was playing a piss poor attempt at trying to make an MMO knockoff of the ******* child of Diablo and Baldur's Gate. The game was boring but tolerable through the beginning area, and then at the first city it seemed like I was pretty much going to have to grind the few enemies right outside the gate over and over for hours unless I wanted to team up with one of the jerks running around - there were NPCs to hire of course, but upon doing so I found them to be a nigh-useless waste of money. Given that on top of all that disappointing experience the only thing people seemed to be touting for it were PVP-based features, the game got mentally placed in the Absolute Waste bin. I think I'd place it in my top 3 worst experiences trying an MMO right behind Eve Online and Aion, respectively.

    Not even if.
    Hmm, well I'm not trying to convince anyone. I've been backing off of playing anything for a while now, especially since hearing about this news...but I have been looking into the realm of MMOs, at first to see just what state the industry is in to have lost such a gem as CoX. Then I started thinking "I actually *do* enjoy playing games, if only casually...I can't just play nothing..."

    I'm actually seriously thinking of trying it because it does look fun. And it looks fun for a variety of reasons:

    -I like beat-em-up action games at their core, all the way back to Nintendo and Sega. GW2 is pretty action beat-em up.

    -You only have to buy the game. No subscription. I can play it somewhat like CoX in that I don't have to keep playing to get my money's worth.

    -It's not grindy from what videos show. You're focused on skill points earned by doing quests and junk, not levels. The game auto-levels you depending what you're doing/what zone you're in. It's like CoX super-sidekicking but making it zone/event-wide.

    -Rather free-form character spec. You can use whatever weapon floats your boat and spec to specialize in such but you can *use* whatever weapon your class can use whenever you like and switch on the fly.

    -It's twitch based. I've always preferred games like Ninja Gaiden series, which this seems exactly like.

    Of course, all those are my preferences. Some of those might be strikes for you...maybe even the fantasy setting which I've never minded at all. But just taking a look at the game from videos and it looks fun. Of course, this is coming from someone who hasn't played another MMO in years besides CoX.

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    1) Little or no emphasis on PvP
    I'm actually looking forward to a game that doesn't laugh at its PvP. As much as I love CoX, I hated the way people disregarded PvP. I used to PvP back before i13 I believe. I wasn't very good but the groups that I ran with didn't discourage me.

    But I think the strength comes in for GW2 is that the PvP looks somewhat engaging if you're into that and you're probably going to find most will focus on PvPing...but you're not forced to *AND* the PvE looks damned engaging as well. From the vids I've seen, similar to how much of CoX content focused on instances, GW2 seems to be about the zone events. And unlike CoX zone events, there are multiple conditions for those events...if you fail one objective, the event doesn't fail or it doesn't wait for you to complete it. The event will branch into another event or objective.

    Yes, the player review videos seem to show a lot of good things happening in this game. I'm sure there are negatives (which I'd also love to hear about) but it still looks fun even for just a Friday night that I've got nothing going on.
  6. I said to myself I wasn't going to play anymore MMOs primarily because my enthusiasm for videogames has waned in the past couple of years since I've been working and moving.

    I guess that's not true. I had some beers with friends and plugged in the Nintendo and played some Double Dragon, the Sega and Streets of Rage then later the Wii and played Mario Bros Wii.

    -Sigh- It makes me wish I really was tired of games. But when I want to play games, sometimes friends aren't around for beer and a late night of gaming...

    Anyway, I've been looking at 2 options myself:

    -Visit FFXI, most likely temporarily because I haven't even looked at it for years but lots has changed and been added.

    -Pick up Guild Wars 2. I've been watching vids on youtube and since it just released, it's on fire...and it looks really fun.

    I'm not a hardcore fan or vindictive about the past so I wouldn't boycott unless the company is literally evil...I'm also not out to replace anything. CoX will never be replaced except by someone reviving CoX. If people are making plans to keep our game alive, I'll pledge to help but I'm not particularly in the mood to log in right now. Maybe in a week or two, I'll josh around and take pics of all my characters but nothing serious unless I know the game isn't going anywhere.

    But beyond that, I'm planning to stay subscribed until the very end and I hope to be actually logged in on the very last day but even that, I doubt, will dampen my enthusiasm for gaming or my characters.

    I'm sure you'll find something you think is fun and I'm sure the devs will land on their feet with their next endeavors (CoX on your resume? *nods*). No need to be sad. We'll all survive
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    This rumor was started when someone on this very forum simply speculated on that idea, and other people ran with it and spiraled it out of control.

    And, yes, there has been "official word" - Zwilliger said it's false.
    Originally Posted by Come Undone View Post
    Babs, under his player title Tic-Toc (Posi confirmed it was him) squelched that rumor. He currently works at Cryptic and asked Jack himself, who denied that there were any negotiations or revocation of rights going on now or any time recently. This is all on NCsoft's head according to any of the confirmed facts thus far.
    From what I've read of late posts, Zwill and BaBs posts simply say that they haven't heard anything that supports that rumor and that it was most likely just a rumor.
  8. Anyone leaving a Deviant art account, I'll be marking you down. I've been putting off making my own but will soonish.

    email: saintleo1675@gmail.com
  9. Although I only really knew CuppaJo from the forums...

    ....I think I just might cry this time.
  10. So...is Positron really Golden Girl? That would explain why I hate them both
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Oh what me? Of course I am.

    And yes, I just mean a fan of anthropomorophism.

    My icon is actually from a commissioned piece of my character and one of my favorite personal pieces of art, not to mention the inspiration for what became my in-game namesake (Agent Whitefox on Victory).
    Cool, just thought I'd ask. I mean, all the times I stalked you, you never mentioned one way or the other

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Back when I was in Japan for a while, I very nearly bought a fox's tail that was for sale out on Harujuku Street. I still regret never getting that
    Was it animatronic? That's probably the last hurdle I had for my recreation for my main character I had mocked up for Halloween this year. I found instructions for cheap eye-lids for the mask and the next leap was other simple parts like a tail that could move.

    But I don't know jilt about that sort of stuff without precise instructions

    I know Japan has those animatronic cat ears though. Those are super keen, I'd bet.

    And just FYI, I never met a furry IRL that I know of. I do all my dress up for Halloween which is my favorite holiday.
  12. I can make you some and a tail to go with it...

    ....What? I dabble in making costumes too....

    I have hobbies damnit!
  13. But Agent White hasn't answered his own question...
  14. OMG it's like unmasking the heroes for who they really are.

    Too bad they didn't have that in the game for my villains to relish.
  15. Fireman was really bAss ackwards!?!

    Someone post an appropriate gif!! I'm having frble prsing keeys
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

    If you mean "someone who goes to the football game because that mascot in the costume makes him feel tingly in his naughty bits..."... er... not so much.
    Confession: Donatello from Ninja Turtles made me feel that way when I was 8
  17. Fire Academy in the spring after I finish EMT intermediate this semester.

    Funny how my majors shifted from music to art to saving lives
  18. Hmmm, I will say I'm a furry fan. My main character is a were-tiger and most of my characters have animal influences.

    And Gallon is frikken awesome
  19. Lol okay, but why do you want to know?
  20. Leo_G

    To all of you...

    No, thank you! And Thanks to all the rednames, mods ($#^&% you!), devs and artists that made this game great
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
    I always thought you were too sexy for your shirt
  22. Leo_G

    I am crying.

    Just wanted to say it hurts losing the game. I'm not crying...I hardly ever cry...I had hydrogen peroxide poured in my left eye and only teared up...didn't cry at my grandfather's funeral recently and didn't get depressed when my gf broke things off a few months back.

    But I think I might cry if the forums disappear. I probably spend more time here than in game. It hurts thinking that the personalities I met around here will probably be going their seperate ways...that the long standing forum RP thread that I based my main character around, Superhero 101 around 4 years ago as well as Superhero 102 started around 2 years ago, will go unfinished.

    Looking on the bright side, when I parted ways with my first MMO, FFXI, it was like breaking free of a prison and walking back into the open air of the world but losing CoX, the forums and the awesome posters that participated in our little RP group feels like a story lost to the ages...a book never finished destroyed before anyone could read and contemplate it. It's not saddening to me, just frustrating.

    Although the loss of the game cements the property of my characters in my hands, it destroys the story they are based on...or at least leaves it unfinished. I won't let my characters die since some I've kept with me since I was a kid, but the story that my friends formed together with mine and there characters dies with these forums.

    That spark of enthusiasm that I get seeing new updates to the thread has dimmed with the conclusion of this game along with my enthusiasm for video games in general. I doubt I'll bother playing any MMOs after this and probably won't seriously bother with next gen stuff either. My Wii, PS3 and my gaming PC in general are rather useless to me now as I see other opportunities rise, pasts interests fall.

    I wish I could say I was sad that CoX will be no more but I'm not. I'm frustrated because I'm scared because I'm free. What I and all of us do with that freedom is up to us. But I do wish the devs and all the players the best for greener pastures in our futures.
  23. Whoa! BaBs was Tic-Toc all along!?

    Can someone post an appropriate gif for this situation?